Conflict: Sharia and the Constitution

This is just one of the many reasons you Liberals should oppose Sharia Law, or any foreign law for that matter:
Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Homosexual sex is illegal under most interpretations of sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another
Also, this State Law is actually aimed at preventing UN Law and Agenda 21 from supplanting the Constitution. The fact that it also stops Sharia is just a plus.

You think American Judges don't already want to implement Foreign Laws? At least two Supreme Court Justices believe we should follow foreign law.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg is one, I'll leave you to find the other through your own research.

Go ahead, I dare ya' to go look.

Having sex without being married is a crime under Sharia, cheating on your wife, drinking alcohol, fuck I'd be a dead man under those laws.:mad:
This is just one of the many reasons you Liberals should oppose Sharia Law, or any foreign law for that matter:
Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Homosexual sex is illegal under most interpretations of sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another
Also, this State Law is actually aimed at preventing UN Law and Agenda 21 from supplanting the Constitution. The fact that it also stops Sharia is just a plus.

You think American Judges don't already want to implement Foreign Laws? At least two Supreme Court Justices believe we should follow foreign law.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg is one, I'll leave you to find the other through your own research.

Go ahead, I dare ya' to go look.

all treaties take precedence over state law ACCORDING TO the constitution.

but please fauxrage some more.
1. "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has just put out an Action Alert that takes direct aim at the Constitution of the United States.

2. At issue is the Michigan state legislature’s House Bill No. 4769, which looks likely to pass in coming days. Quite simply, that bill states that no foreign law may take precedence over American law or Michigan state law in a Michigan court room.

a. The key provision of the bill is Section 2, which says:

“A court, arbitrator, administrative agency, or other adjudicative, mediation, or enforcement authority shall not enforce a foreign law if doing so would violate a right guaranteed by the constitution of this state or of the United States.”

3. So why would CAIR call on its members to oppose legislation that protects all American citizens, upholds the U.S. Constitution and in no way interferes with the right of any individual to freely exercise his or her religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment?

4. CAIR (a Muslim Brotherhood front group) points to the answer in its own words. Its Action Alert decries “discrimination on followers of a minority faith” and terms the legislation “anti-Islam,” even though there is no mention of Islam or any other faith in the what way is such legislation “anti-Islam”?

5. It would seem that CAIR is saying that Islam is not just a religion, but ...Islam is also a “complete way of life,” encompassing a legal, military, political, and social system. The name of that “complete way of life” is sharia (Islamic law), which governs every aspect of a Muslim’s life and actually forbids a separation between faith and governance.

6. ...sharia-adherent Muslims cannot accept that sharia provisions that conflict with U.S. law be superseded by Constitutional law in American courts is precisely the notion that Islamic law must dominate all other laws on earth in every respect.

7. ...elements of sharia that are utterly antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

8. ...mandates legal inequality between Muslims and non-Muslims, and between men and women. Sharia also imposes barbaric, mutilating punishments for theft, flogging for “fornication” and the death penalty for adultery, apostasy, homosexuality and, in some cases, slander/blasphemy.

9. ...a careful reading of Michigan’s House Bill No. 4769 will confirm, this legislation actually provides assurance that American Muslim families are afforded the same constitutional protections and liberties as other Americans.

10. Muslim Americans, many of whom came to the U.S. to escape the oppressive rule of sharia in their home nations, are no less deserving of the protections of American law than other Americans born into the privilege of living in a free country where faith and state are kept separated by law."
CAIR-Michigan Goes After the U.S. Constitution | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam

Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science. The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.” Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.

"Oppose the Discriminatory Michigan House Bill 4769:
ADC Michigan joins the voices of State Representatives John Olumba (D-Detroit), Harvey Santana (D-Detroit), Rashida Tlaib (D-Detroit) and other State Representatives, ACLU-MI, and CAIR-MI in condemning the recent bill, HB 4769,..."
Oppose the Discriminatory Michigan House Bill 4769: | ADC Michigan

Your cutting and pasting skills remain unmatched, and you repeat catch phrases from other sites with great aplomb.

There is zero danger of Sharia criminal law ever supplanting current criminal code and jurisprudence in the US.

Bills like these are like your masturbatory, self-indulgent posts: unnecessary posturing about ghosts that only live in your head.

I'd ask you to be less stupid, but that would be impolite.

So you are unable to find even a single error in the OP?
Not one?

