Conservatism in action - 90% of schools to go bust in next 12 months

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.
Sorry this should be in the Europe forum.

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.

Moron...the left runs schools in this country, in particular the school boards and teachers don't know what you are talking about......our schools have had more money thrown at them than other schools around the world, and the teachers unions and democrat party have squandered it......

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.

It ain't the tories you is your welfare state. If the United States didn't pay for your national defense, new drugs and invent all the neat technology the world has, you guys would have gone broke a few decades ago.....

Your left and your weak conservatives have wrecked your country........

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.

Moron......who runs the energy policies in Britain? Your left wing, green fascists......who runs your schools? are just lucky that Americans, with lots of guns, protect your country...if you guys actually had to pay for your own national security, you would be living in thatch huts and your kids wouldn't know what the alphabet is....

Nine out of 10 schools will run out of money by the next school year as the huge burden of increased energy and payroll bills takes their toll observer can reveal.


A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.
LOL, British schools….

It ain't the tories you is your welfare state. If the United States didn't pay for your national defense, new drugs and invent all the neat technology the world has, you guys would have gone broke a few decades ago.....

Your left and your weak conservatives have wrecked your country........
There are no real conservatives in the UK. They are all a bunch of globalist punks.

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.

You guys gave power to the green fascists who have made sure you don't have enough energy, so now your energy prices are going through the roof and you still won't have enough energy to heat your homes this winter....which will actually kill let the left wing run your country into the ground, so you don't have enough money to pay for your schools.....

You support left wingers and their insane policies...this is on you buddy.
After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools
That’s because the Uk peasants have no understanding of how to run their own lives when their betters/the Government doesn’t tell them what to do and how to do it. You’re used to being ruled, not having to fend for yourselves. It’s been that way for more than a thousand years.

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.
Lol, conservatism is not the culprit. I have not seen actual conservatism in a very long time. This thing what ever it is that they call conservatism is the culprit for the most part.

Conservatism in action - 90% of schools to go bust in next 12 months​

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.
Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.
After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.

Hey asshole, where in your linked article does it once link any of these problems to conservatism? Conservatism does not drive the cost of living spiraling upwards with inflationary spending while crippling your energy sector with bad decisions driven by green energy kooks nor fill your schools up with unwashed foreigners. YOU pinheads did all of that to yourselves and now don't even have the temerity or wherewithal to even realize it much less own up to it.
Moron...the left runs schools in this country, in particular the school boards and teachers don't know what you are talking about......our schools have had more money thrown at them than other schools around the world, and the teachers unions and democrat party have squandered it......
The Con's are libs there.

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.
We dont need no stinking schools...covid proved that
Well I will come back to this thread after a mod has moved it. Until then its a great display of right wing racist ignorance. The right hates educated people because they vote against cruelty ,ignorance and greed. The core values of conservatism.

Where's the racism? Lol
Well I will come back to this thread after a mod has moved it.
So typical. Just can't deal with a level playing field, eh?

Until then its a great display of right wing racist ignorance.
Show us the racism. Which posts? Give us some numbers. And ignorance? Of what? That you are just another arrogant elitist snob who copes with everything you can't best by telling yourself is is all just noise from the rabble?

The right hates educated people
You're obviously not one of them. Oh, I get it! Educated means schooled in YOUR belief system! :auiqs.jpg:

because they vote against cruelty ,ignorance and greed.
Cruelty like making millions trek across thousands of miles to end up raped, trafficked or face down dead in the Rio Grande? Or do you mean cruelty like killing thousands with chinese fentanyl made into candy in Mexico to kill more Americans than have died in Ukraine, Hoss? Or do you mean ignorance like thinking the southern border is closed and secure and that gasoline always costs $7.00/gallon in California? Or maybe greed like in actually wanting your borders defended and your own people taken care of before you fund a criminal Nazi organization on the other side of the world?

The core values of conservatism.
You wouldn't know the core values of conservatism, Petunia, if they came up and bit you right on the ass. If 90% of your schools are about to close, I suspect it won't make any difference there because they obviously did a disservice to you not doing you one bit of good.

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