Confirmed: Captain Marvel "Big Feminist Movie"...

Because it's a good movie. Did you like Wonder woman?

Wonder Woman was an excellent movie. What it wasn’t is a feminist movie. It had a female lead character, but I wouldn’t call it a Feminist movie.

The male lead was NOT a moron, or a sexist. Wonderwoman had STRAIGHT SEX with him, and did not hate him afterwards for oppressing her, or some such bullshit.
Because it's a good movie. Did you like Wonder woman?

Wonder Woman was an excellent movie. What it wasn’t is a feminist movie. It had a female lead character, but I wouldn’t call it a Feminist movie.

Why Wonder Woman is a masterpiece of subversive feminism

Wonder Woman is a feminist, and society isn't ready for her - BBC Three

It changed from a joyous, ridiculous superhero movie into a series of lingering shots of Gal Gadot’s legs. It clunked with dialogue that all but stopped short of saying ‘hashtag feminism’. At one point, a female secretary explains all the work that she does for her male boss prompting Wonder Woman to quip, ‘Where I’m from, that’s called slavery.’ The cinema audience broke into a knowing chuckle, but it felt like a cheap laugh. Still, the heavy-handed lines kept coming (‘What I do is not up to you!’). All of which would be a lot more convincing if Diana Prince – incidentally, a name given to her when Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) interrupts her own introduction – didn’t spend the majority of the film being dragged around by Trevor, who is adamant his mission is more important than hers.

Read more: Why Wonder Woman isn't the feminist fantasy we've been told it is | Metro News

Twitter: Metro (@MetroUK) | Twitter | Facebook: Metro
Because it's a good movie. Did you like Wonder woman?

Wonder Woman was an excellent movie. What it wasn’t is a feminist movie. It had a female lead character, but I wouldn’t call it a Feminist movie.

Why Wonder Woman is a masterpiece of subversive feminism

Wonder Woman is a feminist, and society isn't ready for her - BBC Three

It changed from a joyous, ridiculous superhero movie into a series of lingering shots of Gal Gadot’s legs. It clunked with dialogue that all but stopped short of saying ‘hashtag feminism’. At one point, a female secretary explains all the work that she does for her male boss prompting Wonder Woman to quip, ‘Where I’m from, that’s called slavery.’ The cinema audience broke into a knowing chuckle, but it felt like a cheap laugh. Still, the heavy-handed lines kept coming (‘What I do is not up to you!’). All of which would be a lot more convincing if Diana Prince – incidentally, a name given to her when Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) interrupts her own introduction – didn’t spend the majority of the film being dragged around by Trevor, who is adamant his mission is more important than hers.

Read more: Why Wonder Woman isn't the feminist fantasy we've been told it is | Metro News

Twitter: Metro (@MetroUK) | Twitter | Facebook: Metro

It is a period piece from WWII. That the secretary feels put upon is completely reasonable.

By being reasonable, it is by definition, not feminist.
One look at this Incel video and a straight woman will start asking whether "conversion therapy" works in reverse. Queer Eye for the Staight Guy can only send out so many emergency teams, but even they can do nothing in terms of attitude, socialization, manners, brains, and talent.

I guess being judgemental twats in this case is acceptable because most of these guys are white and male.

How does it feel to be the same mentally as a high school bully?

Is there some rule that we all have to like people just because they are white and male, even if he is an ignorant, unaccomplished, aggressive, and hateful little asshole? Don't these idiots complain about "Chads," who oftentimes seem to be portrayed by them as white males?

BTW: Threatening and killing people just because one does not have a good sex life is really, really not cool.

killing people is usually not cool, except of course in cases of self defense or war.

No one has to like anyone, however it seems nowadays the focus is on ruining people or punishing them instead of trying to help them.

And to be honest, for most of these guys, it's NO sex life.

Maybe, but I seriously doubt that these guys would accept or cooperate with any help offered. Their statements are arrogant and angry and express an attitude that the world, particularly the female half, owes them something.

