Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters

what is that? It isn't a news story, it's some magazine. I said a news story, you know from a media source. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSBC, Fox, any fking main stream outlet. BTW, I laughed at that magazine piece. funny stuff, never said anything about rioting or people in the streets.

Nope no people in the street there.
You are scaring me. You have never seen an article in a magazine cover news? Jesus. How old ARE you?
We were talking about PROTESTS. I think everyone here has agreed the riots are wrong. And they were limited and appear to be over. I would call everything in that article a protest, even if they weren't in the streets..
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.

Links have been provided earlier. I'm not repeating.
So you consider the actions of 3 people to represent half of America.
What a dumbass.
View attachment 99024

Brilliant! It's about time you guys understood the concept :D
This election cycle's protests might be bigger (but then, so was the divisive and inflammatory rhetoric and animosity of the entire election compared to previous campaigns) - but none of that changes the fact that there were significant Anti-Obama protests compared to previous elections. There's a trend here of increased division leading to violence that you conveniently want to ignore.

Convenient memory lapse there. Didn't your dear leader say things like "we have to punish our enemies", "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun"? I could go on, so you have no high road here.
Why would someone bring a knife in the first place?

Ask your dear leader, they were his words, not mine.
The political memory sure seems to be suffering from Alzheimers...

Trump refers to them as "professional protesters" - which simultaneously discredits them (with no evidence) and fans the flames. A typical tactic to delegitimize their concerns which are just as valid as the concerns that moved people to vote for trump.

Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters:

Trump’s supporters also perceive these protests as “unfair” because they claim there were no riots following Obama’s election.

According to conservatives on social media, “Republicans have jobs and responsibilities” and therefore couldn’t engage in civil disobedience to voice their discontent with the 2008 and 2012 elections. With this perception of the Obama elections and subsequent claims of “ Republican acceptance,” Trump supporters are now demanding the same “fairness” for Donald J. Trump’s presidency, “We sat through do nothing politics for 8 years, the least they can do is go shut up and sit in the corner for 8 themselves,” on Trump supporter explained.

However, these perceptions do not reflect what actually followed the election of our country’s first black president, much less the difference between why people are protesting Donald J. Trump’s presidency as compared to Barack Obama’s presidency.

Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.​

Now, this blog is in it's own way as decidely biased as the pro-Trumpers view, but it does point out some conveniently forgotten truths of a previous election win. There were protests. And violence. And some pretty bad behavior.
So you're saying that throwing rocks at police, destroying public property and looting stores is ok with you if a few Americans did the same thing after Obama was elected.

No. Never said that. Those are your words.
Not in those words, but clearly that is your meaning.

No. It is not clearly my meaning - you are putting words in my mouth.

Protests are fine and a right we have as Americans (free speech) - that right stops short of violence and destruction. So it's not fine when anyone does it. However it's very hypocritical of certain people to ignore it when it happened before (here - I'll put words in YOUR mouth - as if it was OK then and not OK now, due to the fact that is is worse now then it was then).

You also ignore another disturbing trend in all this that is doing anything but calming - and that is the proliferation of false stories about the protests and protestors.

Which is why I wonder what this murder is that was referenced?
Either you are saying these sometimes violent protests against Trump are ok with you or you are condemning then just as strongly as you would condemn the sometimes violent protests against Obama's elections.

I wouldn't presume to choose your words for you, but your meaning is clear, either you condemn the sometimes violent protests against Trump or you are trying to justify them by citing sometimes violent protests against Obama's election.
Several incidents described in this article:

Racist Backlash Greets President Barack Obama

The half of the country that is truly concerned about Trump's ascendancy has rights, too. Not to riot, but to protest and yammer? Hell, yes.
Are these incidents what you are holding up to compare with anti trump protests?

Most of these complaints are silly. Someone saw a Confederate flag, obama was hanged in effigy, that silliness. Where are the freeways blocked, cars with their windows smashed out, stores with windows broken, and at least one murder?

Have you anything comparable?

It's hard to make "comparables" when so many claims about the violence seem based on lies or distortions.

Some violence, ya. More violence then in Obama's election? Ya. But then again, you have also look what has from the beginning differentiated this election cycle from any other in recent history and how that may have conributed. Events don't occur in a vacuum.

