Cons crap on Cali . Still better than hellhole red states.

Rush hour commute in South Dakota
Most of Geographic CA is RED. SF and LA are the hell holes. Most in CA are sick of being controlled by the BLUE SF and LA.

State of Jefferson Party
Most of California is great until you get into the rural areas. Then you have all kinds of problems with people who have a hard time with American english as they speak some kind of southern bama thing.

That "rural" area you speak of is called the Inland's another disgusting armpit of southern Mexifornia predominantly inhabited by dirty wetbacks...that "southern bama thing" is actually a jibber-jabber known as's the primary language in most of the Inland Empire.
The "5" from Anaheim up through LA sucks almost 100% of the time, but maybe 2A-4A? I-5 all the way to SD sucks. at least everytime I have driven it.
Most of Geographic CA is RED. SF and LA are the hell holes. Most in CA are sick of being controlled by the BLUE SF and LA.

State of Jefferson Party
Most of California is great until you get into the rural areas. Then you have all kinds of problems with people who have a hard time with American english as they speak some kind of southern bama thing.

That "rural" area you speak of is called the Inland's another disgusting armpit of southern Mexifornia predominantly inhabited by dirty wetbacks...that "southern bama thing" is actually a jibber-jabber known as's the primary language in most of the Inland Empire.

That is mostly South of Sacramento where agriculture is prevalent.
California will be Venezuela. It's rapidly heading towards Third World Misery. It's what Democrats do to all locations they control. Goodbye California, it was nice knowin ya.
Most of Geographic CA is RED. SF and LA are the hell holes. Most in CA are sick of being controlled by the BLUE SF and LA.

State of Jefferson Party
Most of California is great until you get into the rural areas. Then you have all kinds of problems with people who have a hard time with American english as they speak some kind of southern bama thing.

That "rural" area you speak of is called the Inland's another disgusting armpit of southern Mexifornia predominantly inhabited by dirty wetbacks...that "southern bama thing" is actually a jibber-jabber known as's the primary language in most of the Inland Empire.

That is mostly South of Sacramento where agriculture is prevalent.

The Inland Empire which consists of Riverside and San Bernardino county is actually several hundred miles south of Sacramento....there's very little agriculture in that region anymore.
For whatever the reason human cockroaches have settled there and ran anybody decent out.
Most of Geographic CA is RED. SF and LA are the hell holes. Most in CA are sick of being controlled by the BLUE SF and LA.

State of Jefferson Party
Most of California is great until you get into the rural areas. Then you have all kinds of problems with people who have a hard time with American english as they speak some kind of southern bama thing.

That "rural" area you speak of is called the Inland's another disgusting armpit of southern Mexifornia predominantly inhabited by dirty wetbacks...that "southern bama thing" is actually a jibber-jabber known as's the primary language in most of the Inland Empire.

That is mostly South of Sacramento where agriculture is prevalent.

Are they still growing there? Haven't been up there in years....before they decided the Smelter Fish was more important.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
Wowza. Rich elitist people exploit poor poor illegal aliens and create a wealthy elitist economic bubble to isolate themselves from the harm the cause. When the rich elitist actually have to live in the environments they create, we will start seeing real social justice.
I love Alaska... For about 40 years I never ever imagined living anywhere else; my city, my people, folks I went to elementary school with, and new folks from all over the world who came with the military: "roots" I suppose. Now, 43 years later, it's so damn cold... my knees and finger joints ache for days around snowfalls, I worry about falling on the ice often, worse though I worry about folks sliding on the roads. It's fucking six below outside today and we froze our asses off for 6 hours doing some shopping - hated it. And worse, I know damn well that in a month or so it'll be 15-25 below - I'm dreading it already :< I want warm. I need a six car garage instead of four - I want to run to the store in the middle of the night for food coloring without it being a major production (shovel path, start car, brush off snow, scrape windows - its 30 minutes minimum lead time [though I suppose it's still shorter than rush hour traffic heh])

Still I do love Alaska, almost everyone who moved outta here does, but there's an age at which you say cold sucks balls and you're forced out, even if for just the winter (snowbirders we call em) - Alaska is a perfect state for snow machiners, skiers, and hard core hunter/fishers; for young folks who can take the falls, can take the ice and snow and cold...

I've prayed and prayed for that global warming thing to let me stay here - as fucking usual the politicians lied :( I wanna move to Nevada, sooo warm, and dry heat so it's not all sticky gross ("sweaty" my husband says about like Georgia and Florida when we visit; I don't sweat so whatever ya'll normies call it.) Plus Nevada lets us take our gun collections :p
Most of Geographic CA is RED. SF and LA are the hell holes. Most in CA are sick of being controlled by the BLUE SF and LA.

