"Consensus Science" and renewable energy


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Well, here is the sobering reality if I ever saw it..........and this plays out in the real world every day. You come into this forum and you'd think there is this fantastic morphing of world energy due to the prevailing social dogma on "climate change". Nothing could be further from reality however.............

If you notice on this forum, the hyper-activist environmentalists are quick to point out that the "denialist" people are like some fringe element. Why do the radicals take this strategy? Because they know they are losing. All evidence points to it. For all the propaganda.......for all the hype......for all the bomb throwing on "catastrophy looming"..........policy makers are not impressed. If the policy makers are not impressed, the science doesnt matter. They play the game themselves, providing plenty of lip service to the OCD environmentalists, but lets face it...........fossil fuels continue to:fu: DOMINATE :fu:and there is zero evidence to suggest anything will be different 25 years from now. Renewables will continue to be a fringe energy market, lining the pockets of the clever entrepreneurs who are taking advantage of the green religion bozo's.

Indeed, every time I come into this forum, and every time members like SSDD, Frank, Westwall and Ian come in here, they decimate the religion of green nutters............

As the author astutely points out in the article below...........renewable energy is hypothetical energy. Its that simple.

Progressive Energy vs. “Renewable” Energy

by Alex Epstein
April 27, 2012

What is “Renewable”?

“Renewable” in most definitions approximates to something like “naturally replenished” and it often contrasted with allegedly inferior, “finite” sources. It brings to mind the image of a pizza where a slice, once eaten, magically reappears.

There is no such phenomenon in nature, though. Everything is finite. The sun and the photons and wind currents it generates are not infinite; they are just all part of a very large nuclear fusion reaction. True, that nuclear fusion reaction will last billions of years, but so will the staggering amounts of untapped energy stored in every atom of our “finite” planet.

To obsess about whether a given potential energy source will last hundreds of years or billions of years is to neglect the key issue that matters to human life here and now: whether it can actually provide the usable energy that will maximize the quantity and quality of human life.

Usable vs. Unusable Energy

The key question about energy is not whether it is “finite”–everything is–but whether it is usable.

This is borne out by the history of energy production. For most of human history, our amount of usable energy was barely above the amount needed to power our muscles (and during famines, not even that). There was copious amounts of unusable energy–the chemical bonds in deposits of coal, oil, and natural gas, the mechanical energy of the wind, the photons of the sun, and, greatest of all, the energy stored in all the matter around us, whose proportions were quantified when Einstein identified that E=MC^2.

Every advancement in energy production consisted of taking some unusable source of energy and rendering it usable–windmills for grinding grain, water-wheels for operating simple machines, and ultimately concentrated hydrocarbon fuels that multiplied human productivity hundreds of times over.

Hydrocarbons et al are often called “finite natural resources,” but this is a misnomer; they are not naturally a resource. They become resources–i.e., they deliver services–only insofar as they are rendered valuable by human intelligence. This is Julian Simon’s crucial identification that the human mind is “the ultimate resource” that creates new resources, including energy resources, by discovering how to extract new services out of previously useless raw materials. We should not think of unusable raw materials as resources until or unless they are rendered usable by human intelligence.

This last applies to the sun (and the wind), the ultimate source of “renewable” energy. The vast majority of sunlight does not provide usable energy given any known technology. True, through photovoltaic conversion, a solar panel in most places can generate an electrical current of some magnitude. But who cares? A hurricane produces many h-bombs worth of mechanical energy–does that make it an energy resource? Not if it can’t be harnessed in a manner that provides the cheap, reliable power that we can use to meet our present and future needs. In the vast majority of cases, solar conversion technology can’t, the energy collected is too dilute and intermittent to be a useful source of large-scale energy.

Real Energy vs. Hypothetical Energy

So “renewable energy” as it is commonly used to mean solar and wind, is not “energy” in the economic sense of the word. It is a hypothetical source of energy that we know of, but that hypothetical deserves no more privileged status than any other kind of hypothetical (the ability to unleash atomic energy from a wide range of elements) let alone methods with far more promising potential (e.g., the potential of uranium and thorium to generate tens of thousands of years worth of energy).

The idol of “renewable” energy is part of the broader idol of “sustainability.” Both of these are false idols that obscure the true beauty of capitalism, which is that in producing energy–and everything else–it is better than “sustainable”–it is progressive. “Renewable” or “sustainable” implies that the ideal life trajectory is one of repetition, using the same methods and materials over and over.

But that is an ideal fit for an animal, not a human being. The human mode of existence is to always get better, always improve, always discover how to use new raw materials to create energy.

A False Ideal Born of Green Mysticism

The root of the fetish with “renewable” energy is the Green ideal of minimizing man’s impact on nature. This is borne out by the fact that the only practical “renewable” source of energy, hydroelectric, is widely opposed by the Green movement for interfering with “free-flowing rivers.” That movement prizes solar and wind despite their horrendous track record for ideological, ultimately religious reasons: the idea of a society only relying on the sun and the wind is congenial to their ideal of a world in which man tiptoes on the planet instead of transforming it.