I didn't comment on any errors. Are you psych meds causing you cognitive dissonance again?
Let me spoon-feed this to you: the bill is in support of a document memorializing American values and laws, the United States Constitution....and a certain group is demanding that the bill be defeated.

For reasons that I've already stated: it's empty posturing and a waste of the legislative body's (and the people of Michigan's) time and money.
You have not commented on what the very title of the OP proclaims: a conflict in ideas.

Because it's glaring obvious to anyone familiar with both that they conflict. You may as well have entitled it, "The Sun Rises in the East, Sets in the West"
To the point, the provenance of your feeble attack is really directed at me...and, had I not wounded you seriously in previous posts.....there would be no reason for your jejune post.

Isn't that the case?

It's directed at the nonsensical subject matter, and it could never really be directed at you.

After all, you didn't write the OP. You just cut, pasted and took catchphrases from other sites. But then, that's all you've ever done.
So...keep on attempting, not analysis, discussion, or debate, but the silliness that reveals you gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to those deserving of cruelty can provide.

Welcome to Ouch-town, bro…Population: you.

LOL! You posted bullshit. Only someone as unhinged as you would expect bullshit to be 'debated'.

But then, you parade your stupidity up and down this forum on a daily basis.

Nothing new there.
um... sweetheart, where do you see sharia law being applied in this country?

and before you answer, i'll point out that there are jewish religious courts which arbitrate civil matters between jews who consent to that type of rabbinical counsel (they also grant religious divorces);

and the cathoilc church grants anullments and divorces in religious marriages.

Care to comment on the OP? CAIR is opposed to a law that does nothing but stipulate that the Constitution takes precedence and can not be over ruled by foreign law. Care to comment on THAT?

It's irrelevant posturing about a non-existent threat.

Sharia criminal does not and cannot exist in this country.

So very sorry....but looks like I'll have to eviscerate another of your posts....

"a June 2011 Center for Security Policy study demonstrated, Islamic law (sharia) is present already in the U.S. legal system in a significant way.

The data presented in the “Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases” study documented a total of 50 cases from 23 different states involving a “conflict of law” between sharia and American state law. Sharia-based legal conventions or decisions from 16 foreign countries had been brought to bear upon these 50 cases."
Shariah in American Courts

Now...which was it....were you the look-out at Pearl Harbor....

...or a member of the Anwar Sadad Security Team?

Keep up the good work. y'hear!
Your cutting and pasting skills remain unmatched, and you repeat catch phrases from other sites with great aplomb.

There is zero danger of Sharia criminal law ever supplanting current criminal code and jurisprudence in the US.

Bills like these are like your masturbatory, self-indulgent posts: unnecessary posturing about ghosts that only live in your head.

I'd ask you to be less stupid, but that would be impolite.

So you are unable to find even a single error in the OP?
Not one?

I didn't comment on any errors. Are you psych meds causing you cognitive dissonance again?

For reasons that I've already stated: it's empty posturing and a waste of the legislative body's (and the people of Michigan's) time and money.

Because it's glaring obvious to anyone familiar with both that they conflict. You may as well have entitled it, "The Sun Rises in the East, Sets in the West"
To the point, the provenance of your feeble attack is really directed at me...and, had I not wounded you seriously in previous posts.....there would be no reason for your jejune post.

Isn't that the case?

It's directed at the nonsensical subject matter, and it could never really be directed at you.

After all, you didn't write the OP. You just cut, pasted and took catchphrases from other sites. But then, that's all you've ever done.
So...keep on attempting, not analysis, discussion, or debate, but the silliness that reveals you gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to those deserving of cruelty can provide.

Welcome to Ouch-town, bro…Population: you.

LOL! You posted bullshit. Only someone as unhinged as you would expect bullshit to be 'debated'.

But then, you parade your stupidity up and down this forum on a daily basis.

Nothing new there.

Oooo....the anger is palbable...

...really got to you, huh?


Get ready for more.
Care to comment on the OP? CAIR is opposed to a law that does nothing but stipulate that the Constitution takes precedence and can not be over ruled by foreign law. Care to comment on THAT?

It's irrelevant posturing about a non-existent threat.

Sharia criminal does not and cannot exist in this country.

So very sorry....but looks like I'll have to eviscerate another of your posts....

Oh, boy! Let's see how that turns out, shall we?
"a June 2011 Center for Security Policy study demonstrated, Islamic law (sharia) is present already in the U.S. legal system in a significant way.

