Congressman Backs Libertarian Presidential Candidate in Campaign First

If he's from a 'moderate district', I don't understand how backing the Libertarian is supposed to help him. In any event, I do believe this is calculated for the sake of his own career and not some deeply seated principles. This ultimately means nothing in the national narrative.

Clearly it does, since (a) this is a national/international forum we're on and it's got attention here, (b) it's got attention in the national "paper of record, ditto; and (c) it's a case of a party member defying his own, which is an essential step if we're ever to take down the Duopoly. In a groupthink mentality nobody wants to dare to be the 'first' until somebody with stones in their bag dares to take the lead. The next one will be that much easier.

Prob is -- one side of duopoly got "trumped" by an outsider. The other side lumbers along with train loads of voter disenfranchisement and inside trading baggage with the most "establishment" candidate ANYONE could ever select.

So now the test is -- the fear of the "establishment" lunatic versus the fear of the renegade lunatic.
LOL. Bill Weld is less Libertarian than Hillary. He was a Democrat-in-Republican clothing as Governor (as all Massachusetts Republicans are) and has no legitimate credentials at all.

Yeah because Hillary is so damn fond of the Constitution and wouldn't ever manipulate it further than it already has been. She's also CLEARLY a fiscal conservative and realist about how bombing 4 Arab countries a year is healthy for spreading Democracy in that region...
Prob is -- one side of duopoly got "trumped" by an outsider. The other side lumbers along with train loads of voter disenfranchisement and inside trading baggage with the most "establishment" candidate ANYONE could ever select.

So now the test is -- the fear of the "establishment" lunatic versus the fear of the renegade lunatic.

You are trying to make a moral equivalency argument. Hillary is a compromised candidate with no real set of values. I don't think that is the case with Trump (certainly not to the same degree).
If he's from a 'moderate district', I don't understand how backing the Libertarian is supposed to help him. In any event, I do believe this is calculated for the sake of his own career and not some deeply seated principles. This ultimately means nothing in the national narrative.

Because it's RABID partisanship that's put America in fetal position about the other 2 choices?

It's a fucking NATIONAL CRISIS dude. Most people will figure it that all out before Nov..

I don't believe this is a crisis of conscious for an in the mold GOP representative. Nor does it have anything to do with any "NATIONAL CRISIS." He's looked at some polls for his district and concluded he's better off not supporting Trump than supporting Trump.

Definitely a bigger national crisis than ISIS or GW.. It goes to the entire DEVOLUTION of political discourse in this country... It's not just the voters that are getting reamed by the parties. It's ALSO the politicians. USED to be -- that being a Congressman MEANT something. Meant you could speak your mind --- problem solve and mediate.

NOW --- there are only FOUR critters on Hill doing that.. THEY control Congress and they are RABID partisan. The other 561 members are irrelevant to the process and live in FEAR that if they mediate or bloviate or don't toe the line, they will be opposed by their OWN PARTY in the next election cycle. The Dems caused the extinction of Blue Dog Democrats and lost the South for good. The Repubs and the Dems are trying the same genocide on the Tea Party movement.

POLITICIANS are starting to want a place to go.. A sanctuary from the political rot that is occurring. Just this year, the LP has welcomed about a DOZEN elected State level representatives.. And there will be more trying to distance themselves from the coming melt-down..
Prob is -- one side of duopoly got "trumped" by an outsider. The other side lumbers along with train loads of voter disenfranchisement and inside trading baggage with the most "establishment" candidate ANYONE could ever select.

So now the test is -- the fear of the "establishment" lunatic versus the fear of the renegade lunatic.

You are trying to make a moral equivalency argument. Hillary is a compromised candidate with no real set of values. I don't think that is the case with Trump (certainly not to the same degree).

No actually I only made the LUNATIC equivalency. :biggrin: THey are 2 very different clear moral and judgmental dangers to the Republic. I probably "over-read" Pogo's comment tho -- when I wrote that last reply.

He commented about brave individuals bringing down the duopoly and I launched off into what the PARTIES had done to bring down the duopolies. I messed up that reply,...
If he's from a 'moderate district', I don't understand how backing the Libertarian is supposed to help him. In any event, I do believe this is calculated for the sake of his own career and not some deeply seated principles. This ultimately means nothing in the national narrative.

