Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote

Who has proposed a "a modern, accurate database?"

and why does it almost always end up with claims of these attempts, end up throwing registered and eligible people off the voting rolls, which almost always favor the Republican party?

I do know of instances of local (city, town, county) Democrats that "cleaned" the voter rolls in tight elections (where no GOP candidate stood a chance), hoping to keep voters that have not recently voted form exercising a 'throw the bums out' bring i a new blood approach

so in almost all instances, the updating of voter rolls has been to keep some people from voting

poor Frank, still has those old fashioned blinders on
It's to keep dead people from voting.


how many instances are there of dead people voting - in the real world? There has to be reports of it that can be verified
Fraud: CBS News Discovers Hundreds of Dead Voters in Greater Los Angeles
CBS News Discovers Hundreds of Dead Voters in Greater Los Angeles

Elections Expert: "We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls" (VIDEO)
Elections Expert: “We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls”

n Colorado, Lazarus is alive, well and doing his civic duty. So are Dracula and the Walking Dead. At least that seems like a safe assumption after a CBS TV station in Denver aired a report of people continuing to vote despite the obstacle of no longer being alive.
Colorado's dead voters

I got tired of googling maybe you should do it yourself.

So LA County has around 10 million voters and an investigation finds a few hundred votes supposedly cast in names of voters who are dead?


I bet that cost somebody an election.

all fraud is bad, but you do know that is such a minuscule amount, it is almost laughable?

The rest f your obnoxiously large and colored text is not worth responding to as it is crazed conspiracy theory bs
Those are just the ones they caught. Can't count the ones that weren't caught.

If somebody was not caught, how can you assume that they ever existed? There is absolutely no evidence of widespread voter fraud. None.
OCTOBER 31, 2018
Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote

[ Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say everything possible should be done to make it easy for every citizen to vote, but Republicans – especially conservative Republicans – are less likely to hold this view, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. ]

Fascinating, since most cons and rightwingers will swear to high heavens that they are not trying to restrict voting
What does "make it easy to vote" mean? Sending an air conditioned bus into the Barrio to get folks to the polls? Allowing a Sam's club card as ID? What does "easy" mean?
OCTOBER 31, 2018
Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote

[ Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say everything possible should be done to make it easy for every citizen to vote, but Republicans – especially conservative Republicans – are less likely to hold this view, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. ]

Fascinating, since most cons and rightwingers will swear to high heavens that they are not trying to restrict voting
What does "make it easy to vote" mean? Sending an air conditioned bus into the Barrio to get folks to the polls? Allowing a Sam's club card as ID? What does "easy" mean?

Making it easier to register....why not automatically register people when they turn 18

Make it easy to three hour lines in minority neighborhoods

Multiple days to vote

Signature to vote....just like the founding fathers wanted
OCTOBER 31, 2018
Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote

[ Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say everything possible should be done to make it easy for every citizen to vote, but Republicans – especially conservative Republicans – are less likely to hold this view, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. ]

Fascinating, since most cons and rightwingers will swear to high heavens that they are not trying to restrict voting

Y'know what? If you need to be pampered and coddled and hand-held through the "difficult" process of voting, then you obviously don't really give much of a damn. In which case, you really shouldn't be voting at all.
What is up with the red herring? Is it lunch time?

Who has claimed a "need to be pampered and coddled and hand-held?"

or is that a Straw man I smell?

Let me draw you a quick word picture, Mensa Boy, since you don't seem to mind looking like a clueless moron as long as it keeps you from having to defend your shit.

"Pampered, coddled, and hand-held" is what people who understand English call "a description of your position". Just because YOU think your words are rational, logical, and sensible doesn't require anyone else to agree with you about that OR to behave as though they do.

Anyone who whines about "not being able to vote" or "being disenfranchised" because they think the process is too difficult and onerous and should be made easier, is demanding a need to be pampered, coddled, and hand-held, whether they're using those words or not.

Now, do you require even more explaining of a ridiculously simple and obvious conversation in your pretense of "I can't answer your points, so I'll pretend I'm too dumb to breathe and walk at the same time", or would you like to sack up and actually defend your ludicrous notion that voting is too difficult?
The fact that your voting base is too damned dumb to manage to have IDs already is not actually our problem.
Dumb is believing that it’s only voter ID. Both dumb and stupid.

We know Republicans reduce the number of voting places in Democratic communities.

We know the Republicans have done everything they could to suppress the vote.

It’s not just voter ID even though in some places that’s one part of it. There are elderly people who have no birth certificate because they were born with the midwife. Fuk them is that what you’re saying? Even though born here, they may be decades older than you?

