Congratulations, Trumpsters

Says the man who uses the word “Trumpster” that he made up as a pejorative while supposedly servicing his 350+ fake clients. Leftists cannot get enough of DJT. The man lost and they continuously bring him up on this board.


Orange man consumes every one of their thoughts. It is quite the irony.

We are not the ones having him headline CPAC
Nor are we the ones who created a golden statue of him to worship.
I doubt that it's gold....that would be very pricey

Speaking of statues to's the one the Dems created for their Dear Messiah:
The leftists are just jealous because we have the balls to form and support a true grassroots change in government.
Unlike the sheep who pull the dem lever always and vote in lockstep with their party leaders.
Cowards everyone!
You do know that you'll be doing that for Trumpism now, right?

Nope. I have the ability to think for myself.

What's funny is even your OP is a.narrative spun to you by your leftistdem masters and you dont even know it.
Says the man who uses the word “Trumpster” that he made up as a pejorative while supposedly servicing his 350+ fake clients. Leftists cannot get enough of DJT. The man lost and they continuously bring him up on this board.


Orange man consumes every one of their thoughts. It is quite the irony.

We are not the ones having him headline CPAC
Nor are we the ones who created a golden statue of him to worship.
I doubt that it's gold....that would be very pricey

Speaking of statues to's the one the Dems created for their Dear Messiah:
That's what it looks like when OTHER people venerate and respect you. Trump, on the other hand, steals from charity to buy paintings of himself that he had commissioned. Note the difference. Note that his cult pays their respect differently , with violent insurrections and cult rallies.
Is this the "I HATE TRUMP," thread of the day?
Perhaps you didn't actually read the OP. I hate no one. I'm not like you.

The thread is dead serious. Try to take it that way.
Trumpsters have such knee jerk reactions. As I have written many times, Trumpers have no reading comprehension skills. Trumpers should be agreeing with you.
They give me thumbs down in red just for posting facts to a thread.
Facts are kryptonite to the Trumper.
Facts are kryptonite to leftists who scream to follow the science and then tell us that men may identify as women and then compete in physical sports against actual women.....logic 101
This has nothing to do with Trump and the Republican party. Women are allowed to play on men's teams, deal with it.

Why didn't you post Men are allowed to play on women's teams, deal with it.
I think we all know why.
You think? Truly?
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


Amazing how Republicans lack the spine to condemn Trump
The GOP politicians were forced to decide between their principles and their cushy gubmit jobs.

Looks like they've chosen.

Republicans are selling out their political future for some short term 2022 gains
Leftists sold out America to illegals and criminals such as BLM to garner votes. See how that works? Both sides are scummy. Too bad you can’t see that, leftist snowflake.
"Black Lives Matter" are criminals? Can't be much more obvious than that, can you Cletus?
Says the man who uses the word “Trumpster” that he made up as a pejorative while supposedly servicing his 350+ fake clients. Leftists cannot get enough of DJT. The man lost and they continuously bring him up on this board.


Orange man consumes every one of their thoughts. It is quite the irony.

We are not the ones having him headline CPAC
Nor are we the ones who created a golden statue of him to worship.
I doubt that it's gold....that would be very pricey

Speaking of statues to's the one the Dems created for their Dear Messiah:
That's what it looks like when OTHER people venerate and respect you. Trump, on the other hand, steals from charity to buy paintings of himself that he had commissioned. Note the difference. Note that his cult pays their respect differently , with violent insurrections and cult rallies.
The painting was donated by him, to sell for a chairty event, and his Foundation paid for it, giving the charity 60K......the money went to a charity! hahaha your post is what it looks like when people fall for leftist propaganda....much like the Germans did in the 1930s
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


The "GOP civil war" was always a figment of leftist imagination. So basically though you're saying your plan is to hyperventilate in hate and outrage for another four years while Trump isn't even in office. Don't you ever get tired?
Again, I'm absolutely fascinated by the psychological / sociological / historical / anthropological aspects of this whole story. From Escalator Day forward. Your approval not required.

It would be nice if you folks could just engage in an examination of Trump's swift and profound affect on the Republican Party. Instead of getting defensive, pissy and aggressive.

Fortunately, I don't expect much from you people. So you can change the subject and make it about me, as usual, if that's the best you can do. I expect nothing better.

I'm not required to participate.

Pull your hand out of your pants and be serious
I responded to your post. I showed you attention. You're welcome.

You are one weird little dude

He takes great joy at hurling the q, trumpster arrows as his party dissolves into depravity. Yea team!!!!!
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TDS born 2016 death to be determined.
This historic time will be analyzed very carefully for a long time to come.

You'll just have to get used to it.
Ah the poster boy for TDS responds I actually feel sorry for you and those like you who can't let Trump go it' sad to see people with lifes so void they have to obsess over a one term President. I'm going to finish getting ready for work enjoy your TDS obsession.
It's amusing to watch Orange Qultists talk about TDS.
Is this the "I HATE TRUMP," thread of the day?
Perhaps you didn't actually read the OP. I hate no one. I'm not like you.

