Confirmed! Rich People Live Off The Work Of Others!

Quick! Get the torches and pitchforks! To Mr. Burns' house!


Maybe they should burn Mr. Burns' house.

Better yet, they should make him pay his fair share of taxes.
Yeah. "Fair share" is a bullshit term that class-envious losers came up with to justify theft.

Anyway, people like you won't go do the stealing yourself. You just elect others to hire people with guns to do it for you. I might actually respect you if you had the balls to do the dirty work yourself.

People like you seem very angry and frightened.

Taxes aren't "stealing". The power to tax is a fundamental power of government. In our case, it's part of our constitution.

If you're not happy about it, there are other places you could live, besides my country.
Quick! Get the torches and pitchforks! To Mr. Burns' house!


Maybe they should burn Mr. Burns' house.

Better yet, they should make him pay his fair share of taxes.
Yeah. "Fair share" is a bullshit term that class-envious losers came up with to justify theft.

Anyway, people like you won't go do the stealing yourself. You just elect others to hire people with guns to do it for you. I might actually respect you if you had the balls to do the dirty work yourself.

Find me an economists that states that income inequality is good in a capitalistic society.
You'll have a very hard time, unless you can find some biased tool.
Over 70% of the US economy is driven by consumer spending. Our economy is having a very tough time recovering from the last recession because consumers aren't spending!

Graph 1, represents the working classes share of the National Income.
Graph 2, represents the very sharp divide of income and increase of the income gap in the US.
Will someone explain how the US consumer driven economy is going to fully recover when a huge majority of the consumer class is losing expendable income to participate in the US economy because of flat wage growth that is falling behind inflation?

People calling this "class envy" have drank too much Kool-Aid based on that tired old claim. of "class envy". It's a fact that the working class has dramatically lost it's share of the National Income. It's also a fact that the National Income has grown. One would think that the working class would at least stay even regarding their share of the National Income but it hasn't. And because the working class isn't happy about it,,it's "class envy". Some people are really naive.
The working class is supposed to be good little workers and just be happy that they have been factually losing out in the US economy. Yeah, that's the ticket!
Maybe they should burn Mr. Burns' house.

Better yet, they should make him pay his fair share of taxes.
Yeah. "Fair share" is a bullshit term that class-envious losers came up with to justify theft.

Anyway, people like you won't go do the stealing yourself. You just elect others to hire people with guns to do it for you. I might actually respect you if you had the balls to do the dirty work yourself.
People like you seem very angry and frightened.
I am angry about pissant nothings that think they have some God-given right to my money. The fear is simply your projecting.
Taxes aren't "stealing". The power to tax is a fundamental power of government. In our case, it's part of our constitution.
So was slavery.

Because it is in the Constitution means I'm supposed to agree with it? Not likely. Try another argument.
If you're not happy about it, there are other places you could live, besides my country.
Ah, the "love it or leave it" argument. I'm more accustomed to hearing that from righties. Any port in a storm, I guess.

It isn't exclusively your country, son. My family fought and died for her, and I'll be staying right here, so kindly fuck off.
Maybe they should burn Mr. Burns' house.

Better yet, they should make him pay his fair share of taxes.
Yeah. "Fair share" is a bullshit term that class-envious losers came up with to justify theft.

Anyway, people like you won't go do the stealing yourself. You just elect others to hire people with guns to do it for you. I might actually respect you if you had the balls to do the dirty work yourself.

Find me an economists that states that income inequality is good in a capitalistic society.
You'll have a very hard time, unless you can find some biased tool.
Over 70% of the US economy is driven by consumer spending. Our economy is having a very tough time recovering from the last recession because consumers aren't spending!

Graph 1, represents the working classes share of the National Income.
Graph 2, represents the very sharp divide of income and increase of the income gap in the US.
Will someone explain how the US consumer driven economy is going to fully recover when a huge majority of the consumer class is losing expendable income to participate in the US economy because of flat wage growth that is falling behind inflation?

