Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Except that we both know, that Confederate symbols have been accepted as part of American culture for over 5 generations.

So, that is just you being an ass clown.

Nothing racist about regional pride. YOu are a subhuman lying piece of shit.

Separate water fountains, hotels and schools were accepted for many years also.

Equality before the law, was the goal for many generations, and was eventually achieved, long ago.

And during that whole time, the celebration of confederate symbols was seen as harmless regional pride and part of the larger American culture, utterly unconnected to the issue of equality.

Even back to, and including the generation of men that fought and paid the price of that war.

To pretend, now, suddenly that this has become an issue, for the children of the children of the children of the children of those who were freed by those men, so long ago,

is absurd.

You've lost. Get over it. Isn't that what we told Hillary?

But I did not lose. Americans fought and then put the fight behind them, long before I was born. In no way was it a loss for me.

If anyone loss, it was the idea that America would be divided by the conflict. The policy was to heal the wounds of the war, and that was done, successfully, generations before either of us were born.

SInce then, the celebration of confederate symbols, have been accepted as a completely harmless form of regional pride, within the larger American culture, for many generations.

Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Get over it.

Get over what? What are you even talking about?

The fact that our ancestors kissed and made up, generations before we were born?

There is nothing to get over.
Separate water fountains, hotels and schools were accepted for many years also.

Equality before the law, was the goal for many generations, and was eventually achieved, long ago.

And during that whole time, the celebration of confederate symbols was seen as harmless regional pride and part of the larger American culture, utterly unconnected to the issue of equality.

Even back to, and including the generation of men that fought and paid the price of that war.

To pretend, now, suddenly that this has become an issue, for the children of the children of the children of the children of those who were freed by those men, so long ago,

is absurd.

You've lost. Get over it. Isn't that what we told Hillary?

But I did not lose. Americans fought and then put the fight behind them, long before I was born. In no way was it a loss for me.

If anyone loss, it was the idea that America would be divided by the conflict. The policy was to heal the wounds of the war, and that was done, successfully, generations before either of us were born.

SInce then, the celebration of confederate symbols, have been accepted as a completely harmless form of regional pride, within the larger American culture, for many generations.

Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Get over it.

Get over what? What are you even talking about?

The fact that our ancestors kissed and made up, generations before we were born?

There is nothing to get over.

Great, so there is no need for this thread.
Equality before the law, was the goal for many generations, and was eventually achieved, long ago.

And during that whole time, the celebration of confederate symbols was seen as harmless regional pride and part of the larger American culture, utterly unconnected to the issue of equality.

Even back to, and including the generation of men that fought and paid the price of that war.

To pretend, now, suddenly that this has become an issue, for the children of the children of the children of the children of those who were freed by those men, so long ago,

is absurd.

You've lost. Get over it. Isn't that what we told Hillary?

But I did not lose. Americans fought and then put the fight behind them, long before I was born. In no way was it a loss for me.

If anyone loss, it was the idea that America would be divided by the conflict. The policy was to heal the wounds of the war, and that was done, successfully, generations before either of us were born.

SInce then, the celebration of confederate symbols, have been accepted as a completely harmless form of regional pride, within the larger American culture, for many generations.

Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Get over it.

Get over what? What are you even talking about?

The fact that our ancestors kissed and made up, generations before we were born?

There is nothing to get over.

Great, so there is no need for this thread.

Sure there is. FOr some reason a bunch of people are inventing a division and trying to reopen old wounds.

They are incredibly destructive anti-American assholes.

They need to be called out on their bullshit and shamed into stopping their attack on America.
Equality before the law, was the goal for many generations, and was eventually achieved, long ago.

And during that whole time, the celebration of confederate symbols was seen as harmless regional pride and part of the larger American culture, utterly unconnected to the issue of equality.

Even back to, and including the generation of men that fought and paid the price of that war.

To pretend, now, suddenly that this has become an issue, for the children of the children of the children of the children of those who were freed by those men, so long ago,

is absurd.

You've lost. Get over it. Isn't that what we told Hillary?

But I did not lose. Americans fought and then put the fight behind them, long before I was born. In no way was it a loss for me.

If anyone loss, it was the idea that America would be divided by the conflict. The policy was to heal the wounds of the war, and that was done, successfully, generations before either of us were born.

SInce then, the celebration of confederate symbols, have been accepted as a completely harmless form of regional pride, within the larger American culture, for many generations.

Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Get over it.

Get over what? What are you even talking about?

The fact that our ancestors kissed and made up, generations before we were born?

