Congress will see Barr's redacted version of the Mueller Report

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
Trump's appointee, William Barr, will determine what Congress sees in the Mueller Report, according to Barr.

The special counsel’s report on the investigation into Russia’s election interference will be made public by mid-April, Barr told lawmakers on Friday.

“Everyone will soon be able to read it,” Barr wrote in a letter to the chairmen of the congressional judiciary committees.

Prosecutors from the office of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and other law enforcement officials are scouring the report for sensitive information to black out before releasing it, including secret grand jury testimony, classified materials and information about other continuing federal investigations, Barr wrote.

Many are weary of hearing what Barr has to say about Robert S. Mueller III and the Mueller Report. They would like to hear what Mueller has to say about Mueller and the Mueller report.

Why? Because Barr is a bit biased when it comes to the Mueller Report. Barr authored a memo in June 2018. saying he thought the Mueller investigation was "fatally misconceived."

Trump's pick for attorney general warns Mueller's obstruction inquiry 'fatally misconceived' in memo to DOJ - CNNPolitics

In addition, Barr is a strong believer in the unitary executive. According to the unitary executive theory, since the Constitution assigns the president all of “the executive power”, he can set aside laws that attempt to limit his power over national security. This is an enormous power: critics charge that it effectively places the president above the law.

It is for these two reasons that Trump choose Barr in the first place. This is the man who will determine what Congress sees if Barr gets his way. The Democrats obviously are not enthused with the idea.

Of particular interest to the Democrats is Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), which Barr says will be used in the redaction process. In essence, 6(e) says that if the prosecutor is not going to charge a person with a crime, the DOJ is prohibited from divulging evidence concerning that individual. Since the DOJ has another rule -- a sitting President cannot be charged with a crime -- it is certainly possible that evidentiary evidence against the President will be excluded in Barr's version of the report to Congress.
I'm so tired of these corrupt and crooked games... I sure hope Barr has not sold his soul to Satan, though it appears that he may have, the day he wrote his 19 page dissertation/job interview or casting part...

He really should have listened to the Justice Ethics lawyers and recused himself.... even if he is not tainted, there is the appearance that he is or could be... which is the solid reason for recusal.

These ethical standards were put in place, decades if not centuries ago, for a REASON.
Selected members of Congress see some of the most sensitive, vital intelligence our agencies have to offer. They need to see it so they can do their jobs, which include funding projects and military adventures and oversight of the executive branch. There is nothing in the Mueller Report more sacred than that intelligence.

There is no federal law regarding grand jury testimony. DOJ rules govern grand jury testimony.

Traditionally, the federal grand jury has conducted its work in secret. Secrecy prevents those under scrutiny from fleeing or importuning the grand jurors, encourages full disclosure by witnesses, and protects the innocent from unwarranted prosecution, among other things. The long-established rule of grand jury secrecy is enshrined in Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), which provides that government attorneys and the jurors themselves, among others, “must not disclose a matter occurring before the grand jury.”

Congress is not subject to DOJ rules.

Barr is a bit biased when it comes to the Mueller Report. Barr authored a memo in June 2018. saying he thought the Mueller investigation was "fatally misconceived." Barr is a strong believer in the unitary executive, which effectively places the president above the law.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler will authorize a subpoena this week to obtain the full, unredacted report from special counsel Robert Mueller. Nadler said Monday that he had scheduled a markup on Wednesday to authorize a subpoena for the Mueller report, as well as the special counsel's underlying evidence.

Now I would like to ask my Trump friends a couple questions. Why is it necessary for Nadler to subpoena the unredacted version of the Mueller Report? What is Barr hiding from our elected representatives?
Barr keeping information from the Mueller Report from Congress is ludicrous and indicates strongly that he is protecting Trump. It would be strong indication that Trump collaborated with the Russian government and obstructed justice.

If Barr gives Congress his version of the Mueller report, particularly in view of Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e) (see OP or post 107), there is a reason why Barr is hiding something.