And, as was pointed out in the OP - Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness from protestors that has only increased with this one.

How conveniently you folks forget your own.

What murder? There was a guy that shot at protestors, but that was a Trump supporter.
lady, you are now officially all over the place. just admit your OP is wrong and let's move on. admit you lied and be better for it.

What murder?

My OP is not wrong. Yes, the scale of the demonstrations is larger, and there are riots that weren't present before. There are also debunked out right lies being made about what occurred that didn't happen before either.

Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that?

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons - do you agree? Or, are you just going to continue claim your side is as pure as the driven snow and deny these trends?
Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that

I agree, handing out free cell phones for votes I believe is unconstitutional. but hey, it happened. buying votes.

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons

I agree and don't understand it and the libturds should denounce them. Still haven't seen how it has any ties to conservatives? I'm still waiting on the national protest you stated existed.
I also have to wonder at the rightwing media's role in covering this...or, make that PROMOTING it.

They call these protests large scale? Since when is a protest of thousands in a country of 325 MILLION - "large scale"

There are also a lot of claims going round that, when examined simply aren't true or have little evidence to support them.

For example, a claim made by the Gateway Pundit: Photographs showing long lines of buses were shared with the untrue claim that they were used to ship paid anti-Trump protesters to various cities.

Or this one purporting to show a photograph shows of a violent post-election anti-Trump protest in the US. The photo was actually an anti-austerity riot in Greece several years ago. Snopes post a video of a real anti-Trump demonstration for comparison.

Another one that can't be supported and is being passed off as fact:
Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance; Father of 4-Year-Old Girl Dies

Snopes notes the following:
We have to note that the trope of derided protesters selfishly killing an innocent victim by blocking an ambulance is a common one in recent years — it popped up in July 2016 in reference to Black Lives Matter protesters, and it typically follows the familiar pattern of an anonymous social media report lacking in detail claiming that a highly sympathetic victim (e.g., a child in need of a transplant or the parent of a young child) was killed by the actions of uncaring protesters, all accompanied by an unrelated image of a protest in some unidentified location:

and concludes:
We've found no corresponding news reports of any such death occurring (in conjunction with anti-Trump protests or otherwise) in the United States since the 8 November 2016 election.

Another false claim purported to show an outburst of violence during a march in Philadelphia that resulted in a homeless veteran's death: The actual video was of an incident in 2015 that had nothing to do with the anti-trump protests or even with politics. FALSE: Protesters Beat Homeless Veteran to Death in Philadelphia

And these are just a few of the false claims being WIDELY circulated on social media as "true". This makes me wonder - WHAT is true in the claims about these protests? Are they significantly different from the anti-Obama protests other than in scale?

Truth seems to be the biggest casualty of social-media-"news".

I know someone is going to claim Snopes is biased yada yada - but it thoroughly deconstructed the above claims and if someone can actually show it's deconstruction was wrong I'd like to hear it.
Sounds like you're saying that the protests are actually quite small and insignificant, thus safe to basically ignore until they get tired and go home for crayons and safe place time.

In the broader picture - yes, they are. and as long as violence is addressed when it occurs, and local authorities and the demonstrators themselves seem to be doing a decent job there - then yes. Let them have their say. Their voices are just as valid as those voices that brought Trump into office.

People are scared and angry. Those who voted for Trump were scared and angry. Those who are protesting are scared and angry. That doesn't justify violence, but it does justify their being allowed to have their say in a peaceful manner.

It would be good if those in charge of the transition would actually SPEAK to these people as if their voices actually mattered and tried to calm the fears rather than tweet about "paid protestors" and propogate false news.
The political memory sure seems to be suffering from Alzheimers...

Trump refers to them as "professional protesters" - which simultaneously discredits them (with no evidence) and fans the flames. A typical tactic to delegitimize their concerns which are just as valid as the concerns that moved people to vote for trump.

Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters:

Trump’s supporters also perceive these protests as “unfair” because they claim there were no riots following Obama’s election.