And no one has done anything to anyone of them who has not committed a crime.

Considering "owes me something" is the progressive mantra, I would think you would like these guys....

What does the term "pregressive mantra" mean? Either heterosexuals respect each other and get along together or they don't. Love and friendship need to prevail so that heterosexuality can continue.

You sound like a believer in patriarchy and male supremacy, which are the exact opposite of living and honoring a heterosexual lifestyle.
Because it's a good movie. Did you like Wonder woman?

Wonder Woman was an excellent movie. What it wasn’t is a feminist movie. It had a female lead character, but I wouldn’t call it a Feminist movie.

It's interesting that someone brought up Wonder Woman as an example of "feminism" in movies -- as feminists and even Marvel editors were outspokenly critical of Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman (the latter framing it in the context of young females dressing up in cosplay).

Ms. Magazine, a feminist blog, posted the following scathing critism of Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman, lamenting that the actress chosen was an attractive white woman that looked like a runway model and ended up having a "heteronormative" romantic encounter with Steve Trevor, and not a short, heavy, homosexual woman of color:

"Why couldn’t Wonder Woman be a woman of color? ... On Paradise Island, there are Black warriors in addition to white ones, which is a good start, but other women of color are missing. Also, while the female warriors are strong and ass-kicking, they all have tall, thin body types and they all could be models on a runway. In fact, in a pivotal battle scene, Wonder Woman struts across the battlefield as if on a catwalk. As a result, their physical strength plays second fiddle to their beauty, upholding the notion that in order to access power women must be beautiful in a traditional way. Especially with the body positivity movement gaining steam, the film could have spotlighted female warriors with fat, thick and short body types. ...

Another problem is that the story’s overt queerness gets sublimated by heteronormativity. ... In the end, Wonder Woman concludes that “only love can save the world.” While this may be true, I’ve never heard any other superhero say so. Why couldn’t Wonder Woman fight for justice and eliminate bad guys without having to in the end make it about love? Perhaps a more interesting question is: Why don’t male superheroes do the same?

While people argue that women are “feminine” and naturally more inclined to love, this thinking quickly slides into dangerous assumptions like women are more cut out for caring for children and processing feelings. This gender essentialism ... reflects the current double standard that women can have it all, but in order to do so we have to work harder than everyone else and carry it all on our shoulders

When Will Wonder Woman Be a Fat, Femme Woman of Color? - Ms. Magazine Blog

Marvel Comics editor Steven Wacker had this to say about the decision to change the costume for Captain Marvel from the one traditionally worn in the comics--similar to Wonder Woman's--to the one seen more recently, as reflected in the movie:

Stephen Wacker on Twitter


"There were a lot of reasons to change the costume. One big one was that I wanted my daughter to be able to dress up as Captain Marvel."
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Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her to make Captain Marvel a “big feminist movie.”

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight during a set visit last May, Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her about making Captain Marvel a feminist movie.

"I had a meeting with Marvel and what we discussed is they wanted to make a big feminist movie.”

Brie Larson Confirms Marvel Wants to Make Captain Marvel a "Big Feminist Movie" - Bounding Into Comics

If you want to pay to watch SJW Hollywood NPCs preach to you for two hours, more power to ya. I'll wait it out and watch this one on Netflix.

Let me guess you don't like feminist movies.

Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her to make Captain Marvel a “big feminist movie.”

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight during a set visit last May, Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her about making Captain Marvel a feminist movie.

"I had a meeting with Marvel and what we discussed is they wanted to make a big feminist movie.”

Brie Larson Confirms Marvel Wants to Make Captain Marvel a "Big Feminist Movie" - Bounding Into Comics

If you want to pay to watch SJW Hollywood NPCs preach to you for two hours, more power to ya. I'll wait it out and watch this one on Netflix.

Pass. Thanks for the warning.
Because it's a good movie. Did you like Wonder woman?

