Cons crap on Cali . Still better than hellhole red states.

Did you ever think liberals would end up defending California by comparing it to Mississippi? Apparently things ain't going too well in liberal land.
If you're lookin' for a Third World $hithole...look no further than the Barrios of Los Angeles...
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
If you love successful Communism then California is a great state.

You will have no gun rights there, at least not in public.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

This country would be sunk without California:

California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

LMAO this country was kicking ass in 1776, when did the first white man arrive in California 1849 lol.
The first white man to arrive in California was a Spaniard in 1542 A.D.
The red states you list have
1. The most poverty
2. Least people covered by health insurance
3. Least educated
4. Most run down
5. Receive the most food stamps and federal help

Completely run down shit holes!

Califorina is one of the most powerful states in the union and would make a great country(hopefully with Oregon being included ;) ) Can those shit holes say same?

Their power showed during the last election [emoji16]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can remember the air so thick with smog in LA back in the early 50's and look at it now! Everybody knows the 405 is a slow way to get anywhere.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
If you love successful Communism then California is a great state.

You will have no gun rights there, at least not in public.

You do have gun 'rights' in CA if you are an armed criminal though. Plus there are lots of unarmed targets especially in LA and SF. That being said, don't try your criminal activity in rural areas because they are all armed and have back hoes to dig deep holes for you to disappear.
Most of Geographic CA is RED. SF and LA are the hell holes. Most in CA are sick of being controlled by the BLUE SF and LA.

State of Jefferson Party
Most of California is great until you get into the rural areas. Then you have all kinds of problems with people who have a hard time with American english as they speak some kind of southern bama thing.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
If you love successful Communism then California is a great state.

You will have no gun rights there, at least not in public.

You do have gun 'rights' in CA if you are an armed criminal though. Plus there are lots of unarmed targets especially in LA and SF. That being said, don't try your criminal activity in rural areas because they are all armed and have back hoes to dig deep holes for you to disappear.
Crime is easiest in the backwoods areas of My state.
Most of Geographic CA is RED. SF and LA are the hell holes. Most in CA are sick of being controlled by the BLUE SF and LA.

State of Jefferson Party
Most of California is great until you get into the rural areas. Then you have all kinds of problems with people who have a hard time with American english as they speak some kind of southern bama thing.

Yes, snowflake libbies should stay away from Rural CA areas. Thanks for telling them.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
If you love successful Communism then California is a great state.

You will have no gun rights there, at least not in public.

You do have gun 'rights' in CA if you are an armed criminal though. Plus there are lots of unarmed targets especially in LA and SF. That being said, don't try your criminal activity in rural areas because they are all armed and have back hoes to dig deep holes for you to disappear.
Crime is easiest in the backwoods areas of My state.

Maybe you should stay away then.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
Yes, indeed. They allow you to shit and piss in the street, they have more illegals than anyone, taxes are sky high, owning a home is out of reach for most, and then for icing on the cake you've got a whole city devoted to perversion. It's a great place!
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

That hepatitis outbreak in San Diego is really awesome!
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Dazzling people with BS just doesnt work

Texas booming popular growth explained

Any way, great places to live like Colorado and Oregon were Red states that liberals moved to in many cases to escape the high cost of california. They are also moving to Texas. California is a great place to live despite the ultra liberals and their insanity. I know because I live here in Richmond Ca. Go to S.F. and walk through the grime and filth but dont touch the walls unless you have your hand sanitizer.
I still like it here, and the people but the leadership is extremely incompetent and we survive despite them driving businesses away and driving tourists away from places like SF. we also have horrible roads despite heavy taxes for those roads which get used for other things, which is why they just recently raised tax on motorists and truckers again at the pump
I must say, I have found this thread to be a source of great amusement. And absolutely pointless.

First, how many of you declaring one state or another better have actually lived in, say, California and Texas?

I lived in southern California for 34 years. I can say that, in my opinion, I saw California charm and appeal decline in those 34 years. That being said, my three children still live there and they love it.

When I left in 2009 I went to New Mexico for three years and loved it... the food, the desert, the culture. Now I have found myself in South Carolina for the last 5 years and can't imagine leaving. The people are wonderful, the weather (except for 3 months of humidity) is great, the trees and grass are green, and the food (though we are wanting for good Mexican food) is fantastic. The cost of housing and real estate isn't close to comparable, what I have purchased in SC would be unaffordable in Cali. Speaking to the state government, I have to say that I have found in SC it seems less intrusive than it was in California.

Though I joked about the 526 in a post above, I wouldn't trade the brief inconvenience of traffic over a two lane bridge across the Cooper River for the hours I've wasted on the 101 and the 405.

Now, I have said little about taxes, mentioned property value and government only in passing. Why? Because, though they are important, I do not believe they are what draw a person to a state, though they may drive a person to leave. I know many who have left California for those reasons alone.

Every state has its positives and its negatives. In the end, it's all just a matter of what you want from where you live.

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