Consent, morality and other vague words


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
In one recent thread, a pro-gay-marriage individual said, "Consent is a line that is unacceptable to cross."

But we cross this line every day in society, this person has just not thought about it. We pay our taxes as law-abiding citizens because we consent to surrender a part of our property (money) to the government in order to pay for defense and other enumerated constitutional duties. I have not consented to have my tax dollars used to fund Planned Parenthood or any number of other things the government now does. Our States all consented to become part of a Union where the Federal authority was limited and didn't interfere with their sovereign. They never consented to being ruled by a consortium of appointed judges.

On a more personal level, people get fired from their jobs every day without their consent. Spouses cheat on their partner without consent. The government can tap your phone and email without your consent. Police can do a body cavity search without your consent. You can be held in custody for so many hours without charge, against your consent.

Copyright laws... how many times do you suppose some copyrighted material has been re-used without permission (consent) at USMB? How many of the assorted images for the cute little memes have been done in compliance with copyright laws and with the consent of the owner of said image? How many of you have avatars which you received consent from the owner of the property to use it?

How many times does "consent" come to mean "lack of objection"? How far removed are we from such a crazy SCOTUS ruling? We define "consent" under the law arbitrarily already. Age of consent is all over the board for all kinds of things and there is really not a sound physical reason for it. All of it is based on morals and morality in general and most of it is based in Christian morality since that is what most of us are. "We don't allow it because it may cause harm..." is no longer something we can assume is a valid argument. It depends on the basis of our fears and the kind of "harm" we are worried about and why we are worried. Regardless... Consent is subjective and arbitrary.

Morality is also subjective and arbitrary. We see this vividly in the current homosexual marriage debate. The end of slavery and the civil rights movement is the result of pastoral efforts of the church and would have never been achieved otherwise. The issue of interracial marriage was about discrimination based on race, the very thing the church opposed and had fought for. Dr. King supported interracial marriage, he saw everyone as the same color. He did not support homosexual behavior or gay marriage. The church officially opposes homosexual behavior and gay marriage. Yet, pro-gay-marriage advocates will use the interracial marriage case to make their point anyway. Morality becomes what the liberal justices say it is.

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