State of Jefferson Party
Most of California is great until you get into the rural areas. Then you have all kinds of problems with people who have a hard time with American english as they speak some kind of southern bama thing.

That "rural" area you speak of is called the Inland's another disgusting armpit of southern Mexifornia predominantly inhabited by dirty wetbacks...that "southern bama thing" is actually a jibber-jabber known as's the primary language in most of the Inland Empire.

That is mostly South of Sacramento where agriculture is prevalent.

Are they still growing there? Haven't been up there in years....before they decided the Smelter Fish was more important.

Grain, Rice, nut/fruit orchards....Miles and miles along I-5, 99, all along the Sacramento River. Smelt are non-native fish in CA and were threatened during the drought which has since been banished by rain. CA has a long history of drought. In any case the smelt exist in the delta.
I love Alaska... For about 40 years I never ever imagined living anywhere else; my city, my people, folks I went to elementary school with, and new folks from all over the world who came with the military: "roots" I suppose. Now, 43 years later, it's so damn cold... my knees and finger joints ache for days around snowfalls, I worry about falling on the ice often, worse though I worry about folks sliding on the roads. It's fucking six below outside today and we froze our asses off for 6 hours doing some shopping - hated it. And worse, I know damn well that in a month or so it'll be 15-25 below - I'm dreading it already :< I want warm. I need a six car garage instead of four - I want to run to the store in the middle of the night for food coloring without it being a major production (shovel path, start car, brush off snow, scrape windows - its 30 minutes minimum lead time [though I suppose it's still shorter than rush hour traffic heh])

Still I do love Alaska, almost everyone who moved outta here does, but there's an age at which you say cold sucks balls and you're forced out, even if for just the winter (snowbirders we call em) - Alaska is a perfect state for snow machiners, skiers, and hard core hunter/fishers; for young folks who can take the falls, can take the ice and snow and cold...

I've prayed and prayed for that global warming thing to let me stay here - as fucking usual the politicians lied :( I wanna move to Nevada, sooo warm, and dry heat so it's not all sticky gross ("sweaty" my husband says about like Georgia and Florida when we visit; I don't sweat so whatever ya'll normies call it.) Plus Nevada lets us take our gun collections :p

Where I live it gets down to 18F I can't imagine 15-25BELOW.
Most of Geographic CA is RED. SF and LA are the hell holes. Most in CA are sick of being controlled by the BLUE SF and LA.

State of Jefferson Party
Most of California is great until you get into the rural areas. Then you have all kinds of problems with people who have a hard time with American english as they speak some kind of southern bama thing.

That "rural" area you speak of is called the Inland's another disgusting armpit of southern Mexifornia predominantly inhabited by dirty wetbacks...that "southern bama thing" is actually a jibber-jabber known as's the primary language in most of the Inland Empire.

That is mostly South of Sacramento where agriculture is prevalent.

Are they still growing there? Haven't been up there in years....before they decided the Smelter Fish was more important.

Grain, Rice, nut/fruit orchards....Miles and miles along I-5, 99, all along the Sacramento River. Smelt are non-native fish in CA and were threatened during the drought which has since been banished by rain. CA has a long history of drought. In any case the smelt exist in the delta.

Massive dairy farms along the same route as well
Most of California is great until you get into the rural areas. Then you have all kinds of problems with people who have a hard time with American english as they speak some kind of southern bama thing.

That "rural" area you speak of is called the Inland's another disgusting armpit of southern Mexifornia predominantly inhabited by dirty wetbacks...that "southern bama thing" is actually a jibber-jabber known as's the primary language in most of the Inland Empire.

That is mostly South of Sacramento where agriculture is prevalent.

Are they still growing there? Haven't been up there in years....before they decided the Smelter Fish was more important.

Grain, Rice, nut/fruit orchards....Miles and miles along I-5, 99, all along the Sacramento River. Smelt are non-native fish in CA and were threatened during the drought which has since been banished by rain. CA has a long history of drought. In any case the smelt exist in the delta.

Massive dairy farms along the same route as well

I think a lot of folks don't realize how much farming, ranching and rural area there is in CA...It is MOST of CA. SF and LA are WAY over represented because of their incredible dense population density. I think a lot of city-dwellers tend to forget that rural CA is more than a vacation destination.
The red states you list have
1. The most poverty
2. Least people covered by health insurance
3. Least educated
4. Most run down
5. Receive the most food stamps and federal help

Completely run down shit holes!

Califorina is one of the most powerful states in the union and would make a great country(hopefully with Oregon being included ;) ) Can those shit holes say same?
Every ime I'm overseas , seems the only Americans that can' afford traveling are liberals from California. Never met someone from a red state. Not even their holy land Texas.