It is not to protect someone's privacy. That is con, and a bad one at that. Since when has the DOJ or FBI been concerned about someone's privacy when our nation's security is at risk.
If Barr isn't straight with the report and not fair with the redactions where it would have skewed the content,
there is Mueller and 19 prosecutors (many were liberals) would most assuredly step forward.
I'm sure if something was hinky that was presented by Barr, there would have been rumblings already.

But, even if there is really nothing to the nothing burger, it's still not going to be enough.
You guys are too vested into Trump being a Russian agent and a puppet of Putin.
It's politics, but you people should be glad that we didn't have a treasonous president.
Sadly, I think you people would rather have had a president that actually did sell out America.
I'm so tired of these corrupt and crooked games... I sure hope Barr has not sold his soul to Satan, though it appears that he may have, the day he wrote his 19 page dissertation/job interview or casting part...

He really should have listened to the Justice Ethics lawyers and recused himself.... even if he is not tainted, there is the appearance that he is or could be... which is the solid reason for recusal.

These ethical standards were put in place, decades if not centuries ago, for a REASON.
Why should he recuse himself, fuck democrats never do that...
Selected members of Congress see some of the most sensitive, vital intelligence our agencies have to offer. They need to see it so they can do their jobs, which include funding projects and military adventures and oversight of the executive branch. There is nothing in the Mueller Report more sacred than that intelligence.

There is no federal law regarding grand jury testimony. DOJ rules govern grand jury testimony.

Traditionally, the federal grand jury has conducted its work in secret. Secrecy prevents those under scrutiny from fleeing or importuning the grand jurors, encourages full disclosure by witnesses, and protects the innocent from unwarranted prosecution, among other things. The long-established rule of grand jury secrecy is enshrined in Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), which provides that government attorneys and the jurors themselves, among others, “must not disclose a matter occurring before the grand jury.”

Congress is not subject to DOJ rules.

Barr is a bit biased when it comes to the Mueller Report. Barr authored a memo in June 2018. saying he thought the Mueller investigation was "fatally misconceived." Barr is a strong believer in the unitary executive, which effectively places the president above the law.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler will authorize a subpoena this week to obtain the full, unredacted report from special counsel Robert Mueller. Nadler said Monday that he had scheduled a markup on Wednesday to authorize a subpoena for the Mueller report, as well as the special counsel's underlying evidence.

Now I would like to ask my Trump friends a couple questions. Why is it necessary for Nadler to subpoena the unredacted version of the Mueller Report? What is Barr hiding from our elected representatives?
So we're gonna post grand jury testimony now? God you guys are fucking retarded.....gone off the deep end......
The Law Does Not Matter to The New Democrats. The DemNazis.

Selected members of Congress see some of the most sensitive, vital intelligence our agencies have to offer. They need to see it so they can do their jobs, which include funding projects and military adventures and oversight of the executive branch. There is nothing in the Mueller Report more sacred than that intelligence.

There is no federal law regarding grand jury testimony. DOJ rules govern grand jury testimony.

Traditionally, the federal grand jury has conducted its work in secret. Secrecy prevents those under scrutiny from fleeing or importuning the grand jurors, encourages full disclosure by witnesses, and protects the innocent from unwarranted prosecution, among other things. The long-established rule of grand jury secrecy is enshrined in Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), which provides that government attorneys and the jurors themselves, among others, “must not disclose a matter occurring before the grand jury.”

Congress is not subject to DOJ rules.

Barr is a bit biased when it comes to the Mueller Report. Barr authored a memo in June 2018. saying he thought the Mueller investigation was "fatally misconceived." Barr is a strong believer in the unitary executive, which effectively places the president above the law.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler will authorize a subpoena this week to obtain the full, unredacted report from special counsel Robert Mueller. Nadler said Monday that he had scheduled a markup on Wednesday to authorize a subpoena for the Mueller report, as well as the special counsel's underlying evidence.

Now I would like to ask my Trump friends a couple questions. Why is it necessary for Nadler to subpoena the unredacted version of the Mueller Report? What is Barr hiding from our elected representatives?
So we're gonna post grand jury testimony now? God you guys are fucking retarded.....gone off the deep end......
Mueller could not indict Trump, neither can Barr. DOJ rules forbid the indictment of a sitting President. That is the reason why the un-redacted version of the Mueller Report should go to Congress. Congress has the responsibility of oversight, not Barr.