There is nothing to get over.

Great, so there is no need for this thread.

Apparently when he says "The policy was to heal the wounds of the war" he means the hyperextensive whitewash campaign that began immediately after, with Pollard's book quite literally titled "The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates" (1867), whence derives the term "Lost Cause"; a massive excision of schoolbooks engineered by the UDC; the flims "Birth of a Nation" and "Gone With the Wind"; Jim Crow ordinances; a "gentlemen's agreement" to keep blacks out of baseball; innumerable race riots and lynchings; the rebirth of the Klan; and all these hundreds of monuments peppered around public property, again by the UDC, all put there to undermine the whole point of that War because sore losers.

The "wounds of the war" then, means a call for a rewrite because truth is hard.

Seems like a rather expensive "healing".
Nothing to deal with, you are a racist ass clown that is fighting to keep those racist monuments in place.

Your excuse for your race baiting and being a fucking asshole is noted and dismissed. YOu are still the bad guy here, asshole.

Only to racist who want to keep racist, traitors monuments in place.

Why are you such an asshole? Why do you race bait? Everyone knows, but do you have the balls to admit it, or are you too much of a pussy?

Let's see if you are man enough to admit you are a racist ass clown fighting to keep racist monuments of traitors up.

Except that we both know, that Confederate symbols have been accepted as part of American culture for over 5 generations.

So, that is just you being an ass clown.

Nothing racist about regional pride. YOu are a subhuman lying piece of shit.

Separate water fountains, hotels and schools were accepted for many years also.

Equality before the law, was the goal for many generations, and was eventually achieved, long ago.

Some of it was.

And during that whole time, the celebration of confederate symbols was seen as harmless regional pride and part of the larger American culture, utterly unconnected to the issue of equality.

It's a lot racist about honoring racist traitors. Racist POS.

Even back to, and including the generation of men that fought and paid the price of that war.

They paid a price for being racist, arrogant POS.

To pretend, now, suddenly that this has become an issue, for the children of the children of the children of the children of those who were freed by those men, so long ago,

is absurd.

It's absurd thinking members of this society have ever honored those racist traitors .
Let's take down the Statue of Liberty then.

Statue of Liberty.... Statue of Liberty ........... :eusa_think:
---- OK that has WHAT to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause?

You said history is in books not statues.

Which, it is.

--------- And?

And, according to what you posted we don’t need the Statue Of Liberty either then. Shall we tear it down too?

And we're right back to where we started, which is --------- WHAT does the Statue of Liberty have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? Don't think I ever got an answer on that.

The Statue of Liberty represents everything American and lots of bad things happen in America as you keep pointing out. You seem to think that statues that represent things you don't like should be pulled out by the roots. Get it now?
Only to racist who want to keep racist, traitors monuments in place.

Let's see if you are man enough to admit you are a racist ass clown fighting to keep racist monuments of traitors up.

Except that we both know, that Confederate symbols have been accepted as part of American culture for over 5 generations.

So, that is just you being an ass clown.

Nothing racist about regional pride. YOu are a subhuman lying piece of shit.

Separate water fountains, hotels and schools were accepted for many years also.

Equality before the law, was the goal for many generations, and was eventually achieved, long ago.

And during that whole time, the celebration of confederate symbols was seen as harmless regional pride and part of the larger American culture, utterly unconnected to the issue of equality.

Even back to, and including the generation of men that fought and paid the price of that war.

To pretend, now, suddenly that this has become an issue, for the children of the children of the children of the children of those who were freed by those men, so long ago,

is absurd.

You've lost. Get over it. Isn't that what we told Hillary?

But I did not lose. Americans fought and then put the fight behind them, long before I was born. In no way was it a loss for me.

If anyone loss, it was the idea that America would be divided by the conflict. The policy was to heal the wounds of the war, and that was done, successfully, generations before either of us were born.

You're right it was done at the expense of black folks.

SInce then, the celebration of confederate symbols, have been accepted as a completely harmless form of regional pride, within the larger American culture, for many generations.

Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?

It was accepted by the grand children and great grand children of the traitors.
Apparently when he says "The policy was to heal the wounds of the war" he means the hyperextensive whitewash campaign that began immediately after, with Pollard's book quite literally titled "The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates" (1867), whence derives the term "Lost Cause"; a massive excision of schoolbooks engineered by the UDC; the flims "Birth of a Nation" and "Gone With the Wind"; Jim Crow ordinances; a "gentlemen's agreement" to keep blacks out of baseball; innumerable race riots and lynchings; the rebirth of the Klan; and all these hundreds of monuments peppered around public property, again by the UDC, all put there to undermine the whole point of that War because sore losers.

