Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

1. OK.
2. I'm not making the knowledge argument. I'm making the historic art argument.
Art is subjective. Some people think splattering paint on the wall is some profound statement. A few years ago down here at Miami's Art Basil someone paid a few mill for a banana nailed to a wall. :dunno:We're just going to have to agree to disagree on its artistic or historic value.
3. So if I respect confederate statues, and your psychosis makes you terrified of them, what should happen?
Well we vote for people who will represent us with policies we advocate for and we allow democracy to decide. You cook with that or do you need me to grab you a box of tissues?
4. I'm fine having statues relocated as opposed to destroyed.
I actually didn't ask because I don't give a fuck. Explain it to the guy you're thinking of voting for. :dunno:
5. This line seems to be getting at the real argument. Is removing statues about losing history or just losing a political battle? see below.
It's a bit of a political and social battle.
6. History is what it is.
A bunch of narratives around events? You know what history would sound like without the narratives? Accounting.
Back to #5.
Removing statues is a political battle?
And cultural battle.
If a statue is removed I lose and you win?
More like the removal of more and more of your iconography is the evidence of your culture in decline.
How does that work if the statue is relocated?
It's still evidence of decline. Authority doesn't have to concede.
And then there are those of us who are Americans who get disturbed when democrat Marxists and Marxist dupes destroy American history and culture.
Statues are not American history. These statues were erected 50 years after the end of the Civil War.
Meaning it is the black equivalent of darkie

Ok darkie, we’ll play by your rules
So when you call someone a darkie thats you making fun of them for being black and you think that's equivalent to making fun of people for being ignorant bigots? How so? :dunno:
I don’t have a dog in this fight, when you get right down to it. I am happy the Southern States lost the Civil War.

But I had once heard that one of the ways we tried to heal from that horrifying conflict was to legally recognize that the soldiers from the Rebel States were still deemed (officially) American Veterans.

For example, they were granted a full Presidential Pardon. All Confederate soldiers gain presidential pardons, Dec. 25, 1868

But I am unable to verify that the former Confederate Soldiers got any other significant rights granted to them after the war. I don’t actually trust “Snopes” but it looks like they weren’t. Did Congress Designate Confederate Soldiers as United States Veterans?

It cost money to put up the memorial. It costs money to remove it. And what’s the point? The memorial doesn’t eulogize them as American patriots. Nor should it.

With or without that memorial, the civil war did take place.
Art is subjective. Some people think splattering paint on the wall is some profound statement. A few years ago down here at Miami's Art Basil someone paid a few mill for a banana nailed to a wall. :dunno:We're just going to have to agree to disagree on its artistic or historic value.
Well we vote for people who will represent us with policies we advocate for and we allow democracy to decide. You cook with that or do you need me to grab you a box of tissues?
I actually didn't ask because I don't give a fuck. Explain it to the guy you're thinking of voting for. :dunno:
It's a bit of a political and social battle.
A bunch of narratives around events? You know what history would sound like without the narratives? Accounting.
And cultural battle.
More like the removal of more and more of your iconography is the evidence of your culture in decline.
It's still evidence of decline. Authority doesn't have to concede.
Ok, so its not my iconography being removed, my culture is not in decline, thank you. I can handle history.
The blue "urban plantation" cities are in decline, and what passes for their "culture" with them, enjoy.
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Not in the Constitution
Their “justification” was to preserve Slavery
Where do you locate in the constitution that states are forever bound?
Why claim it was to preserve slavery? That is like saying to preserve freedom. The constitution is not a document that freed slaves until declared by all states.
They also have aircraft carriers in JAX. They are loaded with nuclear weapons.
"They" will become "us:

We will kick all of Potatohead's queers, transsexuals, dike women and dumbass Negroes off the carriers and take them over.
Well we vote for people who will represent us with policies we advocate for and we allow democracy to decide. You cook with that or do you need me to grab you a box of tissues?
Exactly what happened

Those cities in the South voted to erect monuments to the Confederacy in the early 1900s. Problem was that black members of those communities, even when in a majority, were not allowed to vote.

Fast forward a hundred years and the majority black populations in those communities are no longer fond of those monuments and vote to have them removed

Democracy in action
Where do you locate in the constitution that states are forever bound?
Why claim it was to preserve slavery? That is like saying to preserve freedom. The constitution is not a document that freed slaves until declared by all states.

There are clauses in the Constitution detailing the procedure to become a state.
There are none detailing how to withdraw from the union.

The Articles of Secession voted on by Confederate States identified slavery as the key reason for secession
Towns and cities across the South erected statues and monuments honoring heroes of the Confederacy on public land. Even though 40 percent of the Confederacy were slaves, none of those monuments honored slaves who also gave their lives

Those same towns and cities are today electing to remove those monuments. It is their right …..just like it was their right to put them up in the first place
Well in cities that do not agree, you by edict defend their right to remove Abe Lincoln, Sherman, Grant and in spite most of the heroes to the republicans who waged war on the South.
Ok, so its not my iconography being removed, my culture is not in decline, thank you.
Then what are you crying about?
I can handle history.
Everyone can handle history, clown. Now we don't to use public funds or property to support your narrative of it.
The blue "urban plantation" cities are in decline, and what passes for their "culture" with them, enjoy.
I do. Enjoy this removal. :dunno:
And then there are those of us who are Americans who get disturbed when democrat Marxists and Marxist dupes destroy American history and culture.

I think the statue should be moved to a museum. It is part of history and if we forget history we are doomed to repeat it. The Confederacy should not be idolized and glorified, however.

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