Conservative Republican expert says Obama making kids "gay"

I guess I should not be surprised that homophobes are obsessed with having sex with animals.

When an adult man smokes another adult man's pole, it is an act involving informed consent on the part of both parties.

When an adult man humps an animal, the animal is not capable of giving informed consent. And for future reference, just to nip your idiocy in the bud, the same is true for an adult man humping a little girl, mm'kay?So feebleminded attempts to put gay sex on the same plane with heinous acts are transparently false. If you hear people snickering, it isn't at your cleverness.

Do your best to absorb this knowledge, as best as your small mind is able, and not repeat your ignorance again and again and again like so many other stupid fucks.

Unfortunately, some need that explained to them quite a few times.

It never really sinks in. It is a genuine self-constructed mental block.

Well, it could be intentional...based on.....well.....
Obama Is 'Making Kids Gay' Says 14-Year-Old Conservative Talk Show Host - YouTube

“They are encouraging kids to think, ‘Well, you know what? They’re talking about being a homosexual and they’re saying there’s nothing wrong with being gay, so you know what, I think I might try that out for a little bit,” Cowger says. “That is what’s going on!”

“When you’re trying to teach them the word of God and they consider that bullying ... I find that a big problem, not being allowed to convert other people to my religion,” he said.

14-year-old conservative radio host slams Obama for

The next generation Republican? I knew there had to be some. And he HATES gays, just like a good Republican should.

He's 14 years's just a phase.

it wasnt a phase in Deans case.....he is still hating...
Mal, I really don't know or care if you were born with your desire to fuck sheep. The sheep can't consent so it's a moot point.

It's cool that you and your Dog are close like that...

Wasn't my Question...

Care to Try to Answer it?

Here's another... When you let your Dog Finish after the Peanut Butter Taco, is that Humping of your Leg by him his Action of Free Will?...



I'll answer. People are born with a natural desire to have sex with other people. Whether a person is attracted to the same or opposite sex, they are still attracted to people. Comparing that desire to bestiality, is both a fallacy and ignorant. Coming from you, I'm not surprised.

That's our mal.

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