Conservative views driving young people away from organized religion: 'They have no reason to go'

Actually, it is not "man made", any more than mathematics is "man made". Like math, humans throughout time have simply experienced or observed God at work in their lives.
how can you observe something that isn't there???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!! can't prove there is a god---no way at all
Half of young people report feeling disconnected from their religious backgrounds, according to a new report.

A new survey found that half of people ages 13 to 25 think that religious institutions care little for the issues that matter deeply to them, such as racial justice, gender equity, immigration rights, income inequality and gun control, and that may be driving a decline in membership for several denominations, reported the Wall Street Journal.

"I don't accept the teachings when it comes to discrimination," said Christian Camacho, a 22-year-old who grew up in a conservative Catholic family in Minneapolis. "I know a fair number of young people who don't go to church, not because they will be discriminated against — they just have no reason to go."

Churches should get with the times and stop preaching hate against LGBT people.

Keep preaching hate and you will lose people.

I have noticed when i last went to church, there are fewer people in the pews.

Probably if they started accepting LGBT people and stopped preaching hate then people would return to the church.

It's time for the churches to get with the times.

What you say is probably correct but the main reason is they are awake to the silly crap and lies religion spreads as fact.
The older generation got sucked into that rubbish because they had little intelligence and no curiosity.
Not so today. God had better find some other planet to annoy.
The politics within the Catholic church is what drives the molestation. Instead of trying to protect their own priests and public image by ignoring these events and moving priests around to let them do it elsewhere, they should have properly addressed this crap
Don't be silly. Look up the facts. Back in the day whether child molestation occurred in public schools, churches, etc. the psychiatric community was recommending sending the offenders in all areas to training and then to relocate them. This was happening in all walks of life. Further, it were Catholic priests who were trying to get the word out, "Re-training (by the psychiatric community) does not work, does not work, does not work."

In effect, it were other priests in the Catholic Church that was blowing the whistle on this. The news media only reported half the story. I know, because I was a member of that news media when the decision was made to focus on the Catholic Church. That was apt to sell more papers and bring in more advertising dollars than if the light was being shone on everyone involved.
Don't be silly. Look up the facts. Back in the day whether child molestation occurred in public schools, churches, etc. the psychiatric community was recommending sending the offenders in all areas to training and then to relocate them. This was happening in all walks of life. Further, it were Catholic priests who were trying to get the word out, "Re-training (by the psychiatric community) does not work, does not work, does not work."

In effect, it were other priests in the Catholic Church that was blowing the whistle on this. The news media only reported half the story. I know, because I was a member of that news media when the decision was made to focus on the Catholic Church. That was apt to sell more papers and bring in more advertising dollars than if the light was being shone on everyone involved.
One thing that does work, take a knife and cut off their junk.

But I reckon sitting round talking about the evils of global warming might make everything work out instead.

Leftism is our new religion as the molestations will continue
yes it is man made--that is totally RIDICULOUS to compare math and religion--that's IDIOTIC
Not in the least--and especially not for those of us who have actually experienced God. You remind me of a few of my math students who insist they don't need to take math in high school--that their parents even told them that they would never use higher math once they left school. I know both God and math, so it is a great comparison.
And what drives this? Is it not politics? The politics within the Catholic church is what drives the molestation. Instead of trying to protect their own priests and public image by ignoring these events and moving priests around to let them do it elsewhere, they should have properly addressed this crap but the Pope is too busy talking about the evils of building walls and global warming to be concerned about it.

And what we have seen in the Catholic church we are now seeing in our public schools. Parents are being told to let the schools handle events that happen such as their daughters being raped instead of the proper authorities and making changes to prevent such occurrences in the future. For example, bathrooms should be single occupancy and not gender neutral, but this conflicts with the forced indoctrination from the Alphabet people.
The church I speak of was southern baptist. The Catholics take a lot of heat but that's only because their scandals went public. How many conservative kids are getting diddled at church? The number is not zero. Would you even want to know if Brother so-and-so is inviting kids to "special prayer meetings"? It's been my experience that people will absolutely look the other way rather than say anything and people who do say anything are no longer welcome to attend that church. Allegations get buried and even more kids end up receiving their religious instruction orally.
Half of young people report feeling disconnected from their religious backgrounds, according to a new report.

A new survey found that half of people ages 13 to 25 think that religious institutions care little for the issues that matter deeply to them, such as racial justice, gender equity, immigration rights, income inequality and gun control, and that may be driving a decline in membership for several denominations, reported the Wall Street Journal.

"I don't accept the teachings when it comes to discrimination," said Christian Camacho, a 22-year-old who grew up in a conservative Catholic family in Minneapolis. "I know a fair number of young people who don't go to church, not because they will be discriminated against — they just have no reason to go."

Churches should get with the times and stop preaching hate against LGBT people.

Keep preaching hate and you will lose people.

I have noticed when i last went to church, there are fewer people in the pews.

Probably if they started accepting LGBT people and stopped preaching hate then people would return to the church.

It's time for the churches to get with the times.

