Congratulations, Trumpsters

In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


The "GOP civil war" was always a figment of leftist imagination. So basically though you're saying your plan is to hyperventilate in hate and outrage for another four years while Trump isn't even in office. Don't you ever get tired?
Again, I'm absolutely fascinated by the psychological / sociological / historical / anthropological aspects of this whole story. From Escalator Day forward. Your approval not required.

It would be nice if you folks could just engage in an examination of Trump's swift and profound affect on the Republican Party. Instead of getting defensive, pissy and aggressive.

Fortunately, I don't expect much from you people. So you can change the subject and make it about me, as usual, if that's the best you can do. I expect nothing better.

I'm not required to participate.

Pull your hand out of your pants and be serious
I responded to your post. I showed you attention. You're welcome.
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


The "GOP civil war" was always a figment of leftist imagination. So basically though you're saying your plan is to hyperventilate in hate and outrage for another four years while Trump isn't even in office. Don't you ever get tired?
Again, I'm absolutely fascinated by the psychological / sociological / historical / anthropological aspects of this whole story. From Escalator Day forward. Your approval not required.

It would be nice if you folks could just engage in an examination of Trump's swift and profound affect on the Republican Party. Instead of getting defensive, pissy and aggressive.

Fortunately, I don't expect much from you people. So you can change the subject and make it about me, as usual, if that's the best you can do. I expect nothing better.

I'm not required to participate.

Pull your hand out of your pants and be serious
I responded to your post. I showed you attention. You're welcome.

You are one weird little dude
It's the Party of Trump
The American people be damned
He has spent the last five years focusing like a laser beam on the talk radio crowd. He has spoken to them exclusively.

Now he has complete control over one of America's two main parties. We have to admit, that's pretty impressive.
Is this the "I HATE TRUMP," thread of the day?
Perhaps you didn't actually read the OP. I hate no one. I'm not like you.

The thread is dead serious. Try to take it that way.
Trumpsters have such knee jerk reactions. As I have written many times, Trumpers have no reading comprehension skills. Trumpers should be agreeing with you.
They give me thumbs down in red just for posting facts to a thread.
Facts are kryptonite to the Trumper.
Facts are kryptonite to leftists who scream to follow the science and then tell us that men may identify as women and then compete in physical sports against actual women.....logic 101
^ so frightened of people different than him/herself.
Most people are different than me. I am Jewish. Whites say I am not white and minorities say I am not a minority. Science tells us there are two sexes and one cannot change that. Sorry to hear you failed Biology.
It is the Jews who claim to be a race all in their own.
It's the Party of Trump
The American people be damned
He has spent the last five years focusing like a laser beam on the talk radio crowd. He has spoken to them exclusively.

Now he has complete control over one of America's two main parties. We have to admit, that's pretty impressive.
It is not impressive it is disheartening to see the zombies..
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


Another Mac & Cheese Orange Man Bad circle jerk thread. This I believe is number #3674. And yet the guy is no longer in office. Go figure, right? How deep is Trump in your tiny brain?

Anyway have fun. Carry on. :lol:
It's the Party of Trump
The American people be damned
He has spent the last five years focusing like a laser beam on the talk radio crowd. He has spoken to them exclusively.

Now he has complete control over one of America's two main parties. We have to admit, that's pretty impressive.
It is not impressive it is disheartening to see the zombies..
It's both. The two can exist simultaneously.
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.

it will take a near miracle for the dems to hold the House in 24.
It's the Party of Trump
The American people be damned
He has spent the last five years focusing like a laser beam on the talk radio crowd. He has spoken to them exclusively.

Now he has complete control over one of America's two main parties. We have to admit, that's pretty impressive.

The far right wing of the GOP just needed someone to bring them out into the light. Trump was the catalyst to do that.
Here's the problem with the brain dead Left. They think the" real" Republicans are the milquetoast RINOs like John McShitstain, the Bush Cabal, Mittens, etc. Basically, spineless wimps unwilling to slug it out and fight the enemy head on.Trump pissed off the establishment RINKs which ia why they worked in concert with the Left to try and umdermine him at every turn.
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


What's sad is, there is no 2020 Republican platform. I guess the platform was,"What He Said". This is when you scrap all your ideals for blindly supporting one person. The United States isn't made up of Americans, it's made up of one person.
The 2020 platform was the same as the 2016.....they simply readopted it because they couldn't meet due to Covid.....
Wait....the GOP didn't have an in-person Con-vention? You might want to check your notes on that one.
Yeah they did....but Platforms are created BEFORE Conventions......
And that changes what I said about them being in-person?
Says the man who uses the word “Trumpster” that he made up as a pejorative while supposedly servicing his 350+ fake clients. Leftists cannot get enough of DJT. The man lost and they continuously bring him up on this board.


Orange man consumes every one of their thoughts. It is quite the irony.

We are not the ones having him headline CPAC
Nor are we the ones who created a golden statue of him to worship.
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


What's sad is, there is no 2020 Republican platform. I guess the platform was,"What He Said". This is when you scrap all your ideals for blindly supporting one person. The United States isn't made up of Americans, it's made up of one person.
The 2020 platform was the same as the 2016.....they simply readopted it because they couldn't meet due to Covid.....
Wait....the GOP didn't have an in-person Con-vention? You might want to check your notes on that one.
Yeah they did....but Platforms are created BEFORE Conventions......
And that changes what I said about them being in-person?
Not at's just the in person convention had nothing to do with the topic of the Platform they created
Says the man who uses the word “Trumpster” that he made up as a pejorative while supposedly servicing his 350+ fake clients. Leftists cannot get enough of DJT. The man lost and they continuously bring him up on this board.


Orange man consumes every one of their thoughts. It is quite the irony.

We are not the ones having him headline CPAC
Nor are we the ones who created a golden statue of him to worship.

Government is the golden calf for liberals.
Here's the problem with the brain dead Left. They think the" real" Republicans are the milquetoast RINOs like John McShitstain, the Bush Cabal, Mittens, etc
The thread topic is literally an observation that "real Republicans" are the Trump cult, now. Maybe YOU are having a hard time processing your descent into this cult, but the leftist that started the thread and the leftists commenting see it very clearly.
Here's the problem with the brain dead Left. They think the" real" Republicans are the milquetoast RINOs like John McShitstain, the Bush Cabal, Mittens, etc. Basically, spineless wimps unwilling to slug it out and fight the enemy head on.Trump pissed off the establishment RINKs which ia why they worked in concert with the Left to try and umdermine him at every turn.

Your problem is that you don't see that the Republican Party needs what you call RINOs and spineless wimps to win an election.

If those RINOs and spineless wimps leave the Republican Party, the republican party won't win very many elections again.

So you people need to stop forcing out people who don't kiss trump's butt if you people want to win elections in the future.

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