The "wounds of the war" then, means a call for a rewrite because truth is hard.

Seems like a rather expensive "healing".

Well you decry 'a massive excision of schoolbooks' yet you condone 'a massive excision' of statues. Aren't you really doing the same thing as those who you call racists? How is removing statues going to solve anything other than creating a divide among Americans or, is that your aim? Book, monuments, statues, plaques, etc. are all part of historical reminders of our past which was not all love and roses.

The real truth is that history lives in the brains of human beings and you can tear down all the statues, burn all the books you want it won't go away all you are doing is fomenting hatred.
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It's absurd thinking members of this society have ever honored those racist traitors .

Did you not learn that the Civil War is officially over or do you want to create another schism in America? Frankly THAT sounds rather traitorous.
Statue of Liberty.... Statue of Liberty ........... :eusa_think:
---- OK that has WHAT to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause?

You said history is in books not statues.

Which, it is.

--------- And?

And, according to what you posted we don’t need the Statue Of Liberty either then. Shall we tear it down too?

And we're right back to where we started, which is --------- WHAT does the Statue of Liberty have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? Don't think I ever got an answer on that.

The Statue of Liberty represents everything American and lots of bad things happen in America as you keep pointing out. You seem to think that statues that represent things you don't like should be pulled out by the roots. Get it now?

NO. I DON'T. You have STILL failed to connect the Statue of LIberty with the Cult of the Lost Cause.

And that can't be done because the Sol came from France, not from the UDC. They have nothing to do with each other. France has never been known to engage in Lost Cause propaganda and the statue in no way attempts to validate the Confederacy.
Apparently when he says "The policy was to heal the wounds of the war" he means the hyperextensive whitewash campaign that began immediately after, with Pollard's book quite literally titled "The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates" (1867), whence derives the term "Lost Cause"; a massive excision of schoolbooks engineered by the UDC; the flims "Birth of a Nation" and "Gone With the Wind"; Jim Crow ordinances; a "gentlemen's agreement" to keep blacks out of baseball; innumerable race riots and lynchings; the rebirth of the Klan; and all these hundreds of monuments peppered around public property, again by the UDC, all put there to undermine the whole point of that War because sore losers.

The "wounds of the war" then, means a call for a rewrite because truth is hard.

Seems like a rather expensive "healing".

Well you decry 'a massive excision of schoolbooks' yet you condone 'a massive excision' of statues. Aren't you really doing the same thing as those who you call racists? How is removing statues going to solve anything other than creating a divide among Americans or, is that your aim? Book, monuments, statues, plaques, etc. are all part of historical reminders of our past which was not all love and roses.

The real truth is that history lives in the brains of human beings and you can tear down all the statues, burn all the books you want it won't go away all you are doing is fomenting hatred.

Apparently it's flying over some hoods that the rewriting of school textbooks, and the erection of hundreds of monumental propaganda transmitters, are two sides of the same coin cashed in for the same purpose.

Let's run this one again:

And let's follow that with a quote from a link earlier:

>> The narrative for the National Register of Historic Places application read:

The Cult of the Lost Cause had its roots in the Southern search for justification and the need to find a substitute for victory in the Civil War. In attempting to deal with defeat, Southerners created an image of the war as a great heroic epic. A major theme of the Cult of the Lost Cause was the clash of two civilizations, one inferior to the other. The North, “invigorated by constant struggle with nature, had become materialistic, grasping for wealth and power.” The South had a “more generous climate” which had led to a finer society based upon “veracity and honor in man, chastity and fidelity in women.” Like tragic heroes, Southerners had waged a noble but doomed struggle to preserve their superior civilization. There was an element of chivalry in the way the South had fought, achieving noteworthy victories against staggering odds.* This was the “Lost Cause” as the late nineteenth century saw it, and a whole generation of Southerners set about glorifying and celebrating it.​

The more I read, the more I learned that these statues were indeed propaganda put up years, and often decades, after the Union was preserved. During Reconstruction and the 1960s Civil Rights era, there were specific attempts to erect statues like those of Robert E. Lee or Beauregard not only across the South, but indeed, across the country.

