Congratulations President Obama


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Healthcare and insurance reform, Wall Street reform, Food Safety Act, Credit Card Reform, START treaty, first responder healthcare bill, a profitable GM, fair pay act for women, student loan reform, the stimulus, the repeal of DADT, the end of combat in Iraq, the best stock market rise in decades, and the restoration of America's positive image in the world...all in two short years.

Now what will the Republican Congress give us they get in?

Attacks on climate scientists, stem cell research, school boards that believe in evolution, and then they will try to roll back any regulation on insurance companies, oil companies, Wall Street banks, or the wealthy.

I can hardly wait.
Healthcare and insurance reform, Wall Street reform, Food Safety Act, Credit Card Reform, START treaty, first responder healthcare bill, a profitable GM, fair pay act for women, student loan reform, the stimulus, the repeal of DADT, the end of combat in Iraq, the best stock market rise in decades, and the restoration of America's positive image in the world...all in two short years.

Now what will the Republican Congress give us they get in?

Attacks on climate scientists, stem cell research, school boards that believe in evolution, and then they will try to roll back any regulation on insurance companies, oil companies, Wall Street banks, or the wealthy.

I can hardly wait.

Oh gawd, gag me.

some of you need to get off your knees already.

if his policies were "so damn great" why the hell aren't you CONGRATULATING THE COUNTRY.

I'll tell you why. the Obama had a fricken majority to where they could shove all these shit policies down OUR THROATS.

and NEVER forget folks, it' was all done AGAINST the Majority OF people OPPOSSING THEM.
Healthcare and insurance reform, Wall Street reform, Food Safety Act, Credit Card Reform, START treaty, first responder healthcare bill, a profitable GM, fair pay act for women, student loan reform, the stimulus, the repeal of DADT, the end of combat in Iraq, the best stock market rise in decades, and the restoration of America's positive image in the world...all in two short years.
You left out;

1. 10% Unemployment
2. 13 trillion National debt

Merry Christmas!
Healthcare and insurance reform, Wall Street reform, Food Safety Act, Credit Card Reform, START treaty, first responder healthcare bill, a profitable GM, fair pay act for women, student loan reform, the stimulus, the repeal of DADT, the end of combat in Iraq, the best stock market rise in decades, and the restoration of America's positive image in the world...all in two short years.
You left out;

1. 10% Unemployment
2. 13 trillion National debt

Merry Christmas!

:eusa_shhh: they don't WANT TO TALK ABOUT all that small stuff.
I'd imagine a unicellulared organism could pass hundreds of miles of bills with a super majority in both houses. That doesn't necessarily make them good bills. But march on comrades.
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Healthcare and insurance reform, Wall Street reform, Food Safety Act, Credit Card Reform, START treaty, first responder healthcare bill, a profitable GM, fair pay act for women, student loan reform, the stimulus, the repeal of DADT, the end of combat in Iraq, the best stock market rise in decades, and the restoration of America's positive image in the world...all in two short years.

Now what will the Republican Congress give us they get in?

Attacks on climate scientists, stem cell research, school boards that believe in evolution, and then they will try to roll back any regulation on insurance companies, oil companies, Wall Street banks, or the wealthy.

I can hardly wait.

Healthcare and insurance reform..... no one in government knows what's in it

Wall Street reform...... Who cares?

Food Safety Act..... my food tastes the same today as 2 yrs ago

Credit Card Reform........... This one I liked.

START treaty........... If Russia liked it,probably bad for us.

first responder healthcare bill....... Would have passed sooner,Dems had stuff
in there like huge fees for attorneys.
Republicans wanted more of the money to go to
the first responders not the Doctors and lawyers.

the stimulus......, You mean the Joke....If they gave every American
who filed a tax return a year earlier,then gave that
person a tax free check for $100,000.00 it would
have been cheaper and would have accomplished
a lot more.

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Healthcare and insurance reform, Wall Street reform, Food Safety Act, Credit Card Reform, START treaty, first responder healthcare bill, a profitable GM, fair pay act for women, student loan reform, the stimulus, the repeal of DADT, the end of combat in Iraq, the best stock market rise in decades, and the restoration of America's positive image in the world...all in two short years.

Now what will the Republican Congress give us they get in?

Attacks on climate scientists, stem cell research, school boards that believe in evolution, and then they will try to roll back any regulation on insurance companies, oil companies, Wall Street banks, or the wealthy.

I can hardly wait.

Now what will the Republican Congress give us they get in?