Wonder Woman was an excellent movie. What it wasn’t is a feminist movie. It had a female lead character, but I wouldn’t call it a Feminist movie.

Why Wonder Woman is a masterpiece of subversive feminism

Wonder Woman is a feminist, and society isn't ready for her - BBC Three

It changed from a joyous, ridiculous superhero movie into a series of lingering shots of Gal Gadot’s legs. It clunked with dialogue that all but stopped short of saying ‘hashtag feminism’. At one point, a female secretary explains all the work that she does for her male boss prompting Wonder Woman to quip, ‘Where I’m from, that’s called slavery.’ The cinema audience broke into a knowing chuckle, but it felt like a cheap laugh. Still, the heavy-handed lines kept coming (‘What I do is not up to you!’). All of which would be a lot more convincing if Diana Prince – incidentally, a name given to her when Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) interrupts her own introduction – didn’t spend the majority of the film being dragged around by Trevor, who is adamant his mission is more important than hers.

Read more: Why Wonder Woman isn't the feminist fantasy we've been told it is | Metro News

Twitter: Metro (@MetroUK) | Twitter | Facebook: Metro

It is a period piece from WWII. That the secretary feels put upon is completely reasonable.

By being reasonable, it is by definition, not feminist.
WWII? :eusa_eh:
Because it's a good movie. Did you like Wonder woman?

Wonder Woman was an excellent movie. What it wasn’t is a feminist movie. It had a female lead character, but I wouldn’t call it a Feminist movie.

Why Wonder Woman is a masterpiece of subversive feminism

Wonder Woman is a feminist, and society isn't ready for her - BBC Three

It changed from a joyous, ridiculous superhero movie into a series of lingering shots of Gal Gadot’s legs. It clunked with dialogue that all but stopped short of saying ‘hashtag feminism’. At one point, a female secretary explains all the work that she does for her male boss prompting Wonder Woman to quip, ‘Where I’m from, that’s called slavery.’ The cinema audience broke into a knowing chuckle, but it felt like a cheap laugh. Still, the heavy-handed lines kept coming (‘What I do is not up to you!’). All of which would be a lot more convincing if Diana Prince – incidentally, a name given to her when Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) interrupts her own introduction – didn’t spend the majority of the film being dragged around by Trevor, who is adamant his mission is more important than hers.

Read more: Why Wonder Woman isn't the feminist fantasy we've been told it is | Metro News

Twitter: Metro (@MetroUK) | Twitter | Facebook: Metro

It is a period piece from WWII. That the secretary feels put upon is completely reasonable.

By being reasonable, it is by definition, not feminist.
WWII? :eusa_eh:

WWI, obviously.
An additional note on my above post, regarding the contrast from a "feminism" perspective between Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. In a recent interview, Marvel boss Kevin Feige talked about how the character was "re-envisioned" in 2012 to eliminate the WW style swimsuit-wearing persona and transform her into to a "female Chuck Yeager" who wears pants to work, which they discussed with Brie Larson in an early meeting:

On one of her early meetings at Marvel, Feige recalls, Larson saw back issues of the comic displayed on the walls. "If you look at the comics, the further you go back, the less clothes Carol Danvers seems to be wearing," Feige says. "Oftentimes it's a one-piece bathing suit basically, with outrageous comic proportions. … Brie pointed it out on the wall, and we went, 'Yeah … just so you know, that's not what we're doing.' She goes, 'OK. I didn't think so, but I'm glad you said that.'"
An additional note on my above post, regarding the contrast from a "feminism" perspective between Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. In a recent interview, Marvel boss Kevin Feige talked about how the character was "re-envisioned" in 2012 to eliminate the WW style swimsuit-wearing persona and transform her into to a "female Chuck Yeager" who wears pants to work, which they discussed with Brie Larson in an early meeting:

On one of her early meetings at Marvel, Feige recalls, Larson saw back issues of the comic displayed on the walls. "If you look at the comics, the further you go back, the less clothes Carol Danvers seems to be wearing," Feige says. "Oftentimes it's a one-piece bathing suit basically, with outrageous comic proportions. … Brie pointed it out on the wall, and we went, 'Yeah … just so you know, that's not what we're doing.' She goes, 'OK. I didn't think so, but I'm glad you said that.'"

