Conservative views driving young people away from organized religion: 'They have no reason to go'

Any time Christians try to run things it's not long before people start getting burned at the stake for their beliefs. Christianity is incompatible with personal liberty.

LOL, you couldn't be any more stupid if you tried.
There is no religious background.
Almost all religions were imposed on peoples in the late Middle Ages, especially the Abrahamic religions, which were spread by the Franks and Arabs throughout Eurasia.
And there is nothing conservative about them. These are leftist ideologies
I really don't care about how any of the Christian churches are different than the others. They are all wrong.
I thought you were against Judging? :abgg2q.jpg: FYI: It only takes ONE to be correct. The church located in the New Testament of Christ. Logic: There "could be" countless religions that are "wrong"..........but there can only be one truth, as the truth is simply the truth. And the founders of this one truth can only be the God of the Bible as the scriptures remain unbroken in their presentation of truth. No one can disprove the prima facie truth as found in the holy scriptures via a presentation of objective evidence based upon applicable science or history actual.

What you get is demonstrable in all your hominem attacks.

Ad Hominem: Appealing to emotional considerations rather than to fact or reason. :eusa_think:
But yet LGBT people are denied communion in the Catholic church.
Any reason you didn't mention the apologies by the archbishop? I am betting you can find communion being denied to known adulterers as well--but it would be a rare thing. Why? Because as a Eucharistic Minister myself I can testify that we are instructed to give communion to everyone at Mass who comes up to receive the Lord. We do not stand between the Lord and his people, we bring them together.

I do appreciate your concerns about LGBTQ, etc. My own stand is this: Decades ago straight heterosexuals decided that sex outside marriage should be the norm, with the apparent attitude of sex how I want it for me, but not for thee. Therefore, we have absolutely no say in an other sexual mores. However, what we should all take note of is what ancient man observed about lack of sexual discipline. They noted it brings down communities; it brings down nations.

Really. Do any of us truly want the first impression we give others to be our sexual preferences? I don't know about you, but I can name many things I hope people know and recognize about me before sex is added to the list.
Any reason you didn't mention the apologies by the archbishop? I am betting you can find communion being denied to known adulterers as well--but it would be a rare thing. Why? Because as a Eucharistic Minister myself I can testify that we are instructed to give communion to everyone at Mass who comes up to receive the Lord. We do not stand between the Lord and his people, we bring them together.

I do appreciate your concerns about LGBTQ, etc. My own stand is this: Decades ago straight heterosexuals decided that sex outside marriage should be the norm, with the apparent attitude of sex how I want it for me, but not for thee. Therefore, we have absolutely no say in an other sexual mores. However, what we should all take note of is what ancient man observed about lack of sexual discipline. They noted it brings down communities; it brings down nations.

Really. Do any of us truly want the first impression we give others to be our sexual preferences? I don't know about you, but I can name many things I hope people know and recognize about me before sex is added to the list.

Did i really heard that at one time that being left-handed was viewed as wrong by church?

I remember my parents saying that when they were in school, they would be hit with a ruler by a Nun if they ever wrote with their left hand.
I was raised hardcore Southern Baptist/holy roller. I've seen it as bad as it gets without having been brought up in a cult. Religion didn't work out for me. Excuse the chip on my shoulder. Being lied to, punished and sheltered in Jesus land has the potential to cause some resentment.

I asked you about temptation. If your temptation involves another and that other is not willing, just take them by force. Right? What's the problem, in your worldview? Everyone is just space dust on this floating outbound rock. You've already made the case for grab whatever pleasure you can while you can. You didn't answer me.
Did i really heard that at one time that being left-handed was viewed as wrong by church?

I remember my parents saying that when they were in school, they would be hit with a ruler by a Nun if they ever wrote with their left hand.

I note with interest you didn't address my post about the Woke Religion
Here is something I wanted you to read that has to do with some of your beliefs that the book of Revelation prophesy has already occurred....or something of the sort....

I'm not saying this teacher is correct, or incorrect... I'm not a be!I ever in a pre trib rapture as he is and other things...

