Congress Seeks to Designate New Palestinian Gov’t as a Terror Org


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Since Obama negotiates with Terrorist, I guess this wouldn't matter much to him


House lawmakers are currently pushing a resolution to classify the newly formed Palestinian unity government as a foreign terrorist organization and cut off U.S. aid following the formation of a new ruling body that includes the terror group Hamas,

The new resolution, sponsored by Reps. Michele Bachmann (R., Minn.) and Trent Franks (R., Ariz.), calls on the State Department to designate the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its new Hamas-backed unity government as a terrorist organization. The resolution is expected to be introduced Monday.

It additionally calls for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to be reclassified as a terror group and for the U.S. government to fully cut aid to the Palestinians, who have received around $5 billion in bilateral assistance since the 1990s.

“The Palestinian Authority has shown its true colors by forming a unity government with the terrorist organization Hamas,” Bachmann told the Free Beacon. “This nightmare scenario for the peace process means that Congress must reassert its constitutional authority and suspend foreign aid to the PA. We cannot continue to assist our enemies at the expense of our ally, Israel.”

U.S. lawmakers and Israeli officials have expressed shock in recent days that the Obama administration is willing to work with the new Palestinian unity government, which united the ruling Fatah party with the Hamas terrorist group that runs the Gaza Strip.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle maintain that the unity deal violates a U.S. law banning taxpayer dollars from being sent to any Palestinian government that includes Hamas, a designated terrorist organization.

However, the Obama administration has sought to exploit loopholes in the law and announced in recent days that it is willing to work with the new Hamas-backed government

Congress Seeks to Designate New Palestinian Gov?t as a Terror Org | Washington Free Beacon
Well, I am gonna surprise you, Jroc.

I hold the opinion that we shouldn't send one damned penny to the PA, ever. The PA is not worthy of US aid.

Both Republican and Democratic administrations have sent money to the PA. This is wrong:

United States security assistance to the Palestinian National Authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for the current "Unity Government", they already had one in 2007, it did not last long, and US funds to the PA continued during that time. If you will remember, we had a Republican administration in 2007.

I can't stand the PA, but I also cannot understand the umbrage over this: the Palis have been working together unofficially for years. So what's the diff?

Also, your source is incredibly biased. No surprise there. But I can live with that.

Here is a source that is less biased:

Israel condemns US for backing Palestinian unity government | World news |

Let's take a look at who else is supporting the current situation:

The EU

Pretty much - the rest of the world.

My point is: calling this a technocratic government in the PA today makes no change whatsoever, that government has been operating ad hoc in this way for a long, long time. It doesn't matter whether Hamas and Fatah are in bed with each other or not, they are equally bad and both deserve to be destroyed forever. Both are committed terrorist organizations.

Again, I think there should be absolutely no aid at all to the PA. The PA has ultra-rich Arab neighbors, whose Sheik's could finance the PA for 100 years with money just out of their petty cash funds. What the PA is doing is demaning Jizyah from us. Well, fuck them.

However, this is umbrage over nothing more than semantics.

Also, the Guardian article is still bellyaching about SOS John Kerry's one-time comment about Israel and Apartheid - in spite of the fact that many Israeli personalities have made the same comment. I didn't comment on your Kerry thread because I decided to spare you the embarrassment of seeing how many Israeli figures have said exactly what Kerry said.

I suspect that the real reason for this umbrage, especially yours, is to make our President look like a muslim sympathizer. But actually, Obama is doing nothing different than Bush did with his "Roadmap" from 2004. It's the same stuff, just a different package.

You and I both know that at the end of the day, it makes no difference. Even if the palis say they will be amenable to a 2-state solution, they will move the goalposts in the middle of negotiations, as they have always done. Obama is going to have no more success with this than Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Nixon and co. had. Fuggedaboudit.

Now, as to Bachmann and Frank's resolution: I want to read it first. Bachmann is so batshit crazy, a total loon, that no one knows what else she may put into the resolution. Alone the fact that some Righties were willing to vote for that batshit crazy embarrassment to the GOP in the 2012 primaries is, well, just plain old sad.

That being said, if the resolution is well written and has no strange riders in it (like: BTW, we declare Obamacare illegal, or some such shit like that), I would likely support it. Hamas IS a terrorist organization and should be utterly destroyed. Fatah is no better.
Well, I am gonna surprise you, Jroc.

I hold the opinion that we shouldn't send one damned penny to the PA, ever. The PA is not worthy of US aid.

