Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters

lots of blame ,few people saying mistakes made by both sides, keep putting them back in office, wonder why? doing the same thing over and over expecting different results

We voted for change with Obama and it didn't happen.
We voted for perhaps some real change and some are acting like 2 year olds.
Lets give them a chance, because if they dont, the Republican party will be gone and they know that.
It will become the Independent party.
what is that? It isn't a news story, it's some magazine. I said a news story, you know from a media source. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSBC, Fox, any fking main stream outlet. BTW, I laughed at that magazine piece. funny stuff, never said anything about rioting or people in the streets.

Nope no people in the street there.
You are scaring me. You have never seen an article in a magazine cover news? Jesus. How old ARE you?
We were talking about PROTESTS. I think everyone here has agreed the riots are wrong. And they were limited and appear to be over. I would call everything in that article a protest, even if they weren't in the streets..
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.

Links have been provided earlier. I'm not repeating.
This is what they do...pretend you didn't link something and ask for it again and again and again.
it's what we do when someone basis a claim and can't back it up with the links. Until one is produced, the OP is a lie.
Says the guy who doesn't know what a magazine article is. LOL
lots of blame ,few people saying mistakes made by both sides, keep putting them back in office, wonder why? doing the same thing over and over expecting different results

We voted for change with Obama and it didn't happen.
We voted for perhaps some real change and some are acting like 2 year olds.
Lets give them a chance, because if they dont, the Republican party will be gone and they know that.
It will become the Independent party.
All the disappointment from the Right when, under the Obama Administration, OBL was finally hunted dowb and brought to justice. That was a YUUUUUUGE disappointment!
This election cycle's protests might be bigger (but then, so was the divisive and inflammatory rhetoric and animosity of the entire election compared to previous campaigns) - but none of that changes the fact that there were significant Anti-Obama protests compared to previous elections. There's a trend here of increased division leading to violence that you conveniently want to ignore.

Still, you told a fucking lie;

[Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.]

That is not true, and you KNOW it isn't true.

We cannot have a civil society that learns to compromise until you of the Khmer Rouge STOP LYING.
People have posted multiple sources. We cannot have a civil society that learns to compromise until you neo nazis die of old age
Post the best one you saw. I didn't see crowds in the street, blocking traffic, riots, that sort of thing. But I'm certain anyone above 17 is old for you.
Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.
And months before the election, and years before it, there were thousands of such violent attacks, fights, property destruction against blacks, and even hundreds of murders. Usually committed against minorities by other minorities.

And since Obama's election, there have been hundreds and thousands more. The trend seems to have gradually increased for eight years.

And now the same people are rioting on college campuses and city streets, smashing windows, overturning cars, throwing firebombs at police, and all the rest.

The few dozen committed by Republican supporters pales by comparison.

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.
What else would you call protesters paid and bussed in from elsewhere other than professionals?

That's one of the claims that was debunked.

I think that Trump's remark about "professional protesters" ---
just part and parcel of his poetic style

I think you're right, but I don't think his followers think that (or is that too many thinks....:eusa_think: )

far too many-------when interpreting poetry ----the issue is
imagery and impression------not plane geometry
Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.
And months before the election, and years before it, there were thousands of such violent attacks, fights, property destruction against blacks, and even hundreds of murders. Usually committed against minorities by other minorities.

And since Obama's election, there have been hundreds and thousands more. The trend seems to have gradually increased for eight years.

And now the same people are rioting on college campuses and city streets, smashing windows, overturning cars, throwing firebombs at police, and all the rest.

The few dozen committed by Republican supporters pales by comparison.

Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.
the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.
Are you 3? Obama won by more in 2008 and 2012. Just for starters.
what is that? It isn't a news story, it's some magazine. I said a news story, you know from a media source. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSBC, Fox, any fking main stream outlet. BTW, I laughed at that magazine piece. funny stuff, never said anything about rioting or people in the streets.

Nope no people in the street there.
You are scaring me. You have never seen an article in a magazine cover news? Jesus. How old ARE you?
We were talking about PROTESTS. I think everyone here has agreed the riots are wrong. And they were limited and appear to be over. I would call everything in that article a protest, even if they weren't in the streets..
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.

Links have been provided earlier. I'm not repeating.
you have not provided any link that validated your OP not one.