Republicans don’t reduce the number of voting places in republican communities. Why is that? If it wasn’t voter suppression they would reduce the number everywhere the same.
If you have to ask for links to those claims, you are in serious need of an education on the subject. You could easily use a search engine, but I suspect you would not like the results. You'd have to go to "alternative" so-called 'news' sites

It is well established what the claims are you ask for a link to
link that republicans reduce polling places in democrat counties but not in republican counties. IF it's easy then why didn't you do so already?
here's an assist: Use Google (or another search engine): republicans reduced polling places in democrat counties

Here's an assist: if you make a statement without any substantiation, and then when you're asked for it, say, "Google and see how right I am", it just means you're full of shit, you KNOW you're full of shit, and everyone can safely ignore what you said.
OCTOBER 31, 2018
Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote

[ Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say everything possible should be done to make it easy for every citizen to vote, but Republicans – especially conservative Republicans – are less likely to hold this view, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. ]

Fascinating, since most cons and rightwingers will swear to high heavens that they are not trying to restrict voting
What does "make it easy to vote" mean? Sending an air conditioned bus into the Barrio to get folks to the polls? Allowing a Sam's club card as ID? What does "easy" mean?
why would you comment in such an absurd fashion? Can you put forth a rational and reasonable argument?
OCTOBER 31, 2018
Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote

[ Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say everything possible should be done to make it easy for every citizen to vote, but Republicans – especially conservative Republicans – are less likely to hold this view, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. ]

Fascinating, since most cons and rightwingers will swear to high heavens that they are not trying to restrict voting

Y'know what? If you need to be pampered and coddled and hand-held through the "difficult" process of voting, then you obviously don't really give much of a damn. In which case, you really shouldn't be voting at all.
What is up with the red herring? Is it lunch time?

Who has claimed a "need to be pampered and coddled and hand-held?"

or is that a Straw man I smell?

Let me draw you a quick word picture, Mensa Boy, since you don't seem to mind looking like a clueless moron as long as it keeps you from having to defend your shit.

"Pampered, coddled, and hand-held" is what people who understand English call "a description of your position". Just because YOU think your words are rational, logical, and sensible doesn't require anyone else to agree with you about that OR to behave as though they do.

Anyone who whines about "not being able to vote" or "being disenfranchised" because they think the process is too difficult and onerous and should be made easier, is demanding a need to be pampered, coddled, and hand-held, whether they're using those words or not.

Now, do you require even more explaining of a ridiculously simple and obvious conversation in your pretense of "I can't answer your points, so I'll pretend I'm too dumb to breathe and walk at the same time", or would you like to sack up and actually defend your ludicrous notion that voting is too difficult?
thank you for at least pretending to be respectful and as far as your deflections and red herrings? I'm not impressed with it
OCTOBER 31, 2018
Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote

[ Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say everything possible should be done to make it easy for every citizen to vote, but Republicans – especially conservative Republicans – are less likely to hold this view, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. ]

Fascinating, since most cons and rightwingers will swear to high heavens that they are not trying to restrict voting

I call bullshit. I’m not a Republican, but I am a conservative. I am in favor of restricting voting. The privilege of voting in our elections should be honored and protected, as should the process of tabulating those votes. There are far too many reports of non-citizens voting among other irregularities with the process.

Why would anyone be opposed to preserving the integrity of our Republic?
I call bullshit. I’m not a Republican, but I am a conservative. I am in favor of restricting voting. The privilege of voting in our elections should be honored and protected, as should the process of tabulating those votes. There are far too many reports of non-citizens voting among other irregularities with the process.

Why would anyone be opposed to preserving the integrity of our Republic?

'far too many reports of non-citizens voting?" Reports? Odd, when investigations are done, those reports end up being what do you call things -- bullshit?

please do not try and hide behind or hijack our republic. It's disgusting to think you speak for everyone
"Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote"

If that is true, there should be no wonder why!

I call bullshit. I’m not a Republican, but I am a conservative. I am in favor of restricting voting. The privilege of voting in our elections should be honored and protected, as should the process of tabulating those votes. There are far too many reports of non-citizens voting among other irregularities with the process.

Why would anyone be opposed to preserving the integrity of our Republic?

'far too many reports of non-citizens voting?" Reports? Odd, when investigations are done, those reports end up being what do you call things -- bullshit?

please do not try and hide behind or hijack our republic. It's disgusting to think you speak for everyone

Ok, now you’ve pissed me off. Ignorance has that effect on me. You’re going on the idiot list along with DEANARD, FAUN, CANDYCORN et al.

Where do you come up with these overly dramatic and misused phrase? “Hijack our Republic - disgusting to think you speak for everyone” You sound like a complete retard. I never claimed to speak for anyone else, nobody has ever said I speak for them. And hijack the republic. How? By making sure the voting process is as pure as,it can be. That’s preservation fool.
There are proven cases of illegal voting.

