Congratulations to the GOP!

This was a very decisive victory for the GOP. I think they did better than even they predicted. Now the test will come when they need to lead Congress for the next two years. Will they be a shining light to the American voter and prove they are worth of the WH in 2016?

:dev3: NAW!

Let's get realistic here.

The GOP won 8 states* that have a total of 58 electors and less than 10% of the population. Six of them are states they won easily in 2012, and they barely squeaked by. All of them are states they've won at some point.

(*I'm being generous here and giving them Louisiana and Alaska, even though they haven't been called yet.)

so the GOP wins states they never should have lost to start with, after spending millions of dollars to do so, in an election where only 40% of eligible voters participated, and the highest percentage any of them got in a contested state was 56% in Arkansas.

I guess you've never heard of South Carolina, dumbass.
Not really, the outcome was not unexpected but if you think the new GOP controlled senate will work for the betterment of America you are dreaming. There will be no substantial change except it will be the democrats filibustering things while republicans moan that they cannot get anything done.
Wrong. Harry Reid blocked everything from the House. That speed bump has been removed. One more speed bump to go.
This was a very decisive victory for the GOP. I think they did better than even they predicted. Now the test will come when they need to lead Congress for the next two years. Will they be a shining light to the American voter and prove they are worth of the WH in 2016?

:dev3: NAW!

Let's get realistic here.

The GOP won 8 states* that have a total of 58 electors and less than 10% of the population. Six of them are states they won easily in 2012, and they barely squeaked by. All of them are states they've won at some point.

(*I'm being generous here and giving them Louisiana and Alaska, even though they haven't been called yet.)

so the GOP wins states they never should have lost to start with, after spending millions of dollars to do so, in an election where only 40% of eligible voters participated, and the highest percentage any of them got in a contested state was 56% in Arkansas.
Yes, the numbers say this was a probable last gasp rather than a decisive victory. In 2016 after they have shown their collective asses and wasted years of valuable time they will be shown the door again.
Getting rid of it without putting something better in it's place would be just their speed. Fuck America, we got our political victory and that is all that matters.
It had something better. The problem with it was/is too much government involvement as it was. Libs fuck up America and their solutions make it worse.
The "free market" had decades to do something positive and did not.
Incorrect, as usual.

You did at least get the "buddy" part down, though.

All Americans are my buddies — no matter how stupid they may be.

You see, I don't see how you get rid of it at this point.

"Well, we are going to go back to letting Insurance Companies call your cancer a pre-existing condition and yank policies from millions of you after you just got them."

Ain't going to happen.

Now, what the GOP can and probably will do is throw in some crowd-pleasing reforms like getting rid of the medical device and tanning bed tax, and say they 'fixed" ObamaCare.
Not really, the outcome was not unexpected but if you think the new GOP controlled senate will work for the betterment of America you are dreaming. There will be no substantial change except it will be the democrats filibustering things while republicans moan that they cannot get anything done.
Wrong. Harry Reid blocked everything from the House. That speed bump has been removed. One more speed bump to go.
The house passed all those bills never expecting them to ever come to a vote just so that they could appear to be doing something and have someone to blame for nothing getting done. The real bills that were serious legislation rather than just useless political statements got a vote.
The house passed all those bills never expecting them to ever come to a vote just so that they could appear to be doing something and have someone to blame for nothing getting done. The real bills that were serious legislation rather than just useless political statements got a vote.
So if they do something it's wrong because they weren't expecting it to pass. If they don't do something they are wrong because they aren't doing anything. The only way to do something right is to hand Democrats everything they want.

America isn't buying it any more.
Of course, now they have no excuse for not getting anything done.

Get to work guys.
Sure they do.

This prick is still in the White House:

The house passed all those bills never expecting them to ever come to a vote just so that they could appear to be doing something and have someone to blame for nothing getting done. The real bills that were serious legislation rather than just useless political statements got a vote.
So if they do something it's wrong because they weren't expecting it to pass. If they don't do something they are wrong because they aren't doing anything. The only way to do something right is to hand Democrats everything they want.

America isn't buying it any more.
Successful politics is still the art of compromise and deal making, not being all or nothing megalomaniacs. An unwillingness to work with democrats on anything is nothing but a recipe for gridlock, do you actually expect different? Standing on principal is a good thing but you have to be able to articulate what the principal is and "because Obama" is not good enough.
i perceive these butt hurt demodummies will whine for the next two years and if their dear messiah tries the amnasty [sic] thing i believe the GOP will do the impeachment thingy.

presidunce Obola, a socialist commie pig will try everything wrong for America for the next two years.., i hope the grim reaper scares the shit out of him..., very soon. :lmao:
This was a very decisive victory for the GOP. I think they did better than even they predicted. Now the test will come when they need to lead Congress for the next two years. Will they be a shining light to the American voter and prove they are worth of the WH in 2016?

:dev3: NAW!

Let's get realistic here.

The GOP won 8 states* that have a total of 58 electors and less than 10% of the population. Six of them are states they won easily in 2012, and they barely squeaked by. All of them are states they've won at some point.

(*I'm being generous here and giving them Louisiana and Alaska, even though they haven't been called yet.)

so the GOP wins states they never should have lost to start with, after spending millions of dollars to do so, in an election where only 40% of eligible voters participated, and the highest percentage any of them got in a contested state was 56% in Arkansas.
Yes, the numbers say this was a probable last gasp rather than a decisive victory. In 2016 after they have shown their collective asses and wasted years of valuable time they will be shown the door again.
You need an aa sponser badly.
Successful politics is still the art of compromise and deal making, not being all or nothing megalomaniacs. An unwillingness to work with democrats on anything is nothing but a recipe for gridlock, do you actually expect different? Standing on principal is a good thing but you have to be able to articulate what the principal is and "because Obama" is not good enough.
You have cognitive dissonance. The Democrats won't budge an inch and you blame Republicans 100%. Boehner got the sequester passed and expenses went down for the first time in a long time. Now there will be more of the same and we'll see how compromising obama is.
Incorrect, as usual.

You did at least get the "buddy" part down, though.

All Americans are my buddies — no matter how stupid they may be.

You see, I don't see how you get rid of it at this point.

"Well, we are going to go back to letting Insurance Companies call your cancer a pre-existing condition and yank policies from millions of you after you just got them."

Ain't going to happen.

Now, what the GOP can and probably will do is throw in some crowd-pleasing reforms like getting rid of the medical device and tanning bed tax, and say they 'fixed" ObamaCare.
If they are smart they will pass a replacement for obamacare at a fraction of the cost that brings out of state compitition and covers preexist conditions. Speaker boners bill. :)
you notice they can't even just say congratulations.

they still DEMAND things be done for them and their party

the people spoke loud and clear yesterday, SIT DOWN and shut the hell up

It had something better. The problem with it was/is too much government involvement as it was. Libs fuck up America and their solutions make it worse.

We spend more than any other nation and we get the worst results. We did not have somethign "Better".
Followed by something worse being imposed on the country.
I sure didn't expect to have a net gain of seven Senate seats. I thought it would be about four.

I'm shocked, but very happy !


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