Seems likely...when I'm traveling abroad and bump into fellow Americans I always confirm their party affiliation as well....haha
Think once please.
It seems like you never traveled .....most I met are from blue states....i have no. Business with any party. But red states seems to hold back the US from going forward.
Every ime I'm overseas , seems the only Americans that can' afford traveling are liberals from California. Never met someone from a red state. Not even their holy land Texas.

I was just in Thailand and met a family from southern Ohio while doing a tour of the Phi Phi Islands.
Conservatives I. Thailand, the capital of prostitution and pedophilia :p....was Roy down there too?
That "rural" area you speak of is called the Inland's another disgusting armpit of southern Mexifornia predominantly inhabited by dirty wetbacks...that "southern bama thing" is actually a jibber-jabber known as's the primary language in most of the Inland Empire.

That is mostly South of Sacramento where agriculture is prevalent.

Are they still growing there? Haven't been up there in years....before they decided the Smelter Fish was more important.

Grain, Rice, nut/fruit orchards....Miles and miles along I-5, 99, all along the Sacramento River. Smelt are non-native fish in CA and were threatened during the drought which has since been banished by rain. CA has a long history of drought. In any case the smelt exist in the delta.

Massive dairy farms along the same route as well

I think a lot of folks don't realize how much farming, ranching and rural area there is in CA...It is MOST of CA. SF and LA are WAY over represented because of their incredible dense population density. I think a lot of city-dwellers tend to forget that rural CA is more than a vacation destination.

The same is true of NY. No joke, I have lived in MA, RI, IL, MD, VA, TN, SC, TX, MS, AL and FL but in up-state NY Quebec or Montreal is where most of the shopping is done for non-perishables or a big mac. Eagle Creek AL looks like a big city compared to Brushton or Malone NY.
Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.
The red states you list have
1. The most poverty
2. Least people covered by health insurance
3. Least educated
4. Most run down
5. Receive the most food stamps and federal help

Completely run down shit holes!

There's no comparison between the redneck trough that exists between Texas and South Carolina and California. Sorry. Your little tight shots from who knows where means jack shit.

Read these comments. They come from idiots with partisan bias and no life experience out their little blue nirvanas.

I left Cali because it was being systemically wrecked and hijacked by a SINGLE party government. Had a house on the hills over the Bay Area worth over $1mill and it was a run of the mill 1600sq ft tract home. No value to that. No EARTHQUAKE insurance either. Since the fuck-ups in Sacramento took OVER that Insurance market and WRECKED it. Coverage dropped from 60+% of homeowners to less than 25%. It didn't cover nuttin and was too expensive. And I lived 1 and 1/4 mile from the San Andreas Fault.

Also had a daughter soon entering schools. And public schools were gang ridden and spending too much money on teaching EVERY COURSE in at least 2 languages. Which I don't object to until that includes Physics, Chemistry, Calculus and other advanced placement stuff. The city library that had won awards year after year became a hang-out for vile kids with no manners humping in the stacks. And my wife had two kids out of a gang of them WALK over the hood of my Bimmer in the middle of street. They were walking right down the middle of the fucking road.

I LOVE immigration. Really do. But the TYPE of Mexican immigrate coming in after 2000 changed dramatically. Even the 3rd/4th gen immigrants that were friends of ours complained. I have a 100 stories of Cali failure. From spending money to recarpet classrooms BEFORE they fixed the leaky roof to that great High Speed Train to nowhere fiasco.

So you jerks stuff it. The South is eating your lunch in terms of jobs and industry. Poverty is MAGNIFIED here by the fact that the morons in Wash. make "one size fits all" programs that DON'T account for DRASTIC differences in cost of living. You can have the same things in the South for sometimes 1/2 the salary required to SURVIVE in Cali or other Blue Areas. Those places run wage and price inflated. So even the Federal Poverty level is WRONG. Dead wrong in terms of how well people live.

So -- I bought 3 times the house and land in Tenn. For 1/2 the price of my Cali shack. Daughter went to a public High School ranked in the Top 10 in the nation by Forbes (IIRC). You see with lower cost of living, MORE FOLKS can afford areas with good schools.

My little sleepy burb JUST STOLE 2 of Cali's corporate HQ operations in the past 5 years. They built beautiful new campuses and their employees are loving it.

I LIKE that you idiots are so damn stupid and biased. We certainly wouldn't want YOU to come down here and fuck it up for us. You jerks called it a "redneck trough" or "shit holes".. :rofl:

Here's the front porch view from my shithole in a redneck trough idiots..


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