According to conservatives on social media, “Republicans have jobs and responsibilities” and therefore couldn’t engage in civil disobedience to voice their discontent with the 2008 and 2012 elections. With this perception of the Obama elections and subsequent claims of “ Republican acceptance,” Trump supporters are now demanding the same “fairness” for Donald J. Trump’s presidency, “We sat through do nothing politics for 8 years, the least they can do is go shut up and sit in the corner for 8 themselves,” on Trump supporter explained.

However, these perceptions do not reflect what actually followed the election of our country’s first black president, much less the difference between why people are protesting Donald J. Trump’s presidency as compared to Barack Obama’s presidency.

Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.​

Now, this blog is in it's own way as decidely biased as the pro-Trumpers view, but it does point out some conveniently forgotten truths of a previous election win. There were protests. And violence. And some pretty bad behavior.
So you're saying that throwing rocks at police, destroying public property and looting stores is ok with you if a few Americans did the same thing after Obama was elected.

No. Never said that. Those are your words.
Not in those words, but clearly that is your meaning.

No. It is not clearly my meaning - you are putting words in my mouth.

Protests are fine and a right we have as Americans (free speech) - that right stops short of violence and destruction. So it's not fine when anyone does it. However it's very hypocritical of certain people to ignore it when it happened before (here - I'll put words in YOUR mouth - as if it was OK then and not OK now, due to the fact that is is worse now then it was then).

You also ignore another disturbing trend in all this that is doing anything but calming - and that is the proliferation of false stories about the protests and protestors.

Which is why I wonder what this murder is that was referenced?
Either you are saying these sometimes violent protests against Trump are ok with you or you are condemning then just as strongly as you would condemn the sometimes violent protests against Obama's elections.

I wouldn't presume to choose your words for you, but your meaning is clear, either you condemn the sometimes violent protests against Trump or you are trying to justify them by citing sometimes violent protests against Obama's election.

Nope. I condemn them across the board. Protesting is fine as long as it stops short of violence and destruction.
The political memory sure seems to be suffering from Alzheimers...

Trump refers to them as "professional protesters" - which simultaneously discredits them (with no evidence) and fans the flames. A typical tactic to delegitimize their concerns which are just as valid as the concerns that moved people to vote for trump.

Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters:

Trump’s supporters also perceive these protests as “unfair” because they claim there were no riots following Obama’s election.

According to conservatives on social media, “Republicans have jobs and responsibilities” and therefore couldn’t engage in civil disobedience to voice their discontent with the 2008 and 2012 elections. With this perception of the Obama elections and subsequent claims of “ Republican acceptance,” Trump supporters are now demanding the same “fairness” for Donald J. Trump’s presidency, “We sat through do nothing politics for 8 years, the least they can do is go shut up and sit in the corner for 8 themselves,” on Trump supporter explained.

However, these perceptions do not reflect what actually followed the election of our country’s first black president, much less the difference between why people are protesting Donald J. Trump’s presidency as compared to Barack Obama’s presidency.

Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.​

Now, this blog is in it's own way as decidely biased as the pro-Trumpers view, but it does point out some conveniently forgotten truths of a previous election win. There were protests. And violence. And some pretty bad behavior.
well just post up one news story from 2008. That's simple right?
Racist Backlash Greets President Barack Obama
what is that? It isn't a news story, it's some magazine. I said a news story, you know from a media source. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSBC, Fox, any fking main stream outlet. BTW, I laughed at that magazine piece. funny stuff, never said anything about rioting or people in the streets.

Nope no people in the street there.
You are scaring me. You have never seen an article in a magazine cover news? Jesus. How old ARE you?
We were talking about PROTESTS. I think everyone here has agreed the riots are wrong. And they were limited and appear to be over. I would call everything in that article a protest, even if they weren't in the streets..
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.
they love to hate. And are hate baitors
Several incidents described in this article:

Racist Backlash Greets President Barack Obama

The half of the country that is truly concerned about Trump's ascendancy has rights, too. Not to riot, but to protest and yammer? Hell, yes.
Are these incidents what you are holding up to compare with anti trump protests?

Most of these complaints are silly. Someone saw a Confederate flag, obama was hanged in effigy, that silliness. Where are the freeways blocked, cars with their windows smashed out, stores with windows broken, and at least one murder?

Have you anything comparable?