IOW these young people expect Christians to mirror the secular religion that permeates the culture. Sadly, they WILL find this in too many so-called "Christian" churches. Blessedly, they won't find it in mine (thank You God).

Woke religion is the veriest Puritanical, judgmental, fundamentalist religion since Plymouth Rock, you can count on that. It enters with "tolerance" but that is sheep's wool. The wolf is barely disguised and is all the ugliness of Cancel Culture. And note: there is no grace, no mercy, no absolution. It is vain, self-righteous, and self-serving. The -isms and -phobes etc is not genuine. It's not about accepting others. It's about the veneer of doing such to puff yourself up. Examples of this abound.

My church does not "preach hate". It preaches Jesus Christ. Those with ears to hear will, by the grace of God, be drawn. To those with ears to hear, hearing the Word of God preached is life itself. That's who the church is for. And those people will go to church through pandemics, and terror warnings, and bad weather. The church does not need to "style its message" to reach people. God's people will come. That's it.
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you can't prove there is a god---no way at all
Correct. God is spirit, and proof can only be applied to the physical realm. Proof requires physical substance and measurement. Therefore, seeking proof for God is a waste of time. Instead of seeking proof, I recommend seeking God.
The church I speak of was southern baptist. The Catholics take a lot of heat but that's only because their scandals went public. How many conservative kids are getting diddled at church? The number is not zero. Would you even want to know if Brother so-and-so is inviting kids to "special prayer meetings"? It's been my experience that people will absolutely look the other way rather than say anything and people who do say anything are no longer welcome to attend that church. Allegations get buried and even more kids end up receiving their religious instruction orally.
Does it matter what denomination?

Unless steps are taken in any institution to prevent this from happening it will happen.

For example, I know is one church the doors were changed to glass doors so everyone could see what was going on behind closed doors.

This includes our schools which are now Left wing churches to teach children about their collective salvation through the state.
Any time Christians try to run things it's not long before people start getting burned at the stake for their beliefs. Christianity is incompatible with personal liberty.

Patently false.

Western Civilization is a key foundation of personal liberties. I mean. C'mon.
Correct. God is spirit, and proof can only be applied to the physical realm. Proof requires physical substance and measurement. Therefore, seeking proof for God is a waste of time. Instead of seeking proof, I recommend seeking God.
..I've seen some real good double talk before--but that takes the cake
...but why should I seek something that isn't real/not there?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The church I speak of was southern baptist. The Catholics take a lot of heat but that's only because their scandals went public. How many conservative kids are getting diddled at church? The number is not zero. Would you even want to know if Brother so-and-so is inviting kids to "special prayer meetings"? It's been my experience that people will absolutely look the other way rather than say anything and people who do say anything are no longer welcome to attend that church. Allegations get buried and even more kids end up receiving their religious instruction orally.

What happened was an abomination. That's all I will say for now, though I could say a lot more.

I am a public school teacher and have been for 25+ years. Right down the road from my church. Even so, I had to be re-fingerprinted to teach Sunday School and we have strict rules about never being alone with kids. Always another adult in the room. It took churches too long, but we finally have accountability. I do not know a church now that doesn't employ this. It's not perfect I'm sure, but it's better. I recognize it was too late for too many. :(
Leftism is our new religion as the molestations will continue
Unfortunately, molestation seem to be a fact of human existence--from the beginning of time. That doesn't mean we shouldn't diligently continue to work against it wherever it is. As a gardener: If I don't allow weeds in my garden, why should I allow what isn't wanted or good in society?

Some are saying chemical castration doesn't work--at least not for all--because even though it hinders performance, it does nothing to stop the longing. At least for some.
Patently false.

Western Civilization is a key foundation of personal liberties. I mean. C'mon.
Western civilization correctly sees a difference between the religious and the secular. Religious fanatics see the law as something that should be serving God.
Does it matter what denomination?

Unless steps are taken in any institution to prevent this from happening it will happen.

For example, I know is one church the doors were changed to glass doors so everyone could see what was going on behind closed doors.

This includes our schools which are now Left wing churches to teach children about their collective salvation through the state.

Yep I'm sure that second grade teacher from Little Town, Nebraska down the pew from you on Sunday goes into her classroom on Monday morning and immediately begins teaching the Woke Religion to 7 yo

I'm a Christian Conservative but the talking points are just too stupid, I'm sorry. Because right, the public school in rural South Dakota is JUST EXACTLY like the one in Brooklyn, NY

Western civilization correctly sees a difference between the religious and the secular. Religious fanatics see the law as something that should be serving God.


Maybe religious fanatics do, okay. That does not account for the vast majority of Christians though, who do not in fact make laws like you can't take the Lord's name in vain, or you must attend church at least X number of times a year....what are you talking about?
..I've seen some real good double talk before--but that takes the cake
...but why should I seek something that isn't real/not there?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am testifying it is there. It may not be physical, but it is there. Harmonica, I think what isn't there, is your interest in God. People who have no interest in God are not going to want to seek Him, any more than those of us who have no interest in climbing Mount Everest are ever going to do that.
The Biblically prophesied "Falling Away of the Church" is what seems to be happening...?

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