If we cast aside the Green religion, “renewable energy” is false ideal that has no place in a rational discussion of energy. The only question that matters about energy is: what sources of energy will best advance human life now and in the relevant future (not 5 billion years)?

And the only way to answer that question is to leave producers and consumers free to seek out ever-better answers in a free market. Then we will always have the best kind of energy–progressive energy.

Progressive Energy vs. ?Renewable? Energy ? MasterResource
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Solar photovoltaic (PV) installations in the Americas more than doubled in the first half of 2012 (1H 2012) and will reach nearly 4.3 GW for the year. Solar PV installations rose more than 120% in the Americas in the first six months of 2012, according to IMS Research’s latest quarterly report, to reach 1.7 GW. That compares to 750 MW in the 1H 2011.
Clean Technica (1H 2012 US Solar PV Installations Grow 120%; US Poised to be World's 3rd-Largest Market - CleanTechnica)

Read more at 1H 2012 US Solar PV Installations Grow 120%; US Poised to be World's 3rd-Largest Market - CleanTechnica
Wind Power Topped Natural Gas In 2012 In New Sources | Earthtechling

Through June of 2012, renewable energy was right behind natural gas in terms of the most new energy generating capacity being installed in the United States, with wind making up most of the renewables push. And nowBusiness Insider has flagged the numbers for the remainder of the year.

Last week, they reported that wind ultimately pulled ahead of natural gas to become the leading installer of new capacity in 2012, at 10,689 total megawatts.

Those numbers came from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s report on the trends and highlights in U.S. energy for the past year. According to FERC’s update, natural gas installed 8,746 megawatts of new capacity, coal installed 4,510 new megawatts, and solar came in fourth with 1,476 new megawatts. Here’s the relevant table from the report, conveniently highlighted by Business Insider:
Africa gettin' ready to increase Renewable Energy...

Africa's Renewable Energy Set to Soar by 2022
November 15, 2017 — Strong demand is set to give a huge boost to renewable energy growth in sub-Saharan Africa over the next five years, driving cumulative capacity up more than 70 percent, a senior international energy official said Wednesday.
From Ethiopia to South Africa, millions of people are getting access to electricity for the first time as the continent turns to solar, wind and hydropower projects to boost generation capacity. "A big chunk of this [growth] is hydro because of Ethiopia, but then you have solar ... in South Africa, Nigeria and Namibia and wind in South Africa and Ethiopia as well," said Paolo Frankl, head of the renewable division at the Paris-based International Energy Agency. He forecast installed capacity of renewable energy in the Sub-Saharan region almost doubling — from around 35 gigawatts now to above 60 gigawatts, given the right conditions.


A Ugandan worker builds a solar plant in Soroti, about 300 kilometers east of Kampala.​

Ethiopia has an array of hydropower projects under construction, including the $4.1 billion Grand Renaissance Dam along the Nile River that will churn out 6,000 megawatts upon completion. That is enough for a good-sized city for a year. "Africa has one of the best potential resources of renewables anywhere in the world, but it depends very much on the enabling framework, on the governance and the right rules," Frankl told Reuters on the sidelines of a wind energy conference.

Coal industry opposition

The transition to a low-carbon trajectory to reduce harmful greenhouse gases is creating opposition from the coal industry and fueling uncertainty in countries where job creation was linked to coal mining. In Africa, this tension and its impact on new investment has been best illustrated by South Africa's state-owned Eskom and its reluctance to sign new deals with independent power producers, according to analysts.


The cooling towers at Eskom's coal-powered Lethabo power station are seen near Sasolburg, South Africa.​

In May, the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) said the energy regulator agreed to investigate Eskom's refusal to sign agreements that delayed 2,942 megawatts in new solar and wind projects. "Our government does not appear to appreciate the forces of nature," SAWEA Chairman Mark Pickering said Wednesday. The inability of Eskom to sign the new power purchase agreements for two years has delayed investment of 58 billion rand ($4.03 billion), and hit investor confidence with at least one shutdown of a wind turbine manufacturing plant, said SAWEA. "The continent has a lot of potential, but the problem is financial and political issues, so all of our projects are being delayed for quite a long time, like with Eskom," said Mason Qin, business development manager for southern and eastern Africa at China's Goldwind.

Africa's Renewable Energy Set to Soar by 2022
And all the people screaming that they are about to go big are loosing subsidies this year... I'm betting on collapse of many companies by this time next year. 8 semi large companies have gone bankrupt in Californium this year alone and some 1,890 wind turbines now sit idle and rusting..
And all the people screaming that they are about to go big are loosing subsidies this year... I'm betting on collapse of many companies by this time next year. 8 semi large companies have gone bankrupt in Californium this year alone and some 1,890 wind turbines now sit idle and rusting..
Link. lying little Silly Billy. LOL
And all the people screaming that they are about to go big are loosing subsidies this year... I'm betting on collapse of many companies by this time next year. 8 semi large companies have gone bankrupt in Californium this year alone and some 1,890 wind turbines now sit idle and rusting..
Link. lying little Silly Billy. LOL
OH I'm sorry that number has increased to over 14,000 now...