It's hard to make "comparables" when so many claims about the violence seem based on lies or distortions.

Some violence, ya. More violence then in Obama's election? Ya. But then again, you have also look what has from the beginning differentiated this election cycle from any other in recent history and how that may have conributed. Events don't occur in a vacuum.

And, as was pointed out in the OP - Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness from protestors that has only increased with this one.

How conveniently you folks forget your own.

What murder? There was a guy that shot at protestors, but that was a Trump supporter.
lady, you are now officially all over the place. just admit your OP is wrong and let's move on. admit you lied and be better for it.

What murder?

My OP is not wrong. Yes, the scale of the demonstrations is larger, and there are riots that weren't present before. There are also debunked out right lies being made about what occurred that didn't happen before either.

Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that?

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons - do you agree? Or, are you just going to continue claim your side is as pure as the driven snow and deny these trends?
Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that

I agree, handing out free cell phones for votes I believe is unconstitutional. but hey, it happened. buying votes.

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons

I agree and don't understand it and the libturds should denounce them. Still haven't seen how it has any ties to conservatives? I'm still waiting on the national protest you stated existed.

Still wondering what that "murder" reference was about.
well just post up one news story from 2008. That's simple right?
Racist Backlash Greets President Barack Obama
what is that? It isn't a news story, it's some magazine. I said a news story, you know from a media source. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSBC, Fox, any fking main stream outlet. BTW, I laughed at that magazine piece. funny stuff, never said anything about rioting or people in the streets.

Nope no people in the street there.
You are scaring me. You have never seen an article in a magazine cover news? Jesus. How old ARE you?
We were talking about PROTESTS. I think everyone here has agreed the riots are wrong. And they were limited and appear to be over. I would call everything in that article a protest, even if they weren't in the streets..
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.

Links have been provided earlier. I'm not repeating.
you have not provided any link that validated your OP not one.
Are these incidents what you are holding up to compare with anti trump protests?

Most of these complaints are silly. Someone saw a Confederate flag, obama was hanged in effigy, that silliness. Where are the freeways blocked, cars with their windows smashed out, stores with windows broken, and at least one murder?

Have you anything comparable?

It's hard to make "comparables" when so many claims about the violence seem based on lies or distortions.

Some violence, ya. More violence then in Obama's election? Ya. But then again, you have also look what has from the beginning differentiated this election cycle from any other in recent history and how that may have conributed. Events don't occur in a vacuum.

And, as was pointed out in the OP - Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness from protestors that has only increased with this one.

How conveniently you folks forget your own.

What murder? There was a guy that shot at protestors, but that was a Trump supporter.
lady, you are now officially all over the place. just admit your OP is wrong and let's move on. admit you lied and be better for it.

What murder?

My OP is not wrong. Yes, the scale of the demonstrations is larger, and there are riots that weren't present before. There are also debunked out right lies being made about what occurred that didn't happen before either.

Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that?

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons - do you agree? Or, are you just going to continue claim your side is as pure as the driven snow and deny these trends?
Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that

I agree, handing out free cell phones for votes I believe is unconstitutional. but hey, it happened. buying votes.

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons

I agree and don't understand it and the libturds should denounce them. Still haven't seen how it has any ties to conservatives? I'm still waiting on the national protest you stated existed.

Still wondering what that "murder" reference was about.
it wasn't mine so I have no idea? please apologize.
what is that? It isn't a news story, it's some magazine. I said a news story, you know from a media source. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSBC, Fox, any fking main stream outlet. BTW, I laughed at that magazine piece. funny stuff, never said anything about rioting or people in the streets.

Nope no people in the street there.
You are scaring me. You have never seen an article in a magazine cover news? Jesus. How old ARE you?
We were talking about PROTESTS. I think everyone here has agreed the riots are wrong. And they were limited and appear to be over. I would call everything in that article a protest, even if they weren't in the streets..
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.

Links have been provided earlier. I'm not repeating.
you have not provided any link that validated your OP not one.

Not my problem if you don't like the link.
Several incidents described in this article:

Racist Backlash Greets President Barack Obama

The half of the country that is truly concerned about Trump's ascendancy has rights, too. Not to riot, but to protest and yammer? Hell, yes.
Are these incidents what you are holding up to compare with anti trump protests?

