Conservative Judge J Michael Luttig's sadness over what's coming is palpable

I guess this judge doesn't know anything about the "presumption of innocence", I guess its good he's a retired judge.
He has "opinions", a little bit of practical experience, and a fairly decent knowledge of the Constitution. More than most.
Here's an extended (45-minute) interview with former federal judge J Michael Luttig, who used to be revered by conservatives for his commitment to conservative values. Now, of course, he's written off as a RINO and an enemy of the MAGA movement. Why? Because he's horrified by what he is seeing and has spoken out about it.

He's obviously shaken by what has happened to his party. There are several poignant moments in this interview, but one that struck me was when he said:

"This is a tragic day for America...The trial will be an embarrassing spectacle to the United States of America. Not only is it the first trial of an American President for grave offenses against the United States, but that man will be on trial during a presidential campaign in which he himself is again campaigning for the presidency of the United States. Never again will the world be inspired by American democracy in the way that it has been since our founding almost 250 years ago."

He also points out that our Constitution simply did not, and could not, foresee a movement that wanted to bring down the very institutions that support it. That has been my concern since this began -- we are not equipped to deal with something our Founders didn't see coming.

Another one-sided attack on republicans by our stealth partisan democrat
He has "opinions", a little bit of practical experience, and a fairly decent knowledge of the Constitution. More than most.

Then he should know that this defendant like any other, isn't supposed to be punished just because a prosecutor decides to file charges.

This is why we have trials and appeals.
Your cult is eliminating competition from individuals. I understand some of it. That competition though gives us all a etter life. The argument comes when showing photographs of those who improve it. The have to be the right ethnic, gender or racial culture today. Come hell or high-water NASA is going to send people to the moon being the right genders and cultures. The SLS LAUNCH schedules for November of 2024 to go to lunar orbit and return to earth with a diversity crew is going to cost over 4 billion dollars. The SLS was supposed to cost 300 million dollars a launch. They promised us. Compare....300 million dollars a launch as compared to 4 billion dollars a launch. So, we will have a female and a person of color. Our nation is dying.
No it's not dying, drama queen. We're going through a bad patch because Trump is a sore loser hell bent on revenge.
Then he should know that this defendant like any other, isn't supposed to be punished just because a prosecutor decides to file charges.

This is why we have trials and appeals.
Well, I'm sure you know much more about this than he does.
Been going on for decades...
Every POTUS has violated that law in its strictist sense.
Trump didn't help himself at all by being defiant.... however the left has started a war that they cannot finish.
Just like Harry Reid did.

Because Trump wanted to overturn the election???
The FBI rigged the election, by suppressing the Hunter laptop as "russian disinformation" even though they knew it was true.

The election should have been overturned, as the FBI isn't supposed to lie for a candidate.
Lol 😂 Trump lost all on his own. He sabotaged his presidency and his reelection.
Here's an extended (45-minute) interview with former federal judge J Michael Luttig, who used to be revered by conservatives for his commitment to conservative values. Now, of course, he's written off as a RINO and an enemy of the MAGA movement. Why? Because he's horrified by what he is seeing and has spoken out about it.

He's obviously shaken by what has happened to his party. There are several poignant moments in this interview, but one that struck me was when he said:

"This is a tragic day for America...The trial will be an embarrassing spectacle to the United States of America. Not only is it the first trial of an American President for grave offenses against the United States, but that man will be on trial during a presidential campaign in which he himself is again campaigning for the presidency of the United States. Never again will the world be inspired by American democracy in the way that it has been since our founding almost 250 years ago."

He also points out that our Constitution simply did not, and could not, foresee a movement that wanted to bring down the very institutions that support it. That has been my concern since this began -- we are not equipped to deal with something our Founders didn't see coming.

Nobody gives a blank what you or the nonsense you dredge up To trash President Trump. We all lived the results then and now. the rule of law is turned upside down and you suck.
Lol 😂 Trump lost all on his own. He sabotaged his presidency and his reelection.
So what is it that Twitter and Facebook did by suppressing Hunter's laptop?
Banning any talk about it before the election?
If an economic depression were to befall us, the self-important Prog spouters who shit does not stink will learn quickly after the changeover to reality happens. Just the COVID arrogant non stinking superior spewage true inferior in surviving asses will get theirs.
It`s pretty early in the morning for posting like a drunk. Put the cork in the bottle and go to bed already.
I know. The Fifth Avenue Rule. You don't care. I know.
No, you don't know. You take 1 thing and pervert it because you have an unnatural and unhealthy hate

for a certain person for really no good reason.

Your reasoning is skewed and clouded by hate and/or jealousy or something.

What bad did Trump do while president, Mac?

What intentional harm did he do to Americans like Biden has?

And you laugh like a fuckin' retard.
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All they know to do is attack. It's them against the world.

Such is life in a cult.

shup stupid fool. WE did not launch a man-made virus, create fake ballots to steal the last two FED & STATE Election cycles. And many other items back to the housing bust all caused by Congress.
Youre OK with all of it, therefore an enemy combatant of this war against what used to be America. Pound sand commeee.
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shup stupid fool. WE did not launch a man-made virus, create fake ballots to steal the last two FED & STATE Election cycles. And many other items back to the housing bust caused bupy Comgress.
youre OK with all of it, therefore an enemy comabatant of this war against what used to be America. Pound sand commeee.
No it's not dying, drama queen. We're going through a bad patch because Trump is a sore loser hell bent on revenge.
Drama Queen! Empires rise and they fall. You as a Prog condemn the white race. The western world...Europe, Canada, United States, New Zealand, Australia and other areas are in a war promoted from their own traitors for survival. None of you. None of you stop living with your comforts while shedding tears for those not privileged as you readily broadcast over and over with torture as we listen. You actually think that people living in red areas are against you. They are against their own also to a degree. Listen to their county sheriffs laughing and chuckling as they promote law and order. Comply mother phuker. And you are free. wink wink.
Drama Queen! Empires rise and they fall. You as a Prog condemn the white race. The western world...Europe, Canada, United States, New Zealand, Australia and other areas are in a war promoted from their own traitors for survival. None of you. None of you stop living with your comforts while shedding tears for those not privileged as you readily broadcast over and over with torture as we listen. You actually think that people living in red areas are against you. They are against their own also to a degree. Listen to their county sheriffs laughing and chuckling as they promote law and order. Comply mother phuker. And you are free. wink wink.
Horseshit, you moron. I am white. Dutch and Irish.
You know they're about to rake your buddy Fauci over the coals, right?

Mr. "I funded Covid and released it on America". Yes, that is what's currently happening.


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