Congressman on Illegal Aliens - 'I'll Do Anything Short Of Shooting Them'


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) told an Alabama TV station he's intense on the issue of illegal immigration.

Congressman on Illegal Aliens - 'I'll Do Anything Short Of Shooting Them'

“They have no right to be here they’re clogging up our emergency rooms. They’re making our education system more expensive. And if you go to the Madison County Jail there are far too many illegal aliens there because they’ve victimized Americans.

As your Congressman on the House Floor I’ll do anything short of shooting them, anything that is lawful, it needs to be done because illegal aliens need to quit taking jobs from Americans citizens.”

[ame=""]Congressman On Illegal Aliens- 'I'll Do Anything Short Of Shooting Them' - YouTube[/ame]

Vote for Mo for President and the ZRT Commander (Zombie Response Team).

Not a thing. Put the military on the border and give out cash prizes.
Congressman on Illegal Aliens - 'I'll Do Anything Short Of Shooting Them'
Well then, he is somewhat short of protecting our nation from all enemies foreign and domestic.
Invasion of the country is occurring. Just because they come unarmed does not mean it is any less of an invasion.
They are not unharmed they (men and women) are heavily armed with deadly weapons. They come over the border with brass knuckles, AK-47's, AR-15's, knives, hand grenades you name it. One Border Patrol agent found one with a Gold pistol. A group of illegal alien caught near San Diego had Howitzers And if they didn't bring weapons with them, they quickly buy illegal weapons when they get here. That's how they commit so many crimes and murders against Americans.
How about bigger fines and longer prison time for those who hire them?
They are not unharmed they (men and women) are heavily armed with deadly weapons. They come over the border with brass knuckles, AK-47's, AR-15's, knives, hand grenades you name it. One Border Patrol agent found one with a Gold pistol. A group of illegal alien caught near San Diego had Howitzers And if they didn't bring weapons with them, they quickly buy illegal weapons when they get here. That's how they commit so many crimes and murders against Americans.

Yesterday was veteran's day. What has America come to? My father fought against fascism and the threat of foreign invasion. Were did that fighting sprit die? We just roll over and die? This is sad. I live a block away from a Pearl Harbor survivor. These people never thought twice about shooting foreign invaders, why is that now a sin?
There are already laws on the books for healthy fines and prison terms for hiring the illegal aliens. It’s the politicians who don’t want to enforce the laws. The politicians are the root of the problem for not enforcing the laws already on the books. We need to vote out every politician in office and start over with new ones who will listen to the Will of The People!
They are not unharmed they (men and women) are heavily armed with deadly weapons. They come over the border with brass knuckles, AK-47's, AR-15's, knives, hand grenades you name it. One Border Patrol agent found one with a Gold pistol. A group of illegal alien caught near San Diego had Howitzers And if they didn't bring weapons with them, they quickly buy illegal weapons when they get here. That's how they commit so many crimes and murders against Americans.

Some are armed.

I doubt that most are. Or do you consider having any kind of cutlery being armed?
With all those tight Mexican gun controls, and American gun controls, HOW the hell do they {Mexican drug cartels} get guns? Something smells fishy . Anyway, back at the ranch. I still have to live with wettbacks. Not nice.
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How about bigger fines and longer prison time for those who hire them?

That shifts responsibility for protecting and guarding our borders from federal government to businesses and the private sector. I have a problem with that. Long prison sentences and big fines for those who hire them but a lifelong PENSION for those who refuse to prevent them from crossing in the first place? I DON'T THINK SO! If it becomes the primary responsibility of those in the private sector -then those in the private sector should take the lead and claim the authority and power to take steps to prevent them from entering in the first place and thereby not only insure there is less possibility that any given business would hire illegals - knowingly or unknowingly -but taking MUCH greater effort to prevent the huge and incredibly brutal, inhumane drug cartel THUGS from gaining an ever greater foothold of power in THIS country along with the increasing territory they are grabbing in Mexico! There are already areas in Arizona and Texas where it is too dangerous for US citizens to go -in our OWN COUNTRY!

These politician weasels want it both ways -where they can strike a phony pose trying to convince Hispanics they support the efforts of illegals to invade it by the millions and they have no intention of doing anything of substance to stem that flow -while also pretending they are doing something constructive by advocating harsh punishment for those who fail to thoroughly check their background and hire someone to do a detailed analysis to make sure any documents they may provide aren't outstanding forgeries.

Without politicians doing much to stop them before they even get in and federal government filing one suit after another to get state laws overturned in spite of the fact a MASSIVE amount of their budget is going towards the support, feeding, medical care, education and housing of people who have NO right to be here at all -then they better not ask me to get behind stiffer penalties for those who hire them after the fact while the politicians sit back gloating about how they fucked over the American people coming and going.