Most of these complaints are silly. Someone saw a Confederate flag, obama was hanged in effigy, that silliness. Where are the freeways blocked, cars with their windows smashed out, stores with windows broken, and at least one murder?

Have you anything comparable?

It's hard to make "comparables" when so many claims about the violence seem based on lies or distortions.

Some violence, ya. More violence then in Obama's election? Ya. But then again, you have also look what has from the beginning differentiated this election cycle from any other in recent history and how that may have conributed. Events don't occur in a vacuum.

And, as was pointed out in the OP - Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness from protestors that has only increased with this one.

How conveniently you folks forget your own.

What murder? There was a guy that shot at protestors, but that was a Trump supporter.
lady, you are now officially all over the place. just admit your OP is wrong and let's move on. admit you lied and be better for it.

What murder?

My OP is not wrong. Yes, the scale of the demonstrations is larger, and there are riots that weren't present before. There are also debunked out right lies being made about what occurred that didn't happen before either.

Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that?

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons - do you agree? Or, are you just going to continue claim your side is as pure as the driven snow and deny these trends?
Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that

I agree, handing out free cell phones for votes I believe is unconstitutional. but hey, it happened. buying votes.

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons

I agree and don't understand it and the libturds should denounce them. Still haven't seen how it has any ties to conservatives? I'm still waiting on the national protest you stated existed.

This was an election about how the country wanted to be governed.
More towards the center or continuing on with the left.
They chose more center.
So you're saying that throwing rocks at police, destroying public property and looting stores is ok with you if a few Americans did the same thing after Obama was elected.

No. Never said that. Those are your words.
Not in those words, but clearly that is your meaning.

No. It is not clearly my meaning - you are putting words in my mouth.

Protests are fine and a right we have as Americans (free speech) - that right stops short of violence and destruction. So it's not fine when anyone does it. However it's very hypocritical of certain people to ignore it when it happened before (here - I'll put words in YOUR mouth - as if it was OK then and not OK now, due to the fact that is is worse now then it was then).

You also ignore another disturbing trend in all this that is doing anything but calming - and that is the proliferation of false stories about the protests and protestors.

Which is why I wonder what this murder is that was referenced?
Either you are saying these sometimes violent protests against Trump are ok with you or you are condemning then just as strongly as you would condemn the sometimes violent protests against Obama's elections.

I wouldn't presume to choose your words for you, but your meaning is clear, either you condemn the sometimes violent protests against Trump or you are trying to justify them by citing sometimes violent protests against Obama's election.

Nope. I condemn them across the board. Protesting is fine as long as it stops short of violence and destruction.
Well, that would be fine if you hadn't also said, "You also ignore another disturbing trend in all this that is doing anything but calming - and that is the proliferation of false stories about the protests and protestors." You seem to be denying reports of violence in the current protests but accepting as fact any loose talk of violence in the protests against Obama's election.
I also have to wonder at the rightwing media's role in covering this...or, make that PROMOTING it.

What "right wing media?"

CNN that gave debate questions to Hillary to rig the election?

The New York Times that openly fabricated stories to slander and libel Trump in hopes of rigging the election?

Is this what you mean by the "right wing media?"

They call these protests large scale? Since when is a protest of thousands in a country of 325 MILLION - "large scale"

When you posted the KKK as evidence of the "right did it TOOO,"

There are also a lot of claims going round that, when examined simply aren't true or have little evidence to support them.

For example, a claim made by the Gateway Pundit: Photographs showing long lines of buses were shared with the untrue claim that they were used to ship paid anti-Trump protesters to various cities.

Or this one purporting to show a photograph shows of a violent post-election anti-Trump protest in the US. The photo was actually an anti-austerity riot in Greece several years ago. Snopes post a video of a real anti-Trump demonstration for comparison.