Because it's RABID partisanship that's put America in fetal position about the other 2 choices?

It's a fucking NATIONAL CRISIS dude. Most people will figure it that all out before Nov..

I don't believe this is a crisis of conscious for an in the mold GOP representative. Nor does it have anything to do with any "NATIONAL CRISIS." He's looked at some polls for his district and concluded he's better off not supporting Trump than supporting Trump.

Definitely a bigger national crisis than ISIS or GW.. It goes to the entire DEVOLUTION of political discourse in this country... It's not just the voters that are getting reamed by the parties. It's ALSO the politicians. USED to be -- that being a Congressman MEANT something. Meant you could speak your mind --- problem solve and mediate.

NOW --- there are only FOUR critters on Hill doing that.. THEY control Congress and they are RABID partisan. The other 561 members are irrelevant to the process and live in FEAR that if they mediate or bloviate or don't toe the line, they will be opposed by their OWN PARTY in the next election cycle. The Dems caused the extinction of Blue Dog Democrats and lost the South for good. The Repubs and the Dems are trying the same genocide on the Tea Party movement.

POLITICIANS are starting to want a place to go.. A sanctuary from the political rot that is occurring. Just this year, the LP has welcomed about a DOZEN elected State level representatives.. And there will be more trying to distance themselves from the coming melt-down..

So, your conclusion is that he is one of a handful of politicians with courage to go against the fray? I mean, I share your cynicism that system politicians abound and they're not looking out for the people; the only halfway decent decisions they make are based on getting elected that is. But I don't believe this guy is making his decision based upon some sort of moral fortitude. I think he's just making a pragmatic choice that is in his interest.

What melt-down do you speak of?
Yeah because Hillary is so damn fond of the Constitution and wouldn't ever manipulate it further than it already has been. She's also CLEARLY a fiscal conservative and realist about how bombing 4 Arab countries a year is healthy for spreading Democracy in that region...

No. Because Hillary at least she admits she is the American hating, Liberal, Socialist bitch they all are; whereas Johnson and Weld try to hide in their Libertarian closet and deny it.
No actually I only made the LUNATIC equivalency. :biggrin: THey are 2 very different clear moral and judgmental dangers to the Republic. I probably "over-read" Pogo's comment tho -- when I wrote that last reply.

He commented about brave individuals bringing down the duopoly and I launched off into what the PARTIES had done to bring down the duopolies. I messed up that reply,...

:lmao: Are all lunatics created equal though?

Personally, I don't see either as lunatics in a closer to truer sense of the word. I think Trump is a smart guy that knows sh** is being pulled, and he's stepping up to the plate. If I were to be cynical, I'd say he's marking POTUS off his bucket list. But I think he at least has some level of decency. Hillary is the classic psychopath. She has absolutely no level of moral conscious, and that often shows in her off the cuff remarks. But she is calculated and knows that voters have morals; and she tries to pass herself off as having values when she has none in reality. I'll be honest; that scares the sh** out of me. It scares the sh** out of me that we can have a DOJ and FBI head so blatantly disregarding the rule of law and ethics. Now, I don't think Trump will clean house, unfortunately. But I don't want to reward someone for being so corrupt. I'd certainly like to think being in bed with warlords and f*cking over hurricane victims is a line Trump wouldn't cross. But I do know the Clintons have crossed that line, time and time again.
If he's from a 'moderate district', I don't understand how backing the Libertarian is supposed to help him. In any event, I do believe this is calculated for the sake of his own career and not some deeply seated principles. This ultimately means nothing in the national narrative.

Because it's RABID partisanship that's put America in fetal position about the other 2 choices?

It's a fucking NATIONAL CRISIS dude. Most people will figure it that all out before Nov..

I don't believe this is a crisis of conscious for an in the mold GOP representative. Nor does it have anything to do with any "NATIONAL CRISIS." He's looked at some polls for his district and concluded he's better off not supporting Trump than supporting Trump.

Definitely a bigger national crisis than ISIS or GW.. It goes to the entire DEVOLUTION of political discourse in this country... It's not just the voters that are getting reamed by the parties. It's ALSO the politicians. USED to be -- that being a Congressman MEANT something. Meant you could speak your mind --- problem solve and mediate.

