Congratulations to the GOP!

Successful politics is still the art of compromise and deal making, not being all or nothing megalomaniacs. An unwillingness to work with democrats on anything is nothing but a recipe for gridlock, do you actually expect different? Standing on principal is a good thing but you have to be able to articulate what the principal is and "because Obama" is not good enough.
Maybe now that Reid has less power to obstruct and run interference for the WH, perhaps something can be done.
Of those 300 bills on the Majority Leader's desk are a number that were bi-partisan, several sponsored by House Democrats, but, because the WH wanted talking points rather than a record they didn't move. Suddenly Jug Ears wants to have a dialog with Congressional GOPers. He is going to have to sign or veto, actually do his damn job. The only Obama who has had a domestic agenda for the last five years has been the Mrs.
Urkle is going to have a legacy, if past is prologue, it will not be favorable.
Incorrect, as usual.

You did at least get the "buddy" part down, though.

All Americans are my buddies — no matter how stupid they may be.

You see, I don't see how you get rid of it at this point.

"Well, we are going to go back to letting Insurance Companies call your cancer a pre-existing condition and yank policies from millions of you after you just got them."

Ain't going to happen.

Now, what the GOP can and probably will do is throw in some crowd-pleasing reforms like getting rid of the medical device and tanning bed tax, and say they 'fixed" ObamaCare.
If they are smart they will pass a replacement for obamacare at a fraction of the cost that brings out of state compitition and covers preexist conditions. Speaker boners bill. :)

Yup and this would work without any Govt in it at all.
The Best Alternative to Obamacare - US News

The Reps were looking at it and lets hope they can implement it.
The house passed all those bills never expecting them to ever come to a vote just so that they could appear to be doing something and have someone to blame for nothing getting done. The real bills that were serious legislation rather than just useless political statements got a vote.
So if they do something it's wrong because they weren't expecting it to pass. If they don't do something they are wrong because they aren't doing anything. The only way to do something right is to hand Democrats everything they want.

America isn't buying it any more.
Successful politics is still the art of compromise and deal making, not being all or nothing megalomaniacs. An unwillingness to work with democrats on anything is nothing but a recipe for gridlock, do you actually expect different? Standing on principal is a good thing but you have to be able to articulate what the principal is and "because Obama" is not good enough.

Yup compromise and deal making which the Dems weren't willing to do at all. They won after all.

Why don't you try and tell us how they will now compromise and work with the GOP??

Jesus your an idiot.
This victory for the party I used to support is huge for America. It is a message as clear as front page headlines... Obama's historic Presidency will forever be labeled as an epic failure. The polls revealed what the media was hiding, America opposes the Obama agenda and quite frankly, they want the office of the Presidency back. We can handle normal Washington noise on the hill, but we can't stomach the disrespect Obama has shown to the office of POTUS

The left train stops here. America will no longer allow Obama to make us the doormat for terrorist and a haven for criminals from Mexico

Lock and load and smoke em if you got em

Why did they elect him twice?
If they are smart they will pass a replacement for obamacare at a fraction of the cost that brings out of state compitition and covers preexist conditions. Speaker boners bill.

If you could spell Boehner's name right, I might be impressed about your knowledge of his proposal.
He has a wierd name as nd i never get it right. Plus i like gingrich better. Johns bill included 75 billion a year for high risk pools to cover uninsurable people. Included buying across state lines to drive prices down. Look at ohios high risk pool that was private and state funded through a great insurance company. Fraction of the cost and federal control of obamacare.
This victory for the party I used to support is huge for America. It is a message as clear as front page headlines... Obama's historic Presidency will forever be labeled as an epic failure. The polls revealed what the media was hiding, America opposes the Obama agenda and quite frankly, they want the office of the Presidency back. We can handle normal Washington noise on the hill, but we can't stomach the disrespect Obama has shown to the office of POTUS

The left train stops here. America will no longer allow Obama to make us the doormat for terrorist and a haven for criminals from Mexico

Lock and load and smoke em if you got em


He has about 4 months for the traitorous democrats to do their dirty work. Sit back and watch as the democrat thwart the will of the people. The democrats have been clearly shown that their way is not the way of the America people but that won't stop them.
Told you all a month ago in my i m peachment thread hed get impeached out of office. Still think im in for butt hurt like you said? :)
They are going to try and fail and waste ten-of-millions of dollars and a lot of time in the process, they can engage in conspiracy theory till the cows come home but impeachment means they have to actually prove their bullshit allegations.

Saying that Obamacare sucks is not a "bullshit allegation".

Kiss it goodbye, motherfucker. :badgrin:
Getting rid of it without putting something better in it's place would be just their speed. Fuck America, we got our political victory and that is all that matters.

Now, now ... the Dummycrats had their chance but they failed miserably. Pretty much ANYTHING is better than more Dumbocrat idiocy.
He has a wierd name as nd i never get it right. Plus i like gingrich better. Johns bill included 75 billion a year for high risk pools to cover uninsurable people. Included buying across state lines to drive prices down. Look at ohios high risk pool that was private and state funded through a great insurance company. Fraction of the cost and federal control of obamacare.

75 Billion wouldn't cover all that much. We are talking about 2 trillion a year that we spend in health care costs.

The best route would be a single payer system like Canada has.
The GOP is not even close to done punishing America for electing a black president and will not be able to resist trying to impeach him no matter the consequences.
Obabble has punished the nation for electing a moron to be president...nothing to do with his skin tone.
Why did they elect him twice?
"No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby." H. L. Mencken
Told you all a month ago in my i m peachment thread hed get impeached out of office. Still think im in for butt hurt like you said? :)
They are going to try and fail and waste ten-of-millions of dollars and a lot of time in the process, they can engage in conspiracy theory till the cows come home but impeachment means they have to actually prove their bullshit allegations.
He has a wierd name as nd i never get it right. Plus i like gingrich better. Johns bill included 75 billion a year for high risk pools to cover uninsurable people. Included buying across state lines to drive prices down. Look at ohios high risk pool that was private and state funded through a great insurance company. Fraction of the cost and federal control of obamacare.

75 Billion wouldn't cover all that much. We are talking about 2 trillion a year that we spend in health care costs.

The best route would be a single payer system like Canada has.
did you miss the part about mostly state funded??? 75 billion from feds covers the short fall why do you think its 75 billion in the bill? Ive seen ohios high risk pool. Ran through medical mutural of ohio private insurance 1500 or 2500 deductable with 3000 out of pocket max for year. 225 average premium cost per month. Better than most insurances. You need to be educated. Ill be your mentor

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