People calling this "class envy" have drank too much Kool-Aid based on that tired old claim. of "class envy". It's a fact that the working class has dramatically lost it's share of the National Income. It's also a fact that the National Income has grown. One would think that the working class would at least stay even regarding their share of the National Income but it hasn't. And because the working class isn't happy about it,,it's "class envy". Some people are really naive.
The working class is supposed to be good little workers and just be happy that they have been factually losing out in the US economy. Yeah, that's the ticket!
So what's your solution? Using the tax regime to "balance out" class disparities?
Take an average, middle- class tax payer, like myself. The average household income in the US is $50k. I happen to be sel-employed, so I pay both sides of the payroll tax- a total of about 15%. The property tax rate, in my part of the world, is between 2.5 and 3%, and an average home is around $200,000 - maybe a bit more. Say $5000 per year. So far, I'm at 25%. Sales tax is 8.25, and I spend most of what I make. So I'm at maybe 30% before I pay a dime in Federal income tax - and I pay income tax on top of that.

Now take someone who makes, say, $10 million a year, and lives in a million dollar house. His property tax might be $25,000, or 0.25%. If his money is unearned - capital gains, for example - he pays 0% in payroll taxes.

So far we're at 0.25% vs. 25%.

How is that fair?

Why in the world should ordinary working folks have to the leisure class moaning about being taxed "too much"?
Take an average, middle- class tax payer, like myself. The average household income in the US is $50k. I happen to be sel-employed, so I pay both sides of the payroll tax- a total of about 15%. The property tax rate, in my part of the world, is between 2.5 and 3%, and an average home is around $200,000 - maybe a bit more. Say $5000 per year. So far, I'm at 25%. Sales tax is 8.25, and I spend most of what I make. So I'm at maybe 30% before I pay a dime in Federal income tax - and I pay income tax on top of that.

Now take someone who makes, say, $10 million a year, and lives in a million dollar house. His property tax might be $25,000, or 0.25%. If his money is unearned - capital gains, for example - he pays 0% in payroll taxes.

So far we're at 0.25% vs. 25%.

How is that fair?

Why in the world should ordinary working folks have to the leisure class moaning about being taxed "too much"?
Why should we differentiate at all? Call it 5% across the board on all income above $20,000, no exceptions, no deductions, no credits.
Yeah. "Fair share" is a bullshit term that class-envious losers came up with to justify theft.

Anyway, people like you won't go do the stealing yourself. You just elect others to hire people with guns to do it for you. I might actually respect you if you had the balls to do the dirty work yourself.
People like you seem very angry and frightened.
I am angry about pissant nothings that think they have some God-given right to my money. The fear is simply your projecting.
Taxes aren't "stealing". The power to tax is a fundamental power of government. In our case, it's part of our constitution.
So was slavery.

Because it is in the Constitution means I'm supposed to agree with it? Not likely. Try another argument.
If you're not happy about it, there are other places you could live, besides my country.
Ah, the "love it or leave it" argument. I'm more accustomed to hearing that from righties. Any port in a storm, I guess.

It isn't exclusively your country, son. My family fought and died for her, and I'll be staying right here, so kindly fuck off.

Well, at least you sort of contributed something substantive this time.

You don't have to be happy paying taxes - you just have to pay them. You can call it stealing all day long. But the roads, the schools and everything else in this country wasn't built by volunteer labor, and you didn't build them. So long as you want to be part of this country, and enjoy the advantages, you have to pay your taxes.

You don't have to agree with the constitution, but you do have to follow the law.
That's sort of the point. The people who work - the profit creators - have jobs. They work. The rich, on the other hand - the profit takers - don't work. At least, not unless they feel like it.

Like most middle income Americans, I have a job. I work. The richest of the rich, on the other hand, mostly don't. They consume.

Now I understand your point.
Yer whining because you didn't win the sperm lottery of being born rich.
There are steps you can take so that your children win that lottery.
Those children will have to put up with jealous people like you though.

Who said I was jealous?
I'm pretty sure that was me.

Unfortunately, the reality is that not everyone can be rich, because then no work would get done, and there'd be no one for the rich to live off of.
Alternatively, if everybody in the entire world was rich, we'd all have to build our own houses and make our own cars.
You don't have to be happy paying taxes - you just have to pay them. You can call it stealing all day long. But the roads, the schools and everything else in this country wasn't built by volunteer labor, and you didn't build them. So long as you want to be part of this country, and enjoy the advantages, you have to pay your taxes.
Most of those things were built without any income taxes....They were financed by either excises (i.e. fuel taxes) and property taxes and fees.

Face it, you're just a small, envious little wretch.
Unfortunately, the reality is that not everyone can be rich... the same time.

But maybe if sniveling, covetous little cryasses put half as much as much energy into accumulating some wealth, rather than bitching that someone else has more than you, then perhaps you could work your way into the wealthier quintile.