Texas law requires felons to serve their entire sentence—including probation—before their voting rights are restored.

The Heritage Foundation’s voter fraud database details 1,132 proven instances of fraud in 47 states and is regularly updated.

The failure of states to adopt and vigorously enforce election integrity measures only encourages voter fraud.
Instances of Voter Fraud Continue to Mount, Further Compromising Our Elections
OCTOBER 31, 2018
Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote

[ Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say everything possible should be done to make it easy for every citizen to vote, but Republicans – especially conservative Republicans – are less likely to hold this view, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. ]

Fascinating, since most cons and rightwingers will swear to high heavens that they are not trying to restrict voting
What does "make it easy to vote" mean? Sending an air conditioned bus into the Barrio to get folks to the polls? Allowing a Sam's club card as ID? What does "easy" mean?
why would you comment in such an absurd fashion? Can you put forth a rational and reasonable argument?

You mean like "I'm right, because Google it"? THAT sort of "rational and reasonable argument"?
OCTOBER 31, 2018
Conservative Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote

[ Two-thirds of Americans (67%) say everything possible should be done to make it easy for every citizen to vote, but Republicans – especially conservative Republicans – are less likely to hold this view, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. ]

Fascinating, since most cons and rightwingers will swear to high heavens that they are not trying to restrict voting

Y'know what? If you need to be pampered and coddled and hand-held through the "difficult" process of voting, then you obviously don't really give much of a damn. In which case, you really shouldn't be voting at all.
What is up with the red herring? Is it lunch time?

Who has claimed a "need to be pampered and coddled and hand-held?"

or is that a Straw man I smell?

Let me draw you a quick word picture, Mensa Boy, since you don't seem to mind looking like a clueless moron as long as it keeps you from having to defend your shit.

"Pampered, coddled, and hand-held" is what people who understand English call "a description of your position". Just because YOU think your words are rational, logical, and sensible doesn't require anyone else to agree with you about that OR to behave as though they do.

Anyone who whines about "not being able to vote" or "being disenfranchised" because they think the process is too difficult and onerous and should be made easier, is demanding a need to be pampered, coddled, and hand-held, whether they're using those words or not.

Now, do you require even more explaining of a ridiculously simple and obvious conversation in your pretense of "I can't answer your points, so I'll pretend I'm too dumb to breathe and walk at the same time", or would you like to sack up and actually defend your ludicrous notion that voting is too difficult?
thank you for at least pretending to be respectful and as far as your deflections and red herrings? I'm not impressed with it

I can't imagine what made you think I was pretending to be respectful. You have done nothing to earn respect, or even a pretense thereof, and I showed you exactly the amount of respect you deserve. I thought "clueless moron" summed you up pretty well.

And there were no deflections or red herrings, beyond YOUR continued attempt to avoid addressing the point.

One more time: voting does not need to be any easier. Anyone who thinks it's too hard now is a lazy, ignorant pussy who clearly shouldn't be voting, anyway, because he obviously has no input to offer that society needs. Anyone who is defending the idea that voting is too hard now (and I'm looking at you, in case you're too dumb to get that) is either a disingenuous asshole who wants to manipulate idiots for political power, or is actually an idiot himself, and ALSO should not vote for the good of society.

Let me know if you're still under the delusion that I'm somehow showing the slightest bit of respect for you, because I am perfectly capable of being even more blunt about my disdain and contempt for you.
I call bullshit. I’m not a Republican, but I am a conservative. I am in favor of restricting voting. The privilege of voting in our elections should be honored and protected, as should the process of tabulating those votes. There are far too many reports of non-citizens voting among other irregularities with the process.

Why would anyone be opposed to preserving the integrity of our Republic?

'far too many reports of non-citizens voting?" Reports? Odd, when investigations are done, those reports end up being what do you call things -- bullshit?

please do not try and hide behind or hijack our republic. It's disgusting to think you speak for everyone
Ok, now you’ve pissed me off. Ignorance has that effect on me. You’re going on the idiot list along with DEANARD, FAUN, CANDYCORN et al.

Where do you come up with these overly dramatic and misused phrase? “Hijack our Republic - disgusting to think you speak for everyone” You sound like a complete retard. I never claimed to speak for anyone else, nobody has ever said I speak for them. And hijack the republic. How? By making sure the voting process is as pure as,it can be. That’s preservation fool.
There are proven cases of illegal voting.

Texas law requires felons to serve their entire sentence—including probation—before their voting rights are restored.

The Heritage Foundation’s voter fraud database details 1,132 proven instances of fraud in 47 states and is regularly updated.

