Conservative Judge J Michael Luttig's sadness over what's coming is palpable

If that's want the majority want they should get it through the legislative process not lying lib judges

The left discovered that they no longer have to consult the voters if at least 5 unelected black robes who serve for life will give it to them by judicial decree

Way way back CA voted ~70% against Gay (mac) marriage. How'd that end up? They did it anyway. Courts OKd it?
If that's what the majority want they should get it through the legislative process not lying lib judges

The left discovered that they no longer have to consult the voters if at least 5 unelected black robes who serve for life will give it to them by judicial decree
So if the majority of Americans want it, why in the hell did Conservative Judges ban it?


Fuckin' braindead simp.
You're very thin skinned.
Here's an extended (45-minute) interview with former federal judge J Michael Luttig, who used to be revered by conservatives for his commitment to conservative values. Now, of course, he's written off as a RINO and an enemy of the MAGA movement. Why? Because he's horrified by what he is seeing and has spoken out about it.

He's obviously shaken by what has happened to his party. There are several poignant moments in this interview, but one that struck me was when he said:

"This is a tragic day for America...The trial will be an embarrassing spectacle to the United States of America. Not only is it the first trial of an American President for grave offenses against the United States, but that man will be on trial during a presidential campaign in which he himself is again campaigning for the presidency of the United States. Never again will the world be inspired by American democracy in the way that it has been since our founding almost 250 years ago."

He also points out that our Constitution simply did not, and could not, foresee a movement that wanted to bring down the very institutions that support it. That has been my concern since this began -- we are not equipped to deal with something our Founders didn't see coming.

He’s right on in that quote..what the demafasict are doing to a political rival has us looking more and more like Saddam’s Iraq
Here's an extended (45-minute) interview with former federal judge J Michael Luttig, who used to be revered by conservatives for his commitment to conservative values. Now, of course, he's written off as a RINO and an enemy of the MAGA movement. Why? Because he's horrified by what he is seeing and has spoken out about it.

He's obviously shaken by what has happened to his party. There are several poignant moments in this interview, but one that struck me was when he said:

"This is a tragic day for America...The trial will be an embarrassing spectacle to the United States of America. Not only is it the first trial of an American President for grave offenses against the United States, but that man will be on trial during a presidential campaign in which he himself is again campaigning for the presidency of the United States. Never again will the world be inspired by American democracy in the way that it has been since our founding almost 250 years ago."

He also points out that our Constitution simply did not, and could not, foresee a movement that wanted to bring down the very institutions that support it. That has been my concern since this began -- we are not equipped to deal with something our Founders didn't see coming.

A ^ slovenly fallacy of “appeal to authority.”

And the silly, petty opening poster (Muck.1958) only uses that fallacy, here, because he likes what the supposed “authority” happens to be spewing.
A ^ slovenly fallacy of “appeal to authority.”

And the silly, petty opening poster (Muck.1958) only uses that fallacy, here, because he likes what the supposed “authority” happens to be spewing.
And he's a far better person than you could ever dream of being.

So, too bad.
How is it Lib bias if the majority of the country thinks a woman should have the right to choose, even though, they might not agree.
One logically presumes poll responses to such questions indicate how the public would vote given a national referendum, i.e. in a pure democracy. Decided on its merits rather than due to partisan preference.
Political bias exists beyond simple presentation and understanding of view-points favouring a particular political leader or party but rather transcends into the readings and interactions among individuals undertaken on a daily basis.[3] The prevalence of political bias has a lasting impact with proven effects on voter behaviour and consequent political outcomes.[3]

With an understanding of political bias, comes the acknowledgement of its violation of expected political neutrality.[4] A lack of political neutrality is the result of political bias.
The obvious answer to your question is, "It's not." But Mac7 is a permanent train wreck of partisan bias + stupidity. You'd fair better pissing up a rope than attempting to converse with him. As I've noted before, he's clearly too short to even see over the steering wheel of his little red sports car.
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