Conservative Judge J Michael Luttig's sadness over what's coming is palpable

Liberal judge Chutkan is angry and conservative judge Luttig is sad. That sums up the difference in political ideologies.
There should not be conservative or liberal judges.

There may be, but that should not be the case and is a recent occurence in America.
You cannot possibly be this ignorant of American history.

On the other hand, your ignorance certainly explains how easily you are gaslighted.

It is simply astounding just how dumbed down your propagandists have made you.
You cannot possibly be this ignorant of American history.

On the other hand, your ignorance certainly explains how easily you are gaslighted.

It is simply astounding just how dumbed down your propagandists have made you.
Hey fucktard! Elaborate on how & why he is "ignorant of American History" or Stfu.
All you're doing is babbling. How is he wrong, smooth brain? You are saying nothing so far.
Hey fucktard! Elaborate on how & why he is "ignorant of American History" or Stfu.
All you're doing is babbling. How is he wrong, smooth brain? You are saying nothing so far.
You know I actually did research on propaganda in the media in 2014?

I was surprised at the results, but mainly it's GIGO.

When it's crap to begin with, it's not going to morph into anything different.

I was banned from there, but I do remember CBS being the top network.

As per the rating system, FOX was below NBC. :dunno:

I think I remember the order: (for networks)









Not too sure about the accuracy of the bottom 2.
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There should not be conservative or liberal judges.

There may be, but that should not be the case and is a recent occurence in America.
Well , simply by default..strict adherance to the constitution would be more favorable to conservative interests than leftist ones. That's why they say the constitution is "a living & breathing document. That view of the constitution is constitutionally invalid. Anyone on any bench who says the constitution is a living breathing document should be kicked off the court & jailed indefinitely for treason against the American people.
Well , simply by default..strict adherance to the constitution would be more favorable to conservative interests than leftist ones. That's why they say the constitution is "a living & breathing document. That view of the constitution is constitutionally invalid. Anyone on any bench who says the constitution is a living breathing document should be kicked off the court & jailed indefinitely for treason against the American people.
You know that isn't and will not be the case, but it sure would be nice.
Anyone on any bench who says the constitution is a living breathing document should be kicked off the court & jailed indefinitely for treason against the American people.
10 Amendments had to be added before the Founders would even ratify the thing. Their "original intent" included having an amendment process and the SC deciding whether legislation was constitutional or not.
How many Amendments do you allow before this alleged "treason" kicks in?
The 10th amendment does not make the constitution a "living & breathing" document, smooth brain. Nor does it justify that stupid, treasonous "legal"*spit* philosophy.

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