The data presented in the “Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases” study documented a total of 50 cases from 23 different states involving a “conflict of law” between sharia and American state law. Sharia-based legal conventions or decisions from 16 foreign countries had been brought to bear upon these 50 cases."
Shariah in American Courts

Holy crap! They actually conflict? Too bad I've never said they don't and actually stated that they do.

Not only that, but I specifically mentioned criminal law, what you've linked to involved civil cases.

Yay! More irrelevancy from you. You don't even bother to read what you link to.
Now...which was it....were you the look-out at Pearl Harbor....

...or a member of the Anwar Sadad Security Team?

Keep up the good work. y'hear!

Please, for the sake of the board, hire someone to pull your head out of your ass.

It may require heavy equipment, but I'll be happy to chip in, oh, $4.
um... sweetheart, where do you see sharia law being applied in this country?

and before you answer, i'll point out that there are jewish religious courts which arbitrate civil matters between jews who consent to that type of rabbinical counsel (they also grant religious divorces);

and the cathoilc church grants anullments and divorces in religious marriages.

Care to comment on the OP? CAIR is opposed to a law that does nothing but stipulate that the Constitution takes precedence and can not be over ruled by foreign law. Care to comment on THAT?

there isn't anything about the o/p worthy of comment. it's more nonsense from PC.

but it's always amusing to see the people who most fervently shout that their own religion should form the basis of our laws, having apoplexy.

"there isn't anything about the o/p worthy of comment. it's more nonsense from PC. "

So....what does your post mean....that I got you again?
So you are unable to find even a single error in the OP?
Not one?

I didn't comment on any errors. Are you psych meds causing you cognitive dissonance again?

For reasons that I've already stated: it's empty posturing and a waste of the legislative body's (and the people of Michigan's) time and money.

Because it's glaring obvious to anyone familiar with both that they conflict. You may as well have entitled it, "The Sun Rises in the East, Sets in the West"

It's directed at the nonsensical subject matter, and it could never really be directed at you.

After all, you didn't write the OP. You just cut, pasted and took catchphrases from other sites. But then, that's all you've ever done.
So...keep on attempting, not analysis, discussion, or debate, but the silliness that reveals you gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to those deserving of cruelty can provide.

Welcome to Ouch-town, bro…Population: you.

LOL! You posted bullshit. Only someone as unhinged as you would expect bullshit to be 'debated'.

But then, you parade your stupidity up and down this forum on a daily basis.

Nothing new there.

Oooo....the anger is palbable...

...really got to you, huh?


Get ready for more.

LOL! Between your PMs to me with how angry you are and your monkey English, it's no surprise that you're lashing out in public.

Fire your English tutor. The one you have now isn't doing you any favors, but it goes a long way in explaining why you can't write your own OP's, Mrs. Cut & Paste.
This is just one of the many reasons you Liberals should oppose Sharia Law, or any foreign law for that matter:
Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Homosexual sex is illegal under most interpretations of sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another
Also, this State Law is actually aimed at preventing UN Law and Agenda 21 from supplanting the Constitution. The fact that it also stops Sharia is just a plus.

You think American Judges don't already want to implement Foreign Laws? At least two Supreme Court Justices believe we should follow foreign law.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg is one, I'll leave you to find the other through your own research.

Go ahead, I dare ya' to go look.

100% right....this from the original link:

'There’s also no mention of any specific foreign law, just the general proviso that if ever there is a conflict between any foreign law – be it French law, Islamic law, Japanese law, Zambian law or any other – and U.S. and/or Michigan state law, it is the American law and the Michigan law that will prevail.'
fuck um. I am so sick of them muslims whining.

if they want sheira law... move back to where its is practiced. If they are in this country...abide by THIS country's laws.

um... sweetheart, where do you see sharia law being applied in this country?

and before you answer, i'll point out that there are jewish religious courts which arbitrate civil matters between jews who consent to that type of rabbinical counsel (they also grant religious divorces);

and the cathoilc church grants anullments and divorces in religious marriages.

She can't use her brain and think outwards that Jews and Christians are also upset over this. She doesn't understand anything besides hate.
I didn't comment on any errors. Are you psych meds causing you cognitive dissonance again?

For reasons that I've already stated: it's empty posturing and a waste of the legislative body's (and the people of Michigan's) time and money.

Because it's glaring obvious to anyone familiar with both that they conflict. You may as well have entitled it, "The Sun Rises in the East, Sets in the West"

It's directed at the nonsensical subject matter, and it could never really be directed at you.

