Conservative views driving young people away from organized religion: 'They have no reason to go'

Half of young people report feeling disconnected from their religious backgrounds, according to a new report.

A new survey found that half of people ages 13 to 25 think that religious institutions care little for the issues that matter deeply to them, such as racial justice, gender equity, immigration rights, income inequality and gun control......

Do you realize that leftist ideology is serving the purpose of religion in you lefties?

When I see lefties talking shit about how many genders there are, TODAY, I imaging medieval theologians arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Self-denial is a central part to nearly every religion there is. You somehow gain character by not doing things that are interesting or thrilling. Not sure how that's supposed to work.

Mmm, what do white liberals sacrifice that fit that, to conform to their religion of liberalism?
We're not talking about Jesus. Religion is a thing of men, money, rules and penalties. If your religion is full of judgemental hypocrites that seem to be obsessed with stamping out fun how can you blame people for not voluntarily joining up?
I can't or don't "blame" anyone............its called free will. I don't make a habit of casting pearls among swine. Haven't you heard the Christ? "Give not that which is holy to dogs...........neither cast your pearls among swine (pearls of wisdom....the fool refuses to learn). You just attempted to trample the scriptures under your snout......and no one was actually addressing you. Guilty Conscience? :dunno:


Who I am to say that you don't have the freedom to direct your path in worshiping the god of this world? Its YOUR SOUL.........not, drink, make merry enjoy this life as that's all you have. Where is the hope? Its clear that you are hopeless and miserable. I have yet to encounter a secular type individual that was actually happy with their life's choices.......all walk around like they have a stick up their keyster. :abgg2q.jpg: Many.......regardless of how (wink, wink) much fun they have, how many riches of this world they possess, how much fame they seek after and enjoy........they take the easy way out, Suicide. Just look at the headlines........practically every day there is some rich and famous individual that simply realizes.........I am without hope, there is no way out........THE "END". Just recently you have Anthony Bourdain (the food taster), Naylor a famous English female actress, Robyn Williams, etc., many of these Fun People were in their teens to their early 30s. ENJOY your fun.......its a path that ends only one way and its wide indeed, you are not alone in your misery.

Strange: In one breath you are calling people of faith judgmental the next breath you are judging them through ad hominem personal insults. LMAO Who needs HYPOCRISY defined.......just read your post its self defining.
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I can't or don't "blame" anyone............its called free will. Who I am to say that you don't have the freedom to direct your path in worshiping the god of this world? Its YOUR SOUL.........not, drink, make merry enjoy this life as that's all you have. Where is the hope? Its clear that you are hopeless and miserable. I have yet to encounter a secular type individual that was actually happy with their life's choices.......all walk around like they have a stick up their keyster. :abgg2q.jpg:

Strange: In one breath you are calling people of faith judgmental the next breath you are judging them through ad hominem personal insults. LMAO Who needs HYPOCRISY defined.......just read your post its self defining.
I was raised hardcore Southern Baptist/holy roller. I've seen it as bad as it gets without having been brought up in a cult. Religion didn't work out for me. Excuse the chip on my shoulder. Being lied to, punished and sheltered in Jesus land has the potential to cause some resentment.
I was raised hardcore Southern Baptist/holy roller. I've seen it as bad as it gets without having been brought up in a cult. Religion didn't work out for me. Excuse the chip on my shoulder. Being lied to, punished and sheltered in Jesus land has the potential to cause some resentment.
:abgg2q.jpg: Why bother others with your misery? Sounds like a personal problem. Question: Just where is the church of the Baptist represented in scripture? What? No wonder you are miserable if you attempted to worship John the Baptist ........only God is to be worshiped. Who is the head of the church? John the Baptist or........Christ Jesus? Do you look at the head and call that body by some other name? Who said they will build MY CHURCH.........John or Jesus? Its not reasonable or logical to look at the head and call it by another name. It is what it is........the church belongs to Christ Jesus as the head with all authority.

A logical fallacy. You lost your all people of faith must be are the only one correct. :eusa_think:
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Probably saved a few coronaries there. Gluttony is supposed to be a sin but you couldn't tell it from the fat asses waddling into church every Sunday.

