Congratulations to the US message board for having no anti-Semitic posters.

Have you heard of this word?


– a term associated with the work of French philosopher Jean Baudrillard – refers to a kind of cultural confusion that emerges when people have difficulty distinguishing reality from a simulation of reality. In such conditions, it becomes difficult to achieve a consensus on the truth about world-changing events like 7 October. As a result, we now live in a world where directly contrasting versions of events run in parallel with one another.

Most anti-Israel conspiracy theories do acknowledge that something occurred on 7 October, but they assert that the death toll was far lower than the one claimed by Israel. According to this narrative, Hamas only targeted soldiers, not civilians, and its operatives did not commit atrocities like rapes and beheadings. The Israelis are instead held responsible for the deaths of their own civilians. The pogrom, it is claimed, was either exaggerated, encouraged or orchestrated by Israel in order to justify invading Gaza and killing innocent Palestinians. This narrative was and continues to be widely echoed on social media. As one post on X, summarising a video shared more than 44,000 times, puts it:

‘A new picture is emerging from the atrocities of 7 October… [which] suggests that Hamas’s primary mission that day was to take hostages, and that most of the victims died because the IDF “went Hannibal” on everyone. Whether it was intended this way or not, the result is that the Israeli regime acquired the “justification” it needed to commit genocide against the remaining Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.’
These conspiracy theories are made easier due to the formulaic nature of pre-existing canards against Jewish people that always characterize them as sneaky, manipulative, and working behind the scenes to control the world.

I have long wonder about the connection between antisemitism and paranoia. They certainly go hand in hand.
These conspiracy theories are made easier due to the formulaic nature of pre-existing canards against Jewish people that always characterize them as sneaky, manipulative, and working behind the scenes to control the world.

I have long wonder about the connection between antisemitism and paranoia. They certainly go hand in hand.

Look at this. Nothing is new under the sun.

The pogrom, it is claimed, was either exaggerated, encouraged or orchestrated by Israel in order to justify invading Gaza and killing innocent Palestinians
That would be a false flag expat.

something that has been a reality that's hyped by sword rattling war mongers for quite some time

He's just one man, a musician while you intend to make this the opinion of all Jews? All Israeli Jews?


Now that is definitely intending sub-human status. Thank you for clarifying your intent.

This is what happens when groups of people call for the ending of Israel ...

From the river to the sea.

It comes.


When have I or anyone else here ever called for the ending of Israel?

Are you aware of the countless subhuman references that Zionists have used against "Muzzies"?
You keep asking us questions only you can know
That’s because he has no ideas and needs some. He wants you to tell him why he does what he does.

iow a doofus…

I told him why he’s a bigot after he tried the same idiotic shit on me.
iow a doofus…

I told him why he’s a bigot after he tried the same idiotic shit on me.
This thread is just all about gloating, really.

Now that they have the run of the place, they are rubbing it in.
This thread is just all about gloating, really.

Now that they have the run of the place, they are rubbing it in.
They can't do more than talk and if AyeCantSeeYou wants the leftist mods to mod the conservatives to a greater degree than the left? There's nothing to be done about it. :dunno:

Keeping a lid on the issue is a leftist game of silencing the opponent. They use the conservatives so easily. :doubt:
They can't do more than talk and if AyeCantSeeYou wants the leftist mods to mod the conservatives to a greater degree than the left? There's nothing to be done about it. :dunno:

Keeping a lid on the issue is a leftist game of silencing the opponent. They use the conservatives so easily. :doubt:
No, there is nothing to be done about it.
No, there is nothing to be done about it.

It's rather unimportant.

At the max, during elections, the posting membership is ~200. Otherwise, ~140 - 180. It is totally donator driven for the hits don't make much bank with that population of posters.

But the worldwide trending? It looks rather good to me. I doubt that the left will be able to start a global war.
It isn’t anti Semitic to feel concern for the innocent civilians trapped in Gaza.

But it sure as hell is anti Semitic to support Hamas. The USMB liberals (not all; but a shitload of them) are prone to lament the Gaza tragedy, but give no hint of concern about what else Israel could do about the Hamas cowards using the Palestinians as human shields while still going after those pussy terrorists.

I used to believe that, after what the world saw in WWII, there could never come a day when any Jewish people would need to be concerned with massive governmentally sponsored anti-Semitism again. I was mistaken.

We even — these days — see a major metropolitan police department recommending that Jews “shelter in place.” Yep. That fucking happened in NY City — this year.

Disgraceful left wing anti-Semitism is alive and all too well.
Yes you post drivel and nonsense tied up with ribbons of subhuman pointed remarks.

In other words, you can't find where I or anyone else here has called for the ending of Israel and are whining because you can't refute anything I've written and supported.

Stick to your Hasbara script and give up trying to justify raw genocide:

"How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up.

In addition to these, however, a number of orchestrated, often well-funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and others have come to light. These projects work to place pro-Israel content throughout the Internet, and to remove information Israel doesn’t wish people to know.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.”

Campaign to infiltrate Wikipedia

CAMERA called for volunteers to secretly work on editing Wikipedia entries. It emphasized the importance of keeping the project secret. Volunteers were schooled in ways to elude detection. After they signed up as editors, they were to “avoid editing Israel-related articles for a short period of time.”CONTINUED
In other words, you can't find where I or anyone else here has called for the ending of Israel and are whining because you can't refute anything I've written and supported.