After all, you didn't write the OP. You just cut, pasted and took catchphrases from other sites. But then, that's all you've ever done.

LOL! You posted bullshit. Only someone as unhinged as you would expect bullshit to be 'debated'.

But then, you parade your stupidity up and down this forum on a daily basis.

Nothing new there.

Oooo....the anger is palbable...

...really got to you, huh?


Get ready for more.

LOL! Between your PMs to me with how angry you are and your monkey English, it's no surprise that you're lashing out in public.

Fire your English tutor. The one you have now isn't doing you any favors, but it goes a long way in explaining why you can't write your own OP's, Mrs. Cut & Paste.

Let's do this in public.

You negged, then wrote to me 2-3 times....I told you that this is a public message board and to keep it in public.

Any suggestion that I am or was at any time angry over your absurd posts is pure projection on your part.

I suggest that any interested folks read your posts in this thread to see said anger.

From day one, you've been nothing but an obnoxious twit straining to be clever.
You bring nothing of substance to the table.
Further, I plan to teach you the lessons you deserve at every opportunity....get it, gnat?
fuck um. I am so sick of them muslims whining.

if they want sheira law... move back to where its is practiced. If they are in this country...abide by THIS country's laws.

um... sweetheart, where do you see sharia law being applied in this country?

and before you answer, i'll point out that there are jewish religious courts which arbitrate civil matters between jews who consent to that type of rabbinical counsel (they also grant religious divorces);

and the cathoilc church grants anullments and divorces in religious marriages.

She can't use her brain and think outwards that Jews and Christians are also upset over this. She doesn't understand anything besides hate.

Oooo....the anger is palbable...

...really got to you, huh?


Get ready for more.

LOL! Between your PMs to me with how angry you are and your monkey English, it's no surprise that you're lashing out in public.

Fire your English tutor. The one you have now isn't doing you any favors, but it goes a long way in explaining why you can't write your own OP's, Mrs. Cut & Paste.

Let's do this in public.

You negged, then wrote to me 2-3 times....I told you that this is a public message board and to keep it in public.

Any suggestion that I am or was at any time angry over your absurd posts is pure projection on your part.

I suggest that any interested folks read your posts in this thread to see said anger.

From day one, you've done nothing but an obnoxious twit straining to be clever.
You bring nothing of substance to the table.
Further, I plan to teach you the lessons you deserve at every opportunity....get it, gnat?

Oh, poor delusional pathologically dishonest little child.

I negged you, and then YOU are the one that started messaging me, you dolt.

Really, your psychosis, coupled with your rank dishonesty, doesn't make for very interesting discussion.

Oh, that's right: you don't engage in rational discourse. You cut and paste from other sites, citing other people's catchphrases as your own, and then expect to be taken seriously.

You make your masters a very fine, fragrant pet, but you're far out of your depth here, poor little thing.
LOL! Between your PMs to me with how angry you are and your monkey English, it's no surprise that you're lashing out in public.

Fire your English tutor. The one you have now isn't doing you any favors, but it goes a long way in explaining why you can't write your own OP's, Mrs. Cut & Paste.

Let's do this in public.

You negged, then wrote to me 2-3 times....I told you that this is a public message board and to keep it in public.

Any suggestion that I am or was at any time angry over your absurd posts is pure projection on your part.

I suggest that any interested folks read your posts in this thread to see said anger.

From day one, you've done nothing but an obnoxious twit straining to be clever.
You bring nothing of substance to the table.
Further, I plan to teach you the lessons you deserve at every opportunity....get it, gnat?

Oh, poor delusional pathologically dishonest little child.

I negged you, and then YOU are the one that started messaging me, you dolt.

Really, your psychosis, coupled with your rank dishonesty, doesn't make for very interesting discussion.

Oh, that's right: you don't engage in rational discourse. You cut and paste from other sites, citing other people's catchphrases as your own, and then expect to be taken seriously.

You make your masters a very fine, fragrant pet, but you're far out of your depth here, poor little thing.

Not only cut and paste, but she declares victory out of nowhere all of the sudden.
Let's do this in public.

You negged, then wrote to me 2-3 times....I told you that this is a public message board and to keep it in public.

Any suggestion that I am or was at any time angry over your absurd posts is pure projection on your part.

I suggest that any interested folks read your posts in this thread to see said anger.