Not my problem if you don't like the link.
sure it is, it's your integrity, BTW, I just deleted my post on the ambulance story because I couldn't find a reliable news source to validate it. I have integrity. I didn't do my due diligence and apologize.

But you made a statement and it is not validated. without that, it's not real.
Are these incidents what you are holding up to compare with anti trump protests?

Most of these complaints are silly. Someone saw a Confederate flag, obama was hanged in effigy, that silliness. Where are the freeways blocked, cars with their windows smashed out, stores with windows broken, and at least one murder?

Have you anything comparable?

It's hard to make "comparables" when so many claims about the violence seem based on lies or distortions.

Some violence, ya. More violence then in Obama's election? Ya. But then again, you have also look what has from the beginning differentiated this election cycle from any other in recent history and how that may have conributed. Events don't occur in a vacuum.

And, as was pointed out in the OP - Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness from protestors that has only increased with this one.

How conveniently you folks forget your own.

What murder? There was a guy that shot at protestors, but that was a Trump supporter.
lady, you are now officially all over the place. just admit your OP is wrong and let's move on. admit you lied and be better for it.

What murder?

My OP is not wrong. Yes, the scale of the demonstrations is larger, and there are riots that weren't present before. There are also debunked out right lies being made about what occurred that didn't happen before either.

Obama's election brought out a new wave of ugliness that wasn't there before - do you deny that?

Trumps election has worsened that with more violent public demonstratons - do you agree? Or, are you just going to continue claim your side is as pure as the driven snow and deny these trends?
here's one I found for your inquiry on muder.
Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance Resulting In Death Of 4-Year-Old Girl's Father | Zero Hedge

"Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance Resulting In Death Of 4-Year-Old Girl's Father

by Tyler Durden
Nov 15, 2016 7:25 PM
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As the anti-Trump protests around the country rage on, they have now claimed their first life as the father of a 4-year-old girl died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital last night. The man apparently died after his ambulance was prevented from reaching a hospital by protesters who decided they would prefer to block off a highway. The incident was discovered by Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars via the following FaceBook post:"

I don't think that particular story is credible. There is no independent verification from any news source. It is like Coyote's claims, unlikely to be true.
yep, I agree, I deleted the post
Most of the imbecilic leftards arrested in Oregon couldnt even be bothered to vote. This hypocrisy though, is typical of the left.
These protests are Astroturf, they have no basis in law or the Constitution. The left lost fair and square to Trump. They had every advantage, a over the top biased press, a Democrat in the White House, their opponent Trump isn't a professional politician. And still they lost and lost huge. Now they have sour grapes and want to change the rules, pathetic.

I voted for Trump, but I don't think it was a huge loss for dems. The results were very close. Some think hillary got robbed because she won the popular vote, so they demonstrate. I'm hoping Trump can be a moderate guy and maybe do a good job and even bring the country together. Give him a chance, I say.
You are scaring me. You have never seen an article in a magazine cover news? Jesus. How old ARE you?
We were talking about PROTESTS. I think everyone here has agreed the riots are wrong. And they were limited and appear to be over. I would call everything in that article a protest, even if they weren't in the streets..
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.

Links have been provided earlier. I'm not repeating.
you have not provided any link that validated your OP not one.

Not my problem if you don't like the link.
sure it is, it's your integrity, BTW, I just deleted my post on the ambulance story because I couldn't find a reliable news source to validate it. I have integrity. I didn't do my due diligence and apologize.

But you made a statement and it is not validated. without that, it's not real.

Kudos on your integrity.

It really is what separates us from the leftists.
Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.

I believe what you are referring to were isolated incidents by individuals, not an organized protest like a million woman march, right?
Why haven't Obama and Hillary denounced the violence?
Answer: They are fascists who love violence.

Links have been provided earlier. I'm not repeating.
you have not provided any link that validated your OP not one.

Not my problem if you don't like the link.
sure it is, it's your integrity, BTW, I just deleted my post on the ambulance story because I couldn't find a reliable news source to validate it. I have integrity. I didn't do my due diligence and apologize.

But you made a statement and it is not validated. without that, it's not real.

Kudos on your integrity.

It really is what separates us from the leftists.
I count on my integrity. It's what makes me.

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