Stick to your Hasbara script and give up trying to justify raw genocide:

"How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up.

In addition to these, however, a number of orchestrated, often well-funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and others have come to light. These projects work to place pro-Israel content throughout the Internet, and to remove information Israel doesn’t wish people to know.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.”

Campaign to infiltrate Wikipedia

CAMERA called for volunteers to secretly work on editing Wikipedia entries. It emphasized the importance of keeping the project secret. Volunteers were schooled in ways to elude detection. After they signed up as editors, they were to “avoid editing Israel-related articles for a short period of time.”CONTINUED
In other words, you made yourself clear when you used the term 'hasbarat' with the desire to put a subhuman status on the Jews. And you've been doing it for some time. Now all I will do is remind you, when you post to me. :)


Maybe your Hasbara Handbook tells you what to do when caught in a "Hasbarat Trap"

Try again, "Ratty"

Ratty is it? You are so clear.
In other words, you made yourself clear when you used the term 'hasbarat' with the desire to put a subhuman status on the Jews. And you've been doing it for some time. Now all I will do is remind you, when you post to me. :)

Ratty is it? You are so clear.

I didn't write the 2nd comment, I don't regard any people as "rats" and I don't engage in name calling.

Please show me where you found that 2nd comment that was not written by me.

I didn't write the 2nd comment, I don't regard any people as "rats" and I don't engage in name calling.

Please show me where you found that 2nd comment that was not written by me.


Right at the bottom.


The following source flushes your own "Lies 'n Propaganda" echo in citing:

" best to manipulate American and European public opinion. “Don’t confuse messages with facts,”

Israel s propaganda machine is finally starting to misfire - Comment - Voices - The Independent
EXCERPT “Benjamin Netanyahu that he has been called “Bibi’s brain”. He is also a former student and employee of Frank Luntz, the Republican strategist who produced a confidential booklet in 2009, promptly leaked, advising Israeli spokesmen how best to manipulate American and European public opinion. “Don’t confuse messages with facts,”CONTINUED

What part of "......manipulate American and European public opinion" do you NOT understand?


“Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums, Chatrooms”
Israel Hires Internet Soldiers to Penetrate American Forums Chatrooms The Jack Blood Show

EXCERPT " Israeli students and demobilized soldiers get paid to pretend they are just regular folks and leave pro-Israel comments online.

Israeli Foreign Ministry Deputy Elan Shturman is quoted from the Israeli Occupation Magazine saying,Quote:

“Our people will not say:‘Hello, I am from the hasbara department of the Israeli foreign ministry and I want to tell you the following.’

Nor will they necessarily identify themselves as Israelis,” he said.

“They will speak as net-surfers and as citizens, and will write responses that will look personal but will be based on a prepared list of messages that the foreign ministry developed.” CONTINUED

If you'll find an adult to read these 2 of countless sources exposing Israel's extensive, organized & State funded & scripted Propaganda network, you'll learn that Hasbarats are everywhere regurgitating the same, tiresome & transparent: ".... messages that the foreign ministry developed.”

They also train brainless Zionist Trolls to whine "Lies and Propaganda" a lot without being able to cite one example of a "Lie" or "Propaganda"

So, you claim I'm spreading " lies and propaganda, " but can't support your claim with an example.

Maybe your Hasbara Handbook tells you what to do when caught in a "Hasbarat Trap"

Try again, "Ratty"
WTF is this all about? Is there a new left wing definition for anti-Semitic? An anti-Semitic poster on the political forum calls Netanyhu a cancer.
WTF is this all about? Is there a new left wing definition for anti-Semitic? An anti-Semitic poster on the political forum calls Netanyhu a cancer.


It's anti-Semitic if they call all Jews a cancer. And ofc, cancer must be eliminated as it will kill the host. If they call Netanyahu a cancer, it's much like calling me a cancer and I would take it personally and dig deeper to find if that thought used was encompassing.

If they called all Jews a cancer, then they are using a supremacy attack on a group identity which I tend to call anti-Semitic if they are using a class/group attack.


Hyam Maccoby argued that "On the Jewish Question" is an example of what he considers to be Marx's "early antisemitism". According to Maccoby, Marx argues in the essay that the modern commercialized world is the triumph of Judaism, a pseudo-religion whose god is money. Maccoby suggested that Marx was embarrassed by his Jewish background and used Jews as a "yardstick of evil". Maccoby writes that in later years, Marx limited what he considers to be antipathy towards Jews to private letters and conversations because of strong public identification with antisemitism by his political enemies both on the left (Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Mikhail Bakunin) and on the right (aristocracy and the Church).

As well, according to Maccoby, Marx argues in the essay that the modern commercialized world is the triumph of Judaism, a pseudo-religion whose god is money.

Maccoby suggested that Marx was embarrassed by his Jewish background and used Jews as a "yardstick of evil".

My personal view? Marx was a cancer on the world... and it's still metastasizing while Islam favors a one-size-fits-all all-Babylonium death cult. Praising their dead for killing the live?

Death cult.

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