Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

"They" will become "us:

We will kick all of Potatohead's queers, transsexuals, dike women and dumbass Negroes off the carriers and take them over.

Those carriers belong to loyal Americans not the cities where they are docked. You think that a carrier docked in a foreign port would become property of that country?

Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed​

Sweet! More generations of future libtards to remain ignorant of their own history afraid of a hunk of bronze and concrete. The Left remind me of those frightened apes at the beginning of 2001 cowering from the big monolith.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments
Because those memorials are meant to denote significant and important chapters in our history; they do not mean that we necessarily agree with or support those events! One of the best ways of avoiding repeating past mistakes is to always remember doing them the first time. But so funny how the Left think that tearing this stuff down somehow changes or eliminates those events! :21:
Well in cities that do not agree, you by edict defend their right to remove Abe Lincoln, Sherman, Grant and in spite most of the heroes to the republicans who waged war on the South.

If a city wants to remove any statue they no longer want, it is their right to do so.
So when you call someone a darkie thats you making fun of them for being black and you think that's equivalent to making fun of people for being ignorant bigots? How so? :dunno:
I only call ignorant blacks like you a darkie just as you select which whites to attack
That was only a portion of them setting themselves apart from the then union and not the only thing essentially forcing them to leave.
The then US Government officially had no objections to slavery. Even had Abe wanted it to be about slavery, he by law could not do that. His emancipation proclamation for a fact was illegal.

Democrats today want it to be about slavery. Actually the old democrats fought to be in a government they wanted. And if the north did not like it, too bad. It was legal for them to form a new government.

Abe did not take them to the Supreme court and that was how he should have handled it. The bloodshed by him and those forced to defend themselves is this nations worst of all wars. And Abe warred on his own kind.
Abe Lincoln preserved the union and welcomed those who took up arms against it to rejoin.

With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

A Great Man
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I only call ignorant blacks like you a darkie just as you select which whites to attack
Ok but that isn't very clear. Cuck white or fail whites implies there being other types of whites who aren't cucks or failures.
Sweet! More generations of future libtards to remain ignorant of their own history afraid of a hunk of bronze and concrete. The Left remind me of those frightened apes at the beginning of 2001 cowering from the big monolith.

Because those memorials are meant to denote significant and important chapters in our history; they do not mean that we necessarily agree with or support those events! One of the best ways of avoiding repeating past mistakes is to always remember doing them the first time. But so funny how the Left think that tearing this stuff down somehow changes or eliminates those events! :21:
Considering the poor quality of education in America future generations of white kids may not even know why they are supposed to feel ashamed of themselves
Ok but that isn't very clear. Cuck white or fail whites implies there being other types of whites who aren't cucks or failures.
You are flailing

When will libs learn that any game you think up conservatives can learn to play?
Considering the poor quality of education in America future generations of white kids may not even know why they are supposed to feel ashamed of themselves
It's really quite telling that when our society rejects slaving Confederates that you internalize that as personal shame. 😄
Exactly what happened

Those cities in the South voted to erect monuments to the Confederacy in the early 1900s. Problem was that black members of those communities, even when in a majority, were not allowed to vote.

Fast forward a hundred years and the majority black populations in those communities are no longer fond of those monuments and vote to have them removed

Democracy in action
Blacks were not banned from voting when the statues were installed. You are making it about race. The war was not about race nor were the statues put up due to race. Take Richmond, Va the one remaining monument left standing is Arthur Ashe a black athlete. Supposing 10 years from now, men yank down his statue?
You are flailing

When will libs learn that any game you think up conservatives can learn to play?
Do you think you're playing it well? Do you think the social consequences for minorities calling you fail whites and you calling black people you disagree with darkies would be the same? 😄
Blacks were not banned from voting when the statues were installed. You are making it about race. The war was not about race nor were the statues put up due to race. Take Richmond, Va the one remaining monument left standing is Arthur Ashe a black athlete. Supposing 10 years from now, men yank down his statue?

You missed out on that Jim Crow stuff didn’t you?
It's really quite telling that when our society rejects slaving Confederates that you internalize that as personal shame. 😄
I am not too old to learn new things. However you certainly can't learn new things.
Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

View attachment 873988

The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔
This may be a minor tragedy considering all the horrendous damage the Biden administration is doing to America and Americans, but a tragedy it is just the same. The Marxist game plan to erase and rewrite American history to be what the Marxists want it to be continues. It is a necessary step to reduce the population to a mass of sheeple who don't question or oppose an all authoritarian government.
Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

View attachment 873988

The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔

well, GOP is against it. That's settles it.

What is getting lost on the conversation is it's a memorial that honors the dead, not a statue or sculpture that celebrates or honors the traitors as heroes.
Do you think you're playing it well? Do you think the social consequences for minorities calling you fail whites and you calling black people you disagree with darkies would be the same? 😄
I do

We all have to play be the same rules

Btw: now whose nose is out of joint?

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