Well into our journey, the Southern Poverty Law Center put out research showing there were some 700 Confederate memorial monuments and statues erected long after the Civil War. According to their research, “two distinct periods saw a significant rise in the dedication of monuments and other symbols,” the first around 1900 through the 1920s and the second in the 1950s and 60s. They coincided with the 50th and 100th anniversaries of the Civil War as well as attempted advancements by African-Americans.

Some 20-plus years ago when these applications were written, officials understood the tremendous power of the Lost Cause. So why wasn’t this history better known? To the Lost Cause, rewriting the narrative of the war was as important as erecting monuments, and it largely worked. Still to this day, many I know in Louisiana believe the Civil War was more about states’ rights than preserving slavery. Even leaders at the highest levels of our national government try to dispute the cause of the Civil War. << -- How I Learned About the Cult of the Lost Cause

Finally let us quote Orwell:

"Who controls the past, controls the future".

Pollard, DIxon, Griffith and the UDC knew that long before George Orwell wrote it down, and put it into practice, tangibly, with, among other manifestations ---- statues like this.

{*NB: the whole idea of "chivalry" in the Old South cannot be understated. The books of Sir Walter Scott were enormously popular; the rabble-rousers such as the 1915 Ku Klux Klan officially called themselves "KNIGHTS of the Ku Klux Klan", as did a considerable number of similar postwar groups e.g. the Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi), Knights of the Red Hand, Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868), Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69), Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama), the Seymour Knights (Louisiana) -- all imagining chivalrous deeds of "protecting the white women". In fact the entire practice of the Klan burning crosses was taken from Sir Walter Scott, worked into the Birth of a Nation film for visual effect; it was not a historical part of the original Klan.}
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Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
They are trying to make honoring the confederate soldiers are a Republican's issue. The Dems are turning the tables around to confuse the voters. Like when they recently changed the color code for each party. that it has confused a lot of Republican voters. Because most of them has gotten adapted to Republicans being the blue party. That they will only support those that represent the Blue party. A lot of old folks goes by the color scheme. That it is hard for them change their ways. Al Gore was hoping to take most of the Republican's votes away when they has changed the color code. But he didn't realized that there were old Democrats that are set in their ways as well.

In 1976, NBC debuted its first election map on the air, with bulbs that turned red for Carter-won states (Democratic), and blue for Ford (Republican). This original color scheme was based on Great Britain's political system, which used red to denote the more liberal party.
Why are Republicans red and Democrats blue?

The first use of the terms red state to connote a Republican state came about a week before the 2000 presidential election between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore,
Why Does the Republican Party Use Red?
You've lost. Get over it. Isn't that what we told Hillary?

But I did not lose. Americans fought and then put the fight behind them, long before I was born. In no way was it a loss for me.

If anyone loss, it was the idea that America would be divided by the conflict. The policy was to heal the wounds of the war, and that was done, successfully, generations before either of us were born.

SInce then, the celebration of confederate symbols, have been accepted as a completely harmless form of regional pride, within the larger American culture, for many generations.

Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Get over it.

Get over what? What are you even talking about?

The fact that our ancestors kissed and made up, generations before we were born?

There is nothing to get over.

Great, so there is no need for this thread.

Apparently when he says "The policy was to heal the wounds of the war" he means the hyperextensive whitewash campaign that began immediately after, with Pollard's book quite literally titled "The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates" (1867), whence derives the term "Lost Cause"; a massive excision of schoolbooks engineered by the UDC; the flims "Birth of a Nation" and "Gone With the Wind"; Jim Crow ordinances; a "gentlemen's agreement" to keep blacks out of baseball; innumerable race riots and lynchings; the rebirth of the Klan; and all these hundreds of monuments peppered around public property, again by the UDC, all put there to undermine the whole point of that War because sore losers.

The "wounds of the war" then, means a call for a rewrite because truth is hard.

Seems like a rather expensive "healing".

I meant what I said. Why don't you address the policy of reconciliation? That was actual national policy. That succeeded.

Instead of just making shit up. Unless your goal is to just make up shit, pretend I said it, and then just play with yourself.
Your excuse for your race baiting and being a fucking asshole is noted and dismissed. YOu are still the bad guy here, asshole.

Only to racist who want to keep racist, traitors monuments in place.

Why are you such an asshole? Why do you race bait? Everyone knows, but do you have the balls to admit it, or are you too much of a pussy?

Let's see if you are man enough to admit you are a racist ass clown fighting to keep racist monuments of traitors up.

Except that we both know, that Confederate symbols have been accepted as part of American culture for over 5 generations.

So, that is just you being an ass clown.

Nothing racist about regional pride. YOu are a subhuman lying piece of shit.

