CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Sell Federal Land To Build The Wall

Reagan agreed to amnesty for 3 million in exchange for a wall and got nothing.
No more amnesty, no more bullshit! Build a wall!

The spreading of such bullshit shows either IGNORANCE or outright LYING.

In 1986, when Reagan granted amnesty, the "exchange" was NOT a fucking wall, but FUNDING and ENFORCEMENT of border patrol manpower and policies......

Under Obama, the number of border agents was DOUBLED.
Absolute nonsense. Comparing duck and cover drills to protecting the border is a non sequitur.

I do recall duck and cover drills as a child in CA...but that was for earthquake preparedness.
I actually remember them, and I remember my mother was terrified, but she was of the WWII generation and knew men killed, and her own brother never recovered from PTSD.

But the shame of this nonsense is Trump's pathetic comparison to actual emergencies and the courage of Americans, not that illegal immigration isn't a problem, but this disagreement is now about Trump trying to save what passes for his presidency from the criticism of Coulter and Rushbo, and the dems sensing an opportunity to draw blood. And neither side is actually pursuing border security.

I like Ted Cruz's proposed legislation that would use assets seized from drug lords (i.e. El Chapo) to pay for the wall.

Civil forfeiture is a slippery slope that seems a gold mine for law enforcement. But money seized for el chapo or cartels ... I don't much care. But the wall is just a political issue. We need more courts, more deporations, and places to humanely house families that come here until they can be kicked out ... legally. And some added barriers seem to be supported by non-political immigration folks.

The wall most certainly is NOT just a political issue. The Dems supported it in 2006 and 2012 for over $25B of funding that they now refuse to appropriate. One can find Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary etc. making statements in the past regarding stopping illegal immigration and securing our borders. They have turned our national security into a stupid Tump-bashing circus.

In RealityLand, people like the families of Cpl. Singh and Kate Steinle understand who really pays when the border is unprotected: regular everyday people who are not protected in walled off estates with bodyguards.
Absolute nonsense. Comparing duck and cover drills to protecting the border is a non sequitur.

I do recall duck and cover drills as a child in CA...but that was for earthquake preparedness.
I actually remember them, and I remember my mother was terrified, but she was of the WWII generation and knew men killed, and her own brother never recovered from PTSD.

But the shame of this nonsense is Trump's pathetic comparison to actual emergencies and the courage of Americans, not that illegal immigration isn't a problem, but this disagreement is now about Trump trying to save what passes for his presidency from the criticism of Coulter and Rushbo, and the dems sensing an opportunity to draw blood. And neither side is actually pursuing border security.

I like Ted Cruz's proposed legislation that would use assets seized from drug lords (i.e. El Chapo) to pay for the wall.

Civil forfeiture is a slippery slope that seems a gold mine for law enforcement. But money seized for el chapo or cartels ... I don't much care. But the wall is just a political issue. We need more courts, more deporations, and places to humanely house families that come here until they can be kicked out ... legally. And some added barriers seem to be supported by non-political immigration folks.

The wall most certainly is NOT just a political issue. The Dems supported it in 2006 and 2012 for over $25B of funding that they now refuse to appropriate. One can find Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary etc. making statements in the past regarding stopping illegal immigration and securing our borders. They have turned our national security into a stupid Tump-bashing circus.

In RealityLand, people like the families of Cpl. Singh and Kate Steinle understand who really pays when the border is unprotected: regular everyday people who are not protected in walled off estates with bodyguards.

Trump made it his signature issue and nobody made him.
And factually you are incorrect
Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Wow! I don't have to debunk anything. That link says absolutely nothing.

The bias is readily apparent in it as well. Would you like me to point out the biased parts for you, or are you smart enough to find them yourself?
Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."
Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.
Last edited:
Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

There is a huge difference between border fencing and a border wall.
Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

There is a huge difference between border fencing and a border wall.
in 2006 it was also limited walls, around 700 miles i believe. (have to go look) use drones as well to supplement manpower and more walls.
Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush." Fact check: Did Democrats once support border wall?

And the same amount Trump is asking.

This is what they voted for in 2006:
$4.10 in 2006 → $5.11 in 2018
$4.10 in 2006 → 2018 | Inflation Calculator
Trump can sell his mothers house- but before he can spend a dime he HAS TO GO THROUGH CONGRESS.

how long is it going to take dumbass Trumpdrones to get that through their goddamn head ?
Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush." Fact check: Did Democrats once support border wall?

And the same amount Trump is asking.

This is what they voted for in 2006:
$4.10 in 2006 → $5.11 in 2018
$4.10 in 2006 → 2018 | Inflation Calculator

and no Reagan

Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush." Fact check: Did Democrats once support border wall?

And the same amount Trump is asking.

This is what they voted for in 2006:
$4.10 in 2006 → $5.11 in 2018
$4.10 in 2006 → 2018 | Inflation Calculator

and no Reagan


In case you didn't notice: Reagan's term was up before 2006. :rolleyes:

Are you really that derp, or do you just play it on the internet?
Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush." Fact check: Did Democrats once support border wall?

And the same amount Trump is asking.

