Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

So? The cost to our economy persisted beyond that date. Jobs were still being lost during the remainder of that year. Ultimately about 9 million jobs were lost from Bush’s Great Recession and it took about 4 years just to break even. That’s 6 years of lost revenue. Trillions of dollars lost in the housing markets, more lost revenue. Another trillion to keep the economy afloat.

Much of the debt under Obama was derectly due the the collapsed economy Bush handed him.

The cost to our economy persisted beyond that date. Jobs were still being lost during the remainder of that year.

And what did Obama do to encourage business?
Was it his increased regulations?
According to the right, all a president has to do to spur growth is to show up, like Trump.

It worked for Obama....


According to the right, all a president has to do to spur growth is to show up, like Trump.

Growth works better if you're not trying to strangle it.
What was Obama's average growth in GDP?

Would he have had more growth if he added even more regulations?
What about cap & trade? Would that have given him a year of +3%?
GDP rose slightly more under Obama than Bush and a bit less than Trump so far.

Your point is?

GDP rose slightly more under Obama than Bush

Despite $9.3 trillion in new debt and all those new jobs we got "slightly more"?
Weird, Obama must have done something wrong.

Maybe you talk to congress about that. After that, face the truth of the depression this nation was facing that Obama saved us from. He handed Trump a healthy economy at full employment with jobs already being made.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
Wow, you really don't know much do you
The foundation of modern conservatism, was the forefathers and John Locke and Edmund Burke
They were not monarchists......
Funny how the left wants monarchy/communism/socialism/fascism....whatever you want to call it.....government control.
The right is for individual liberty....within reason
And no slavery was not about convervatism...I've disproven this fact over and over again.....if you want to go...i'll shit on you as well.
The cost to our economy persisted beyond that date. Jobs were still being lost during the remainder of that year.

And what did Obama do to encourage business?
Was it his increased regulations?
According to the right, all a president has to do to spur growth is to show up, like Trump.

It worked for Obama....


According to the right, all a president has to do to spur growth is to show up, like Trump.

Growth works better if you're not trying to strangle it.
What was Obama's average growth in GDP?

Would he have had more growth if he added even more regulations?
What about cap & trade? Would that have given him a year of +3%?
GDP rose slightly more under Obama than Bush and a bit less than Trump so far.

Your point is?

GDP rose slightly more under Obama than Bush

Despite $9.3 trillion in new debt and all those new jobs we got "slightly more"?
Weird, Obama must have done something wrong.

Maybe you talk to congress about that. After that, face the truth of the depression this nation was facing that Obama saved us from. He handed Trump a healthy economy at full employment with jobs already being made. mean the "shovel ready" jobs?
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
Great post -- but 184% of conservatives will disagree with you.

Of course they will. If a conservative is caught burning down a building he will blame the liberal store owner where they bought the matches and the other conservatives will too.

Show us a liberal store owner?

Well Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty liberal fellows and it seems they have more money than conservatives. I gave this thread the title I did for a reason. And you validated it.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
Great post -- but 184% of conservatives will disagree with you.

Of course they will. If a conservative is caught burning down a building he will blame the liberal store owner where they bought the matches and the other conservatives will too.

Show us a liberal store owner?

Well Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty liberal fellows and it seems they have more money than conservatives. I gave this thread the title I did for a reason. And you validated it.

I never worked for them have you?

And I thought you never worked for anyone except yourself, a hustler or something?

If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
Great post -- but 184% of conservatives will disagree with you.

Of course they will. If a conservative is caught burning down a building he will blame the liberal store owner where they bought the matches and the other conservatives will too.

Show us a liberal store owner?

Well Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty liberal fellows and it seems they have more money than conservatives. I gave this thread the title I did for a reason. And you validated it.

Warren he the same guy that owes a few dollars in back taxes?