Both Republican and Democratic administrations have sent money to the PA. This is wrong:

United States security assistance to the Palestinian National Authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for the current "Unity Government", they already had one in 2007, it did not last long, and US funds to the PA continued during that time. If you will remember, we had a Republican administration in 2007.

I can't stand the PA, but I also cannot understand the umbrage over this: the Palis have been working together unofficially for years. So what's the diff?

Also, your source is incredibly biased. No surprise there. But I can live with that.

Here is a source that is less biased:

Israel condemns US for backing Palestinian unity government | World news |

Let's take a look at who else is supporting the current situation:

The EU

Pretty much - the rest of the world.

My point is: calling this a technocratic government in the PA today makes no change whatsoever, that government has been operating ad hoc in this way for a long, long time. It doesn't matter whether Hamas and Fatah are in bed with each other or not, they are equally bad and both deserve to be destroyed forever. Both are committed terrorist organizations.

Again, I think there should be absolutely no aid at all to the PA. The PA has ultra-rich Arab neighbors, whose Sheik's could finance the PA for 100 years with money just out of their petty cash funds. What the PA is doing is demaning Jizyah from us. Well, fuck them.

However, this is umbrage over nothing more than semantics.

Also, the Guardian article is still bellyaching about SOS John Kerry's one-time comment about Israel and Apartheid - in spite of the fact that many Israeli personalities have made the same comment. I didn't comment on your Kerry thread because I decided to spare you the embarrassment of seeing how many Israeli figures have said exactly what Kerry said.

I suspect that the real reason for this umbrage, especially yours, is to make our President look like a muslim sympathizer. But actually, Obama is doing nothing different than Bush did with his "Roadmap" from 2004. It's the same stuff, just a different package.

You and I both know that at the end of the day, it makes no difference. Even if the palis say they will be amenable to a 2-state solution, they will move the goalposts in the middle of negotiations, as they have always done. Obama is going to have no more success with this than Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Nixon and co. had. Fuggedaboudit.

Now, as to Bachmann and Frank's resolution: I want to read it first. Bachmann is so batshit crazy, a total loon, that no one knows what else she may put into the resolution. Alone the fact that some Righties were willing to vote for that batshit crazy embarrassment to the GOP in the 2012 primaries is, well, just plain old sad.

That being said, if the resolution is well written and has no strange riders in it (like: BTW, we declare Obamacare illegal, or some such shit like that), I would likely support it. Hamas IS a terrorist organization and should be utterly destroyed. Fatah is no better.

Yes... Many leftist Israelis are even more clueless than the leftists in the United States, so what's the point again? Please don't embarrass me ok? :eusa_shhh: and of course People from the Obama administration advised the "Palestinians" on ways of getting around U.S. Law

More disturbingly, the Washington Post has reported that, the agreement, "appears to skirt, barely, U.S. prohibitions on aid to a Palestinian government that has 'undue' Hamas presence or influence. The Obama administration had worked behind the scenes to suggest terms for the new coalition government that would not trigger the U.S. ban, reasoning that the money helps preserve American leverage."

So in other words, according to this report, the Obama administration actively worked with the Palestinians to help them mask the fact that they were bringing a terrorist group into the government so that they could get around U.S. law aimed at preventing the flow of money to terrorists.

President Obama shirks his campaign pledge not to deal with Hamas |

Michelle Bachmann an embarrassment? Harry Reid is running the senate and you say Michelle Bachmann is an embarrassment?:cuckoo:

John Kerry not only threatened Israel would become an Apartheid state if they didn't agree to his "peace plan" which has never been done before. He also threaten them with the possibility of increased boycotts, and blamed them for the breakdown of the "peace process" they' better negotiate with Hamas or else. Israel knows who their friends are and it certainly isn't Obama, which is why most don't like or trust him there
Palestinian Terror Wave: Brutal Attacks Escalate
Why is the Obama administration silent in the face of Palestinian incitement and depravity?
October 8, 2015
Ari Lieberman

The Obama administration appears utterly blind to this axiom. Some might argue, with some justification, that the administration is cognizant of the inherent danger involved in the creation of a Palestinian state jutting into Israel’s heartland like a bone in the throat and is deliberately scheming to weaken Israel. Either way, Israel must act resolutely in the face of pure evil by stating unequivocally that it will never yield to terror, will never negotiate with those who support terror and will never yield to political blackmail imposed upon it by the Obama administration.

Palestinian Terror Wave: Brutal Attacks Escalate

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