Losing the ridiculous customers of the comic book past, is completely reasonable.
Because it's a good movie. Did you like Wonder woman?

Wonder Woman was an excellent movie. What it wasn’t is a feminist movie. It had a female lead character, but I wouldn’t call it a Feminist movie.

Why Wonder Woman is a masterpiece of subversive feminism

Wonder Woman is a feminist, and society isn't ready for her - BBC Three

It changed from a joyous, ridiculous superhero movie into a series of lingering shots of Gal Gadot’s legs. It clunked with dialogue that all but stopped short of saying ‘hashtag feminism’. At one point, a female secretary explains all the work that she does for her male boss prompting Wonder Woman to quip, ‘Where I’m from, that’s called slavery.’ The cinema audience broke into a knowing chuckle, but it felt like a cheap laugh. Still, the heavy-handed lines kept coming (‘What I do is not up to you!’). All of which would be a lot more convincing if Diana Prince – incidentally, a name given to her when Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) interrupts her own introduction – didn’t spend the majority of the film being dragged around by Trevor, who is adamant his mission is more important than hers.

Read more: Why Wonder Woman isn't the feminist fantasy we've been told it is | Metro News

Twitter: Metro (@MetroUK) | Twitter | Facebook: Metro

It is a period piece from WWII. That the secretary feels put upon is completely reasonable.

By being reasonable, it is by definition, not feminist.
So you see the entire feminist movement as unreasonable? Wouldn’t we all have to first agree their positions on the issues are unreasonable?

Sorry but you got the feminist message and found it reasonable. That makes you a feminist.
Because it's a good movie. Did you like Wonder woman?

Wonder Woman was an excellent movie. What it wasn’t is a feminist movie. It had a female lead character, but I wouldn’t call it a Feminist movie.

It's interesting that someone brought up Wonder Woman as an example of "feminism" in movies -- as feminists and even Marvel editors were outspokenly critical of Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman (the latter framing it in the context of young females dressing up in cosplay).

Ms. Magazine, a feminist blog, posted the following scathing critism of Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman, lamenting that the actress chosen was an attractive white woman that looked like a runway model and ended up having a "heteronormative" romantic encounter with Steve Trevor, and not a short, heavy, homosexual woman of color:

"Why couldn’t Wonder Woman be a woman of color? ... On Paradise Island, there are Black warriors in addition to white ones, which is a good start, but other women of color are missing. Also, while the female warriors are strong and ass-kicking, they all have tall, thin body types and they all could be models on a runway. In fact, in a pivotal battle scene, Wonder Woman struts across the battlefield as if on a catwalk. As a result, their physical strength plays second fiddle to their beauty, upholding the notion that in order to access power women must be beautiful in a traditional way. Especially with the body positivity movement gaining steam, the film could have spotlighted female warriors with fat, thick and short body types. ...

Another problem is that the story’s overt queerness gets sublimated by heteronormativity. ... In the end, Wonder Woman concludes that “only love can save the world.” While this may be true, I’ve never heard any other superhero say so. Why couldn’t Wonder Woman fight for justice and eliminate bad guys without having to in the end make it about love? Perhaps a more interesting question is: Why don’t male superheroes do the same?

While people argue that women are “feminine” and naturally more inclined to love, this thinking quickly slides into dangerous assumptions like women are more cut out for caring for children and processing feelings. This gender essentialism ... reflects the current double standard that women can have it all, but in order to do so we have to work harder than everyone else and carry it all on our shoulders

When Will Wonder Woman Be a Fat, Femme Woman of Color? - Ms. Magazine Blog

Marvel Comics editor Steven Wacker had this to say about the decision to change the costume for Captain Marvel from the one traditionally worn in the comics--similar to Wonder Woman's--to the one seen more recently, as reflected in the movie:

Stephen Wacker on Twitter

View attachment 246722

"There were a lot of reasons to change the costume. One big one was that I wanted my daughter to be able to dress up as Captain Marvel."
Her last name is Wacker? Poor girl.
Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her to make Captain Marvel a “big feminist movie.”