NOW --- there are only FOUR critters on Hill doing that.. THEY control Congress and they are RABID partisan. The other 561 members are irrelevant to the process and live in FEAR that if they mediate or bloviate or don't toe the line, they will be opposed by their OWN PARTY in the next election cycle. The Dems caused the extinction of Blue Dog Democrats and lost the South for good. The Repubs and the Dems are trying the same genocide on the Tea Party movement.

POLITICIANS are starting to want a place to go.. A sanctuary from the political rot that is occurring. Just this year, the LP has welcomed about a DOZEN elected State level representatives.. And there will be more trying to distance themselves from the coming melt-down..

So, your conclusion is that he is one of a handful of politicians with courage to go against the fray? I mean, I share your cynicism that system politicians abound and they're not looking out for the people; the only halfway decent decisions they make are based on getting elected that is. But I don't believe this guy is making his decision based upon some sort of moral fortitude. I think he's just making a pragmatic choice that is in his interest.

What melt-down do you speak of?

The meltdown occurs just like it does in a Nuclear power plant event. Too much fuel added to too little coolant causing and EXPONENTIAL increase in radioactivity (partisan) bullshit. THAT is the future of America with EITHER of these choices getting elected.

Hey --- I'm not saying it AINT expedience. Just told you the politicians are feeling as pawned as the voters are. At least this guy is not chucking it off as a choice between the Lessor of the evils. It's called PRINCIPLES and voting your conscience. It's that slow clap scene in the movies that has been parodied to death. It WILL spread when folks REALIZE we are in an ACTUAL NATIONAL LEADERSHIP crisis.

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If he's from a 'moderate district', I don't understand how backing the Libertarian is supposed to help him. In any event, I do believe this is calculated for the sake of his own career and not some deeply seated principles. This ultimately means nothing in the national narrative.

Because it's RABID partisanship that's put America in fetal position about the other 2 choices?

It's a fucking NATIONAL CRISIS dude. Most people will figure it that all out before Nov..

I don't believe this is a crisis of conscious for an in the mold GOP representative. Nor does it have anything to do with any "NATIONAL CRISIS." He's looked at some polls for his district and concluded he's better off not supporting Trump than supporting Trump.

Definitely a bigger national crisis than ISIS or GW.. It goes to the entire DEVOLUTION of political discourse in this country... It's not just the voters that are getting reamed by the parties. It's ALSO the politicians. USED to be -- that being a Congressman MEANT something. Meant you could speak your mind --- problem solve and mediate.

NOW --- there are only FOUR critters on Hill doing that.. THEY control Congress and they are RABID partisan. The other 561 members are irrelevant to the process and live in FEAR that if they mediate or bloviate or don't toe the line, they will be opposed by their OWN PARTY in the next election cycle. The Dems caused the extinction of Blue Dog Democrats and lost the South for good. The Repubs and the Dems are trying the same genocide on the Tea Party movement.

POLITICIANS are starting to want a place to go.. A sanctuary from the political rot that is occurring. Just this year, the LP has welcomed about a DOZEN elected State level representatives.. And there will be more trying to distance themselves from the coming melt-down..

So, your conclusion is that he is one of a handful of politicians with courage to go against the fray? I mean, I share your cynicism that system politicians abound and they're not looking out for the people; the only halfway decent decisions they make are based on getting elected that is. But I don't believe this guy is making his decision based upon some sort of moral fortitude. I think he's just making a pragmatic choice that is in his interest.

What melt-down do you speak of?

The meltdown occurs just like it does in a Nuclear power plant event. Too much fuel added to too little coolant causing and EXPONENTIAL increase in radioactivity (partisan) bullshit. THAT is the future of America with EITHER of these choices.

Hey --- I'm not saying it AINT expedience. Just told you the politicians are feeling as pawned as the voters are. At least this guy is not chucking it off as a choice between the Lessor of the evils. It's called PRINCIPLES and voting your conscience. It's that slow clap scene in the movies that has been parodied to death. It WILL spread when folks REALIZE we are in an ACTUAL NATIONAL LEADERSHIP crisis.

single slow clap scene from the movies - Bing video

I think you're giving this guy the benefit of the doubt that this is about principles. If he's from a "moderate district", he didn't get elected by espousing libertarian causes.