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002 | HuffPost
History? Lefties have no idea of history. Democrats used the KKK as political muscle to intimidate Blacks during the 20th century and voted against the Civil Rights act. President Roosevelt authorized the incarceration of Americans without due process and appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court who wrote the decision that justified his actions. Truman (illegally) sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and bungled the mission so badly that it turned into a three year meat grinding quagmire that ate up anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans depending on which list you use. JFK used the CIA to illegally raise, train and equip an illegal invasion army and then abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a fake crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. Jimmy Carter made such wrong economic decisions that the media created a "misery index". Conservatives carry around a copy of the Constitution. Liberals try to squash the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and freedom of religion and the 2nd Amendment right to possess a firearm. Thanks to liberal policies, colleges that were once centers for the exchange of opinions and ideas have become restrictive societies where "big brother" is watching for violations of speech laws. Every conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus sometime or numerous times in their careers. Lefties are so poorly educated that they are unable to voice a logical argument and instead quote left wing blogs verbatim and post inane cartoons and videos that substitute for thought.
Last edited:
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
Wow, you really don't know much do you
The foundation of modern conservatism, was the forefathers and John Locke and Edmund Burke
They were not monarchists......
Funny how the left wants monarchy/communism/socialism/fascism....whatever you want to call it.....government control.
The right is for individual liberty....within reason
And no slavery was not about convervatism...I've disproven this fact over and over again.....if you want to go...i'll shit on you as well.

I really don't think you want to try me son. I know what I'm talking about. You on the right are not about individual liberty. The rhetoric you speak does not show up in the laws your side produces. To put this in a way you understand, you right wingers talk a lot of shit, and that's all you do.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
Great post -- but 184% of conservatives will disagree with you.

Of course they will. If a conservative is caught burning down a building he will blame the liberal store owner where they bought the matches and the other conservatives will too.

Show us a liberal store owner?

Well Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty liberal fellows and it seems they have more money than conservatives. I gave this thread the title I did for a reason. And you validated it.

Warren he the same guy that owes a few dollars in back taxes?

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002 | HuffPost

At least he shows his taxes.
The cost to our economy persisted beyond that date. Jobs were still being lost during the remainder of that year.

And what did Obama do to encourage business?
Was it his increased regulations?
According to the right, all a president has to do to spur growth is to show up, like Trump.

It worked for Obama....


According to the right, all a president has to do to spur growth is to show up, like Trump.

Growth works better if you're not trying to strangle it.
What was Obama's average growth in GDP?

Would he have had more growth if he added even more regulations?
What about cap & trade? Would that have given him a year of +3%?
GDP rose slightly more under Obama than Bush and a bit less than Trump so far.

Your point is?

GDP rose slightly more under Obama than Bush

Despite $9.3 trillion in new debt and all those new jobs we got "slightly more"?
Weird, Obama must have done something wrong.

Maybe you talk to congress about that. After that, face the truth of the depression this nation was facing that Obama saved us from. He handed Trump a healthy economy at full employment with jobs already being made.

After that, face the truth of the depression this nation was facing that Obama saved us from.

Obama sure was magic.
It seems like the depression went away only months after he took office.

He sure gave us a crappy recovery though...…...
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
Wow, you really don't know much do you
The foundation of modern conservatism, was the forefathers and John Locke and Edmund Burke
They were not monarchists......
Funny how the left wants monarchy/communism/socialism/fascism....whatever you want to call it.....government control.
The right is for individual liberty....within reason
And no slavery was not about convervatism...I've disproven this fact over and over again.....if you want to go...i'll shit on you as well.

I really don't think you want to try me son. I know what I'm talking about. You on the right are not about individual liberty. The rhetoric you speak does not show up in the laws your side produces. To put this in a way you understand, you right wingers talk a lot of shit, and that's all you do.

Your a hustler and we get it, nothing more , nothing less.
Great post -- but 184% of conservatives will disagree with you.

Of course they will. If a conservative is caught burning down a building he will blame the liberal store owner where they bought the matches and the other conservatives will too.

Show us a liberal store owner?

Well Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty liberal fellows and it seems they have more money than conservatives. I gave this thread the title I did for a reason. And you validated it.

Warren he the same guy that owes a few dollars in back taxes?

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002 | HuffPost

At least he shows his taxes.

Yeah, just a wild guess here, but I'd say the IRS made that determination....the same folks that get to see Trumps taxes.
Great post -- but 184% of conservatives will disagree with you.

Of course they will. If a conservative is caught burning down a building he will blame the liberal store owner where they bought the matches and the other conservatives will too.

Show us a liberal store owner?

Well Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty liberal fellows and it seems they have more money than conservatives. I gave this thread the title I did for a reason. And you validated it.

Warren he the same guy that owes a few dollars in back taxes?

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002 | HuffPost

At least he shows his taxes.

