Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

Only by racists. The vast majority of the US, not so much.

By the vast majority of the US, for generation after generation.

Your claim is just not true, as I have demonstrated with historical documentation in this very thread.

Why do you say false shit?
You acted like they hurt your feelings. Indeed the whole basis of your position was based on the supposed immorality of the white southern's celebrating their heritage.
I don't think very many people find celebrating your heritage of slave owning as a position of supposed immorality, they most likely just call that plain immoral. That's why NASCAR and CMA no longer allow you to celebrate your shit culture at their events.
I of course, did not believe it, but barring some sort of admission from you, just calling you a liar and dismissing your words, would not be very convincing to any reader.

But, now you admit it was just political theater, to form or justify an attack on your political enemies.
It's not just political theater, it would also be nice to not have Confederate statues and flags on public land but it's a small issue next to all the racists rights other political policies. It is very useful theater though.
And that your hate, is not limited to southern whites but to anyone that opposes you politically.
Why would I love people who oppose me?
YOu are a political zealot, and are immoral enough to not mind lying your ass off.
You might think that but you can't get the mainstream to agree with you and that's the political knot you have to untie. Good luck. 😄
I don't think very many people find celebrating your heritage of slave owning as a position of supposed immorality, they most likely just call that plain immoral. That's why NASCAR and CMA no longer allow you to celebrate your shit culture at their events.

No. most people have, or at least did have no problem with it. YOu lefties have gotten good at pushing a narrative. But it is just a matter of propaganda and getting a lot of people to lie in unison, like sheep.

Are you a sheep Goat, or a shepard?

It's not just political theater, it would also be nice to not have Confederate statues and flags on public land but it's a small issue next to all the racists rights other political policies. It is very useful theater though.

Except it has zero impact on your actual "Actions". Old symbols, not old symbols, doesn't really matter to you, your reaction to any opposition is the same, DENOUNCE AND DESTROY.

So it IS just political theater and you are just a shit talker.

Why would I love people who oppose me?

Because you were PRETENDING that you were greatly outraged over the southern celebration of their historical symbols.

But, like I said, now we see that was all just political theater. Bullshit to fool people, into supporting your efforts to hurt other people on false pretenses.

You might think that but you can't get the mainstream to agree with you and that's the political knot you have to untie. Good luck. 😄

And here we see the real you. The one that is bored with pretending to care about right and wrong, one that wants to just say, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT and laugh as your enemies die before you.

But, too many people you depend on, are not ready for that truth. So now you will walk it back. Coward.
No. most people have, or at least did have no problem with it. YOu lefties have gotten good at pushing a narrative. But it is just a matter of propaganda and getting a lot of people to lie in unison, like sheep.
It helps when you have a good narrative, it's why you'll never be able to push it back.
Are you a sheep Goat, or a shepard?
I guess Shepherd. I'll tell you everything that's coming your way, and you can choose to dismiss it, but I'll be right in the end.
Except it has zero impact on your actual "Actions". Old symbols, not old symbols, doesn't really matter to you, your reaction to any opposition is the same, DENOUNCE AND DESTROY.
It's all part of the propaganda. The more your symbols get shit on by more people, the more it helps to reinforce the notion that your entire culture and by extension your political policies, are deplorable.
So it IS just political theater and you are just a shit talker.
Messaging and propaganda are aspects of war. You going to cry about it or do something about it?
Because you were PRETENDING that you were greatly outraged over the southern celebration of their historical symbols.
No, it's still pretty outrageous to venerate slavers, just as it would be to venerate nazis, it's just not as outrageous as right wing policy.
But, like I said, now we see that was all just political theater. Bullshit to fool people, into supporting your efforts to hurt other people on false pretenses.
Who's "we"? The mainstream still sees Confederate flags and thinks "deplorables".
And here we see the real you. The one that is bored with pretending to care about right and wrong, one that wants to just say, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT and laugh as your enemies die before you.
Might does make right, except right is the wrong word. Right is a moral distinction. It's better to say might makes policy and I rather be the one making policy.
But, too many people you depend on, are not ready for that truth. So now you will walk it back. Coward.
I don't need to. Despite my best efforts to teach you lot that morality is imaginary and subjective you guys keep on believing in its righteousness anyway. Unfortunately for you, in the grand calculus of righteousness being a slaver and slaver idolater is not considered moral.
It helps when you have a good narrative, it's why you'll never be able to push it back.

No, it helps when you have control of hte media and have a lot of people ready to talk shit.

I guess Shepherd. I'll tell you everything that's coming your way, and you can choose to dismiss it, but I'll be right in the end.

I've dismissing nothing. I addressed the shit you said and walked you along until you admitted it was all shit.

