Congratulations to the US message board for having no anti-Semitic posters.

Our lovely Zionist lobby has hit the trifecta!

They've the perfect boogeyman

The perfect narrative for genocide

The perfect racial shield to do so....


Among the more salient quotes of the day:

"An antisemite used to be someone who hates Jews;

nowadays an antisemite is someone Jews hate.”

- Gilad Atzmon, Jewish musician and author, 2011

Now, wait for the Hasbarats to howl "self hating Jew"...

Our lovely Zionist lobby has hit the trifecta!

They've the perfect boogeyman

The perfect narrative for genocide

The perfect racial shield to do so....

I'm just happy to see that both sides of the divide have clarified their 'intent'. Please elucidate...

Do you support Hamas? Do you support Turkey's ethnic cleansing of the Armenians?
- Gilad Atzmon, Jewish musician and author, 2011

He's just one man, a musician while you intend to make this the opinion of all Jews? All Israeli Jews?



Now that is definitely intending sub-human status. Thank you for clarifying your intent.

This is what happens when groups of people call for the ending of Israel ...

From the river to the sea.

It comes.
as you wish....

not at all

not at all


So, you are on a see-saw. Zionist lobby, that's what you call Jews who have an opinion?

You are so very clear.

Our lovely Zionist lobby has hit the trifecta!

It seems to bother you when Jews state their own personal opinions. You call them lobbyists.
Zionist lobby, that's what you call Jews who have an opinion?
Zionist and Judaism are not synonymous Ropey

Hamas are Palestinian are not synonymous

MAGA and American are not synonymous

These are all distinctions defined differently in the dictionary the disingenuous design as a debate tactic

Zionist and Judaism are not synonymous Ropey

Hamas are Palestinian are not synonymous

MAGA and American are not synonymous

These are all distinctions defined differently in the dictionary the disingenuous design as a debate tactic

Sparky, the 2nd line...they kinda are.

Also the 3rd line.
Zionist and Judaism are not synonymous Ropey

No one said they were. That being said, they are rather co-dependent and Israel is already created as a homeland for the Jews. A done deal as it were.

Hamas are Palestinian are not synonymous

Of course, they are. They were voted in.

MAGA and American are not synonymous

These are all distinctions defined differently in the dictionary the disingenuous design as a debate tactic


You were already clear enough.

Our lovely Zionist lobby has hit the trifecta!
No one said they were.
It's implied repetitively Ropey

Zionism follows suit , just like anti-semitism used to be the hatred of jews, and is now all that jews hate.....

questioning them illicits the slings and arrows of racist howlings

the paradigm continues with Pallys being all hamas

questioning that also illicits the slings and arrows of the same racist howlings

when one reads it day in/out here, it becomes clear those doing the howling are the real rasicts....

Our lovely Zionist lobby has hit the trifecta!~

^You did not need to imply your feelings about that, you said it outright as if your thoughts and feelings were factual. A rather poor showing, that.

It's implied repetitively Ropey

Zionism follows suit , just like anti-semitism used to be the hatred of jews, and is now all that jews hate. questioning them illicits the slings and arrows of racist howlings the paradigm continues with Pallys being all hamas questioning that also illicits the slings and arrows of the same racist howlings when one reads it day in/out here, it becomes clear those doing the howling are the real rasicts....


See my post above. No implications are necessary. You were howling about "Zionist Lobbyists" when talking about members of this forum.

You are so very clear.
But so many of them (in the West) are agitating from a position of ignorance.

As Murray pointed out, one reporter didn’t even know where East Timor is.

The left said they cared so much about the people that they wanted a Federal Department of Education but what they wanted was to begin the process of building a color revolution through educational indoctrination.

It's not as though we haven't seen the CIA do this before, but now they are doing it to the Americans.

They're doing it at the moment in Armenia. Christians are being slaughtered and the weapons come to Ukraine through the Azerbaijani Rat Line the CIA created to foment the diversity, that they claimed was good for the people.

But so many of them (in the West) are agitating from a position of ignorance.

As Murray pointed out, one reporter didn’t even know where East Timor is.



Douglas Murray does have skin in the game.

He's homosexual.

Off the roof, what?
Our lovely Zionist lobby has hit the trifecta!

They've the perfect boogeyman

The perfect narrative for genocide

The perfect racial shield to do so....

Or, you could try learning a little bit about the actual beliefs of your heroes, here.
But so many of them (in the West) are agitating from a position of ignorance.

As Murray pointed out, one reporter didn’t even know where East Timor is.
Much of the problem is that none of these idiots had even the tiniest understanding of middle east before the advent of the internet, and are too stupid to understand that vast numerical superiority of Arabs over Jews allows Arab hatred to dominate the conversation.

They just repeat the shit their little mates repeat because that is what they hear. Who was it who said "Antisemitism is the socialism of fools"?
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Much of the problem is that none of these idiots had even the tiniest understanding of middle east before the advent of the internet, and are too stupid to understand that the vast numerical superiority of Arabs over Jews allows Arab hatred to dominate the conversation.

They just repeat the shit their little mates repeat because that is what they hear. Who was it who said "Antisemitism is the socialism of fools"?
Much of the problem is that none of these idiots had even the tiniest understanding of middle east before the advent of the internet, and are too stupid to understand that vast numerical superiority of Arabs over Jews and that Arab hatred dominates the conversation.

They just repeat the shit their little mates repeat because that is what they hear. Who was it who said "Antisemitism is the socialism of fools"?

Some of them weren’t even born at the (re) birth of Israel.
Few of us were.

My first introduction was the six day war, and I have taken a keen interest ever since.

Interestingly enough, there was never any mention of a "Palestinian" people in the newspapers back then. They had not been invented yet.

Have you heard of this word?


– a term associated with the work of French philosopher Jean Baudrillard – refers to a kind of cultural confusion that emerges when people have difficulty distinguishing reality from a simulation of reality. In such conditions, it becomes difficult to achieve a consensus on the truth about world-changing events like 7 October. As a result, we now live in a world where directly contrasting versions of events run in parallel with one another.

Most anti-Israel conspiracy theories do acknowledge that something occurred on 7 October, but they assert that the death toll was far lower than the one claimed by Israel. According to this narrative, Hamas only targeted soldiers, not civilians, and its operatives did not commit atrocities like rapes and beheadings. The Israelis are instead held responsible for the deaths of their own civilians. The pogrom, it is claimed, was either exaggerated, encouraged or orchestrated by Israel in order to justify invading Gaza and killing innocent Palestinians. This narrative was and continues to be widely echoed on social media. As one post on X, summarising a video shared more than 44,000 times, puts it:

‘A new picture is emerging from the atrocities of 7 October… [which] suggests that Hamas’s primary mission that day was to take hostages, and that most of the victims died because the IDF “went Hannibal” on everyone. Whether it was intended this way or not, the result is that the Israeli regime acquired the “justification” it needed to commit genocide against the remaining Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.’

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