Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

You didn't present any intellectual honesty. You offered wingnut opinion.
You type lies. I gave you intellectual honesty by qualified people.
Which of those authors are "wing nuts"?
That you prefer phony history by a fake, instead of real history by real historians, just shows how stupid you are.
What is the point bob. If Democrats erected the fucking racist statues, then we can take them back down.

But who fighting that? Dems or repugs?
Democrats love being democrats and some of their members, perhaps not as many as some think, hate the idea they owned humans. Were the humans white, one has to wonder if they would fight to erase their history as they fight due to their idea those statues represent in ways, blacks as well. I can explain this conundrum by simply stating to Democrats all this is over blacks and not whites. Every time they tear up a statue, to Democrats they cure their souls. While I understand them wanting to erase the history they were fighting to keep blacks on the plantation today, the former Democrats paying for their belief in blood and treasure were not fighting over slavery, they fought because they were invaded in VA and then the progression of the fight involved other states. The South was not interested in conquering the North and had they been they would have struck hard at the North at the time Lincoln invaded VA. Anyway This is the wrong way for Democrats to handle history. You said the statues are racist. I suppose to you so are the statues of General Washington who owned slaves. It should not take you long to destroy the monuments to 13 of this nations slave owning presidents. Then when does history start for Democrats? In 2022??
Like in the federal waters off Fla?
It seems Democrats simply do not understand how much value to our country and to Democrats oil actually is. To them it is filthy. To the true human, oil is why they do not live as they did prior to oil being a major addition to their lives.

Oil got us to where we are. But for oil you would probably need some horses if you wanted to not walk everywhere. One might argue that wars would not have been waged yet prior to oil Wars were happening. So I do not think oil caused wars.
Even when Democrats started their war on oil, today we see writers on this forum seeming to praise oil and they boast and beat their chests Biden is all for oil now. But Biden has never said he is. And he waged battles in court so he did not have to enjoy more oil production. I think when he hears credits to him for more oil production, he throws up. Ideologically Biden hates oil. But he is stupid.
It seems Democrats simply do not understand how much value to our country and to Democrats oil actually is. To them it is filthy. To the true human, oil is why they do not live as they did prior to oil being a major addition to their lives.

Oil got us to where we are. But for oil you would probably need some horses if you wanted to not walk everywhere. One might argue that wars would not have been waged yet prior to oil Wars were happening. So I do not think oil caused wars.
Even when Democrats started their war on oil, today we see writers on this forum seeming to praise oil and they boast and beat their chests Biden is all for oil now. But Biden has never said he is. And he waged battles in court so he did not have to enjoy more oil production. I think when he hears credits to him for more oil production, he throws up. Ideologically Biden hates oil. But he is stupid.
Robert, the gop governors of fla and SC don't want offshore drilling near their states.

and why in the name of baby jesus are you posting on this issue on this thread?
Shut the fuck up you coward. We'll happily shit on Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis and Confederate culture. How about you?
Why do you believe slavery still exists as it did 160 years ago? What happens to the statues of 13 former presidents all of whom happily owned slaves? Why do you now associate yourself with slaves? Can you explain your association as a slave?
Robert, the gop governors of fla and SC don't want offshore drilling near their states.

and why in the name of baby jesus are you posting on this issue on this thread?
It seems then as silly as Governors of Nebraska or CA not wanting corn in their states. Oil simply is an excellent thing due to it's ability to advance a civilization.
Robert, the gop governors of fla and SC don't want offshore drilling near their states.

and why in the name of baby jesus are you posting on this issue on this thread?
I am following posters who brought this up.
With no dis-respect....the above is nonsense.
Nobody in the 1860's, nor the 1920's was contemplating anything such as your imagined '21st century snowflakes' being righteous about statues to traitors.
You are letting your avatar's imagination make you appear less than what you probably are.
But you cannot ignore that the Confederates were pardoned and accorded all the privileges and rights of military veterans.
We must not celebrate and honor those people and their cause that sought to destroy America and continue keeping people in bondage for their economic benefit. Their practices of slavery, and their willingness to fight for it.....was wrong then, and is wronger today. So to speak.
Yet they are considered every bit as American as any Northerner who fought for the Union but privately wanted to keep slaves in his family. We can recognize them as fellow citizens, no matter how wrong they (and pretty much the entire rest of the world at the time) were about slavery.
Like above, that is just silliness talking. Conspiracy nonsense.
You can be better, and should be better.
Okay, then, where is reconciliation in your prescribed treatment of Confederate soldiers?
Unless he was lying? He said he will end fossil fuel.

Killing the KeystoneXL pipeline (300,000 bpd)

Killing ANWR

Killing offshore drilling

Keystone XL pipe line, even if operational, doesn't produce a drop of US oil.

ANWR can't be killed. No major oil company bid on any of the leases Trump tries to sell at the end of his term.

In the Gulf of Mexico. "Fossil fuel energy companies looking to extract oil and natural gas from U.S. waters in the Gulf of Mexico got a boost on Wednesday, as they secured access to 1.6 million acres of waters offered at auction.