STOP THEM BEFORE THEY GET IN first, then ask me to support harsher penalties for those who give them a job. But right now everyone knows our own federal government isn't going to lift a fucking finger to get them out by then anyway. Allowing them to stay but denying them work will actually INCREASE the strain on the already near bankrupt budgets of state governments. By then illegals are here and they are already exploiting the system we set up for ourselves but got stuck footing the bill to provide it for THEM. But when they can't get a job, they contribute even less than the miniscule amount they were before, increasing the already huge bill politicians put us on the hook for in the first place. It will INCREASE the burden on those who foot the bills for the system THEY still get to exploit ever more freely and openly! With more and more regulations intended to tie the hands of WE THE PEOPLE from preventing MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of illegals from SUCKING US DRY! You really want to do something constructive -first throw out every politician regardless of party (because both do it) who thinks they gain more by pandering to a population of people who aren't even citizens and putting the best interests of those who ARE US citizens second -because I've had it with them and I don't care whether they have a "D" or an "R" behind their name. If they put the best interests of illegals before that of their REAL constituents who are stuck footing the bills for MILLIONS of people who have no right to be here and are in reality INVADING this country -then they should lose their job. If they support laws and regulations that prevent us from protecting ourselves from, finding and removing those who have no right to even be here yet demand we foot the bills to support them at the same time -they deserve to lose their jobs. Let them go compete with illegals for another job like they forced all the rest of us to do!

Our federal government is refusing to uphold our OWN laws, laws WE THE PEOPLE wanted and still want in place and laws we want enforced. Then has the utter gall to magically find both the time and funds to launch expensive legal challenges against any state that also enacts laws that actually SUPPORT those federal laws which were passed for the specific purpose of trying to force federal government to actually DO ITS FUCKING JOB! Throw them out of office and keep throwing them out until those who want the job get the idea we expect a certain level of job performance and an intention of ignoring and refusing to enforce the very laws that are supposed to protect us from the sneaky invasion going on right now will no longer be tolerated. Right along with rescinding taxpayer funded pension plans for these people -laws that reward and encourage the existence of career politicians is NEVER good for the people. You don't need to be a career politician to run our government, do the right thing and do a good job. We haven't had a "good job" from these people in decades. No matter how they want to disguise it, career politicians are actually nothing but parasites on the system - parasites who end up thinking they are little dictators with a "right" to bleed their victim host as much as THEY want. Right now we have a slew of them in office who STILL see no problem with the fact they have already bled us into a damaged credit rating and a RAPIDLY APPROACHING bankruptcy that will make Greece's look like a financial hiccup. And yet still expect to get re-elected after doing it.
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With all those tight Mexican gun controls, and American gun controls, HOW the hell do they {Mexican drug cartels} get guns? Something smells fishy . Anyway, back at the ranch. I still have to live with wettbacks. Not nice.

That's because Mexico is unable to control anything!!! They have laws that are always ignored; where money talks; where corruption runs amok! Maybe if they armed the citizens, they would not have so many dead. There is no constitutional RIGHT to BEAR ARMS in Mexico! (Accept, of course, with the exception of the criminals.)
They are not unharmed they (men and women) are heavily armed with deadly weapons. They come over the border with brass knuckles, AK-47's, AR-15's, knives, hand grenades you name it. One Border Patrol agent found one with a Gold pistol. A group of illegal alien caught near San Diego had Howitzers And if they didn't bring weapons with them, they quickly buy illegal weapons when they get here. That's how they commit so many crimes and murders against Americans.

Some are armed.

I doubt that most are. Or do you consider having any kind of cutlery being armed?
Well. The last sentence describes weapons that can overpower hundreds of murkins, cause a plane to run into a building and make those building magically freefall. So yes. Cutlery is a WMD.So are nail clippers, according to those that own you.
They are not unharmed they (men and women) are heavily armed with deadly weapons. They come over the border with brass knuckles, AK-47's, AR-15's, knives, hand grenades you name it. One Border Patrol agent found one with a Gold pistol. A group of illegal alien caught near San Diego had Howitzers And if they didn't bring weapons with them, they quickly buy illegal weapons when they get here. That's how they commit so many crimes and murders against Americans.

Some are armed.

I doubt that most are. Or do you consider having any kind of cutlery being armed?

The illegal aliens who took down the Twin Towers used box cutters as weapons. A sharp kitchen knife is more dangerous if used as a weapon.
FAIR: President's Jobs Plan Ignores the 7 Million Jobs Held by Illegal Aliens

“The 7 million jobs now filled by illegal aliens do not need to be created. They already exist, and most would continue to exist and be filled by American workers if they were given the opportunity to do so. However, the Obama administration has made it clear that it will not enforce many U.S. immigration laws. Unless an alien has committed a serious crime in the United States, it is unlikely that he or she will be removed from the country. Moreover, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has indicated that aliens whose deportation cases are dropped will be eligible to apply for work authorization, allowing them to compete legally for scarce jobs.”

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