Cons crap on Cali . Still better than hellhole red states.

ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

It's never too late to beg the Mods to delete you asinine thread.
Just tell them you didn't think it all the way through and you're afraid to lose whatever little credibility you have left amongst your filthy LefTard buddies...haha

Truth hurts huh?

What truth that you're a sheep?

Ok I agree

If California is such a shithole, then why are property values so high?

A principal we all learned in third vs. demand
Filthy Liberals and disgusting thirdworld wetbacks continue to flood in here like the human cockroaches they are. Misery loves company and they're totally comfortable in filth.

This graphic represents what is likely the most compelling argument to date for rejecting conservative Christian philosophy.
If California is such a shithole, then why
If California is such a shithole, then why are property values so high?

A principal we all learned in third vs. demand
Filthy Liberals and disgusting thirdworld wetbacks continue to flood in here like the human cockroaches they are. Misery loves company and they're totally comfortable in filth.

Yeah, because the first thing a”third world wetback” does when he gets there is buy a modest $700000 house.
Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

California was given more than $100 billion from Obama's "stimulus/bailout" that it never repaid the American taxpayer.

California would be like Greece without that handout.
If California is such a shithole, then why
If California is such a shithole, then why are property values so high?

A principal we all learned in third vs. demand
Filthy Liberals and disgusting thirdworld wetbacks continue to flood in here like the human cockroaches they are. Misery loves company and they're totally comfortable in filth.

Yeah, because the first thing a”third world wetback” does when he gets there is buy a modest $700000 house.

It goes something like this....
Family X sells their three bedroom shithole in a shithole area to seventeen wetbacks pooling their cash together...Family X then upgrades and buys a little nicer place in a little nicer area. Simple shit....just think once.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

Unless you prefer Northern California


There's no comparison between the redneck trough that exists between Texas and South Carolina and California. Sorry. Your little tight shots from who knows where means jack shit.

So sorry you didn't like the "tight shots". Maybe this works for you.

santa ana tent city video - Bing video
2 years ago i lived right down the street from the big A....that bike trail was not like if this all happened in the last 2 years than a lot has happened in those 2 years....i will ask my niece who still lives in that area if that video is real....because when i was there,there was no homeless on the street or the river bed.....
If California is such a shithole, then why are property values so high?
thats a good question....i can see in the real nice areas but there are properties in real shit holes like Garden Grove that have old run down houses in half assed areas that go for 400-500 thousand this one...i know were this is...not a very nice area and built in 58...this one is up for $685,000.....

Why are property values so high?


Leftists tell us Global Warming will make the sea level rise. The vast majority of Californians live on the Coast.

It would seem many wealthy liberals who claim they believe in Global Warming invest in housing totally unconcerned about it....
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .

You obviously don't live here so you have no clue how fucked-up this state is. It's been broke since time out of mind. It has regular serious droughts. We have a state government that taxes the living shit out of everything for the sole purpose of giving illegals a free ride, not a penny toward fixing the decaying Oroville dam which almost collapsed last winter (which would have displaced hundreds of thousands of people). We have a YUUUGE number of extremely violent, bloodthirsty liberals and blacks who riot at the drop of a hat, creating large swaths of destruction. Small businesses have to swim through mountains and mountains of bureaucracy and regulation. We have traffic jams so heavy that the theory is 2 cars can occupy the same space at the same time. We have cities that are public sanitation disasters with homeless piss and shit everywhere....remind me of what's so wonderful about CA?
it still is nice in the nice areas....but i know what you are far as quality of life goes....for many what used to be pretty nice is now getting real shitty....California takes care of its "wealthy" most of the coastline areas....
I live in Florida, I WISH you left wing nutters weren’t flocking to this state. Go to California PLEASE.
The red states you list have
1. The most poverty
2. Least people covered by health insurance
3. Least educated
4. Most run down
5. Receive the most food stamps and federal help

Completely run down shit holes!

Califorina is one of the most powerful states in the union and would make a great country(hopefully with Oregon being included ;) ) Can those shit holes say same?
Every ime I'm overseas , seems the only Americans that can' afford traveling are liberals from California. Never met someone from a red state. Not even their holy land Texas.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
As they have such crappy lives they must pick on the one place that excels in peace and harmony as well as economic growth.
If California is such a shithole, then why are property values so high?

Yea we know those card board boxes are expensive , after California taxes, Obama care..

And to think this guy is making 50 grand a year ..

The red states you list have
1. The most poverty
2. Least people covered by health insurance
3. Least educated
4. Most run down
5. Receive the most food stamps and federal help

Completely run down shit holes!

Califorina is one of the most powerful states in the union and would make a great country(hopefully with Oregon being included ;) ) Can those shit holes say same?
Every ime I'm overseas , seems the only Americans that can' afford traveling are liberals from California. Never met someone from a red state. Not even their holy land Texas.

Seems likely...when I'm traveling abroad and bump into fellow Americans I always confirm their party affiliation as well....haha
Think once please.
ive noticed a trend of threads attacking California. I guess they see it as some sort of liberal flagship, even though it has many red sections.

Here’s the thing . Despite its flaws it’s still way better than these hard core red states .

Who wants to live in Alabama Or Mississipp, or South Carolina ? Despite being in the union since forever , they biggest “cities “ have less population than some LA suburbs.

Because the truth is that red states suck . Even with the warm weather, people don’t want to be there .
As they have such crappy lives they must pick on the one place that excels in peace and harmony as well as economic growth.

Haha..."piece and harmony" mentally unstable wackos are so lost and confused....have you not seen the trajectory of LA crime rates?
You fools!

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