The failure of states to adopt and vigorously enforce election integrity measures only encourages voter fraud.
Instances of Voter Fraud Continue to Mount, Further Compromising Our Elections

Maybe it's that warn sensation of being pissed (does that happen to you often?), but gawd, when you get angry your arguments get dumber:

Analysis: Heritage Foundation's Database Undermines Claims of Recent Voter Fraud
September 8, 2017
New York, N.Y. – The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity relies on a database produced by the Heritage Foundation to justify baseless claims — by President Trump and some of the panel’s members — of rampant voter fraud. But according to an analysis of the database by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, the numbers in the database reveal exactly the opposite.

Analysis: Heritage Foundation's Database Undermines Claims of Recent Voter Fraud

Heritage Fraud Database: An Assessment

and the Brennan Center piece has details you can attempt to argue with if you enjoy :banghead: during your spare time

Claims that the database contains almost 1,100 proven instances of voter fraud are grossly exaggerated and devoid of context, according to Heritage Fraud Database: An Assessment. It confirms what numerous studies have consistently shown: Voter fraud is vanishingly rare, and impersonating a voter at the polls is less common a phenomenon than being struck by lightning.

“The database includes an assortment of cases, many unrelated or tangentially related, going back decades, with only a handful pertaining to non-citizens voting or impersonation at the polls,” writes the author. “They add up to a molecular fraction of the total votes cast nationwide. Inadvertently, the Heritage Foundation’s database undermines its claim of widespread voter fraud.

A closer examination of the database shows: _____________________________ great stuff to drive conspiracy theory types nuts. It takes a certain amount of ignorance to deny facts.
great piece of research:


Te database includes 749 “cases” involving almost 1,100 individuals.
  • A closer examination reveals:• Only 105 cases come within the past five years, and 488 within the past 10 years. Tirty-two cases are from the 1980s and 1990s. Indicative of its overreach, the database even includes a case from 1948 (when Harry S. ruman beat Tomas Dewey) and a case from 1972 (when Richard Nixon defeated George McGovern). Over the period considered by Heritage, there have been over 3 billion votes cast in federal elections alone, and many more when you include the state and local elections also covered in the database. Te number of cases in the database represent a miniscule portion of the overall number of votes cast during this time span.

Interesting analysis and seriously difficult to dismiss, unlike the Heritage report

Heritage Fraud Database: An Assessment
great piece of research:


Te database includes 749 “cases” involving almost 1,100 individuals.
  • A closer examination reveals:• Only 105 cases come within the past five years, and 488 within the past 10 years. Tirty-two cases are from the 1980s and 1990s. Indicative of its overreach, the database even includes a case from 1948 (when Harry S. ruman beat Tomas Dewey) and a case from 1972 (when Richard Nixon defeated George McGovern). Over the period considered by Heritage, there have been over 3 billion votes cast in federal elections alone, and many more when you include the state and local elections also covered in the database. Te number of cases in the database represent a miniscule portion of the overall number of votes cast during this time span.

Interesting analysis and seriously difficult to dismiss, unlike the Heritage report

Heritage Fraud Database: An Assessment

Yep, there is voter fraud, how much we don’t know, but Libs like you think it is too inconvenient for a person to show an ID. You can’t get a bank account, a credit card, rent an apartment or let alone buy a house with out one, but when it comes to voting, well that just to hard for Libs to figure out.
great piece of research:


Te database includes 749 “cases” involving almost 1,100 individuals.
  • A closer examination reveals:• Only 105 cases come within the past five years, and 488 within the past 10 years. Tirty-two cases are from the 1980s and 1990s. Indicative of its overreach, the database even includes a case from 1948 (when Harry S. ruman beat Tomas Dewey) and a case from 1972 (when Richard Nixon defeated George McGovern). Over the period considered by Heritage, there have been over 3 billion votes cast in federal elections alone, and many more when you include the state and local elections also covered in the database. Te number of cases in the database represent a miniscule portion of the overall number of votes cast during this time span.

Interesting analysis and seriously difficult to dismiss, unlike the Heritage report

Heritage Fraud Database: An Assessment

Yep, there is voter fraud, how much we don’t know, but Libs like you think it is too inconvenient for a person to show an ID. You can’t get a bank account, a credit card, rent an apartment or let alone buy a house with out one, but when it comes to voting, well that just to hard for Libs to figure out.
If only it was about just ID's.

What about demanding a street address at an indian reservation? Where there are no street addresses?

Or shrinking the number of polling places in Democratic areas?

Or what's going on in North Carolina from Republicans.

It's way more than ID.

ID is the Kool Aid the dumpsters drink.
The voter rolls were looked at in an investigation and cross checked. They were discovered.
The investigations I've read about were flawed. They did not use full SS numbers and full names as identifiers, for instance, rather matching parts of names and the last four SS numbers. Probability insists there will be matches in such cases.
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