Another one that can't be supported and is being passed off as fact:
Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance; Father of 4-Year-Old Girl Dies

Snopes notes the following:
We have to note that the trope of derided protesters selfishly killing an innocent victim by blocking an ambulance is a common one in recent years — it popped up in July 2016 in reference to Black Lives Matter protesters, and it typically follows the familiar pattern of an anonymous social media report lacking in detail claiming that a highly sympathetic victim (e.g., a child in need of a transplant or the parent of a young child) was killed by the actions of uncaring protesters, all accompanied by an unrelated image of a protest in some unidentified location:

and concludes:
We've found no corresponding news reports of any such death occurring (in conjunction with anti-Trump protests or otherwise) in the United States since the 8 November 2016 election.

This is why Snopes is not a valid source.

CHICAGO -- Police are investigating the beating of a man in a Chicago neighborhood by a group who yelled that the victim voted for Donald Trump, CBS Chicago reports.

Police said it was unclear what motivated the attack the day after Trump won the presidential election, saying it started after a traffic altercation.

Video of the attack was posted Wednesday on YouTube. It shows a man being beaten by a group of people while his car sits in the middle of an intersection. A person recording the video can be heard saying, “You voted Trump. You voted Trump.”}

"You voted Trump" yelled at man while he's beaten in Chicago streets

Snopes exists to try and discredit news that exposes and embarrasses the party.

Dan Evon is a lying hack who is bitter over the loss by Hillary.

Another false claim purported to show an outburst of violence during a march in Philadelphia that resulted in a homeless veteran's death: The actual video was of an incident in 2015 that had nothing to do with the anti-trump protests or even with politics. FALSE: Protesters Beat Homeless Veteran to Death in Philadelphia

And these are just a few of the false claims being WIDELY circulated on social media as "true". This makes me wonder - WHAT is true in the claims about these protests? Are they significantly different from the anti-Obama protests other than in scale?

Truth seems to be the biggest casualty of social-media-"news".

I know someone is going to claim Snopes is biased yada yada - but it thoroughly deconstructed the above claims and if someone can actually show it's deconstruction was wrong I'd like to hear it.


You Communists are famous for frauds; how about this one?


Uh, in fact the guy is a makeup artist on the Walking Dead, was not injured and was defrauding everyone in his hatred of Trump and middle America.

7 Fake Hate Crimes That The Media Blamed On Trump
The political memory sure seems to be suffering from Alzheimers...

Trump refers to them as "professional protesters" - which simultaneously discredits them (with no evidence) and fans the flames. A typical tactic to delegitimize their concerns which are just as valid as the concerns that moved people to vote for trump.

Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters:

Trump’s supporters also perceive these protests as “unfair” because they claim there were no riots following Obama’s election.

According to conservatives on social media, “Republicans have jobs and responsibilities” and therefore couldn’t engage in civil disobedience to voice their discontent with the 2008 and 2012 elections. With this perception of the Obama elections and subsequent claims of “ Republican acceptance,” Trump supporters are now demanding the same “fairness” for Donald J. Trump’s presidency, “We sat through do nothing politics for 8 years, the least they can do is go shut up and sit in the corner for 8 themselves,” on Trump supporter explained.

However, these perceptions do not reflect what actually followed the election of our country’s first black president, much less the difference between why people are protesting Donald J. Trump’s presidency as compared to Barack Obama’s presidency.

Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.​

Now, this blog is in it's own way as decidely biased as the pro-Trumpers view, but it does point out some conveniently forgotten truths of a previous election win. There were protests. And violence. And some pretty bad behavior.


In some places the depravity of the "protestors" has become such that ordinary people will be demanding Trump launch a "Tiananmen Square" type cleanup. Let us hope they can't convince him.
Yep. My lib relatives in Seattle and Portland are ready for the government to hide the bastards down now. :)
what is that? It isn't a news story, it's some magazine. I said a news story, you know from a media source. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSBC, Fox, any fking main stream outlet. BTW, I laughed at that magazine piece. funny stuff, never said anything about rioting or people in the streets.

Nope no people in the street there.
You are scaring me. You have never seen an article in a magazine cover news? Jesus. How old ARE you?
We were talking about PROTESTS. I think everyone here has agreed the riots are wrong. And they were limited and appear to be over. I would call everything in that article a protest, even if they weren't in the streets..
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.

Links have been provided earlier. I'm not repeating.
you have not provided any link that validated your OP not one.

Not my problem if you don't like the link.
A blog is your proof!?
The political memory sure seems to be suffering from Alzheimers...

