Conservative Think Tank to GOP: 'Stick To White Voters'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Republicans should go for the white vote, a prominent anti-immigration think tank said Thursday.

On Thursday, the conservative, nonpartisan think tank Center for Immigration Studies based its recommendation on a review of newly released Census data showing that white voters without college degrees stayed home in larger numbers than other ethnic groups.

"As Republicans think about how they can expand their voter base, the new data suggest that one of their biggest problems in the last presidential election was that so many less-educated whites sat home," Steven Camarota, the Center's Director of Research and author of the report, said in a press release. "These voters, who have been hard hit by the recession, have traditionally supported Republicans. It seems likely that by supporting the Schumer-Rubio amnesty, GOP legislators would further alienate these voters."

The report says that if Romney had won 3 percentage points more of the white vote, he would have won the popular vote. By contrast, he would have had to win 23 percentage points more among Hispanics to win the popular vote.

Those tallies wouldn’t necessarily have altered the final outcome, which depends on the Electoral College. The Latino vote is not concentrated in swing states, though Hispanic voters play a key role in the battleground state of Florida.

The growing importance of the Latino vote has prompted strategists to rethink the political landscape after the 2012 elections, with some predicting the demographic shift could put reliably red states into play.

More: Republicans Should Chase White Vote, Center For Immigration Studies Says

Who Voted in 2012? | Center for Immigration Studies

Phyllis Schlafly: "Myth" That Republicans Should Seek Hispanic Voters - ABC News

Republicans can't seem to stop self-destructing. More angry white voters won't save them. Anyway, whites will soon be a minority. The well is drying up...
The left must be desperate to play such a weak race card. Republicans didn't say it. The source, Center for Immigration Studies is an independent organization that Huffington labeled "conservative" just to motivate the low information radical left that depends on blogs to do their thinking.
The left must be desperate to play such a weak race card. Republicans didn't say it. The source, Center for Immigration Studies is an independent organization that Huffington labeled "conservative" just to motivate the low information radical left that depends on blogs to do their thinking.

that is how dishonest the troll is..take anything he post with a grain salt..
The left must be desperate to play such a weak race card. Republicans didn't say it. The source, Center for Immigration Studies is an independent organization that Huffington labeled "conservative" just to motivate the low information radical left that depends on blogs to do their thinking.

Sooo, you interpret this as a Huffington Post conspiracy...?

Here's how it works, the tax exempt propaganda left wing network, Media Matters, that admits it ONLY monitors conservative speech finds a nugget and they give it to Huffington who embellishes it for low information left wingers and the next thing you know you have a post.
The left must be desperate to play such a weak race card. Republicans didn't say it. The source, Center for Immigration Studies is an independent organization that Huffington labeled "conservative" just to motivate the low information radical left that depends on blogs to do their thinking.

Sooo, you interpret this as a Huffington Post conspiracy...?

Here's how it works, the tax exempt propaganda left wing network, Media Matters, that admits it ONLY monitors conservative speech finds a nugget and they give it to Huffington who embellishes it for low information left wingers and the next thing you know you have a post.

Wow, I didn't know that's how it works. Thanks. What about Phyllis Schiafly? Who feeds her?

Phyllis Schlafly: "Myth" That Republicans Should Seek Hispanic Voters - ABC News
Your title is one big dishonest piece of shit

you should be banned for this crap

where does it say, Stick with whites?
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You title is one big dishonest piece of pos..

you should be banned for this crap

where does it say, Stick with whites?

That's hilarious coming from someone with your avatar.

Sooo, you interpret this as a Huffington Post conspiracy...?

Here's how it works, the tax exempt propaganda left wing network, Media Matters, that admits it ONLY monitors conservative speech finds a nugget and they give it to Huffington who embellishes it for low information left wingers and the next thing you know you have a post.

Wow, I didn't know that's how it works. Thanks. What about Phyllis Schiafly? Who feeds her?

Phyllis Schlafly: "Myth" That Republicans Should Seek Hispanic Voters - ABC News

I rest my case. ABC got it from some left winger who got it from a left wing tax exempt organization no doubt funded by George Soros called "right wing watch" which is in the business of cherry picking statements from 88 year old "conservatives".
Desperate times call for desperate efforts to shift focus from the five or six scandals that are about to wipe out the Hussein administration.
Where in the article that the OP posted does it say "stick to white voters"?

Am I missing something?
Where in the article that the OP posted does it say "stick to white voters"?

Am I missing something?

no, you're not missing anything because it doesn't say that..the op is dishonest, has been forever..take what he post with a grain of salt..
he dragged up there different article and none them is what this think tank didn't say, stick with whites, ignore Hispanics...or any of that..
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I like arguing with radical left wingers who rely on Huffington to do their thinking. Keep the post alive

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