But in the beginning of this lesson, on "TheFallingAway", it touches on this other topic too.... Please read the full link and some other time on a religious thread,we can talk and debate it! :)

Oh! And I think the Falling away is mentioned in 1Thessalonians and in 2Thessalonians, and a sidebar in Revelation where John is sending Letters to the Churches, the Last Church mentioned could be a reference to the Falling Away of the last church in the latter days.... A Luke warm church, lacking in the Holy Spirit.

The “Falling Away” – Has It Happened?​

As we watch the relentless downward spiral of global society, we recall that biblical prophecy states that the latter days would be marked by a collapse of faith, morality and ethics. The question we’re now asking ourselves is simple: Have we gone beyond the point of no return, or will there be spiritual revival?
No one can really answer this question. God’s plans are His own. But our clear perception in the light of biblical prophecy is that we’ve entered the latter days. Israel is back in the Holy Land, embroiled in an international conflict that precisely matches the Scriptural prophecies. Everywhere, dark occultic and demonic schemes are growing in prominence. Evil genetic experimentation is now a reality. Morality is overwhelmed by shameless behavior. Many Christian writers have illuminated these developments for years.
But for Christians, there is one prophecy that is at the top of the list.It tells us that prior to the Tribulation, something called “a falling away” must come. In the light of many other prophetic developments, this event seems to be in the process of happening at the present time. But we must ask: Is this really true, and how will we know when it has reached completion. In other words, how much worse must things get before Paul’s prophecy is fulfilled?
As we examine the meaning of the term above, we would first note that it seems to be describing a latter-day spiritual collapse. A few months after sending his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul sent them a second one. It was an update and clarification of that first epistle, which had carefully laid out the doctrine pertaining to the rapture of the church. And it dealt with a specific misunderstanding that had been spawned by deceptive false teachers in the interim period.

I think its helpful to note that apostacy is the word that the scripture used instead of falling away.
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Here are scriptures that talk about 1st century apostacy or falling away.


14. I John — The apostle spoke of the apostates that, “Went out from us” (1:2:19); He also said: “many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1:4:1-3). Once again, what was happening in 1 John is precisely what Jesus predicted in Matthew 24.

15. Jude — Peter foretold the coming of scoffers and Jude says that what was predicted was taking place! The urgency of Jude’s epistle reveals how dire the situation truly was. Apostate members of the body were at work, seeking to destroy in from within.

16. Revelation — Consider the problems of the seven churches. While Jesus did have some complimentary things to say to some of the churches, nonetheless, the language of Revelation is clear that the situation was dangerous. False teachers within and persecution without was the order of the day.

The references in the specific books could be listed by the score. We have not even examined the book of Acts and its record of the problems of apostasy beginning at an early time indeed. Surely it is not hard to see that the Great Apostasy was indeed happening as the inspired writers wrote.

Specifically, the inspired writers often wrote to stem the tide of apostasy. This apostasy was in Asia and Africa; from Rome to Corinth, from Corinth to Jerusalem; North, South, East, and West. (cf. I Peter 1:1f, Rev., Gal. 1) How can anyone deny the correlation of what the epistles record and what Jesus predicted? When we accept that testimony, it is patently clear that the Great Apostasy predicted by Jesus was taking place. More on the Great Apostasy in the next installment.
Did i really heard that at one time that being left-handed was viewed as wrong by church?

I remember my parents saying that when they were in school, they would be hit with a ruler by a Nun if they ever wrote with their left hand.
I have never heard of that. I had a grandmother born in the early 1900s. She was a left-handed Catholic, went to a nursing school/hospital run by nuns. Neither she nor my mother had any stories about her being mistreated in any way because she was left-handed. I went to Catholic school, had a couple of classmates who were left-handed, and the nuns always accommodated them with left-handed scissors and the like. We lived in the West.

When I was in school the nuns loved George Carlin. Whenever he had anything new out, they always played it for us in class. Never a ruler. The worst they ever did was click at us if we got to rambunctious.

After I had grown and was moving around the country, I did hear someone comment on nuns rapping fingers for misbehavior, but not for using a left-hand. One friend remarked, "We had the Sisters of Mercy who had no mercy." My old school had the Sisters of Notre Dame who evidently didn't believe in whacking kids with rulers.
Half of young people report feeling disconnected from their religious backgrounds, according to a new report.