This is what they voted for in 2006:
$4.10 in 2006 → $5.11 in 2018
$4.10 in 2006 → 2018 | Inflation Calculator

and no Reagan


In case you didn't notice: Reagan's term was up before 2006. :rolleyes:

Are you really that derp, or do you just play it on the internet?

you STFU too... the claim was REAGAN APPROVED A WALL.

keep up or fuk off.
Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush." Fact check: Did Democrats once support border wall?

And the same amount Trump is asking.

This is what they voted for in 2006:
$4.10 in 2006 → $5.11 in 2018
$4.10 in 2006 → 2018 | Inflation Calculator

and no Reagan


In case you didn't notice: Reagan's term was up before 2006. :rolleyes:

Are you really that derp, or do you just play it on the internet?

you STFU too... the claim was REAGAN APPROVED A WALL.

keep up or fuk off.


S.1200 - 99th Congress (1985-1986): Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants
I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush." Fact check: Did Democrats once support border wall?

And the same amount Trump is asking.

This is what they voted for in 2006:
$4.10 in 2006 → $5.11 in 2018
$4.10 in 2006 → 2018 | Inflation Calculator

and no Reagan


In case you didn't notice: Reagan's term was up before 2006. :rolleyes:

Are you really that derp, or do you just play it on the internet?

you STFU too... the claim was REAGAN APPROVED A WALL.

keep up or fuk off.

View attachment 239039

S.1200 - 99th Congress (1985-1986): Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants
from the 2nd link:

"Robinson says Reagan's own diaries show the president found the idea of a militantly staffed border fence difficult to take. In a private meeting with then-President Jose Lopez Portillo of Mexico in 1979, Reagan wrote that he hoped to discuss how the United States and Mexico could make the border "something other than the location for a fence.""

not sure where this shows that reagan wanted a wall or this was part of the overall deal.
Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

There is a huge difference between border fencing and a border wall.

Such as-?
I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush." Fact check: Did Democrats once support border wall?

And the same amount Trump is asking.

This is what they voted for in 2006:
$4.10 in 2006 → $5.11 in 2018
$4.10 in 2006 → 2018 | Inflation Calculator

and no Reagan


In case you didn't notice: Reagan's term was up before 2006. :rolleyes:

Are you really that derp, or do you just play it on the internet?

you STFU too... the claim was REAGAN APPROVED A WALL.

keep up or fuk off.

View attachment 239039

S.1200 - 99th Congress (1985-1986): Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants
also - the simpson-mazzoli act is kinda a bait and switch to be honest. reagan was after tighter border security and reagan wanted to go after people who hire illegals. he agreed to amnesty and what he wanted was stripped out.

as far as i know reagan was never going for a wall. the R's did get screwed on the tighter controls and the dems are out to do that again and it needs to stop. we'll see how far trump is willing to take this.
Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

There is a huge difference between border fencing and a border wall.

Such as-?

A fence is a usually wooden or metal structure that encloses a yard, pasture, or other area. ... The difference between a fence and a wall is that you can almost always see through a fence, at least to some degree, while a wall is solid.
fence - Dictionary Definition :

not that you would understand complex thought .........

Fact Check? Okay. Challenge Accepted.

Do you ever even read your own citation, moron?

Share The Facts

Mick Mulvaney
Director, Office of Management and Budget

"We don't understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against [President Trump's border wall]. They voted for it in 2006."

I did! They in no way supported the "misleading" assessment.

I don't suppose you'd must be younger..I'm sorry.

"Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”"

"At the surface level, it is true in a broad sense that Democrats including Schumer, Obama and Clinton have in the past supported border fencing. All three voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, and all three supported the 2013 Senate immigration overhaul that passed the Senate, and which called for tougher border security including some additional fencing."

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

So yeah, they did vote for it in 2006 and you and fact check can fuck off, dumbass.

There is a huge difference between border fencing and a border wall.

Such as-?

A fence is a usually wooden or metal structure that encloses a yard, pasture, or other area. ... The difference between a fence and a wall is that you can almost always see through a fence, at least to some degree, while a wall is solid.
fence - Dictionary Definition :

not that you would understand complex thought .........

i have a wooden fence around my yard. you'd be hard pressed to see through it.
The U.S. Coast Guard has been involved in plenty of massive drug seizures in its history, but one from 2007 is one of the biggest drug busts in U.S. history. In cooperation with Panama’s government, a Coast Guard ship stopped and searched a container ship, and discovered more than 42,000 pounds of cocaine worth $350 million.

One of the biggest drug busts Florida has ever seen was straight out of a movie. A brother-sister duo, a quiet suburb, and a false attic wall hiding $24 million in cash made trafficking marijuana. The seizure also helped police shut down business specializing in selling marijuana horticulture supplies.

Nebraska might not be among the states with the most opioid abuse, but apparently, it’s a way station along the route to those places. During a routine traffic stop near Kearney, Neb., state troopers found 118 pounds of fentanyl, which is enough to kill 26 million people when you consider two milligrams is a potentially fatal dose.

In the world of drug enforcement, it pays to be patient. A DEA surveillance operation tracked two men, which led authorities to a Bronx apartment with $8 million worth of heroin and other drug paraphernalia inside. That’s a big bust in a big city, but it’s far from being one of the biggest drug busts in U.S. history.

So where did you mention container ships from Mexico?

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