Conservatives - Better look at the numbers

lol, every budget busting Republican in modern history has blathered about waste, fraud, and abuse as the magic bullet to balance the budget.
Trump wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, he also wants big increases in military spending, and this all sounds great, just one tiny little problem: Trump also promises big tax cuts (mostly for the rich of course) so how does he plan to come up with this "trillion dollars" + military spending increases with less tax revenue to work with than before these cut's took place? Or does he just plan to tack it on to the national debt?? Conservatives...drop the name calling for a few seconds and help he out here, because this ledger is so far out of balance, my calculator has run out of digits.:bye1:

Donald Trump's trillion-dollar infrastructure plan faces congressional scrutiny -

Donald Trump calls for military spending increase -

Trump’s Tax Plan Would Benefit the Wealthy Most, Study Finds

From your link

People in the top 1 percent would save $88,410.

$88,410 ?


A savings of $88,0410 on a salary of 10 million dollars a year?

Lmao chump change to a 1% er..
Trump wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, he also wants big increases in military spending, and this all sounds great, just one tiny little problem: Trump also promises big tax cuts, so how does he plan to come up with this "trillion dollars" + military spending increases with less tax revenue to work with than before these cut's took place? Or does he just plan to tack it on to the national debt?? Conservatives...drop the name calling for a few seconds and help he out here, because this ledger is so far out of balance, my calculator has run out of digits.:bye1:

Donald Trump's trillion-dollar infrastructure plan faces congressional scrutiny -

Donald Trump calls for military spending increase -
You're a's beyond your education level.....

Here is a hint, try a non fake news source for your information.....

Well, perhaps you can educate me. How do you balance this budget? Or is insults all you have to offer?

You are not capable of being educated. Insults are all that is available to liars who never stop posting lies.
When Barry came up with his brilliant plan for a Stimulus bill that cost nearly $1 trillion and contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY PORK (and ended up costing $740,000+ PER JOB he claimed to have created / saved), how did he propose to pay for it?

With existing debt of $20+ trillion, I thing ANYONE spending $1 trillion is a bad idea.


The US just collected a record amount in tax revenue...not collecting enough in taxes is NOT the problem. The problem is WHAT the assholes - on both sides - spend our money on / HOW they spend our money.

Fiscal Irresponsibility is rampant in Washington, D.C.
Well, perhaps you can educate me. How do you balance this budget?

1. You remove the Unconstitutional, Illegal and Immoral Social, Corporate and International Welfare from the budget.

2. You only approve infrastructure spending for FEDERAL roads and properties (per the US Constitution).

3. You only approve increased defense spending for National Defense, not international excursions.
Trump wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, he also wants big increases in military spending, and this all sounds great, just one tiny little problem: Trump also promises big tax cuts, so how does he plan to come up with this "trillion dollars" + military spending increases with less tax revenue to work with than before these cut's took place? Or does he just plan to tack it on to the national debt?? Conservatives...drop the name calling for a few seconds and help he out here, because this ledger is so far out of balance, my calculator has run out of digits.:bye1:

Donald Trump's trillion-dollar infrastructure plan faces congressional scrutiny -

Donald Trump calls for military spending increase -
You're a's beyond your education level.....

Here is a hint, try a non fake news source for your information.....

Well, perhaps you can educate me. How do you balance this budget? Or is insults all you have to offer?
they could get rid of the ACA. The savings right there alone would just about cover it. Oh, and lets fix the social system and get rid of the free loaders, maybe if we shipped the illegals back and stopped losing the money that they ship out of the country,,
Oh wait, thats right, we cant balance the budget by getting rid of the waste that comes from all of the costly liberal programs.
But seriously, why is there never a question of how something is going to be paid for if its something that the democrats want, like another free giveaway program for the worthless.
Trump wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, he also wants big increases in military spending, and this all sounds great, just one tiny little problem: Trump also promises big tax cuts (mostly for the rich of course) so how does he plan to come up with this "trillion dollars" + military spending increases with less tax revenue to work with than before these cut's took place? Or does he just plan to tack it on to the national debt?? Conservatives...drop the name calling for a few seconds and help he out here, because this ledger is so far out of balance, my calculator has run out of digits.:bye1:

Donald Trump's trillion-dollar infrastructure plan faces congressional scrutiny -

Donald Trump calls for military spending increase -

Trump’s Tax Plan Would Benefit the Wealthy Most, Study Finds
Sounds good to me. The lies about the tax plan make me yawn but I knew about all the rest. Sounds great.
Trump is as usual in the right place at the right time.
All over the developing Asian countries there are millions of people who are fast moving up economically. These upwardly mobile people want to buy ONLY goods and services from WESTERN countries.
The first thing a young Chinese business person buys when he/she has the disposable income is something Made In America.
For Asians 'status' is the number one thing to attain to. Wearing something truly Made In America lends a TON of 'face'/status.
We Westerners don't have a fucking clue about how important 'face'/status is to an Asian.
These people are going to cause an economic boom in the USA. Tens of thousands of new factories and businesses are going to start up creating millions of decent paying jobs.
Trump KNOWS what is happening in the developing countries. He has hired the best and brightest to keep in personal touch with what's going on on the ground in Asia.
On a recent trip to Asia I was very surprised to witness how much 'status' was given to anyone walking around with a KFC box.
You literally will never find an empty KFC box in the garbage. There are people standing around the garbage containers ready to fight for an empty KFC box. It's like having a bunch of Western woman standing around a garbage can waiting for someone to throw away a genuine L.V. handbag.
You buy your KFC meal. You wander around eating from the box so as many people can see you as possible. You carefully take the box home and wash it. Then you may put your 'street vendor lunch' in the box the next day. Or you may just carry the empty box around sometimes.
Pretty fucking amazing.
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Biden is a republican in sheep's clothing and the Democrat elite has kept him tethered too long and Joe is chomping at the bit.
Nah, the drool is normal for him.

Trump's plan is like Reagan's and it's already been proven to increase gdp. Lowering taxes across the board isn't a tax cut for the rich, that's just retarded. Liberals only know liberal history so are unaware of anything that actually work.

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