The thread is dead serious. Try to take it that way.
Trumpsters have such knee jerk reactions. As I have written many times, Trumpers have no reading comprehension skills. Trumpers should be agreeing with you.
They give me thumbs down in red just for posting facts to a thread.
Facts are kryptonite to the Trumper.
Facts are kryptonite to leftists who scream to follow the science and then tell us that men may identify as women and then compete in physical sports against actual women.....logic 101
This has nothing to do with Trump and the Republican party. Women are allowed to play on men's teams, deal with it.
A little different since women are the weaker sex. And the reason people turn to Trump is because he says these logical statements out loud. Like...border security is important. Gender is not a social construct. See how that works? Deal with it, moonbat.
I don't give a fuck. I am speaking on the terms of legality and equality....Screw your excuses. You can't tell the girls it is ok and then tell the boys it is not. That creates a Constitutional question that was settled when the feminist wanted it as such fifty years ago. Your feelz doesn't matter.
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


What's sad is, there is no 2020 Republican platform. I guess the platform was,"What He Said". This is when you scrap all your ideals for blindly supporting one person. The United States isn't made up of Americans, it's made up of one person.
Tell us what you liked about GW.
Let's see if the Dems can hold the house and senate in 2022.
The focus they will try for is control of governor positions to select EC for voting to certify elections, there next target is going to be state legislatures where the Trumpers hold much power to change laws on EC selection and to promote voting restrictions and to do as Trump commands in conditions such as vote certifying and allegations of fraud with no proof.
Trump wants unquestioned leadership in his role as emperor.
No proof? If cowardly judges had allowed cases to be presented, you would see mountains of convincing evidence of fraud. The only emperors here are governors like Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo takes the nickname of New York State (The Empire State) seriously
So expect a tough fight for the Oval Office in four years. Trump may be the candidate or someone else but don’t expect a RINO wimp like Romney to win the nomination. Those days are over.
If Trump keeps hinting that he's going to run, I can't imagine there will be any kind of fight within the GOP at all.

No one dares challenge him. That's political suicide, if not literal suicide.
It's to focus attention on himself....and only on himself.
We consider it hilarious that the loudest and most consistent voices talking about TRUMP! are coming from those who hate him. And yes, the takeover of America is nearly complete, all we need at this point is to get some school kids singing songs about how they're going to help him, then all opposition will cease. You guys make us chortle.
Defend your orange lard and master.
Let's see if the Dems can hold the house and senate in 2022.
The focus they will try for is control of governor positions to select EC for voting to certify elections, there next target is going to be state legislatures where the Trumpers hold much power to change laws on EC selection and to promote voting restrictions and to do as Trump commands in conditions such as vote certifying and allegations of fraud with no proof.
Trump wants unquestioned leadership in his role as emperor.
No proof? If cowardly judges had allowed cases to be presented, you would see mountains of convincing evidence of fraud. The only emperors here are governors like Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo takes the nickname of New York State (The Empire State) seriously

There were mountains of evidence and the SC acknowledged the merits but refused it on standing which is bizarre, especially in the Texas case since the SC is the arbiter between states.
The Republican Party has abandoned all pretenses of being anything other than a cult of personality. The party stands for what Trump believes that day. No different really than how Kim Jong Un and Putin operate.

Fall in line or perish.
says the idiot who drank the Schiff Sham kool aid
Russia russia russia
fucking dumbass
Is this the "I HATE TRUMP," thread of the day?
Perhaps you didn't actually read the OP. I hate no one. I'm not like you.

The thread is dead serious. Try to take it that way.
Trumpsters have such knee jerk reactions. As I have written many times, Trumpers have no reading comprehension skills. Trumpers should be agreeing with you.
They give me thumbs down in red just for posting facts to a thread.
Facts are kryptonite to the Trumper.
Facts are kryptonite to leftists who scream to follow the science and then tell us that men may identify as women and then compete in physical sports against actual women.....logic 101
This has nothing to do with Trump and the Republican party. Women are allowed to play on men's teams, deal with it.
A little different since women are the weaker sex. And the reason people turn to Trump is because he says these logical statements out loud. Like...border security is important. Gender is not a social construct. See how that works? Deal with it, moonbat.
I don't give a fuck. I am speaking on the terms of legality and equality....Screw your excuses. You can't tell the girls it is ok and then tell the boys it is not. That creates a Constitutional question that was settled when the feminist wanted it as such fifty years ago. Your feelz doesn't matter.
Of course you can and should. Men and women aren't equal when it comes to physical strength and quickness. You need to take a Biology class. I am entitled to my opinion. If gender is irrelevant why are there separate divisions in Tennis and Golf?

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