Conservative fired for his stance on abortion

Conservatives react with fury after The Atlantic fires columnist for extreme abortion comments

And once again we see liberals unable to accept a dissenting view! How totalitarian of them. Its not that libtards want to do away with free speech because in their minds it should be only THEIR kind of speech that should be free of regulation and control. They want to abolish ALL forms of dissenting views and eventually ALL ideologies but liberalism. I hope he sues for discrimination.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities. A private company has ever right to fire someone for saying something that could hurt their bottom line. Only a statist would think otherwise.

A private company has every right to fire someone for whatever reason they want. It's the conceit of statist social engineering that imagines otherwise.
Well if that was done ACROSS the board then OK but its ONLY conservatives/pro life/pro gun folks that get attacked so nope he should sue for discrimination

So, a newspaper, a private company, should allow journalists at their company to write whatever they like regardless of company policy?

The guy has free speech, but not when he's representing his company.

Trump has fired half of his team because he didn't agree with something they did or said, does this mean he can't cope with dissenting opinion?
He didn't express his OPINION in the magazine/newspaper capacity it was on his own free time and away from work. He was fired for his political view. Its discrimination. Its duly noted leftists and even some so called conservatives approve of discrimination when someones view goes against their own.

And at what point does someone stop representing the company they work for?

He works for a company which has political opinions, if he goes against the grain then he can be dismissed.

No doubt if it happened to a left winger, you'd be right behind it.
When he isn't doing ON THE CLOCK work for the company he works for. He wasn't he was on his own free time using his own twitter page to make his personal comments.

It's only conservatives huh? Or is it that you only SEE it happening to conservatives because conservatives will shout loudly that their rights are being infringed, when liberals know this isn't the case?

You can't make simple assumptions here.

Yes, I understand that he was on his own time.

Now, imagine I'm on my own time, on my own twitter page and I write "My boss is a fucking cock", would I get fired if the company found out about it? And if yes, why would it be justified?

Very few times do liberal comments and actions lead to discipline. Think about that teacher who called the 9/11 victims NAZIs.

That one old and disgusting journal that went on the antisemitic rant was disciplined for a while but was back!

Yet a conservative farts in the wind and he is given walking papers.

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Very few times do conservatives get fired for comments either.
I just read that political affiliation is a protected class in California.
Fox News' entire mission statement is "denying everyone except our owner the right to free speech".

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