Conservative evangelical leaders embrace path to citizenship

There is nothing new about this position. The Catholic Church has been a backer of amnesty and forms of socialism for years. Priests particularly in the southwest will even provide sanctuary for illegals.

Catholic priests actually tend to be more communists in their politics than their doctrine would indicate. Must be their vows of poverty, and expecting their parishioners to take care of them.
"Path to Citizenship" is the same thing as Amnesty. We need to reform the immigration process, make it faster and easier for those who are willing to work. Then everyone who is here illegally should admit it, and apply for the regular process, by returning to their country and applying at the local consulate.

Republicans have been talking about the natural match between Hispanics and their conservative social issues for years, but Hispanics vote Democratic because the prefer the Democratic view of government, not the Republican view.

I'm not cavalier, or interested in semantics enough to assume, "Path to Citizenship = Amnesty."

In my mind, there is a clear distinction between being found (or declaring) guilty of a crime, and being given a pardon, or being offered Citizenship.

It would seem necessary that "Amnesty" be granted BEFORE you could be granted Citizenship, but that amnesty would only be a part of the process. My guess is that it is the most politically volitile part.
Is anybody really suprised that Evangelical preachers are calling for an easier passage of U.S. citizenship for illegal hispanics? I mean aren't the Mexican populace predominantly Catholic? Better question, do you think they'd be as quick to ask for this if we were having a flood of illegal Yemenis?
"Path to Citizenship" is the same thing as Amnesty. We need to reform the immigration process, make it faster and easier for those who are willing to work. Then everyone who is here illegally should admit it, and apply for the regular process, by returning to their country and applying at the local consulate.

Republicans have been talking about the natural match between Hispanics and their conservative social issues for years, but Hispanics vote Democratic because the prefer the Democratic view of government, not the Republican view.

I'm not cavalier, or interested in semantics enough to assume, "Path to Citizenship = Amnesty."

In my mind, there is a clear distinction between being found (or declaring) guilty of a crime, and being given a pardon, or being offered Citizenship.

It would seem necessary that "Amnesty" be granted BEFORE you could be granted Citizenship, but that amnesty would only be a part of the process. My guess is that it is the most politically volitile part.

I agree with that part.
"Path to Citizenship" is the same thing as Amnesty. We need to reform the immigration process, make it faster and easier for those who are willing to work. Then everyone who is here illegally should admit it, and apply for the regular process, by returning to their country and applying at the local consulate.

Republicans have been talking about the natural match between Hispanics and their conservative social issues for years, but Hispanics vote Democratic because the prefer the Democratic view of government, not the Republican view.

I'm not cavalier, or interested in semantics enough to assume, "Path to Citizenship = Amnesty."

In my mind, there is a clear distinction between being found (or declaring) guilty of a crime, and being given a pardon, or being offered Citizenship.

It would seem necessary that "Amnesty" be granted BEFORE you could be granted Citizenship, but that amnesty would only be a part of the process. My guess is that it is the most politically volitile part.

Amnesty is actually the incorrect word anyway as most want to see them fined, I mean when you get fiend for speeding are you given amnesty? Of course not.
conservative evangelical leaders should stay in church and shut the fuck up

they've done more to damage this country than just about any group i can think of

except for the Rdean alien parasites that take over the human mind and make people think like Dean....they are much worse....know any?.....:eusa_eh:
I am pro amnesty , after closing the borders , and here is why.

It would be ridiculously expensive to actually round up all the illegal alien, give them their day in court, and then deport them. Not to mention the tricky legal issue of their children who were born here. Even if they changed the law today to eliminate anchor babies you can't take citizenship away from those who already have it. I mean do you have ANY idea how much that would cost to accomplish?

Simple solution. Close the borders tighter than a ticks ass then immediately announce that ALL illegals have 30 days to get their brown butts down to an INS office where they will pay a significant fine (or be deported immediately) then register for a program to get them on the path to citizenship. After 30 days any person caught in the US illegal is a federal felon facing a 5 year sentence mandatory.

It will NEVER happen because neither party cares to see it actually be done.

Whats so hard about it. Just because an illegal has a baby here, there is no reason we can't kick the parent out of the country. Sure, they could leave their baby here with some legal relatives or put it up for adoption, but if they want to stay with the child then they have to take it with them out of the country.

Don't be a stupid prick. What you can do and what is the logical , compassionate thing to do are two different things. You're going to force a child to be separated from their parents? What kind of fucking moron are you?

i really doubt if you will get any sizable backing to kick the long term people out of here.....under a few years you may have a good case......but you definitely have to put an end to the flow into the country first......
Is anybody really suprised that Evangelical preachers are calling for an easier passage of U.S. citizenship for illegal hispanics? I mean aren't the Mexican populace predominantly Catholic? Better question, do you think they'd be as quick to ask for this if we were having a flood of illegal Yemenis?

Catholics are not evangelicals.
Whats so hard about it. Just because an illegal has a baby here, there is no reason we can't kick the parent out of the country. Sure, they could leave their baby here with some legal relatives or put it up for adoption, but if they want to stay with the child then they have to take it with them out of the country.

Don't be a stupid prick. What you can do and what is the logical , compassionate thing to do are two different things. You're going to force a child to be separated from their parents? What kind of fucking moron are you?

i really doubt if you will get any sizable backing to kick the long term people out of here.....under a few years you may have a good case......but you definitely have to put an end to the flow into the country first......

I would honestly hope that is the case, but I am resigned to the fact that the American people are by and large stupid; and I do believe that the majority want to either have open borders and just let anyone in, or they want to go to the other extreme and rip 12M people, some of whom are US citizens by our very CON , right out of the country and just dump them across the river without so much as a trial to make sure it's legal.
Don't be a stupid prick. What you can do and what is the logical , compassionate thing to do are two different things. You're going to force a child to be separated from their parents? What kind of fucking moron are you?

i really doubt if you will get any sizable backing to kick the long term people out of here.....under a few years you may have a good case......but you definitely have to put an end to the flow into the country first......

I would honestly hope that is the case, but I am resigned to the fact that the American people are by and large stupid; and I do believe that the majority want to either have open borders and just let anyone in, or they want to go to the other extreme and rip 12M people, some of whom are US citizens by our very CON , right out of the country and just dump them across the river without so much as a trial to make sure it's legal.

I'm beginning to wonder if it might be a good idea to go down to the Rio Grande and walk up to some Border Guard and Declare myself an illegal alien.

I could then justifiably "walk away from my Mortgage.":eusa_angel:

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