Cons crap on Cali . Still better than hellhole red states.

ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

This country would be sunk without California:

California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

LMAO this country was kicking ass in 1776, when did the first white man arrive in California 1849 lol.

Who the fuck is talking about 1776? Can't you read even three sentences deep into an O/P before you open your fly-filled pie hole?

You claimed the USA would be sunk without California, I pointed out the USA was kicking ass long before California existed. You libs think we need you people, big mistake we would get along just fine without you.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

The red states you list have
1. The most poverty
2. Least people covered by health insurance
3. Least educated
4. Most run down
5. Receive the most food stamps and federal help

Completely run down shit holes!

Califorina is one of the most powerful states in the union and would make a great country(hopefully with Oregon being included ;) ) Can those shit holes say same?

ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

This country would be sunk without California:

California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Yup, it's a wonderful place.

View attachment 162778

It sure is:
California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

Census Bureau's Updated Poverty Statistics

I'll play along.
You boast about blue states and Mexifornia's grand success....This is so confusing...what exactly does it mean to you?
How does GDP translate for the lower 2/3's of the population?
Does it mean that so long as Silicon Valley and Hollyweird is kicking ass no one really cares that the rest of the state is living like filthy human cockroaches? I mean, I thought "you people" hated But, but, but....this is different...right....but, but, but GDP!
Allow this to sink in:
CA=12% of the national population..33% of the nations welfare recipients
CA=20.6% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation
CA=Home to more illegals than any other state..coincidence?
CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state
Loon York, another blue state shithole is fighting CA for that number one spot.

Right wing lies . Cali is not even close to being first in poverty rate .

List of U.S. states by poverty rate - Wikipedia
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
Only an imbecile would think that overpopulation is a good thing. Not only does huge numbers of people in a small area stress resources to the breaking point, it also lifts stress levels to unhealthy levels.

I won't even talk about the trash talking you clowns do for those states that have sensible laws and morals, like Texas.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
Why would a shit hole of a Blue state be better (or worse) than a shit hole of a Red state?
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

The red states you list have
1. The most poverty
2. Least people covered by health insurance
3. Least educated
4. Most run down
5. Receive the most food stamps and federal help

Completely run down shit holes!

Califorina is one of the most powerful states in the union and would make a great country(hopefully with Oregon being included ;) ) Can those shit holes say same?

ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

This country would be sunk without California:

California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Yup, it's a wonderful place.

View attachment 162778

It sure is:
California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

Census Bureau's Updated Poverty Statistics

I'll play along.
You boast about blue states and Mexifornia's grand success....This is so confusing...what exactly does it mean to you?
How does GDP translate for the lower 2/3's of the population?
Does it mean that so long as Silicon Valley and Hollyweird is kicking ass no one really cares that the rest of the state is living like filthy human cockroaches? I mean, I thought "you people" hated But, but, but....this is different...right....but, but, but GDP!
Allow this to sink in:
CA=12% of the national population..33% of the nations welfare recipients
CA=20.6% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation
CA=Home to more illegals than any other state..coincidence?
CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state
Loon York, another blue state shithole is fighting CA for that number one spot.

Right wing lies . Cali is not even close to being first in poverty rate . can't will your belief to become huh?
Did you click on the link? So the US Census Bureau has it all wrong and you wackos have all the correct data?
I can't make this shit up....And you wonder why no one can take you wackos seriously?
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Yup, it's a wonderful place.

View attachment 162778

It sure is:
California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

Imagine that, the Sixth-Largest Economy has the highest number of homeless...go figure.
10 Most Homeless States in America

Going by your link:
There are 40,000,000 people in California.
Montana has roughly 1,000,000.
Do the math:
California's homeless rate is 0.34%
Montana's homeless rate is 0.18%

When you learn to think instead of copy and paste, make another try at me again, dumb shit.

Wow, does Montana have the sixth largest economy? Seventh? Eighth? Dumbass.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Yup, it's a wonderful place.

View attachment 162778

It sure is:
California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

Imagine that, the Sixth-Largest Economy has the highest number of homeless...go figure.
10 Most Homeless States in America

Going by your link:
There are 40,000,000 people in California.
Montana has roughly 1,000,000.
Do the math:
California's homeless rate is 0.34%
Montana's homeless rate is 0.18%

When you learn to think instead of copy and paste, make another try at me again, dumb shit.

Cali is warm . Hence more homeless . Cause they can live outside .
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Yup, it's a wonderful place.

View attachment 162778

It sure is:
California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

Imagine that, the Sixth-Largest Economy has the highest number of homeless...go figure.
10 Most Homeless States in America

Going by your link:
There are 40,000,000 people in California.
Montana has roughly 1,000,000.
Do the math:
California's homeless rate is 0.34%
Montana's homeless rate is 0.18%

When you learn to think instead of copy and paste, make another try at me again, dumb shit.

Cali is warm . Hence more homeless . Cause they can live outside .

Mexifornia is close to Mexico and Mexifornia politicians cater to and harbor illegal wetbacks...Simple shit wackos!
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
People are migrating out of California in droves. So many of them moved to Colorado the state had to sponsor drivers education in snow.
I think the crapping on California is because it has become a giant shit hole...
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Yup, it's a wonderful place.