But that would mean becoming what you currently detest, and we as humans have all sorts of self-sabotaging defense mechanisms to prevent such things from happening.

Oh well...Better you than me.
What is stopping anyone from starting a business and being a capitalist?

(Emphasis added.)

There are quite a few answers that could be offered to that question, such as lack of overwhelming ability and drive, lack of a good business concept in a highly competitive economy where only the best succeed, etc. That sort of thing stops MOST people from doing it.

What I'll point out, though, is that there is a big difference in meaning between the words "anyone" and "everyone." Even if it were true that "anyone" can start a business and become a capitalist (which it ain't), it still wouldn't be true that everyone could.
Now I understand your point.
Yer whining because you didn't win the sperm lottery of being born rich.

No. You don't understand his point at all. The above certainly is NOT it.

It's quite revealing that every time a liberal posts something about social injustice and/or economic inequity, conservatives respond by treating it as if it were a personal -- as opposed to moral -- complaint.

What that says to me is that conservatives are for the most part selfish, self-centered, narcissistic people with no sense of civic responsibility whatsoever, and because of this that's the only way they can interpret anyone else's arguments. The consistent misunderstanding says a lot more about you than it does about us.
What is stopping anyone from starting a business and being a capitalist?

(Emphasis added.)

There are quite a few answers that could be offered to that question, such as lack of overwhelming ability and drive, lack of a good business concept in a highly competitive economy where only the best succeed, etc. That sort of thing stops MOST people from doing it.

What I'll point out, though, is that there is a big difference in meaning between the words "anyone" and "everyone." Even if it were true that "anyone" can start a business and become a capitalist (which it ain't), it still wouldn't be true that everyone could.
Oh, joy!...More irrelevant parsing and semantic digressions from teh spread the wealth around bunch!

My cup runneth under. :rolleyes:
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Now I understand your point.
Yer whining because you didn't win the sperm lottery of being born rich.

No. You don't understand his point at all. The above certainly is NOT it.

It's quite revealing that every time a liberal posts something about social injustice and/or economic inequity, conservatives respond by treating it as if it were a personal -- as opposed to moral -- complaint.

What that says to me is that conservatives are for the most part selfish, self-centered, narcissistic people with no sense of civic responsibility whatsoever, and because of this that's the only way they can interpret anyone else's arguments. The consistent misunderstanding says a lot more about you than it does about us.
Go fuck yourself, you self-righteous Marxist hack.

Why don't y'all exhibit some backbone and go wave a gun in your neighbor's face and sack his home, under the pretext that some sainted poooooooor schlubb deserves the fruits of his labor and thrift more.

goddamit there's absolutely no end to you pricks!
Now I understand your point.
Yer whining because you didn't win the sperm lottery of being born rich.

No. You don't understand his point at all. The above certainly is NOT it.

It's quite revealing that every time a liberal posts something about social injustice and/or economic inequity, conservatives respond by treating it as if it were a personal -- as opposed to moral -- complaint.
Nice absolute there.
Oh wait, more follows below.

What that says to me is that conservatives are for the most part selfish, self-centered, narcissistic people with no sense of civic responsibility whatsoever, and because of this that's the only way they can interpret anyone else's arguments. The consistent misunderstanding says a lot more about you than it does about us.
Speaking of "consistent misunderstanding" I find your false interpretation of conservatives to be quite interesting. Where did you learn that?
Now I understand your point.
Yer whining because you didn't win the sperm lottery of being born rich.
There are steps you can take so that your children win that lottery.
Those children will have to put up with jealous people like you though.

Who said I was jealous?
I'm pretty sure that was me.

Unfortunately, the reality is that not everyone can be rich, because then no work would get done, and there'd be no one for the rich to live off of.
Alternatively, if everybody in the entire world was rich, we'd all have to build our own houses and make our own cars.

On the other hand, if you had to do everything for yourself, you might as well be poor.
So why is it that our tax code favors income gotten through speculation over honest work?
Who said I was jealous?
I'm pretty sure that was me.

Unfortunately, the reality is that not everyone can be rich, because then no work would get done, and there'd be no one for the rich to live off of.
Alternatively, if everybody in the entire world was rich, we'd all have to build our own houses and make our own cars.

On the other hand, if you had to do everything for yourself, you might as well be poor.

Yer starting to get it.
So why is it that our tax code favors income gotten through speculation over honest work?
I'm guessing it has something to do with Congress. Both sides of the aisle.

But keep voting for the same ol' people.

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