Opp's .. Old Fraud is shown a liar again...
Those 14,000 wind turbines lying idle in California’s Altamont Pass, Tehachapin, and San Gorgonio areas and elsewhere around the world are testimony to the continuing and accelerating failure of hope over experience, funded with taxpayer monies. And these areas were selected as being “in the best wind spots on earth,” which are now, according to Natural News writer Jonathan Benson, just “spinning, post-industrial junk which generates nothing but bird kills.”

Once those taxpayer funds are withdrawn, the real economics of maintaining these expensive monstrosities are so overpoweringly negative that they are left to rot — skeletons proving the fraud and deceit of the whole global warming meme. As James Delingpole, the author of Watermelon: The Green Movement’s True Colors, noted during an interview with Lew Rockwell last November:

14,000 Idle Wind Turbines a Testament to Failed Energy Policies
OH I'm sorry that number has increased to over 14,000 now...

Yep, lyin' Billy is actually pretending that tiny inefficient wind turbines built in the 1970s represent something of significance.

So, lyin' Billy, why don't you name the 8 large companies in California that have gone bankrupt? If you're not sucking the ass of Satan, the Lord of LIes, that shouldn't be a problem for you.
OH I'm sorry that number has increased to over 14,000 now...

Yep, lyin' Billy is actually pretending that tiny inefficient wind turbines built in the 1970s represent something of significance.

So, lyin' Billy, why don't you name the 8 large companies in California that have gone bankrupt? If you're not sucking the ass of Satan, the Lord of LIes, that shouldn't be a problem for you.

You mean like the 14,000 wind turbines not working in California???

OH I'm sorry that number has increased to over 14,000 now...

Yep, lyin' Billy is actually pretending that tiny inefficient wind turbines built in the 1970s represent something of significance.

So, lyin' Billy, why don't you name the 8 large companies in California that have gone bankrupt? If you're not sucking the ass of Satan, the Lord of LIes, that shouldn't be a problem for you.

You mean like the 14,000 wind turbines not working in California???


OMG. You are beyond dumb. Did you even read your own link?? RATFLMAO!!!
You mean like the 14,000 wind turbines not working in California???

Skook, just how many trees have you been humping in the name of Gaia? Male trees, of course, being your kook greenie religion is so very, very ghey.

This isn't difficult for a non-retard. Tiny old 1970s wind turbines not being kept up means nothing. That is, unless you're a hysterical bitter cultist who is desperate to grab on to any bit of stupidity.

Of all the deniers here, you're the most hysterical, prolific and weepy. Your seem to spend your whole life here weeping over how your loser cult is collapsing. Don't you have any other ghey cult friends to hang out with in the real world? Is being a ghey cult loser on this board all you every want to accomplish in life?

Just step away from the computer and get control of those flapping limp wrists. You can do it. We're cheering for you.
You mean like the 14,000 wind turbines not working in California???

Skook, just how many trees have you been humping in the name of Gaia? Male trees, of course, being your kook greenie religion is so very, very ghey.

This isn't difficult for a non-retard. Tiny old 1970s wind turbines not being kept up means nothing. That is, unless you're a hysterical bitter cultist who is desperate to grab on to any bit of stupidity.

Of all the deniers here, you're the most hysterical, prolific and weepy. Your seem to spend your whole life here weeping over how your loser cult is collapsing. Don't you have any other ghey cult friends to hang out with in the real world? Is being a ghey cult loser on this board all you every want to accomplish in life?

Just step away from the computer and get control of those flapping limp wrists. You can do it. We're cheering for you.

Always so angry and miserable s0n.

Whats up with that?:dunno:

IDK....I don't get it? All I do in here is post up shit that makes me laugh hysterically:popcorn:
OH I'm sorry that number has increased to over 14,000 now...

Yep, lyin' Billy is actually pretending that tiny inefficient wind turbines built in the 1970s represent something of significance.

So, lyin' Billy, why don't you name the 8 large companies in California that have gone bankrupt? If you're not sucking the ass of Satan, the Lord of LIes, that shouldn't be a problem for you.

You mean like the 14,000 wind turbines not working in California???


OMG. You are beyond dumb. Did you even read your own link?? RATFLMAO!!!

duh.........its a hyper-greenie website s0n.......of course they will refute with nonsense.:oops-28:
uh.........its a hyper-greenie website s0n.......of course they will refute with nonsense.:oops-28:

Ah, yeah. But, um, it not only refutes what you are saying, but it doesn't even say what you think it does. It talks about 14,000 turbines WORLDWIDE, not in California....and even then, so what? Coal-fired power plants - hell, even nuclear power plants - are being closed and mothballed all over the world. Some are even being built.
uh.........its a hyper-greenie website s0n.......of course they will refute with nonsense.:oops-28:

Ah, yeah. But, um, it not only refutes what you are saying, but it doesn't even say what you think it does. It talks about 14,000 turbines WORLDWIDE, not in California....and even then, so what? Coal-fired power plants - hell, even nuclear power plants - are being closed and mothballed all over the world. Some are even being built.

Holy Mother of God.............s0n...........you're not even in the ballpark to be in this discussion. Just sayin':2up:

Here ya go s0n...........maybe help you exit the bubble for a few moments............


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