As for the meltdown, I think that most politicians don't care as long as they get there's first. That's their race if they even believe they're in one. But frankly, I think they mostly have a TOO BIG TO FAIL mindset. And they haven't exactly been wrong to this point for what their greedy objectives are.
Yeah because Hillary is so damn fond of the Constitution and wouldn't ever manipulate it further than it already has been. She's also CLEARLY a fiscal conservative and realist about how bombing 4 Arab countries a year is healthy for spreading Democracy in that region...

No. Because Hillary at least she admits she is the American hating, Liberal, Socialist bitch they all are; whereas Johnson and Weld try to hide in their Libertarian closet and deny it.

If you're claiming that Johnson/Weld are American hating Liberal Socialist bitches --- I suggest you aren't paying the slightest bit of attention to the differences.. Can't discuss from that nihilistic POV that you usually start from..

Simply not true..
Because it's RABID partisanship that's put America in fetal position about the other 2 choices?

It's a fucking NATIONAL CRISIS dude. Most people will figure it that all out before Nov..

I don't believe this is a crisis of conscious for an in the mold GOP representative. Nor does it have anything to do with any "NATIONAL CRISIS." He's looked at some polls for his district and concluded he's better off not supporting Trump than supporting Trump.

Definitely a bigger national crisis than ISIS or GW.. It goes to the entire DEVOLUTION of political discourse in this country... It's not just the voters that are getting reamed by the parties. It's ALSO the politicians. USED to be -- that being a Congressman MEANT something. Meant you could speak your mind --- problem solve and mediate.

NOW --- there are only FOUR critters on Hill doing that.. THEY control Congress and they are RABID partisan. The other 561 members are irrelevant to the process and live in FEAR that if they mediate or bloviate or don't toe the line, they will be opposed by their OWN PARTY in the next election cycle. The Dems caused the extinction of Blue Dog Democrats and lost the South for good. The Repubs and the Dems are trying the same genocide on the Tea Party movement.

POLITICIANS are starting to want a place to go.. A sanctuary from the political rot that is occurring. Just this year, the LP has welcomed about a DOZEN elected State level representatives.. And there will be more trying to distance themselves from the coming melt-down..

So, your conclusion is that he is one of a handful of politicians with courage to go against the fray? I mean, I share your cynicism that system politicians abound and they're not looking out for the people; the only halfway decent decisions they make are based on getting elected that is. But I don't believe this guy is making his decision based upon some sort of moral fortitude. I think he's just making a pragmatic choice that is in his interest.

What melt-down do you speak of?

The meltdown occurs just like it does in a Nuclear power plant event. Too much fuel added to too little coolant causing and EXPONENTIAL increase in radioactivity (partisan) bullshit. THAT is the future of America with EITHER of these choices.

Hey --- I'm not saying it AINT expedience. Just told you the politicians are feeling as pawned as the voters are. At least this guy is not chucking it off as a choice between the Lessor of the evils. It's called PRINCIPLES and voting your conscience. It's that slow clap scene in the movies that has been parodied to death. It WILL spread when folks REALIZE we are in an ACTUAL NATIONAL LEADERSHIP crisis.

single slow clap scene from the movies - Bing video

I think you're giving this guy the benefit of the doubt that this is about principles. If he's from a "moderate district", he didn't get elected by espousing libertarian causes.

As for the meltdown, I think that most politicians don't care as long as they get there's first. That's their race if they even believe they're in one. But frankly, I think they mostly have a TOO BIG TO FAIL mindset. And they haven't exactly been wrong to this point for what their greedy objectives are.

A) if he's from a "moderate district" chances are that "moderation" is libertarian. Because under it all -- America is largely socially liberal and economically conservative...

B) Politicians don't care about meltdowns. They just don't want folks to see them coming. They WANT to toss nicknames and taunts around.. Keeps the partisans hungry for more. It's an addiction. Should be regulated by the FDA..
A) if he's from a "moderate district" chances are that "moderation" is libertarian. Because under it all -- America is largely socially liberal and economically conservative...

How exactly do you confine economically conservative? I think there is so much regulation that goes against small businesses and global shenanigans that hurt real wages and employment, that I just don't see it that way. Bankers are our overlords at this point. I just doubt that this guy is standing on some sort of grand principle. I know my congressman would probably have used that same exact line you just presented, and I know he's voted for bloated Obama budgets.
If you're claiming that Johnson/Weld are American hating Liberal Socialist bitches --- I suggest you aren't paying the slightest bit of attention to the differences.. Can't discuss from that nihilistic POV that you usually start from.