Separate water fountains, hotels and schools were accepted for many years also.

Equality before the law, was the goal for many generations, and was eventually achieved, long ago.

Some of it was.

And during that whole time, the celebration of confederate symbols was seen as harmless regional pride and part of the larger American culture, utterly unconnected to the issue of equality.

It's a lot racist about honoring racist traitors. Racist POS.

Even back to, and including the generation of men that fought and paid the price of that war.

They paid a price for being racist, arrogant POS.

To pretend, now, suddenly that this has become an issue, for the children of the children of the children of the children of those who were freed by those men, so long ago,

is absurd.

It's absurd thinking members of this society have ever honored those racist traitors .

I just described the actual history of the United States in dealing with the conflict and division of the Civil War, over the last one hundred and forty years.

What you described, was made up bullshit that has nothing to do with anything outside of your fantasies.

So, my point stands, and what you said was stupid shit. Consider it dismissed, and you mocked.
But I did not lose. Americans fought and then put the fight behind them, long before I was born. In no way was it a loss for me.

If anyone loss, it was the idea that America would be divided by the conflict. The policy was to heal the wounds of the war, and that was done, successfully, generations before either of us were born.

SInce then, the celebration of confederate symbols, have been accepted as a completely harmless form of regional pride, within the larger American culture, for many generations.

Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Get over it.

Get over what? What are you even talking about?

The fact that our ancestors kissed and made up, generations before we were born?

There is nothing to get over.

Great, so there is no need for this thread.

Apparently when he says "The policy was to heal the wounds of the war" he means the hyperextensive whitewash campaign that began immediately after, with Pollard's book quite literally titled "The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates" (1867), whence derives the term "Lost Cause"; a massive excision of schoolbooks engineered by the UDC; the flims "Birth of a Nation" and "Gone With the Wind"; Jim Crow ordinances; a "gentlemen's agreement" to keep blacks out of baseball; innumerable race riots and lynchings; the rebirth of the Klan; and all these hundreds of monuments peppered around public property, again by the UDC, all put there to undermine the whole point of that War because sore losers.

The "wounds of the war" then, means a call for a rewrite because truth is hard.

Seems like a rather expensive "healing".

I meant what I said. Why don't you address the policy of reconciliation? That was actual national policy. That succeeded.

Instead of just making shit up. Unless your goal is to just make up shit, pretend I said it, and then just play with yourself.

Actually, by joining the UDC in its regretful mea culpas agreeing to take their propaganda transmitters back and putting the word out about the effects of the Cult of the Lost Cause, reconciliation is exactly what I've been doing the whole time. I am a Son of the South and I'm here to tell it like it was. What are you here for?
Except that we both know, that Confederate symbols have been accepted as part of American culture for over 5 generations.

So, that is just you being an ass clown.

Nothing racist about regional pride. YOu are a subhuman lying piece of shit.

Separate water fountains, hotels and schools were accepted for many years also.

Equality before the law, was the goal for many generations, and was eventually achieved, long ago.

And during that whole time, the celebration of confederate symbols was seen as harmless regional pride and part of the larger American culture, utterly unconnected to the issue of equality.

Even back to, and including the generation of men that fought and paid the price of that war.

To pretend, now, suddenly that this has become an issue, for the children of the children of the children of the children of those who were freed by those men, so long ago,

is absurd.

You've lost. Get over it. Isn't that what we told Hillary?

But I did not lose. Americans fought and then put the fight behind them, long before I was born. In no way was it a loss for me.

If anyone loss, it was the idea that America would be divided by the conflict. The policy was to heal the wounds of the war, and that was done, successfully, generations before either of us were born.

You're right it was done at the expense of black folks.

SInce then, the celebration of confederate symbols, have been accepted as a completely harmless form of regional pride, within the larger American culture, for many generations.

Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?

It was accepted by the grand children and great grand children of the traitors.

"Black folks" would not have benefited from this nation being torn apart, neither in the past, nor today.

In both times, then and now, those who want to tear this nation down, are the enemy of "black folks".

To be clear, you are an anti-American piece of shit.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
They are trying to make honoring the confederate soldiers are a Republican's issue. The Dems are turning the tables around to confuse the voters. Like when they recently changed the color code for each party. that it has confused a lot of Republican voters. Because most of them has gotten adapted to Republicans being the blue party. That they will only support those that represent the Blue party. A lot of old folks goes by the color scheme. That it is hard for them change their ways. Al Gore was hoping to take most of the Republican's votes away when they has changed the color code. But he didn't realized that there were old Democrats that are set in their ways as well.