Until 2012 all obama will get is no funding for his bullshit then come 2012 repeal of his bullshit agenda. SURPRISE.
C'mon folks, it's Chris we're talking about here. He can't post his endless mindless record temperature hogwash....because it's so damned cold out there so he has to resort to this....rather pathetic call for attention...just leave him be.....really...
Healthcare and insurance reform, Wall Street reform, Food Safety Act, Credit Card Reform, START treaty, first responder healthcare bill, a profitable GM, fair pay act for women, student loan reform, the stimulus, the repeal of DADT, the end of combat in Iraq, the best stock market rise in decades, and the restoration of America's positive image in the world...all in two short years.

Now what will the Republican Congress give us they get in?

Attacks on climate scientists, stem cell research, school boards that believe in evolution, and then they will try to roll back any regulation on insurance companies, oil companies, Wall Street banks, or the wealthy.

I can hardly wait.

The GOP has always been about turning back the clock of progress. They will probably start pushing school boards to teach that the earth is flat, that global warming is only a liberal conspiracy, that God is against stem cell research, force gays back into the closet and that health insurance companies really do only care about you. :lol:

Oh gawd, gag me.

some of you need to get off your knees already.

if his policies were "so damn great" why the hell aren't you CONGRATULATING THE COUNTRY.

I'll tell you why. the Obama had a fricken majority to where they could shove all these shit policies down OUR THROATS.

and NEVER forget folks, it' was all done AGAINST the Majority OF people OPPOSSING THEM.

A "majority" of people are not oppossing them. In fact it's more of a minority. The last 2 years has been an exercise in minority rule. Hopefully January 5th puts an end to that.
Healthcare and insurance reform, Wall Street reform, Food Safety Act, Credit Card Reform, START treaty, first responder healthcare bill, a profitable GM, fair pay act for women, student loan reform, the stimulus, the repeal of DADT, the end of combat in Iraq, the best stock market rise in decades, and the restoration of America's positive image in the world...all in two short years.

Now what will the Republican Congress give us they get in?

Attacks on climate scientists, stem cell research, school boards that believe in evolution, and then they will try to roll back any regulation on insurance companies, oil companies, Wall Street banks, or the wealthy.

I can hardly wait.

The GOP has always been about turning back the clock of progress. They will probably start pushing school boards to teach that the earth is flat, that global warming is only a liberal conspiracy, that God is against stem cell research, force gays back into the closet and that health insurance companies really do only care about you. :lol:


And you call enslavement progress? Seems to me the DNC is still the old party of the south. Keep your slaves fed and housed most don't run away.
Healthcare and insurance reform, Wall Street reform, Food Safety Act, Credit Card Reform, START treaty, first responder healthcare bill, a profitable GM, fair pay act for women, student loan reform, the stimulus, the repeal of DADT, the end of combat in Iraq, the best stock market rise in decades, and the restoration of America's positive image in the world...all in two short years.

Now what will the Republican Congress give us they get in?

Attacks on climate scientists, stem cell research, school boards that believe in evolution, and then they will try to roll back any regulation on insurance companies, oil companies, Wall Street banks, or the wealthy.

I can hardly wait.

Well additionally there's going to be multiple investigations into President Obama's "corruptions". They might even try for impeachment. They are close to shutting down the government..there has been no compromised reached on the budget.

It's going to be an interesting 2 years.
Oh gawd, gag me.

some of you need to get off your knees already.

if his policies were "so damn great" why the hell aren't you CONGRATULATING THE COUNTRY.

I'll tell you why. the Obama had a fricken majority to where they could shove all these shit policies down OUR THROATS.

and NEVER forget folks, it' was all done AGAINST the Majority OF people OPPOSSING THEM.

A "majority" of people are not oppossing them. In fact it's more of a minority. The last 2 years has been an exercise in minority rule. Hopefully January 5th puts an end to that.

REALLY? A majority haven't been strongly, consistently opposing Obamacare for bout a year now?

You sure you wanna go down this road?:lol:
Well seems to be the pattern. The Birchers accused Kennedy of being the Manchurian Candidate for Catholics and a Communist at the same time (go figure).They weren't to kind to LBJ and Carter either. The Conservatives shut down government under Clinton and impeached him. They were saying he wasn't a legitimate president. Pretty much the same thing has been going on now (Believe or not..racism isn't that big a factor). That President Obama isn't legimate.

However, I've never seen it this bad in Congress..but I chalk that up to the radical crop that came under Clinton..and just kept moving further right.
but I chalk that up to the radical crop that came under Clinton..and just kept moving further right.

Frikken Obama and his Comrades in Arms are so FAR LEFT, they are like little Fascist Commie dictators.

yet SOME still want to BLAME THE RIGHT. makes me laugh.

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