Trump lied to Americans again. I knew it when he said it. It was just a matter of time before he backtracked.

“Let people see it. That’s up to the attorney general,” Trump told reporters on March 20. Yes, he just contradicted himself. Trump has a problem with the English language. “There was no collusion. There was no obstruction. There was no nothing,” he added. The point is, he wanted to "let people see it," or so he said.

Now his tune has changed. Like I said, it was just a matter of time. Trump is transparent and highly predictable.

Today Trump dismissed Democrats’ efforts to compel the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's full report as a "somewhat of a waste of time" on the eve of a House panel vote to authorize a subpoena for the entire document and its underlying evidence.

"So there’s no collusion. The attorney general now and the deputy attorney general ruled no obstruction. They said no obstruction," Trump said during an Oval Office meeting with the head of NATO. Writer's note: Trump is lying again. He has not seen the Mueller Report. He knows as much as we do about what is in the report, which is absolutely nothing.

"So there’s no collusion, there’s no obstruction, and now we’re going to start this process all over again?" he continued. "I think it’s a disgrace. These are just Democrats that want to try and demean this country, and it shouldn’t be allowed."

“There is no amount of testimony or document production that can satisfy Jerry Nadler or Shifty Adam Schiff,” Trump tweeted earlier, naming two top House Democrats seeking the report. “It is now time to focus exclusively on properly running our great Country!”

Again, Trump is lying to Americans. On the issue of the Mueller Report and White Houses staffers appearing before Democratic House committees, Trump has refused every time. He has given the House nothing.
Mueller's witch hunt failed to get rid of Trump so naturally the left refuse to accept the report. Just as they refuse to accept the results of the election in 2016. Do you understand who the left are now?
Mueller's witch hunt failed to get rid of Trump so naturally the left refuse to accept the report. Just as they refuse to accept the results of the election in 2016. Do you understand who the left are now?

It will never end, you certainly get it.
Mueller's witch hunt failed to get rid of Trump so naturally the left refuse to accept the report. Just as they refuse to accept the results of the election in 2016. Do you understand who the left are now?

It will never end, you certainly get it.

Elections are only valid when the left wins them. The will of the people only matters when the left wins, otherwise they run to the courts to overturn the will of the people.
Mueller's witch hunt failed to get rid of Trump so naturally the left refuse to accept the report. Just as they refuse to accept the results of the election in 2016. Do you understand who the left are now?

It will never end, you certainly get it.

Elections are only valid when the left wins them. The will of the people only matters when the left wins, otherwise they run to the courts to overturn the will of the people.

Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky is their playbook, 100%.

Anyone who reads it will see the obvious tactics.

Subvert laws, work around the Constitution, get votes, get power, grow government.

The left in power want an ignorant and compliant electorate.

It’s disgusting and not the principles this country was founded on.
Now I would like to ask my Trump friends a couple questions. Why is it necessary for Nadler to subpoena the unredacted version of the Mueller Report? What is Barr hiding from our elected representatives?

I haven't seen a coherent response to that yet.
Now I would like to ask my Trump friends a couple questions. Why is it necessary for Nadler to subpoena the unredacted version of the Mueller Report? What is Barr hiding from our elected representatives?

I haven't seen a coherent response to that yet.

1. The Law says that the report MUST be redacted, period.
Any subpoena for an unredacted version would lose in court.
2. Barr is not hiding anything, what part of "no collusion, no obstruction" don't the dems understand?

A question for Lesh: Why don't the dems understand what "no collusion, no obstruction" means?
[ans; because the dems don't like that answer]
Selected members of Congress see some of the most sensitive, vital intelligence our agencies have to offer. They need to see it so they can do their jobs, which include funding projects and military adventures and oversight of the executive branch. There is nothing in the Mueller Report more sacred than that intelligence.

There is no federal law regarding grand jury testimony. DOJ rules govern grand jury testimony.

