Congratulations to the GOP!

He has a wierd name as nd i never get it right. Plus i like gingrich better. Johns bill included 75 billion a year for high risk pools to cover uninsurable people. Included buying across state lines to drive prices down. Look at ohios high risk pool that was private and state funded through a great insurance company. Fraction of the cost and federal control of obamacare.

75 Billion wouldn't cover all that much. We are talking about 2 trillion a year that we spend in health care costs.

The best route would be a single payer system like Canada has.

Are you kidding.

Thats a terrible idea. Having the Govt controlling HC for 300 million Americans?

A Govt that has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history??
He has a wierd name as nd i never get it right. Plus i like gingrich better. Johns bill included 75 billion a year for high risk pools to cover uninsurable people. Included buying across state lines to drive prices down. Look at ohios high risk pool that was private and state funded through a great insurance company. Fraction of the cost and federal control of obamacare.

75 Billion wouldn't cover all that much. We are talking about 2 trillion a year that we spend in health care costs.

The best route would be a single payer system like Canada has.

Are you kidding.

Thats a terrible idea. Having the Govt controlling HC for 300 million Americans?

A Govt that has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history??

Joey likes it because he won't have to be paying for his. He'll get "subsidize" by the rest of the people who PAYS TAXES

Yup and this would work without any Govt in it at all.
The Best Alternative to Obamacare - US News

The Reps were looking at it and lets hope they can implement it.

Are you kidding? That's a HORRIBLE plan. Particularly the part where they want more of us to buy our insurance instead of getting it through employers.

Its a good plan. It opens up insurance to be sold in every State bringing costs down.

  • Open Up a National Health Insurance Market for Us: I am not talking about the kind of government-administered and controlled exchange Mr. Obama favors. I am talking about a regular free market, nationwide. We don't have one now. Instead we have 50 state markets, defined by the mandates and other regulations and restrictions that state insurance commissions impose. In 1987, thanks to persistent ridicule from Reagan Federal Trade Commission chairman Daniel Oliver (now a senior director at the White House Writers Group) and the intervention of a federal court, the state of New York dropped its 50-year ban on selling New Jersey milk in New York City. Milk prices in Manhattan dropped 17 percent. Competition produces better products at lower costs. Regulations have made the health insurance markets of our states no different from the New York City milk market before Chairman Oliver came along. Who but an ideologue can doubt lifting those restrictive regulations can produce the Oliver Effect in health insurance costs, too?

Lets us pick insurance that can cover us and doesn't let the Govtment decide what gets covered and what doesn't.

Not a bad plan in my view at all. Much better than the ACA.
He has a wierd name as nd i never get it right. Plus i like gingrich better. Johns bill included 75 billion a year for high risk pools to cover uninsurable people. Included buying across state lines to drive prices down. Look at ohios high risk pool that was private and state funded through a great insurance company. Fraction of the cost and federal control of obamacare.

75 Billion wouldn't cover all that much. We are talking about 2 trillion a year that we spend in health care costs.

The best route would be a single payer system like Canada has.

Are you kidding.

Thats a terrible idea. Having the Govt controlling HC for 300 million Americans?

A Govt that has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history??

Joey likes it because he won't have to be paying for his. He'll get "subsidize" by the rest of the people who PAYS TAXES

If that so then of course he likes the ACA and that single payer bullshit. He won't have to pay for anything. You and all and all the rest of us will.

Check out the plan I have in my post. Its a good one.
This was a very decisive victory for the GOP. I think they did better than even they predicted. Now the test will come when they need to lead Congress for the next two years. Will they be a shining light to the American voter and prove they are worth of the WH in 2016?

:dev3: NAW!
It really doesn't matter who controls the senate. Nothing will get done.
Because of Obama
Yup... a COMPLETE REPUDIATION of Barry and his PROGTARD MINIONS. Pretty clear now that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans are SICK of the LIBERAL AGENDA, and where the LEFT has been FORCING America AGAINST IT'S WILL.

So now, to anyone out there calling for COMPROMISE, or CAPITULATION, you need to have your HEAD EXAMINED. Now is the time for CONSERVATIVES, who just won BIG BECAUSE they STAND AGAINST OBAMA, for a push back and push back HARD, because that is what the people that elected them are EXPECTING THEM TO DO. Recover your SPINE and GET TO WORK, and if the kenyan goes through with his ILLEGAL EO AMNESTY BY CHRISTMAS, then guarantee him IMPEACHMENT BY NEXT YEAR.

Libtards got TOLD yesterday that America is SICK OF THEM, now it's time to turn the country around.