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight during a set visit last May, Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her about making Captain Marvel a feminist movie.

"I had a meeting with Marvel and what we discussed is they wanted to make a big feminist movie.”

Brie Larson Confirms Marvel Wants to Make Captain Marvel a "Big Feminist Movie" - Bounding Into Comics

If you want to pay to watch SJW Hollywood NPCs preach to you for two hours, more power to ya. I'll wait it out and watch this one on Netflix.

I’m weening myself from the Marvel movies after Endgame anyway. No desire to see this movie at all.
Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her to make Captain Marvel a “big feminist movie.”

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight during a set visit last May, Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her about making Captain Marvel a feminist movie.

"I had a meeting with Marvel and what we discussed is they wanted to make a big feminist movie.”

Brie Larson Confirms Marvel Wants to Make Captain Marvel a "Big Feminist Movie" - Bounding Into Comics

If you want to pay to watch SJW Hollywood NPCs preach to you for two hours, more power to ya. I'll wait it out and watch this one on Netflix.

I’m weening myself from the Marvel movies after Endgame anyway. No desire to see this movie at all.

I haven’t seen aqua man is it good?
Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her to make Captain Marvel a “big feminist movie.”

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight during a set visit last May, Brie Larson confirmed Marvel approached her about making Captain Marvel a feminist movie.

"I had a meeting with Marvel and what we discussed is they wanted to make a big feminist movie.”

Brie Larson Confirms Marvel Wants to Make Captain Marvel a "Big Feminist Movie" - Bounding Into Comics

If you want to pay to watch SJW Hollywood NPCs preach to you for two hours, more power to ya. I'll wait it out and watch this one on Netflix.

I’m weening myself from the Marvel movies after Endgame anyway. No desire to see this movie at all.

I haven’t seen aqua man is it good?

It was Okay. Kinda hokey though. Not Marvel. But I watch DC too so..
When movies have a strong female lead you can always tell when they came prepared for the role. Linda Hamilton and Sigourney Weaver looked like they had spent months eating raw eggs, and punching meat in a freezer before their roles. :lol:

Alita: Battle Angel has a 93% audience review score at Rotten Tomatoes with almost 10,000 reviews.

Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
I guess being judgemental twats in this case is acceptable because most of these guys are white and male.

How does it feel to be the same mentally as a high school bully?

Is there some rule that we all have to like people just because they are white and male, even if he is an ignorant, unaccomplished, aggressive, and hateful little asshole? Don't these idiots complain about "Chads," who oftentimes seem to be portrayed by them as white males?

BTW: Threatening and killing people just because one does not have a good sex life is really, really not cool.

killing people is usually not cool, except of course in cases of self defense or war.

No one has to like anyone, however it seems nowadays the focus is on ruining people or punishing them instead of trying to help them.

And to be honest, for most of these guys, it's NO sex life.

Maybe, but I seriously doubt that these guys would accept or cooperate with any help offered. Their statements are arrogant and angry and express an attitude that the world, particularly the female half, owes them something.

And no one has done anything to anyone of them who has not committed a crime.

Considering "owes me something" is the progressive mantra, I would think you would like these guys....

What does the term "pregressive mantra" mean? Either heterosexuals respect each other and get along together or they don't. Love and friendship need to prevail so that heterosexuality can continue.

You sound like a believer in patriarchy and male supremacy, which are the exact opposite of living and honoring a heterosexual lifestyle.

This is what we like to call "over-analysing the situation"

It figures you try to impart ivory tower social paradigms onto reality. It's the progressive way.

And more balkanization, another progressive trope.

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