View attachment 162778

It sure is:
California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

Imagine that, the Sixth-Largest Economy has the highest number of homeless...go figure.
10 Most Homeless States in America

Going by your link:
There are 40,000,000 people in California.
Montana has roughly 1,000,000.
Do the math:
California's homeless rate is 0.34%
Montana's homeless rate is 0.18%

When you learn to think instead of copy and paste, make another try at me again, dumb shit.

Wow, does Montana have the sixth largest economy? Seventh? Eighth? Dumbass.

Montana’s largest city is 100,000 People . That’s a suburb in Cali .
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

You obviously don't live here so you have no clue how fucked-up this state is. It's been broke since time out of mind. It has regular serious droughts. We have a state government that taxes the living shit out of everything for the sole purpose of giving illegals a free ride, not a penny toward fixing the decaying Oroville dam which almost collapsed last winter (which would have displaced hundreds of thousands of people). We have a YUUUGE number of extremely violent, bloodthirsty liberals and blacks who riot at the drop of a hat, creating large swaths of destruction. Small businesses have to swim through mountains and mountains of bureaucracy and regulation. We have traffic jams so heavy that the theory is 2 cars can occupy the same space at the same time. We have cities that are public sanitation disasters with homeless piss and shit everywhere....remind me of what's so wonderful about CA?
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

You obviously don't live here so you have no clue how fucked-up this state is. It's been broke since time out of mind. It has regular serious droughts. We have a state government that taxes the living shit out of everything for the sole purpose of giving illegals a free ride, not a penny toward fixing the decaying Oroville dam which almost collapsed last winter (which would have displaced hundreds of thousands of people). We have a YUUUGE number of extremely violent, bloodthirsty liberals and blacks who riot at the drop of a hat, creating large swaths of destruction. Small businesses have to swim through mountains and mountains of bureaucracy and regulation. We have traffic jams so heavy that the theory is 2 cars can occupy the same space at the same time. We have cities that are public sanitation disasters with homeless piss and shit everywhere....remind me of what's so wonderful about CA?

You absolutely nailed it!
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Yup, it's a wonderful place.

View attachment 162778

It sure is:
California Overtakes France to Become Sixth-Largest Economy

Imagine that, the Sixth-Largest Economy has the highest number of homeless...go figure.
10 Most Homeless States in America

Going by your link:
There are 40,000,000 people in California.
Montana has roughly 1,000,000.
Do the math:
California's homeless rate is 0.34%
Montana's homeless rate is 0.18%

When you learn to think instead of copy and paste, make another try at me again, dumb shit.

Cali is warm . Hence more homeless . Cause they can live outside .

Well, there is Arizona, Florida, Nevada and Texas....but most of them don't have Disneyland and none of them have Moonbeam Brown.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

It's never too late to beg the Mods to delete you asinine thread.
Just tell them you didn't think it all the way through and you're afraid to lose whatever little credibility you have left amongst your filthy LefTard buddies...haha

Imagine that, the Sixth-Largest Economy has the highest number of homeless...go figure.
10 Most Homeless States in America

Going by your link:
There are 40,000,000 people in California.
Montana has roughly 1,000,000.
Do the math:
California's homeless rate is 0.34%
Montana's homeless rate is 0.18%

When you learn to think instead of copy and paste, make another try at me again, dumb shit.

Wow, does Montana have the sixth largest economy? Seventh? Eighth? Dumbass.

Montana’s largest city is 100,000 People . That’s a suburb in Cali .

Here's another gem of a fact for you.

15 states with the highest share of immigrants in their population
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

It's never too late to beg the Mods to delete you asinine thread.
Just tell them you didn't think it all the way through and you're afraid to lose whatever little credibility you have left amongst your filthy LefTard buddies...haha

Truth hurts huh?
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

You obviously don't live here so you have no clue how fucked-up this state is. It's been broke since time out of mind. It has regular serious droughts. We have a state government that taxes the living shit out of everything for the sole purpose of giving illegals a free ride, not a penny toward fixing the decaying Oroville dam which almost collapsed last winter (which would have displaced hundreds of thousands of people). We have a YUUUGE number of extremely violent, bloodthirsty liberals and blacks who riot at the drop of a hat, creating large swaths of destruction. Small businesses have to swim through mountains and mountains of bureaucracy and regulation. We have traffic jams so heavy that the theory is 2 cars can occupy the same space at the same time. We have cities that are public sanitation disasters with homeless piss and shit everywhere....remind me of what's so wonderful about CA?

Why are you there ?
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Youre a silly indoctrinated fool..

South Carolina..




download (5).jpg

Los Angeles


You obviously don't live here so you have no clue how fucked-up this state is. It's been broke since time out of mind. It has regular serious droughts. We have a state government that taxes the living shit out of everything for the sole purpose of giving illegals a free ride, not a penny toward fixing the decaying Oroville dam which almost collapsed last winter (which would have displaced hundreds of thousands of people).

The corrupt filth who govern this state just hit us with a new set of taxes on car registrations and fuel, supposedly to pay for maintenance of roads and related infrastructure. The state already collects far more than enough taxes, specifically designated for this purpose, but most of that is squandered through waste, fraud and corruption. How stupid does anyone have to be to expect that any revenues collected through these new taxes won't meet exactly the same fate?
These kids are so retarded they don't know anything else except pay taxes and live like crap

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