congress woman Sanchez says R admitt its about getting rid of Obama

Obama has lied to his constituents from the beginning. But , I am positive that you are ok with that:cuckoo:

Thank you for admitting Mitch lied
Again All politicians lie. So if you think in your small mind this is a victory so be it . I know who is right in this matter and its not you:lol:

Its not a victory to have to shame you into admitting your heros lied to their constituents to get elected.

Its truth
Mitch LIED to his constituents.

They would not have elected him if he had told them that was his top priority

Can you for a moment separate McConnell the Senator from McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader. His duties to the citizens of Kentucky and to the GOP Senate Caucus are, like.... different.


Why? Because he has 2 jobs in the Senate as most Senators that sit on committees do. He represents the interests of the people of Kentucky and he is the leader of the Senate GOP Caucus.
Just like Speaker Boehner, House Minority Leader Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid, McConnell has a partisan position separate from his duties as Senator from Kentucky.
Get an expamle of the MINORITY republicans working with Reid?

It takes two to work together.

The minority doesnt get to make all the decisions about what gets done.

They are tasked with working with the MAJORITY to help their country.

they were more concerned with party than country

Actually, they are often tasked with opposing the majority from screwing over the country.

But it doesnt change the fact that Harry Reid controls the agenda.
Can you for a moment separate McConnell the Senator from McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader. His duties to the citizens of Kentucky and to the GOP Senate Caucus are, like.... different.


Why? Because he has 2 jobs in the Senate as most Senators that sit on committees do. He represents the interests of the people of Kentucky and he is the leader of the Senate GOP Caucus.
Just like Speaker Boehner, House Minority Leader Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid, McConnell has a partisan position separate from his duties as Senator from Kentucky.

And his partisan postiion is the one he puts over his oath to the people
Thank you for admitting Mitch lied
Again All politicians lie. So if you think in your small mind this is a victory so be it . I know who is right in this matter and its not you:lol:

Its not a victory to have to shame you into admitting your heros lied to their constituents to get elected.

Its truth

He's our hero now?

You really need to think about what you are saying before you say it.
Again Bush made it so Obama had to save this countries economy with stimulus.

It worked and you hate him for helping this country survive.

:lmao: the only thing that got stimulated by that massive addition to our debt was Chris Matthews' leg.

That is not what the CBO says along with most respected economists

No. It's what 9% unemployment says.

People can say stupid stuff all day long. But when almost 1/10 of the nation is out of work, when the stimulus was passed to prevent there from being more than 8% unemployment, the stimulus didn't work.

Now, if you think the stimulus had another purpose, IE draining our government of resources to weigh down the system, then you might be right. You may consider it to have worked.
You people pay way too much time responding to a truthmatters post. Y'all know how lopsided she is, yet you think your going to be able to change her lopsided opinion? :lol:

Her brain and thought process reminds me of my friends 6X2 bull Elk that he stuck. :lol:
the stimulus worked and lying about it is just more proof you people dont care about your country as much as you care about your party
TM, you are both helpless and hopeless.

Please explain to me why your God gets to target who ever he want's for assassination, Without Oversight, and why that is okay with you.

Why is it okay for him to even Overthrow Governments arbitrarily, because he has a bug up his ass?

If Bush dared do any of this shit, how long do you think it would take for you to shut the fuck up, ragging on him? How many fucking Decades, Hypocrite? You give slime and scum a bad name sometimes, with the shit you put out there TM. How buried is your Conscience?

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