1) Marriage Amendment, MAN+WOMAN
2) Start Repeal on obamacare
4) Approve Keystone Pipeline
5) Seal the Border
I think folks will be very disappointed with the GOPer (overall lack of) response to amnesty.
The kenyan doesn't even have the constitutional powers to give a blanket amnesty. The GOP better respond quick and decisively with a unified opposition to it, or they're going to burn a lot of the political capitol they have now. It will not sit will with those who just elected them, so if republicans think they have a shot at the white house in 2016, they better keep that in mind.
Bottom line, the GOP won this battle, but the war is far from over. And the changing demographics and social standards (look at marijuana approvals in some states) are going to make the GOP, either change its dogmatic policies and agendas, or cease to exist.

The house passed all those bills never expecting them to ever come to a vote just so that they could appear to be doing something and have someone to blame for nothing getting done. The real bills that were serious legislation rather than just useless political statements got a vote.
So if they do something it's wrong because they weren't expecting it to pass. If they don't do something they are wrong because they aren't doing anything. The only way to do something right is to hand Democrats everything they want.

America isn't buying it any more.
Successful politics is still the art of compromise and deal making, not being all or nothing megalomaniacs. An unwillingness to work with democrats on anything is nothing but a recipe for gridlock, do you actually expect different? Standing on principal is a good thing but you have to be able to articulate what the principal is and "because Obama" is not good enough.
It is hard to compromise with an asshole who has no clue what he is doing. Could you list his qualifications to be president again?
did you miss the part about mostly state funded??? 75 billion from feds covers the short fall why do you think its 75 billion in the bill? Ive seen ohios high risk pool. Ran through medical mutural of ohio private insurance 1500 or 2500 deductable with 3000 out of pocket max for year. 225 average premium cost per month. Better than most insurances. You need to be educated. Ill be your mentor

We spend 2 trillion on medical services. 75 Billion won't cover jack shit for high-risk patients who can't get private insurance.
Are you kidding.

Thats a terrible idea. Having the Govt controlling HC for 300 million Americans?

A Govt that has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history??

You mean other than winning most of our wars, building an interstate highway system, massive infrastructure, national parks.

Every other industrialized country has single payer. They spend 7% of GDP on health care while we spend 17%.
1) Marriage Amendment, MAN+WOMAN
2) Start Repeal on obamacare
4) Approve Keystone Pipeline
5) Seal the Border

1)Sorry. Marriage is over. 33 states now have gay marriage.
2) ObamaCare is here to stay. Deal with it.
3 & 5) You stupid Republican fucks think the GOP is going to stop illegal immigration? Who do you think brought them in to start with.
4) Barry could cancel that tomorrow, and not jack the GOP can do about it. He should.
1) Marriage Amendment, MAN+WOMAN
2) Start Repeal on obamacare
4) Approve Keystone Pipeline
5) Seal the Border

1)Sorry. Marriage is over. 33 states now have gay marriage.
2) ObamaCare is here to stay. Deal with it.
3 & 5) You stupid Republican fucks think the GOP is going to stop illegal immigration? Who do you think brought them in to start with.
4) Barry could cancel that tomorrow, and not jack the GOP can do about it. He should.

1) Sorry, a constitutional amendment would supersede any state law.
2) Sorry again, obamacare will be the first thing under the ax, and fully repealed in '16.
3) Republicans are vowing to stop obama amnesty already, and obama even back pedaled in his speech.
4) A simple majority can over ride anything Barry does, and the pipeline will go forward, with or without the kenyan's approval.
5) Both parties need to seal the border, and stop this obama instigated invasion from third world shit holes.

I'm sure the next few years are going to be real tough on you progrtards. You just can't quite wrap your bubble heads around the fact that the vast majority of Americans are now against you and your little commie messiah. The liberal direction that junior hitler and his henchmen have been forcing America has been roundly rejected. You're not calling the shots anymore. Better figure out how to deal with that. Don't want blood to start shooting out your eyes or something... poor little libtards... :lol:
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1) Sorry, a constitutional amendment would supersede any state law.

Yeah, that ain't ever going to happen with 55% now favoring gay marriage.

2) Sorry again, obamacare will be the first thing under the ax, and fully repealed in '16.

Uh, not really. I mean, are you fucking stupid, or what? First, they have to be able to beat a filibuster, and then a veto. That takes 66 votes. And when Hillary beats Jeb in 2016, it will be permanent.

3) Republicans are vowing to stop obama amnesty already, and obama even back pedaled in his speech.

They can vow it, but really, not much they can do to stop executive orders.

4) A simple majority can over ride anything Barry does, and the pipeline will go forward, with or without the kenyan's approval.

Obama can end it with a simple executive order.

5) Both parties need to seal the border, and stop this obama instigated invasion from third world shit holes.

Again, your party wants these people. They want to keep wages down and they want labor they can exploit.

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