It's all part of the propaganda. The more your symbols get shit on by more people, the more it helps to reinforce the notion that your entire culture and by extension your political policies, are deplorable.

Yep. Your entire whining like a baby here, was just political theater for propaganda purposes. What you are really about is attacking your enemies, as a racial and cultural group.

Messaging and propaganda are aspects of war. You going to cry about it or do something about it?

Right now, I'm going to get you to reveal yourself. You are waging war against your fellow Americans.

This by the way, makes all your whining about teh Civil War, even more clearly shit.

No, it's still pretty outrageous to venerate slavers, just as it would be to venerate nazis, it's just not as outrageous as right wing policy.

Said the shit talker who has admitted that his entire point here is to push propaganda.

Who's "we"? The mainstream still sees Confederate flags and thinks "deplorables".

Nope. The mainstream is afraid of thugs like you. Fear is your chosen path. Terrorize people into cowering. A dangerous plan, very likely to bit you on the ass, sooner or later.

Might does make right, except right is the wrong word. Right is a moral distinction. It's better to say might makes policy and I rather be the one making policy.

Yes, of course. YOu are an amoral sociopath, and political propagandist. Quite willing to lie and deceive, if it lets you get the policies you want.

I don't need to. Despite my best efforts to teach you lot that morality is imaginary and subjective you guys keep on believing in its righteousness anyway. Unfortunately for you, in the grand calculus of righteousness being a slaver and slaver idolater is not considered moral.

Yet, you lie a lot, because you are afraid to let people know that Truth. That is moral cowardice on your part. You world view and your end game, requires the support of people, that if they knew the truth, would turn on you in a heart beat.

What a great life you plan for yourself.
Please cite factual support for your statement.

Sure. Here you go.

No, it helps when you have control of hte media and have a lot of people ready to talk shit.

I've dismissing nothing. I addressed the shit you said and walked you along until you admitted it was all shit.

Yep. Your entire whining like a baby here, was just political theater for propaganda purposes. What you are really about is attacking your enemies, as a racial and cultural group.

Right now, I'm going to get you to reveal yourself. You are waging war against your fellow Americans.

This by the way, makes all your whining about teh Civil War, even more clearly shit.

Said the shit talker who has admitted that his entire point here is to push propaganda.

Nope. The mainstream is afraid of thugs like you. Fear is your chosen path. Terrorize people into cowering. A dangerous plan, very likely to bit you on the ass, sooner or later.

Yes, of course. YOu are an amoral sociopath, and political propagandist. Quite willing to lie and deceive, if it lets you get the policies you want.

Yet, you lie a lot, because you are afraid to let people know that Truth. That is moral cowardice on your part. You world view and your end game, requires the support of people, that if they knew the truth, would turn on you in a heart beat.

What a great life you plan for yourself.

It's you and your lot they're turning on
Because you lied to them.
It's not a lie to tell people according to moral dictates slavery is immoral therefore slavers are immoral and therefore Confederates are immoral and so are the people who venerate them. That's simple moral math. Anyone can do it.
Your power rests on keeping the lie going.
What lie are you talking about?
The truth comes out, and your day of reckoning, will not be pleasant.
It's not a lie to tell people according to moral dictates slavery is immoral therefore slavers are immoral and therefore Confederates are immoral and so are the people who venerate them. That's simple moral math. Anyone can do it.



It is a lie that you care about the Flag or the statues. It is a lie that your attacks on white southerns is based on that, or will end when that issue is resolved.

What is the Truth is that you are a hate filled political extremist, who is willing to use lies to whip up hate against your enemies, and to see people destroyed or killed, happily, as part of the process of you winning.

You are selling a lot of people, a pretty big pile of b.s.. The cost is going to be high. And the hate and division and strife you are encouraging....
It is a lie that you care about the Flag or the statues. It is a lie that your attacks on white southerns is based on that, or will end when that issue is resolved.
I do care about the flag and the statues but I also care about their usefulness as political weapons to beat you over the head with and no one but me even cares how I feel about the flag or statues, that's not why they care. They don't want to be associated with your deplorable culture any more than I do.
What is the Truth is that you are a hate filled political extremist, who is willing to use lies to whip up hate against your enemies, and to see people destroyed or killed, happily, as part of the process of you winning.

You are selling a lot of people, a pretty big pile of b.s.. The cost is going to be high. And the hate and division and strife you are encouraging....
Again there is no lie in saying morality would tell us that slavery is immoral. History would tell us Confederates were slavers. And logic would conclude that Confederates and their idolaters are therefore immoral. I'm not tricking anyone into believing that. Religion has. All I'm doing is making it more difficult for people to ignore that moral truth. And no, I'm not going to stop with Confederates, we'll be coming after the Founders too, we just have to ease whites into it because they've been fooled into believing that it's somehow okay to venerate and hero worship the Founders even though they were slavers and according to morality it just isn't so. We'll teach them to act right eventually though. 😁
Yes, I hate the deplorable twats today who think Confederates were heroes or honorable or that period in time is anything to have pride in. If you feel that way you're a deplorable twat.
Fuck you too.