In 1976, NBC debuted its first election map on the air, with bulbs that turned red for Carter-won states (Democratic), and blue for Ford (Republican). This original color scheme was based on Great Britain's political system, which used red to denote the more liberal party.
Why are Republicans red and Democrats blue?

The first use of the terms red state to connote a Republican state came about a week before the 2000 presidential election between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore,
Why Does the Republican Party Use Red?

Yeah sorry, that's fascinating I'm sure but none of this is related to either colors or political parties. It's not a political party issue.
Get over it.

Get over what? What are you even talking about?

The fact that our ancestors kissed and made up, generations before we were born?

There is nothing to get over.

Great, so there is no need for this thread.

Apparently when he says "The policy was to heal the wounds of the war" he means the hyperextensive whitewash campaign that began immediately after, with Pollard's book quite literally titled "The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates" (1867), whence derives the term "Lost Cause"; a massive excision of schoolbooks engineered by the UDC; the flims "Birth of a Nation" and "Gone With the Wind"; Jim Crow ordinances; a "gentlemen's agreement" to keep blacks out of baseball; innumerable race riots and lynchings; the rebirth of the Klan; and all these hundreds of monuments peppered around public property, again by the UDC, all put there to undermine the whole point of that War because sore losers.

The "wounds of the war" then, means a call for a rewrite because truth is hard.

Seems like a rather expensive "healing".

I meant what I said. Why don't you address the policy of reconciliation? That was actual national policy. That succeeded.

Instead of just making shit up. Unless your goal is to just make up shit, pretend I said it, and then just play with yourself.

Actually, by joining the UDC in its regretful mea culpas agreeing to take their propaganda transmitters back and putting the word out about the effects of the Cult of the Lost Cause, reconciliation is exactly what I've been doing the whole time. I am a Son of the South and I'm here to tell it like it was. What are you here for?

Reconciliation was done and successful, generations ago. Reopening old wounds, and dividing us now, is the oppose of that.

Your actions make a lie of your words. You are a liar.

Why do you want to divide US?
Separate water fountains, hotels and schools were accepted for many years also.

Equality before the law, was the goal for many generations, and was eventually achieved, long ago.

And during that whole time, the celebration of confederate symbols was seen as harmless regional pride and part of the larger American culture, utterly unconnected to the issue of equality.

Even back to, and including the generation of men that fought and paid the price of that war.

To pretend, now, suddenly that this has become an issue, for the children of the children of the children of the children of those who were freed by those men, so long ago,

is absurd.

You've lost. Get over it. Isn't that what we told Hillary?

But I did not lose. Americans fought and then put the fight behind them, long before I was born. In no way was it a loss for me.

If anyone loss, it was the idea that America would be divided by the conflict. The policy was to heal the wounds of the war, and that was done, successfully, generations before either of us were born.

You're right it was done at the expense of black folks.

SInce then, the celebration of confederate symbols, have been accepted as a completely harmless form of regional pride, within the larger American culture, for many generations.

Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?

It was accepted by the grand children and great grand children of the traitors.

"Black folks" would not have benefited from this nation being torn apart, neither in the past, nor today.

In both times, then and now, those who want to tear this nation down, are the enemy of "black folks".

To be clear, you are an anti-American piece of shit.

Is literally EVERYTHING outside your own little bubbleshpere a "piece of shit"?

Maybe you should invest in a toilet.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
They are trying to make honoring the confederate soldiers are a Republican's issue. The Dems are turning the tables around to confuse the voters. Like when they recently changed the color code for each party. that it has confused a lot of Republican voters. Because most of them has gotten adapted to Republicans being the blue party. That they will only support those that represent the Blue party. A lot of old folks goes by the color scheme. That it is hard for them change their ways. Al Gore was hoping to take most of the Republican's votes away when they has changed the color code. But he didn't realized that there were old Democrats that are set in their ways as well.

In 1976, NBC debuted its first election map on the air, with bulbs that turned red for Carter-won states (Democratic), and blue for Ford (Republican). This original color scheme was based on Great Britain's political system, which used red to denote the more liberal party.
Why are Republicans red and Democrats blue?

The first use of the terms red state to connote a Republican state came about a week before the 2000 presidential election between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore,
Why Does the Republican Party Use Red?

Yeah sorry, that's fascinating I'm sure but none of this is related to either colors or political parties. It's not a political party issue.

His logic is holding together a lot better than yours.
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