So did Trump 40 million dollars. .
History? Lefties have no idea of history. Democrats used the KKK as political muscle to intimidate Blacks during the 20th century. Democrats voted against the Civil Rights act. President Roosevelt authorized the incarceration of Americans without due process and appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court who wrote the decision that justified his actions. Truman (illegally) sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and bungled the mission so badly that it turned into a three year meat grinding quagmire that ate up anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans depending on which list you use. JFK used the CIA to illegally raise, train and equip an illegal invasion army and then abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a fake crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. Jimmy Carter made such wrong economic decisions that the media created a "misery index".

I know his much about history:

The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by
Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.”

“This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote
Of course they will. If a conservative is caught burning down a building he will blame the liberal store owner where they bought the matches and the other conservatives will too.

Show us a liberal store owner?

Well Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty liberal fellows and it seems they have more money than conservatives. I gave this thread the title I did for a reason. And you validated it.

Warren he the same guy that owes a few dollars in back taxes?

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002 | HuffPost

At least he shows his taxes.

Yeah, just a wild guess here, but I'd say the IRS made that determination....the same folks that get to see Trumps taxes.

Well the thing is junior that the question was posed about liberal store owners like the only people who own businesses are conservatives. Now just because the 2 richest men in this nation are liberals doesn't mean you get to change the subject to who owes taxes.
History? Lefties have no idea of history. Democrats used the KKK as political muscle to intimidate Blacks during the 20th century. Democrats voted against the Civil Rights act. President Roosevelt authorized the incarceration of Americans without due process and appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court who wrote the decision that justified his actions. Truman (illegally) sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and bungled the mission so badly that it turned into a three year meat grinding quagmire that ate up anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans depending on which list you use. JFK used the CIA to illegally raise, train and equip an illegal invasion army and then abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a fake crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. Jimmy Carter made such wrong economic decisions that the media created a "misery index".

I know his much about history:

The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by
Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.”

“This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote

Wow, 4 paragraphs (more like 2 1/2), I'm sure someone will be impressed with how much history you know.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
Wow, you really don't know much do you
The foundation of modern conservatism, was the forefathers and John Locke and Edmund Burke
They were not monarchists......
Funny how the left wants monarchy/communism/socialism/fascism....whatever you want to call it.....government control.
The right is for individual liberty....within reason
And no slavery was not about convervatism...I've disproven this fact over and over again.....if you want to go...i'll shit on you as well.

I really don't think you want to try me son. I know what I'm talking about. You on the right are not about individual liberty. The rhetoric you speak does not show up in the laws your side produces. To put this in a way you understand, you right wingers talk a lot of shit, and that's all you do.
No you don't, you have no clue.
None what so ever.
For the conservatives were racist and backed jim crow (a staple myth of you lefties)
Just tell me the last time a democrat was more conservative than the republican in a presidential race......
History? Lefties have no idea of history. Democrats used the KKK as political muscle to intimidate Blacks during the 20th century. Democrats voted against the Civil Rights act. President Roosevelt authorized the incarceration of Americans without due process and appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court who wrote the decision that justified his actions. Truman (illegally) sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and bungled the mission so badly that it turned into a three year meat grinding quagmire that ate up anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Americans depending on which list you use. JFK used the CIA to illegally raise, train and equip an illegal invasion army and then abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a fake crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war. Jimmy Carter made such wrong economic decisions that the media created a "misery index".

I know his much about history:

The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by
Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.”

“This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote
we get it, you hate white people.....for something that never happened to you....wait to keep the hate alive
Show us a liberal store owner?

Well Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty liberal fellows and it seems they have more money than conservatives. I gave this thread the title I did for a reason. And you validated it.

Warren he the same guy that owes a few dollars in back taxes?

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002 | HuffPost

At least he shows his taxes.

Yeah, just a wild guess here, but I'd say the IRS made that determination....the same folks that get to see Trumps taxes.

Well the thing is junior that the question was posed about liberal store owners like the only people who own businesses are conservatives. Now just because the 2 richest men in this nation are liberals doesn't mean you get to change the subject to who owes taxes.

Just sayin, a lot of us would be much richer if we didn't pay taxes.
Of course they will. If a conservative is caught burning down a building he will blame the liberal store owner where they bought the matches and the other conservatives will too.

Show us a liberal store owner?

Well Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are pretty liberal fellows and it seems they have more money than conservatives. I gave this thread the title I did for a reason. And you validated it.

Warren he the same guy that owes a few dollars in back taxes?

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002 | HuffPost

At least he shows his taxes.

So did Trump 40 million dollars. .

Doesn't matter, you asked for a liberal store owner and got shown 2 of the richest men in America. Both liberals.

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