congress woman Sanchez says R admitt its about getting rid of Obama

are you so stupid and partisan that you really think that is their job?

If a democRats are in office the REP party tries to beat that side. If the Rep in office the Dems try to defeat them. I am sure a 2nd grader can figure that one at . But of course we have to put you on a 2nd grade level to spell it out for you:lol:
Doesn't matter. If you don't like the president, do the best job for your district in spite of him, not to spite him.

The Republicans CAN'T do much anyway, not with the Democrats holding the Senate and the I hope you are not suggesting the Republicans are (intentionally) trying to sabotage things.

You know, that's EXACTLY what it's starting to look like: "If I can't drive, I'm wrecking the car so NObody can drive!"

Both parties have a childish streak a mile wide but the republican leadership seems to be taking it to a whole 'nother level. Just an average observation.....

I can agree with you some dear. I usually do.
That's not the point. True bullshit speaks a LOT about nothing. She obviously has a story to tell.... one that's not being refuted - far from it, the story is gaining traction.

I'm so disgusted with the republicans at this point in time, I'm dreaming of a viable 3rd party option. Politics is expensive though and the status quo can barely afford the 2 parties they currently lease.

Oh puh-leeeze. Democrats have been saying this all year. Her comments (from what I can tell) were today and your claim of legitimacy is that her story is not being refuted and is picking up momentum? Come on, man. This is the same shit that the Democrats and MSNBC and and the Daily Kos, blah, blah, blah have been blathering about to cover their own incompetence.
are you so stupid and partisan that you really think that is their job?

If a democRats are in office the REP party tries to beat that side. If the Rep in office the Dems try to defeat them. I am sure a 2nd grader can figure that one at . But of course we have to put you on a 2nd grade level to spell it out for you:lol:

They are there to represent the communities that sent them.

NOT to lie to their communities about what they will do once elected.
They are there to represent the communities that sent them.

NOT to lie to their communities about what they will do once elected.

Then why did so many Democratic representatives vote in favor of Obamacare even when their constituents opposed it?
Tell me TM. In what way would reelecting President Obama be bettter for our nation?
Tell me TM. In what way would reelecting President Obama be bettter for our nation?

Your team crashed the world economy and gave us years of useless debt and war.

He is not you

LOL. Go read my OP on the thread "A Lesson in Civics for Liberals." Here's the link. for my next big hit "A Lesson in Economics for Liberals" coming soon to a discussion board near you.

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