Congress recommends charges against Trump dossier author!

The developer of this fantasy dossier must be held accountable. He has caused far more harm than he could imagine.

Should the Republicans who did oppo research on Clinton also be held accountable? Since when is doing oppo research on a political candidate wrong, We know what this is about. It is a attempt to distract people from the serious investigation into Russia's interference in our election.
Since when it is USED by the FBI and Obama regime to get an illegal FISA court warrant to spy on Americans they disagree with...THAT is gestapo tactics.

That is what you say. Where is your proof. The fact is that our intelligence agencies also had information of Russian interference in our elections. We now know that the Trump campaign had no problem with receiving assistance from Russians.
The Intelligence agencies are corrupt as fuck..its why house was cleaned and restocked with honorable people.

The intelligence agencies work hard to protect us from foreign enemies. You want to smear them for your cheap, political purposes. You are fucking corrtupt and you should be in jail.
The "intelligence" community is corrupted by AIPAC and their lapdogs in the neocon/chicken hawk community. They lie to suit their needs like war in Iraq etc.

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