A new survey found that half of people ages 13 to 25 think that religious institutions care little for the issues that matter deeply to them, such as racial justice, gender equity, immigration rights, income inequality and gun control, and that may be driving a decline in membership for several denominations, reported the Wall Street Journal.

"I don't accept the teachings when it comes to discrimination," said Christian Camacho, a 22-year-old who grew up in a conservative Catholic family in Minneapolis. "I know a fair number of young people who don't go to church, not because they will be discriminated against — they just have no reason to go."

Churches should get with the times and stop preaching hate against LGBT people.

Keep preaching hate and you will lose people.

I have noticed when i last went to church, there are fewer people in the pews.

Probably if they started accepting LGBT people and stopped preaching hate then people would return to the church.

It's time for the churches to get with the times.

Keep preaching hate and you will lose people.

that is not true, take from them their mandates, catechisms what they have always preached in disguise of religion will be when they lose people in droves ... any woman priests, leniency for outliers, communal living for priests ... not a thing has changed -

they are against everything the 1st century was meant to represent - and made for themselves its conclusion.
I note with interest you didn't address my post about the Woke Religion

I remember one time i mentioned going to a LGBT church and a friend of the family said that the LGBT church must worship a different God and they would tell my father if i ever went to one.

I wonder if i should have called the person a anti-gay bigot for saying that.

I remember one time i mentioned going to a LGBT church and a friend of the family said that the LGBT church must worship a different God and they would tell my father if i ever went to one.

I wonder if i should have called the person a anti-gay bigot for saying that.

Not a response to the Woke Religion, which is indeed a religion
Half of young people report feeling disconnected from their religious backgrounds, according to a new report.

A new survey found that half of people ages 13 to 25 think that religious institutions care little for the issues that matter deeply to them, such as racial justice, gender equity, immigration rights, income inequality and gun control, and that may be driving a decline in membership for several denominations, reported the Wall Street Journal.

"I don't accept the teachings when it comes to discrimination," said Christian Camacho, a 22-year-old who grew up in a conservative Catholic family in Minneapolis. "I know a fair number of young people who don't go to church, not because they will be discriminated against — they just have no reason to go."

Churches should get with the times and stop preaching hate against LGBT people.

Keep preaching hate and you will lose people.

I have noticed when i last went to church, there are fewer people in the pews.

Probably if they started accepting LGBT people and stopped preaching hate then people would return to the church.

It's time for the churches to get with the times.

The Holy Catholic Church never preached hate against anyone. And if Christian Camacho likes to know something about the Christian faith then he should perhaps ask others - including the own parents - and not think not to have a political reason to visit a church service of the Holy Church has anything to do with the Christian faith. It's by the way said someone is grown up when he is doing what's good for the own person, although the own parents said it's good to do so.

Es ist unsere Aufgabe daran zu erinnern, dass der Mensch nicht nur existiert, um verwaltet zu werden.
Heinrich Böll
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yes it is man made--that is totally RIDICULOUS to compare math and religion--that's IDIOTIC

¿Really? God is logos and mathematics is not materialistic. When we paint a circle then the point in the center has 0 dimensions - and the line of the circle has 1 dimension - what would be invisible if we would not create a picture. I always say: "The spirtuality of physics is mathematics". And physics without mathematics is not very successful. And what are we on our own in a world without spirit or a world without mathematics?
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I can't imagine what any church has to offer a young person other than an excellent opportunity to get molested.

From my point fo view fro example: Safety, a foofball field, a piano teacher from China, a replacement for my dead daddy, a library, many friends and so on and so on ...

1. there is no god--you can't prove it--and PLEASE don't make a fool of yourself and say ''you can't prove there isn't a god''
2. religion is man made= fake fairy tales

But is man "man made"? Or are we a fairy tale on our own and you are the fairy tale of the bird with the stones in the breast who thinks it is impossible to fly?

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Any time Christians try to run things it's not long before people start getting burned at the stake for their beliefs. Christianity is incompatible with personal liberty.

It's exactly in the opposite when you take a look at the real history. The only problem: Always criminals try to excuse their crimes with "moral".


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