Trump refers to them as "professional protesters" - which simultaneously discredits them (with no evidence) and fans the flames. A typical tactic to delegitimize their concerns which are just as valid as the concerns that moved people to vote for trump.

Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters:

Trump’s supporters also perceive these protests as “unfair” because they claim there were no riots following Obama’s election.

According to conservatives on social media, “Republicans have jobs and responsibilities” and therefore couldn’t engage in civil disobedience to voice their discontent with the 2008 and 2012 elections. With this perception of the Obama elections and subsequent claims of “ Republican acceptance,” Trump supporters are now demanding the same “fairness” for Donald J. Trump’s presidency, “We sat through do nothing politics for 8 years, the least they can do is go shut up and sit in the corner for 8 themselves,” on Trump supporter explained.

However, these perceptions do not reflect what actually followed the election of our country’s first black president, much less the difference between why people are protesting Donald J. Trump’s presidency as compared to Barack Obama’s presidency.

Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.​

Now, this blog is in it's own way as decidely biased as the pro-Trumpers view, but it does point out some conveniently forgotten truths of a previous election win. There were protests. And violence. And some pretty bad behavior.

Surely you can show us examples, surely you can make the case that said "protests" were as bad as these?
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what is that? It isn't a news story, it's some magazine. I said a news story, you know from a media source. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSBC, Fox, any fking main stream outlet. BTW, I laughed at that magazine piece. funny stuff, never said anything about rioting or people in the streets.

Nope no people in the street there.
You are scaring me. You have never seen an article in a magazine cover news? Jesus. How old ARE you?
We were talking about PROTESTS. I think everyone here has agreed the riots are wrong. And they were limited and appear to be over. I would call everything in that article a protest, even if they weren't in the streets..
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.

Links have been provided earlier. I'm not repeating.
you have not provided any link that validated your OP not one.

Not my problem if you don't like the link.

It fails to support your claim. If Tank spews shit about black people being inferior and links to Stormfront, rational people ignore his link because it is a racist site without integrity.

So when you link to the SPLC, rational people also understand that it is a racist site that exists to spread racist hatred. Only a fool would believe anything they post.
Several incidents described in this article:

Racist Backlash Greets President Barack Obama

The half of the country that is truly concerned about Trump's ascendancy has rights, too. Not to riot, but to protest and yammer? Hell, yes.
Are these incidents what you are holding up to compare with anti trump protests?

Most of these complaints are silly. Someone saw a Confederate flag, obama was hanged in effigy, that silliness. Where are the freeways blocked, cars with their windows smashed out, stores with windows broken, and at least one murder?

Have you anything comparable?

It's hard to make "comparables" when so many claims about the violence seem based on lies or distortions.

Some violence, ya. More violence then in Obama's election? Ya. But then again, you have also look what has from the beginning differentiated this election cycle from any other in recent history and how that may have conributed. Events don't occur in a vacuum.

And, as was pointed out in the OP - Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness from protestors that has only increased with this one.

How conveniently you folks forget your own.

What murder? There was a guy that shot at protestors, but that was a Trump supporter.
lady, you are now officially all over the place. just admit your OP is wrong and let's move on. admit you lied and be better for it.

What murder?

My OP is not wrong. Yes, the scale of the demonstrations is larger, and there are riots that weren't present before. There are also debunked out right lies being made about what occurred that didn't happen before either.

Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that?

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons - do you agree? Or, are you just going to continue claim your side is as pure as the driven snow and deny these trends?
here's one I found for your inquiry on muder.
Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance Resulting In Death Of 4-Year-Old Girl's Father | Zero Hedge

"Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance Resulting In Death Of 4-Year-Old Girl's Father

by Tyler Durden
Nov 15, 2016 7:25 PM
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As the anti-Trump protests around the country rage on, they have now claimed their first life as the father of a 4-year-old girl died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital last night. The man apparently died after his ambulance was prevented from reaching a hospital by protesters who decided they would prefer to block off a highway. The incident was discovered by Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars via the following FaceBook post:"

I don't think that particular story is credible. There is no independent verification from any news source. It is like Coyote's claims, unlikely to be true.

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