There are two types of people..... Conservatives and Socialist pond scum. Neither of the candidates comes close to being a Conservative, therefore.....

(apologies. My damn autocorrect doesn't seem to like me this evening).
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If you're claiming that Johnson/Weld are American hating Liberal Socialist bitches --- I suggest you aren't paying the slightest bit of attention to the differences.. Can't discuss from that nihilistic POV that you usually start from.

There are two types of people..... Conservatives answer Socialist ponds umbrella. Neither of them comes close to being a Conservative, therefore.....
Is that even ENGLISH?
Damn right, because daring to think outside the Duopoly box is a "crime".

"muusst........ vote............ party ......... muuuust ....... vote......... party........ bzzzt......."

Funny since.thats how the democrat party, keeps all of its disparate groups in line......Obama never lies, all of his policies are people can't think at all...the DNC does it all for you

Uh... "you people"?

And who might that be, pray?

Still waiting.
You'd think a simple question wouldn't be such a challenge to answer.
You'd think.

You type slower than old people fuck.
you people are liberal democrats.....what did you think it meant?

I know perfectly well what it meant. What I need is your evidence that it applies to me.
Take another six hours. You'll need it.

Get a life.....and anyone can see your posts to know you're a liberal democrat.....
Funny since.thats how the democrat party, keeps all of its disparate groups in line......Obama never lies, all of his policies are people can't think at all...the DNC does it all for you

Uh... "you people"?

And who might that be, pray?

Still waiting.
You'd think a simple question wouldn't be such a challenge to answer.
You'd think.

You type slower than old people fuck.
you people are liberal democrats.....what did you think it meant?

I know perfectly well what it meant. What I need is your evidence that it applies to me.
Take another six hours. You'll need it.

Get a life.....and anyone can see your posts to know you're a liberal democrat.....

Ah excellent. The ole "everybody knows" fallacy, propped up on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. And in spite of what I've already posted in this very thread.

Better luck next time. :itsok:
Actually -- this item just made my LOCAL news. Which is rare indeed.. And it got clarified. This guy is NOT RUNNING for re-election. So "convenience" and expediency are NOT his motivation. It was done out of principle.

Now that he's not gonna be DISCIPLINED by his party for speaking out --- he finally makes a principled declaration as a Congress critter. I'm telling you --- the parties have MUZZLED everyone on Capitol Hill. It's like the Borg Confederacy up there.

Would have learned that if I had read the entire OP. Was waiting for a campaign alert from the LParty..
Uh... "you people"?

And who might that be, pray?

Still waiting.
You'd think a simple question wouldn't be such a challenge to answer.
You'd think.

You type slower than old people fuck.
you people are liberal democrats.....what did you think it meant?

I know perfectly well what it meant. What I need is your evidence that it applies to me.
Take another six hours. You'll need it.

Get a life.....and anyone can see your posts to know you're a liberal democrat.....

Ah excellent. The ole "everybody knows" fallacy, propped up on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. And in spite of what I've already posted in this very thread.

Better luck next time. :itsok:

Khan: Allah is working to defeat Trump

You presented Khan as the antagonist. It's right there in your words. I pointed out that he was reacting in defense, and that Rump went first.

You can't admit that. You know it's true but can't admit you were wrong.

That's the end of it.

That is a post of you. Khan attacked Trump in a Convention speech. Trump never mentioned him before or had anything to do with the death of his son. Reasonable people accept the truth. Liberal democrats only accept what their leaders tell them.

Now if you want to agree with me then we can talk, if not, you are a liberal democrat that has no objectivity and no basis in reality.
If you're claiming that Johnson/Weld are American hating Liberal Socialist bitches --- I suggest you aren't paying the slightest bit of attention to the differences.. Can't discuss from that nihilistic POV that you usually start from.

There are two types of people..... Conservatives and Socialist pond scum. Neither of the candidates comes close to being a Conservative, therefore.....

(apologies. My damn autocorrect doesn't seem to like me this evening).

Your autocorrect is a great judge of character apparently.. :banana: JEST kidding ya..

So now -- there's no such thing as Libertarians because you say so? Well ya got me.. :happy-1:

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