Doubt it. Golden Corral was a rip off IMO. I only went there twice as part of work things and both times they had precious little of the good stuff and only replenished it sporadically. So unless you really really like pudding and green beans you would have been better off just going somewhere else.
:abgg2q.jpg: Why bother others with your misery? Sounds like a personal problem. Question: Just where is the church of the Baptist represented in scripture? What? No wonder you are miserable if you attempted to worship John the Baptist ........only God is to be worshiped. Who is the head of the church? John the Baptist or........Christ Jesus? Do you look at the head and call that body by some other name? Who said they will build MY CHURCH.........John or Jesus? Its not reasonable or logical to look at the head and call it by another name. It is what it is........the church belongs to Christ Jesus as the head with all authority.

A logical fallacy. You lost your all people of faith must be are the only one correct. :eusa_think:
I really don't care about how any of the Christian churches are different than the others. They are all wrong.
Doubt it. Golden Corral was a rip off IMO. I only went there twice as part of work things and both times they had precious little of the good stuff and only replenished it sporadically. So unless you really really like pudding and green beans you would have been better off just going somewhere else.
It's the temple of gluttony. The food may be like cafeteria food but you can get SIX PLATES! and throw away half of it. Then there's the best part. You can leave table a total mess and some foreigner has to clean it up! It's a microcosm of America itself.
It's the temple of gluttony. The food may be like cafeteria food but you can get SIX PLATES! and throw away half of it. Then there's the best part. You can leave table a total mess and some foreigner has to clean it up! It's a microcosm of America itself.

You should move to a better city.
Religion didn't work out for me. Excuse the chip on my shoulder. Being lied to, punished and sheltered in Jesus land has the potential to cause some resentment.
I do get that, I do. Mary is greatly honored in the Catholic Church. She is the mother of Christ. We were taught she is our mother, too. The last thing I needed, let alone wanted, was another mother. Mothers for thee (maybe), but not for me. It is still something I work hard at to overcome.

I also recognize this kink is my own doing (in a way), so it is up to me to work it all out. At least you have some emotion (resentment). I am religiously ;) polite when it comes to honoring Mary as mother. But I keep my distance.

We will both be fine, and I recommend we keep working at mending what was once broken--because, as the saying goes, we'll come back even stronger.
Half of young people report feeling disconnected from their religious backgrounds, according to a new report.

A new survey found that half of people ages 13 to 25 think that religious institutions care little for the issues that matter deeply to them, such as racial justice, gender equity, immigration rights, income inequality and gun control, and that may be driving a decline in membership for several denominations, reported the Wall Street Journal.

"I don't accept the teachings when it comes to discrimination," said Christian Camacho, a 22-year-old who grew up in a conservative Catholic family in Minneapolis. "I know a fair number of young people who don't go to church, not because they will be discriminated against — they just have no reason to go."

Churches should get with the times and stop preaching hate against LGBT people.

Keep preaching hate and you will lose people.

I have noticed when i last went to church, there are fewer people in the pews.

Probably if they started accepting LGBT people and stopped preaching hate then people would return to the church.

It's time for the churches to get with the times.
The church is not a place to learn about the truth. The church divides, and scatters. Money itself does that. Money makes people to think that racism is real. Racism is as real as money, that comes from nothing. The church is defiled, being defiled religon. That defiled religon makes bitter hearts. That is not a good thing. The church caused the many gender thing, demonizing the sight of god's image. People became discontent, wanting to be somthing else. Muslims are using the immigration thing to come in to destroy they that are not in name a Muslim. No other belief system is doing this. Anyone see a red flag?
Income: Jesus did not teach people about income. Jesus taught 100% free. God did not make money. Money says this. God gave us nothing of value. Money is the only thing that has value. People who want the world to use money are calling Lucifer right. God was holding something back. The world is calling God a liar, insisting that we have price tags. God tells the truth. We are god's. We are God's children. God's image giving to god's image, what is God's. Ask and receive.
It needs to be mind control, not gun control. The church made people to not see our form as God's image. That makes it easy to pierce that image, even as Jesus was pierced.
There is no truth in the church when it hates, LGBT people, naked people, zoosexuals, and clothing optional people. God hates a church that does that. The church taught people to hate Pepe Le Pew, a cartoon skunk, who hates no one. Jesus comforted people with his words. No such comfort is coming from the church. Their law is the law of man, using it against whoever. Evil people use scripture in the same way. They emulate Christs enemies.
The church is more like a military barracks, teaching people to be militarily minded. March around like solders wearing military's fatigues - clothing. The Gospel mission is run like a military barracks, and a prison.
The church is an empty vessel. The church has nothing good in it. The church does not know what Rightious judging is even when the church is told. That would no be, had people not be a steady state of fear, to be themselves. Indians were in a steady state of fear when people in ships came to their continent. The same thing happens now to people that the church does not see as their own. Charity is not in the church. People think: I gave to a charity. That is not what 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7, KJV, talks about. Liars will make hearts to be bitter.
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Which prophecy is that? Do you have a verse?
Here is something I wanted you to read that has to do with some of your beliefs that the book of Revelation prophesy has already occurred....or something of the sort....

