Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

This may be a minor tragedy considering all the horrendous damage the Biden administration is doing to America and Americans, but a tragedy it is just the same. The Marxist game plan to erase and rewrite American history to be what the Marxists want it to be continues. It is a necessary step to reduce the population to a mass of sheeple who don't question or oppose an all authoritarian government.
Only fail whites get to narrate history! :talktothehand:
I am used to it, now, but still think it pointless and stupid to be tearing down statues that reflect history somebody doesn't like.
Memorials are different. Tear down those damn statues that honor and praise traitors as heroes. Keep the memorials that honor the dead, as the dead here were Americans -- rebels, yet still Americans who deserve memorials.
Statues are erected to honor something or someone. Traitors, which Confederates were, deserve no honors.

No one is removing the Civil War from from school textbooks. But don't give Meatball Ron any ideas.
After a while, they are just historical references of a period in history and the history of a country. I have seen several, while traveling, visiting parks, military bases, etc., some very good art. I have never seen anybody celebrating in front of one, longing wistfully for the good old days of slavery. You folks are just fanatics of your own brand, another vocal minority, basically trying to ban knowledge or acknowledgement of history, a flip side to the also current book banning Nazis of the right. Both groups really need a chill pill.
Memorials are different. Tear down those damn statues that honor and praise traitors as heroes. Keep the memorials that honor the dead, as the dead here were Americans -- rebels, yet still Americans who deserve memorials.
Robert E Lee was a great American and one of the finest generals we ever produced
After a while, they are just historical references of a period in history and the history of a country. I have seen several, while traveling, visiting parks, military bases, etc., some very good art. I have never seen anybody celebrating in front of one, longing wistfully for the good old days of slavery. You folks are just fanatics of your own brand, another vocal minority, basically trying to ban knowledge or acknowledgement of history, a flip side to the also current book banning Nazis of the right. Both groups really need a chill pill.
You may never have seen anybody celebrating in front of one, longing wistfully for the good old days of slavery. But far too many do wistfully long for the good Ole Confederacy.

It's possible there might be a distinction with a difference between the two yearnings, but as of yet, I have not been able to determined where that distinction lies.
No, I have made my point

Your shock and anger here is enough for today
Except you haven't made your point. I'm not shocked or angered. I invited you to prove that point by using that term as liberally as I use mine, fail white. If it's all the same then what's the matter? :dunno:
Some conquerors were very protective of the Art that was present in the areas they had taken over. Alexander the Great comes to mind. As do the Mongols. The Romans didn't routinely destroy the art work of conquered people.

I think the worst were communist and socialist conquerors. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc, etc.

I think (just my theory) that it's because they have no art of their own. communists produce -- Nothing. At all. They are like locusts, they feed until there is nothing left, then they go underground. Hitler was a socialist. Despite the attempts by contemporary socialists to disavow him -- He was a socialist. Period.

At least the German socialists, while they had little in the way of actual art, were good Engineers.

Our current occupying socialist conquerors pro tem are completely without imagination or art. They think 'art' is putting a crucifix in a bottle of urine. How divine.

So, being without art or imagination or measurable IQ's, all they can do is destroy the artwork of others.

They make noises like the art is objectionable but that's not the reason they do it. They are devoid of character, curiosity, inventiveness and artistic talent. All they know is destruction of others' property.

Which tells me -- They won't last. Those types of conquering tribes never do. Never have. Never will.
Hmmm. Very good. Informative, persuasive, well written. My comp teacher would have liked you. Me, she tolerated as I gutted out the work, in quantity and on-time, such as it was.
You may never have seen anybody celebrating in front of one, longing wistfully for the good old days of slavery. But far too many do wistfully long for the good Ole Confederacy.

It's possible there might be a distinction with a difference between the two yearnings, but as of yet, I have not been able to determined where that distinction lies.
Many people are proud of their ancestors who fought for the South

I am one of them

As I keep pointing out blacks alive today benefited most from slavery and whites benefited the least
Maybe, but he was a traitor, a criminal. That is why he needed a pardon. Celebrating him as a great American is anathema to any true, honorable patriot.
He was not a traitor

Lee was loyal to his state

If Virginia had remained in the Union he would have been commander in chief of the northern army
Many people are proud of the ancestors who fought for the South

I am one of them

But as I keep pointing out blacks alive today benefited most from slavery and whites benefited the least
Twisted perception, but okay. And I understand being proud of ancestors, but what are proud of exactly -- them fighting to maintain slavery?

My own family was on all sides of the so-called American Revolution -- the Rebellion. I'm extremely proud of the loyalists, because they were not traitors. I'm proud of the others, but not for having waged a war that pitted people against, neighbors, friends, and family.
Then what are you crying about?

Everyone can handle history, clown. Now we don't to use public funds or property to support your narrative of it.

I do. Enjoy this removal.
1. Stupid people destroying historic art
2. You obviously can't handle history, that's why you destroy historic statues
3. No skin off my ass. Its the next generations that won't see historic art because of your psychosis.
He was not a traitor

Lee was loyal to his state

If Virginia had remained in the Union he would have been commander in chief of the northern army

Frame it any way you want, but he was disloyal to his nation. While an US Army man, he took an oath.
1. Stupid people destroying historic art
It's only historic to you. I don't care. That's the nature of subjectivity. Try to not be such a big bitch about it.
2. You obviously can't handle history, that's why you destroy historic statues
I don't even know what this means. It's a stupid metaphor. How does someone not handle history because not handing history just looks a lot like changing the drapes. Can you handle redocrating?
3. No skin off my ass. Its the next generations that won't see historic art because of your psychosis.
I'm sure they'll live. :itsok:

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