So there.

What now?
I do care about the flag and the statues but I also care about their usefulness as political weapons to beat you over the head with and no one but me even cares how I feel about the flag or statues, that's not why they care. They don't want to be associated with your deplorable culture any more than I do.

Again there is no lie in saying morality would tell us that slavery is immoral. History would tell us Confederates were slavers. And logic would conclude that Confederates and their idolaters are therefore immoral. I'm not tricking anyone into believing that. Religion has. All I'm doing is making it more difficult for people to ignore that moral truth. And no, I'm not going to stop with Confederates, we'll be coming after the Founders too, we just have to ease whites into it because they've been fooled into believing that it's somehow okay to venerate and hero worship the Founders even though they were slavers and according to morality it just isn't so. We'll teach them to act right eventually though. 😁

And there is the walking it back. You come right up to telling the truth, that are you are just a soulless troll, pretending to give a shit about anything besides power,

but, then you HAVE to walk it back, because you know that the Truth, will destroy you.

All you have, all you are, is based a lie.

Oh, btw, even if you get it all, in the end, all you will have will still be a lie. Once whites are gone, then you won't have any excuses for the shit world you build in it's place.

People are already dying, a lot, because of the stupid shit you and yours are doing. THat will only increase.

Even if you win, someday, people will get tired of being told to deal with the shit, because it is all whitey's fault.

Someday, they will realize that that doesn't mean shit. That they are still living in shit and will want to know why they are supposed to put up with it.

What lie will you tell them then?
I don't think very many people find celebrating your heritage of slave owning as a position of supposed immorality, they most likely just call that plain immoral. That's why NASCAR and CMA no longer allow you to celebrate your shit culture at their events.
You are such an ignorant fucktard....

Look asshole, it's YOUR culture. That's the part you racist maggots cant seem to get through your puny little brains.

Every time you dimtards riot it's your own businesses you:re looting, your own stores you're burning down, YOUR OWN CULTURE you're destroying.

You fuckers dont take pride, you just want revenge. If you had a brain cell you'd take PRIDE in clothing America for 150 years. Because you did. America would have been butt nekkid without you.

It's YOUR OWN CULTURE you're attacking, fool. What about the Tuskegee Airmen? They were from the South. You're going to destroy their culture too?

You're such a dimwit... but then again, all leftards are... otherwise they wouldn't be leftards :p
You are such an ignorant fucktard....

Look asshole, it's YOUR culture. That's the part you racist maggots cant seem to get through your puny little brains.

Every time you dimtards riot it's your own businesses you:re looting, your own stores you're burning down, YOUR OWN CULTURE you're destroying.

You fuckers dont take pride, you just want revenge. If you had a brain cell you'd take PRIDE in clothing America for 150 years. Because you did. America would have been butt nekkid without you.

It's YOUR OWN CULTURE you're attacking, fool. What about the Tuskegee Airmen? They were from the South. You're going to destroy their culture too?

You're such a dimwit... but then again, all leftards are... otherwise they wouldn't be leftards :p
It that were true you hit dogs wouldn't be hollering so much, but if you really believe it cuck, go ahead and sit back and let it happen. 😄
And there is the walking it back. You come right up to telling the truth, that are you are just a soulless troll, pretending to give a shit about anything besides power,

but, then you HAVE to walk it back, because you know that the Truth, will destroy you.

All you have, all you are, is based a lie.

Oh, btw, even if you get it all, in the end, all you will have will still be a lie. Once whites are gone, then you won't have any excuses for the shit world you build in it's place.

People are already dying, a lot, because of the stupid shit you and yours are doing. THat will only increase.

Even if you win, someday, people will get tired of being told to deal with the shit, because it is all whitey's fault.

Someday, they will realize that that doesn't mean shit. That they are still living in shit and will want to know why they are supposed to put up with it.

What lie will you tell them then?
I honestly don't know what you keep accusing me of walking back... 😄

What's going to destroy me? Put down the comic books you child. 😄
I honestly don't know what you keep accusing me of walking back... 😄

What's going to destroy me? Put down the comic books you child. 😄

You talk very tough for a shit talker.

Why do you lie so much, if you are so tough? Why not just admit that you don't give a fuck about the historical symbols, that you have a problem with white people that don't bend the knee and do as they are told?

It's almost like, you fear that if you tell the truth, that you will lose the support of the stupid white libs and then you will be powerless and the next time you shoot off your mouth, people will just dismiss you as the stupid racist ass you are.

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