I'm not saying this teacher is correct, or incorrect... I'm not a be!I ever in a pre trib rapture as he is and other things...

But in the beginning of this lesson, on "TheFallingAway", it touches on this other topic too.... Please read the full link and some other time on a religious thread,we can talk and debate it! :)

Oh! And I think the Falling away is mentioned in 1Thessalonians and in 2Thessalonians, and a sidebar in Revelation where John is sending Letters to the Churches, the Last Church mentioned could be a reference to the Falling Away of the last church in the latter days.... A Luke warm church, lacking in the Holy Spirit.

The “Falling Away” – Has It Happened?​

As we watch the relentless downward spiral of global society, we recall that biblical prophecy states that the latter days would be marked by a collapse of faith, morality and ethics. The question we’re now asking ourselves is simple: Have we gone beyond the point of no return, or will there be spiritual revival?
No one can really answer this question. God’s plans are His own. But our clear perception in the light of biblical prophecy is that we’ve entered the latter days. Israel is back in the Holy Land, embroiled in an international conflict that precisely matches the Scriptural prophecies. Everywhere, dark occultic and demonic schemes are growing in prominence. Evil genetic experimentation is now a reality. Morality is overwhelmed by shameless behavior. Many Christian writers have illuminated these developments for years.
But for Christians, there is one prophecy that is at the top of the list.It tells us that prior to the Tribulation, something called “a falling away” must come. In the light of many other prophetic developments, this event seems to be in the process of happening at the present time. But we must ask: Is this really true, and how will we know when it has reached completion. In other words, how much worse must things get before Paul’s prophecy is fulfilled?
As we examine the meaning of the term above, we would first note that it seems to be describing a latter-day spiritual collapse. A few months after sending his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul sent them a second one. It was an update and clarification of that first epistle, which had carefully laid out the doctrine pertaining to the rapture of the church. And it dealt with a specific misunderstanding that had been spawned by deceptive false teachers in the interim period.
According to statistics, this can be said about schools, youth sports, and other groups--not to mention....Well, let's put it this way. Would you say, "I can't imagine what any uncle or stepfather has to offer a young person other than an excllent opportunity to get molested"? Stats are even higher here. Let's stop throwing mud. It's ignorant.

Yup. From what i heard is that molestations actually happen between family members who are in the family.

Yet, many on here call LGBT people predators.

I hope they watch their kids around the members of their own family
What you say is probably correct but the main reason is they are awake to the silly crap and lies religion spreads as fact.
The older generation got sucked into that rubbish because they had little intelligence and no curiosity.
Not so today. God had better find some other planet to annoy.


I started questioning religion after i heard that jehovah witnessess have something in their doctrine that forbids them celebrating certain holidays or having a blood transfusion and that the Mormon Church having something in their bible that is really racist against POC, calling Black people "sinners". I'm not joking, it's indexed under "skin"

But yet LGBT people are denied communion in the Catholic church.

But i don't think anyone who ever gotten divorced and remarried or gotten a tattoo ever gotten turned away from getting one of those communion wafers.

Anyone see the hypocrisy in this?

Like people criticize the doctrines of other faiths, but turn a blind eye towards discriminatory doctrines of their own faith?

I started questioning religion after i heard that jehovah witnessess have something in their doctrine that forbids them celebrating certain holidays or having a blood transfusion and that the Mormon Church having something in their bible that is really racist against POC, calling Black people "sinners". I'm not joking, it's indexed under "skin"

But yet LGBT people are denied communion in the Catholic church.

But i don't think anyone who ever gotten divorced and remarried or gotten a tattoo ever gotten turned away from getting one of those communion wafers.

Anyone see the hypocrisy in this?

Like people criticize the doctrines of other faiths, but turn a blind eye towards discriminatory doctrines of their own faith?
Don't forget the rampant paedophilia in the Catholic church. Catholic woman with contraception and having abortions.
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

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