Conservatism in action - 90% of schools to go bust in next 12 months

So typical. Just can't deal with a level playing field, eh?

Show us the racism. Which posts? Give us some numbers. And ignorance? Of what? That you are just another arrogant elitist snob who copes with everything you can't best by telling yourself is is all just noise from the rabble?

You're obviously not one of them. Oh, I get it! Educated means schooled in YOUR belief system! :auiqs.jpg:

Cruelty like making millions trek across thousands of miles to end up raped, trafficked or face down dead in the Rio Grande? Or do you mean cruelty like killing thousands with chinese fentanyl made into candy in Mexico to kill more Americans than have died in Ukraine, Hoss? Or do you mean ignorance like thinking the southern border is closed and secure and that gasoline always costs $7.00/gallon in California? Or maybe greed like in actually wanting your borders defended and your own people taken care of before you fund a criminal Nazi organization on the other side of the world?

You wouldn't know the core values of conservatism, Petunia, if they came up and bit you right on the ass. If 90% of your schools are about to close, I suspect it won't make any difference there because they obviously did a disservice to you not doing you one bit of good.
UK schools have been fucked since the mid-70s. That's what "Another Brick in The Wall" was about.

Taken over by communists back then.
Up to a point. We see from elections that uneducated citizens are a boon to conservatives. Trump/brexit. None of it would have happened if we had smarter people.
Politics comes down to beliefs and self-interest, not education.
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Do more than three people on this site give a shit what is happening in the UK?
Find more than three people here who do. Unlike certain foreign commenters here, we Americans have our own business to attend to.
One can care without commenting about it here.

It is my earnest wish that we would indeed attend to our own business. :(
Up to a point. We see from elections that uneducated citizens are a boon to conservatives. Trump/brexit. None of it would have happened if we had smarter people.
I believe one politician called them useful idiots, and all parties are ripe with them.

A country that aspires to growth needs a world beating education service.

Unfortunately after 12 years of conservatism our schools are not being properly funded and are going bust. Many schools are planning 4 day weeks and losing teachers.

After a decade of the tories nothing works in the UK. Not even the fucking schools.

Countries with the Best Educational Systems - 2021 Best Countries Report​

  1. The United States
  2. The United Kingdom
  3. Germany
  4. Canada
  5. France
  6. Switzerland
  7. Japan
  8. Australia
  9. Sweden
  10. The Netherlands
It ain't the tories you is your welfare state. If the United States didn't pay for your national defense, new drugs and invent all the neat technology the world has, you guys would have gone broke a few decades ago.....

Your left and your weak conservatives have wrecked your country........

Actually. No.

The British NLAW has proven to be simpler to use than the American alternative. Lighter, and much cheaper. It is equally effective as the more expensive American alternative. I expect we should buy some. But we probably won’t.

The American Navy got rid of their Frigates. They decided the tiny ships were not worth it. Well they were useless during the wars in Afghanistan. But for fleet protection they are worth their weight in gold.

So America is buying some. From Europe. Because that is cheaper and faster than designing a new one.

Don’t forget the go to aircraft for the Marines was the British Harrier. A brilliant aircraft that was superior to the American efforts in every measurable way.

I told a friend not long ago. When the British make something. It is either awesome, or trash. There is no in between. The stuff they make tends to be pretty good in comparison.

Their submarines are world class. Their solutions are brilliant and simple. And they work.

Like American power in the Aircraft Carrier. They wouldn’t be possible without British innovation. The angled landing deck, fresnel lenses landing guide, steam catapult, and LSO were all British solutions.

By comparison the Americans were trying to catapult airplanes with gunpowder. That’s right. They wanted to launch the planes like a cannonball.

The British figured out how to land the famed Corsairs of World War II. By using their technique the American Navy finally certified the plane for Carrier service.

Yes. We have helped the Brits. But it has hardly been a one way street. We have gotten a lot back for our help.
UK (England really) is our brother nation. We should care.
Yes agree, but who do they care about anymore? Are they leftist or right leaning ?

Believe it or not it has actually come down to this in the whole world now.

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