Connection between Airport Miseries and Muslims


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I apologize for raising a point about Muslims in the "Race" forum. Obviously, "Muslim" is not a "race," but...

As I went through the security miseries associated with an international vacation, I considered the wasted time, the aggravation, the stupidity of it, and the cost...multiplied by millions of travelers, thousands of airports, countless flights, incalculable man-hours...and it occurred to me that it can ALL be blamed on Muslims.

Muslims did "9-11," no one else. Muslims are the highjacking threat, no one else. Muslims are the reason for ALL of it. Not every Muslim, of course; I believe the meme that it's only a small percentage of them, but think about it: No other group in the world is doing this and threatening to do it in the future.

And when "law enforcement" tried to USE THEIR FUCKING HEADS and focus the airport screening on Muslim males, the various Muslim anti-discrimination thugs screamed their little heads off claiming "discrimination" and "profiling"...NO SHIT SHERLOCK, profiling is entirely appropriate. When was the last time a German woman hijacked a plane? A Swede? An Italian?

But "we" can't profile, so 80-year-old Catholic nuns are being frisked in our airports and nobody complains about the insanity of it.

As we all know, no government program ever goes away, so we are stuck paying for the tens of thousands of TSA fukkers for the rest of our lives.

I know whom to blame. Do you?
TSA Precheck. Gotta jump through pain-in-the-ass hoops and whatnot but after that it’s hassle free at security and thus worth the effort IMO.

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