From day one, you've done nothing but an obnoxious twit straining to be clever.
You bring nothing of substance to the table.
Further, I plan to teach you the lessons you deserve at every opportunity....get it, gnat?

Oh, poor delusional pathologically dishonest little child.

I negged you, and then YOU are the one that started messaging me, you dolt.

Really, your psychosis, coupled with your rank dishonesty, doesn't make for very interesting discussion.

Oh, that's right: you don't engage in rational discourse. You cut and paste from other sites, citing other people's catchphrases as your own, and then expect to be taken seriously.

You make your masters a very fine, fragrant pet, but you're far out of your depth here, poor little thing.

Not only cut and paste, but she declares victory out of nowhere all of the sudden.

I really question her mental stability and she possesses an almost narcotic desire to avoid things that have actually been said and concentrate on what no one, in fact, has said.

It's sad, really.
LOL! Between your PMs to me with how angry you are and your monkey English, it's no surprise that you're lashing out in public.

Fire your English tutor. The one you have now isn't doing you any favors, but it goes a long way in explaining why you can't write your own OP's, Mrs. Cut & Paste.

Let's do this in public.

You negged, then wrote to me 2-3 times....I told you that this is a public message board and to keep it in public.

Any suggestion that I am or was at any time angry over your absurd posts is pure projection on your part.

I suggest that any interested folks read your posts in this thread to see said anger.

From day one, you've done nothing but an obnoxious twit straining to be clever.
You bring nothing of substance to the table.
Further, I plan to teach you the lessons you deserve at every opportunity....get it, gnat?

Oh, poor delusional pathologically dishonest little child.

I negged you, and then YOU are the one that started messaging me, you dolt.

Really, your psychosis, coupled with your rank dishonesty, doesn't make for very interesting discussion.

Oh, that's right: you don't engage in rational discourse. You cut and paste from other sites, citing other people's catchphrases as your own, and then expect to be taken seriously.

You make your masters a very fine, fragrant pet, but you're far out of your depth here, poor little thing.

I responded to the neg by telling you to try to confront me in public.

Cut and paste? object to the form of my posts?

Could that be because you have no ability to contend with same?

You've posted. and I punctured same.
Nothing constructive from you.
Nothing correct from you.
You couldn’t be a spell-checker at an M & M factory.

With apologies to Brendan Behan, watching you attempt a coherent post is like watching a Eunuch in a Harem.
He wants to, but just can’t.
Let's do this in public.

You negged, then wrote to me 2-3 times....I told you that this is a public message board and to keep it in public.

Any suggestion that I am or was at any time angry over your absurd posts is pure projection on your part.

I suggest that any interested folks read your posts in this thread to see said anger.

From day one, you've done nothing but an obnoxious twit straining to be clever.
You bring nothing of substance to the table.
Further, I plan to teach you the lessons you deserve at every opportunity....get it, gnat?

Oh, poor delusional pathologically dishonest little child.

I negged you, and then YOU are the one that started messaging me, you dolt.

Really, your psychosis, coupled with your rank dishonesty, doesn't make for very interesting discussion.

Oh, that's right: you don't engage in rational discourse. You cut and paste from other sites, citing other people's catchphrases as your own, and then expect to be taken seriously.

You make your masters a very fine, fragrant pet, but you're far out of your depth here, poor little thing.

Not only cut and paste, but she declares victory out of nowhere all of the sudden.

I asked you for a link for your prevarication.

Where is it?
Oh, poor delusional pathologically dishonest little child.

I negged you, and then YOU are the one that started messaging me, you dolt.

Really, your psychosis, coupled with your rank dishonesty, doesn't make for very interesting discussion.

Oh, that's right: you don't engage in rational discourse. You cut and paste from other sites, citing other people's catchphrases as your own, and then expect to be taken seriously.

You make your masters a very fine, fragrant pet, but you're far out of your depth here, poor little thing.

Not only cut and paste, but she declares victory out of nowhere all of the sudden.

I really question her mental stability and she possesses an almost narcotic desire to avoid things that have actually been said and concentrate on what no one, in fact, has said.

It's sad, really.

So.....where did you two meet?


Truly a match made in Heaven.
I really question her mental stability and she possesses an almost narcotic desire to avoid things that have actually been said and concentrate on what no one, in fact, has said.

It's sad, really.

So.....where did you two meet?


Truly a match made in Heaven.

Damn PC.

[ame=]GoodFellas I'm funny how I mean, funny like I'm a clown - YouTube[/ame]

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