That was just a fraction of some 73.3 million acres of federal waters the Interior Department's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) opened up for bidding."

So how is that ending fossil fuel like he promised?
It hasn't. Apparently you don't understand the difference between campaign rhetoric and reality. Part of the reason Biden's poll numbers are so low is because he's acted against his campaign promises to progressives who pay attention to politics in order to continue the moderate policy of business as usual. You're just too stupid to realize business as usual is also Republican policy, except with an added bonus of cruelty and ignorance.
So why force oil companies to drill where they don't want to drill, and not let them drill where they want to?
They are approving more requests for permits than the Trump administration. They aren't forcing companies to drill where they don't want. They just aren't letting them drill anywhere because our coasts and oceans and it's wildlife are particularly susceptible to environmental accidents.
Like forcing auto makers to make EVs even though people don't want them.
No one is forcing them to make EVs. You spent the first part of your post griping about fuel costs and now you seem ignorant why capitalists might want to take advantage of consumers looking to lower those costs. Do you know how capitalism even works?
Maybe that's why we're getting runaway inflation.
Nope. That would be market manipulation by capitalists as the investor class continues to operate unchecked. Let's take gas prices. First oil production is heavily subsidized by politicians their lobbyists donate a lot to. Secondly, the companies we subsidized and give permits to drill for our oil sell it on the global market leaving American consumers subject to the demand of that global market. Thirdly, operating as a cartel to keep production at a rate that ensures global demand remains high while politically attacking energy alternatives is just good business, especially if no one is going to check you. We could make a deal to nationalize some of that product for American consumers but I guess that would be dirty communism.
Democrats micromanaging the US economy is the dumbest idea since Joe Biden was picked to be the "presidential figurehead".
And allow capitalism to reign unchecked? Who in that scenario is looking out for the average American?
That's not a rewriting of history you soft little snowflake it's just a different perspective than yours.
Then why the removal of history? You're not making room for anything, you're just trying to eliminate what you don't like.
And? I don't feel ashamed advocating for the cultural extermination of America's equivalent to nazis. Confederates weren't any better.
Hmmm, when did Confederates attempt to carry out genocide? We'll wait for your answer.
Using men, women and children as your own personal property is monstrous. But I noticed how quite your bitch ass gets in defense of that.
Did you miss where I pointed out that virtually every people group on the planet has slavery in its past or present? It wasn't until just a few hundred years ago that people started to view slavery as something abnormal, like we do today. And I'd like to see where you think I don't condemn such when pointing out historical reality.
That was then, this is now. Just because Argentina welcomed Nazis doesnt mean we cant prosecute those pieces of shits now when we find them.
We haven't pardoned blind German soldiers, which would shield them from prosecution. We DID, however, fully pardon all Confederate soldiers. Thus, even if they were alive today, you would be committing a crime attempting to persecute or prosecute them, no matter how mad you are at them.
The first amendment gives you lot freedom to express your own thoughts but here you demand we defer to the beliefs of others.
How is that belief working out for you? For just one example, how am I required to defer to your beliefs?
You go ahead and stop thinking for yourself if you want to you fucking Simp.
And there's the inevitable loser's gambit, thinking a pathetic insult aimed at me will substitute for mature debate. Hint, it doesn't. You're now operating with a strike against you.
Only if you maintain your political power.

You reconcile with Nazis. We choose to shit on them. :dunno:
And the fixation with genocidal WWII blind Germans continues.
Why do you believe slavery still exists as it did 160 years ago?
Because its profitable?
What happens to the statues of 13 former presidents all of whom happily owned slaves?
Taken down eventually would be my vote.
Why do you now associate yourself with slaves? Can you explain your association as a slave?
I don't associate myself with a slave. I associate slavers with slavery. Try to keep up Short Bus.
It seems Democrats simply do not understand how much value to our country and to Democrats oil actually is. To them it is filthy. To the true human, oil is why they do not live as they did prior to oil being a major addition to their lives.

Oil got us to where we are. But for oil you would probably need some horses if you wanted to not walk everywhere. One might argue that wars would not have been waged yet prior to oil Wars were happening. So I do not think oil caused wars.
Even when Democrats started their war on oil, today we see writers on this forum seeming to praise oil and they boast and beat their chests Biden is all for oil now. But Biden has never said he is. And he waged battles in court so he did not have to enjoy more oil production. I think when he hears credits to him for more oil production, he throws up. Ideologically Biden hates oil. But he is stupid.
bob, oil is a legacy fuel that has caused our planet to warm.
President Biden didn't/couldn't stop a single well from producing when took office in 2021. His pause on leasing to explore the legality of Trumpybear's fire sale of leases as a lame duck was necessary and appropriate. How did the lease sale in ANWR go over with the Oil Patch?
Forbes reports

This week President Biden followed that action up with Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. The biggest takeaway from this order was an indefinite “pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands” until a comprehensive review on the climate change impacts can be completed.

Others protest that the topic is not oil. There is a hold presently on removing the memorial at Arlington Cemetery.

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