Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Law In Wake Of Sandy Hook Massacre

time to boycot this state people

let their wonderful government support them
Another piece from an organization that can't afford editors or proof readers. Seems you could find a source that gives a crap about the quality of their articles. As for CT, screw'em.
the ground swell of support is deafening ...

leaver or bolt action per round, non detachable magazines - Well Regulated and sensible Firearm reform nation wide.
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

It will make a difference:

When the next mass shooting happens, they'll scream that the laws aren't good enough and CONFISCATION is the only option.

Then there will be another mass shooting, one by our own government.


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Other states will eventually follow Connecticut and over the years federal laws will become more strict. Minorities which are becoming the major strongly favor tighter gun control as do younger people. The nation is slowly becoming less tolerant of gun violence. Whether we like it or not by the end of the 21st century, guns will be strictly controlled.
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

Got to love the idea that having more laws will change the climate. It just means it will be more laws will be broken, when this occurs again.
Other states will eventually follow Connecticut and over the years federal laws will become more strict. Minorities which are becoming the major strongly favor tighter gun control as do younger people. The nation is slowly becoming less tolerant of gun violence. Whether we like it or not by the end of the 21st century, guns will be strictly controlled.

Like it or not, by the end of the 21st, most of us will be dead. So, we won't know if you were correct or not.
One more time for the thick-headed among us,

Connecticut already had an "Assault Weapons" ban in place BEFORE Sandy Hook.

Will one more law make a difference?

Got to love the idea that having more laws will change the climate. It just means it will be more laws will be broken, when this occurs again.

Last count I heard, the POS broke 43 laws during his rampage.

One more wouldn't have stopped him
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country how is that working for them?

against the wishes of the prosecution

it has been released that the holmes psychiatrist had reported

to the cops that holmes was sending threatening messages and thoughts of suicide

and they ignored the information
I thought Rachel Maddow made a good point a few minutes ago. Using the NRA argument against gun control, she basically said why bother locking stuff since some criminals can pick locks and/or otherwise break in. Sooo, all you anti-gun control folks can just stop locking your cars, trucks and homes. Let us know how that works out...

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