Traditionally, the federal grand jury has conducted its work in secret. Secrecy prevents those under scrutiny from fleeing or importuning the grand jurors, encourages full disclosure by witnesses, and protects the innocent from unwarranted prosecution, among other things. The long-established rule of grand jury secrecy is enshrined in Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), which provides that government attorneys and the jurors themselves, among others, “must not disclose a matter occurring before the grand jury.”

Congress is not subject to DOJ rules.

Barr is a bit biased when it comes to the Mueller Report. Barr authored a memo in June 2018. saying he thought the Mueller investigation was "fatally misconceived." Barr is a strong believer in the unitary executive, which effectively places the president above the law.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler will authorize a subpoena this week to obtain the full, unredacted report from special counsel Robert Mueller. Nadler said Monday that he had scheduled a markup on Wednesday to authorize a subpoena for the Mueller report, as well as the special counsel's underlying evidence.

Now I would like to ask my Trump friends a couple questions. Why is it necessary for Nadler to subpoena the unredacted version of the Mueller Report? What is Barr hiding from our elected representatives?

"There is no federal law regarding grand jury testimony. DOJ rules govern grand jury testimony."

"As mentioned, Rule 6(e) prohibits the government from revealing "a matter occurring before the grand jury." This prohibition of course covers the content of grand jury testimony. But it goes much further. The government cannot even reveal that you appeared before the grand jury or that you have been subpoenaed or scheduled to appear."

The Federal Grand Jury: Ten Tips for the Unwary | Solomon L. Wisenberg. | Washington D.C.

The people GIVING the testimony but the Gov cannot disclose anything.
Trump's appointee, William Barr, will determine what Congress sees in the Mueller Report, according to Barr.

The special counsel’s report on the investigation into Russia’s election interference will be made public by mid-April, Barr told lawmakers on Friday.

“Everyone will soon be able to read it,” Barr wrote in a letter to the chairmen of the congressional judiciary committees.

Prosecutors from the office of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and other law enforcement officials are scouring the report for sensitive information to black out before releasing it, including secret grand jury testimony, classified materials and information about other continuing federal investigations, Barr wrote.

Many are weary of hearing what Barr has to say about Robert S. Mueller III and the Mueller Report. They would like to hear what Mueller has to say about Mueller and the Mueller report.

Why? Because Barr is a bit biased when it comes to the Mueller Report. Barr authored a memo in June 2018. saying he thought the Mueller investigation was "fatally misconceived."

Trump's pick for attorney general warns Mueller's obstruction inquiry 'fatally misconceived' in memo to DOJ - CNNPolitics

In addition, Barr is a strong believer in the unitary executive. According to the unitary executive theory, since the Constitution assigns the president all of “the executive power”, he can set aside laws that attempt to limit his power over national security. This is an enormous power: critics charge that it effectively places the president above the law.

It is for these two reasons that Trump choose Barr in the first place. This is the man who will determine what Congress sees if Barr gets his way. The Democrats obviously are not enthused with the idea.

Of particular interest to the Democrats is Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), which Barr says will be used in the redaction process. In essence, 6(e) says that if the prosecutor is not going to charge a person with a crime, the DOJ is prohibited from divulging evidence concerning that individual. Since the DOJ has another rule -- a sitting President cannot be charged with a crime -- it is certainly possible that evidentiary evidence against the President will be excluded in Barr's version of the report to Congress.
The investigation was over collusion allegations that all stemmed from a dossier that was not only uncorroborated, but also known to have validity issues from the get-go. So, yea I’d agree it was ill conceived. Usually you try to corroborate some information from a source before going full blown investigation. The dossier was Russia’s most successful troll, and probably will go down as the biggest troll in all of history
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The investigation was over collusion allegations that all stemmed from a dossier that was not only uncorroborated, but also known to have validity issues from the get-go. So, yea I’d agree it was ill conceived. Usually you try to corroborate some information from a source before going full blown investigation. The dossier was Russia’s most successful troll, and probably will go down as the biggest troll in all of history

So, today you've been the one tasked with swallowing and regurgitating the moldiest, most oft-debunked talking points, the task that usually falls to the most criminally stupid of the Trumpleton crowd, and you still complied. Have you no self-respect, sir?

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